Jun 9, 2024

There are no elders in her family, and even Ze is too young. Male adult relatives are all women with children and little girls.

Where does Lian Ze have the patience to deal with three aunts and six grandmothers? Even Fang Qing doesn’t like the three aunts and six grandmothers holding her hand and smiling. Even Ze and Jane are in the yard every day and jointly pulled them over.
On the eleventh day of the first month, people from Sue’s home also came to pay New Year greetings. It was the big housekeeper from Sue’s home and Li Ma around Jessica Fong Ching, which gave a big face.
Sue’s housekeeper and Li Ma entered the door and kowtowed to Lian Fangzhou with a smile. Lian Fangzhou got up and helped them up and gave them a red envelope. She smiled and said, "Don’t be like this, big housekeeper and Li Ma. I really feel sorry for you!"
She was right to say that Qin was in charge. We need to buy some people at home as soon as possible, otherwise the guests will not even have a cup of tea and water.
Sue big housekeeper and Li-ma thanked her and laughed. "It’s very kind of the table girl. It’s statecraft, but it can’t be wrong! Our young lady said that she and the young master should come in person. There are too many ladies in Naifu to entertain themselves. If you understand her, she will not come with a long face! Let the old slave kowtow to the cousin! "
He asked with a smile, "Why don’t you see the second young master, the third young master and the fourth girl?"
Even Fangzhou laughed. "Sue’s family has a lot of contacts with relatives and friends, and it’s enough for my cousin to be busy. How can I blame my cousin?" It’s unfortunate that Azeri and his brothers and sisters have gone out! "
Even Fangzhou can’t say that they are afraid of being annoyed and go out to hide at leisure.
Li Ma laughed. "That’s really unfortunate. I’ll pay my respects to the young master and the girls later!" And laughed. "When the old slave came, the young lady said that the plum blossoms in Xiuyuan were already blooming well. It happened that the lantern festival in our county town was very lively on the fifteenth day of the first month. The young lady wanted to invite table girls and young masters to play together! Lady Shao said she would invite Cousin to go! "
Even Fang Zhou took a look at her third aunt, whose eyes were already lit up to watch the fun. Of course she wanted to!
Even Fang Zhou laughed. "Speaking of which, my cousin and I haven’t seen each other for a long time. Let’s get together! We must all go to cousin then, but we can’t get bored! "
Li-ma busy laughed "how come! I don’t know how happy my cousin is to be able to go to Shaofu! Lady Shao also said that Cousin is not as good as going to the Xiuyuan earlier, but she is at home. Cousin can enjoy plum blossoms in Xiuyuan for two days or wander around the city where Sufu lives! "
"It’s most thoughtful of cousin! It’s different from me! " Even Fang Zhou smiled and laughed. "So I’ll go in a couple of days! Let’s go to Xiuyuan first and wait for when they are free to see us. If we have to, it’s just that! We will take care of ourselves! It’s the same when you visit again on the fifteenth day of the first month! "
Li-ma smiled and promised and added, "You are so happy that you are the same as our little wife!" No wonder you’re close, young lady! "
"That’s my cousin’s generosity. I don’t think I’m vulgar and don’t know the rules!" Lianfangzhou avenue
Everyone laughed. Li Ma laughed. "If you don’t know the rules, we won’t dare to come out and meet people!"
Sue big housekeeper and li-ma stay for a moment and then rush to leave back to chapter 494 494 Lianche work.
When Lian Ze and Lian Fangqing came back in the afternoon, Lian Fangzhou told them that they would go to Xiuyuan to enjoy plums in two days and watch lanterns on the Lantern Festival. They were both very happy.
Lian Fangqing pestered her and promised to buy her beautiful lanterns. Lian Ze asked if she could ride horses in winter. After getting her affirmative answer, I was completely satisfied.
Then neither of them forgot Lian Che.
"I didn’t go to this school, and I haven’t started yet. Ask him to join me!" Lian Ze said
"That is," even Fang Qing said, "I haven’t seen my third brother for days. Let my third brother go out for fun, or he won’t be afraid to look silly if he looks like this all day!"
Even Fang Zhou "scoffs" funny. Even Ze is right. Even Fang Qing’s words are the truth.
She smiled. "In that case, you two go to Xiaoguaguo Mountain and ask him to come back. Let’s get ready tomorrow. Well, let’s just go tomorrow! Go to Xiuyuan first and have fun for two days. There is nothing at home anyway! "
Lian Ze and Lian Fangqing happily promised that the two brothers and sisters wore thick clothes and shoes, so they went to call Lian Che.
Who knows that after more than half an hour, two people came back depressed, saying that even Che refused to come back and refused to go out, saying that there was not much time to stay and see.
"The third brother is really crazy. He doesn’t want to be so busy with Lantern Festival lanterns! It is also said that it is not too late for him to see the plum blossoms after they bloom every year! "
Even Fang Qing sighed a little and thought it was incredible. Why didn’t Third Brother think about such a fun thing at all?
Lian Ze said, "Sister Che Er, is this really good? It pains me to see him like that! In fact, it is normal for him to fail in the exam this year. Why should he work so hard? What should I do if I break my body … "
Even Ze didn’t know about the situation. Even Fang Zhou sighed gently and said, "I didn’t expect Che Er to be so malicious to go like this again. It’s really boring! You wait for me to bring him back myself! "
"Yeah, yeah, I’ll go too!" Even Fang Qing clapped her hands and said that her sister and third brother should not refuse.
When Jane heard this, she raised her eyebrows and said, "It’s windy. Let me go with you!"
Even Fang Zhou secretly turned his eyes. Is there any cause and effect for him to go with her? Can we put it together and say that?
He’s just thinking about Sun … What time is it!
"Well, let’s go!" Lian Fangzhou can’t say no
Even the ze a pull also want to go with even Fang Qing laughed "elder sister said you don’t pack up early? You can’t help if you go there! "
Lian Fangqing wanted to think about it!
Then he smiled, "Sister must bring my third brother back!"
"Don’t worry!" Even Fang Zhou’s smiling cloak Jane went out and didn’t even dare to look at Ze.
She should feel guilty.
Jane secretly laughed and went out with a small smile. "Aze agrees that I protect you in my heart. You really don’t hide anything from him. He won’t make fun!"
Lian Fangzhou glanced at him and smiled. "He is really your good apprentice!"
Jane smiled smugly. "It’s that he has a good talent and a good temper. Besides, you can rest assured that he likes me."
Even Fang Zhou unknowingly took a look at Jane and smiled slightly, which was full of warmth.
He can always be just right about her thoughts and feelings.
Indeed, Lian Ze is older than Lian Che and Lian Fangqing. If he doesn’t want to accept Jane’s words, he will always have a knot in his heart even if he insists on being with him.
He wished Ji could represent their three attitudes of brothers and sisters.
The two men went to Xiaoguaguo Mountain and knocked on the wooden door. Sun Changxing and Sun Shi were absent, and Sun and Lian Che were absent.
Sun eyes rested on Jane’s body and unconsciously paused. The two men stared at each other. Sun hesitated and immediately became white.
Men are also sensitive, especially rivals in love often need a look and they understand each other tacitly.
Sun Chong, Jane smiled and looked back. At the same time, she glanced at Fang Zhou without trace. He finally understood what even Fang Zhou refused him.
It turned out to be because of Jane
There is still a thousand expectations in the original heart, but there is nothing at this time.
He knows he can compete, but Jane doesn’t rely on feelings.
However, it’s all right that she still has a good eye, and it’s not what she is entrusted with. He can also feel at ease.
He is an open-minded man, and his blessing is sincere envy and sincerity, but he is jealous, but he is unwilling to be angry, absolutely not.
Even Fang Zhou was as calm and fair as ever, and greeted him with a smile. He was about to ask Lian Che that Lian Che had heard something coming out of the inner room.
"Sister! Brother Jane! " Even when Che’s eyes lit up, he went straight to Lianzhou and rubbed his eyes and said, "Why are my sister and Jane’s brother here? Are you calling me back? I don’t want to go, my sister will arrive in April soon! "
Lian Che blinked and looked up at Lian Fangzhou. "Sister, I will work hard and I will never let my sister down!"
Sun doesn’t know the true meaning of Lian Che’s words, but Jane and Lian Fangzhou do.
Even Fang Zhou is a little sour in his heart. This child is so sensible!
"Fool elder sister always know that you are the best! Sister can never be disappointed! You can’t read all day, you have to relax and adjust your mental state in time. Besides, it’s still early in April. We’ll just go for four or five days without any delay! "
Even Che refused to shake his head. "But I still don’t want to go! Sister, I am tired of seeing it. I will walk in Xiaoguaguo Mountain every day to wake up and not adjust! "
Said to even fangzhou laughed "elder sister, you go! Have fun. I’ll go with you next year! Ok, sister! "
"…" Even Fang Zhou moved his lips completely.
This little guy is really stubborn!
Is it because you put too much pressure on him? How else could a child be so stubborn? Reading is not an easy task. Few children will like it!
Lian Fangzhou felt that she should reflect on it after she went back.
She didn’t know whether Lian Che was a child or not. Even Fang Zhou told him such an important piece of good news, but he kept it a secret. How hard it was for him to endure!

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Jun 8, 2024

But at that time, she never thought that it was the boy’s warm words that drove her into the abyss of terror in the days to come.

That evening, when she was the last to pack her things and lock the door, she was blocked by a group of boys and girls.
Liu Shenyu pinched her voice to learn Yu Hang’s speech. "Some people are dirty even if they look good …"
He looked at her darkly. "Who is dirty?"
Ji Xiaoyu retreated in horror, but they grabbed his arm. A tall and beautiful girl came out from behind. Ji Xiaoyu knew her. She was in the next class. Gu Yin always followed many followers because of her extraordinary beauty and superior family background.
I heard that she didn’t choose a boyfriend from those followers, but she liked someone else.
Gu Yinke reached out and touched the top of her head and smiled brightly. "Are you cool when ugly Yu Hang touches you like this?"
Ji Xiaoyu was in a cold sweat and she heard footsteps through a thin wooden door.
Who else will be on campus at dusk? Except them.
The cupboard door in front of her was opened with a swish, and Liu Shenyu’s face appeared outside the door. He smiled and asked, "Do you know how to find you?"
"Please leave me alone. I can’t like him anymore. Please …" The girl was shaking.
Liu Shenyu said selfishly, "You have hidden classrooms, gymnasiums, ladies’ toilets, and club activity rooms. You know that it is already uneasy. For you, the safest place in the whole school is the teacher’s office, right?" Not only do you have to lock the door at night, but you also have monitoring. "
"But …" LiuShenYu fingertips hung a bunch of keys in front of her waved the "ding-ding-did you forget my dad is a school manager? I can not only open the door here, but also delete it. The monitoring teacher won’t find anything. "
The girl kept begging for mercy. "Leave me alone. I was so wrong."
"That how line" LiuShenYu grabbed her ponytail and dragged her out of the cupboard "you let the sound is not happy, besides, we are dirty people, isn’t it normal to do bad things? Come out, I also called a new friend today. "
"Ah-"The girl was dragged out and let out a desperate cry like a beast before she died.
A private car sped along the mountain road.
The man in the driver’s seat looked at the teenager in the back seat in the rearview mirror.
One day ago, he took his family to drive through the west line and picked up the teenager on the roadside.
I don’t know what poked a nerve-racking hole in his shoulder. At that time, he lost a lot of blood and fell to the ground as if he were dying.
So the man helped him to the car, and his wife took out the medicine box and bandaged him and fed him some water.
It was not until the evening that the teenager woke up. He said that he had a difficult time escaping from the tour guide when he went into the mountains with the group.
My wife likes him very much. She said that the teenager’s eyebrows are beautiful and he is a child who makes people feel comfortable.
Teenagers have a good personality, and they don’t make any noise. Occasionally, when they talk, they will call their brothers and sisters sweetly. The man plans to send him to the hospital when he arrives in Suifu Town, even if he pays for medicine first.
"The town of Suifu is less than ten kilometers ahead, so stick to it."
The boy looked pale and opened his eyes sickly in the back seat. "Ten kilometers?"
"Yes, I was going to take my wife to explore the west for another honeymoon, but when I met you, we turned around and came back to the clinic." He joked, "How are you going to thank us?"
He had heard such words more than ten days ago, so when these three words sounded, an annoying face could not help coming to his mind.
-Ying Taotao
That’s an annoying name.
Cui Xuan wanted to lick the lip nail and stick it out of the tip of his tongue before remembering that it had been taken away. He whispered, "I want to thank you well."
The man said, "Let’s call your family. Anyway, you are so seriously injured …"
In the middle of his speech, he suddenly stopped at the steering wheel, and the driver forgot to hit the direction. The car went straight for one side of the cliff.
The wife turned and saw a black whip worn in the man’s heart. The whip fell dozens of pale bones, each of which opened its teeth and spat at the man’s flesh. She mechanically turned around and saw the other end of the whip in the boy’s hand.
His skin is pale and his pupils are black as ink. He thought he was a good boy earlier, but now he has become a man-eating demon.
The essence of man’s flesh and blood is whipping back to the teenager’s body like an ancient and mysterious exchange ceremony, and the teenager’s wound is slowly repaired.
The car rushed to the cliff, and the woman panicked and told her to watch her husband, who was still alive just now, instantly turn into a skinned man, and his skull was tied to that strange whip, which was quietly rolling her neck at the moment.
Sister, the boy smiled naively. Thank you for saving me. Kindhearted people like you should be very willing to be kind to the end, right?
The car fell off the cliff and Cui Xuanyi climbed up through the mountain wall and vines.
Most of the shoulder wound has recovered, and the blood and spiritual strength have been replenished. He is pale with blood loss and his face is getting a little rosy.
In the distance, the sky leaked away. He looked at the whip and added two human bones. His lips evoked a cold smile. "We will meet again when we meet."
"Ah choo-"Taotao sneezed.

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Jun 7, 2024

Hertha has two scouts. Naturally, it is impossible for Mourinho to send a scout to track and investigate a match, and he can’t afford to let Changsheng pay for it himself.

So he can get to know their opponents through limited information.
Salamanca ranked fourth in the league last season and performed very well, almost being promoted.
Judging from the season ranking, Salamanca should be a strong enemy.
But that’s not the case
Perhaps the failure of the season promotion has dealt a great blow to the Salamanca team.
This summer, they changed players, and the financial situation of the team also appeared-Spanish football clubs all have this problem, even La Liga has a lot of teams with poor financial situation.
If you change people, the money will be less. I don’t know how much discount this team has to make compared with the season.
So far, they are only ranked eleventh in the league, far from fourth in the season.
This can also be said to be the morale of Salamanca now
This game is another home game for Hertha. I am confident that my colleagues will win four consecutive victories in their own territory.
I just slapped the face of the China media here, but he remembers that he still has to slap the face of those Spanish journalists.
Can you still not bow your heads?
Then I’ll win one game after another to see if you are low or not!
Slap your mouth hard, slap your mouth hard, slap your mouth hard, then slap it three times and slap it four times until you beg for mercy!
Chapter one hundred and thirteen Four consecutive victories
At home against Salamanca, the winning team still sent the same team as the first one.
Luis garcia still plays an important role in the competition.
In a game, accumulating experience often wins, so you have to further improve your tactics.
If luis garcia is in good shape, he intends to train luis garcia into the core of this tactic.
Let him drive the team to attack, whether it is counterattack or positional warfare, luis garcia will play a huge role
He has already told luis garcia about it in training, which is probably the best for Garcia to say 10,000 nice words.
Luis garcia was very happy and more motivated after hearing the news.
He works harder in training in the hope that he can be a core that won’t disappoint the head coach.
He never thought that he could be so successful. As a substitute, he couldn’t play. His highest goal was to become a main player with stable playing opportunities. Unexpectedly, he didn’t even sit firmly in the main position, so he became the core.
Since the head coach thinks highly of him so much, he naturally can’t let Changsheng down.
He kept in mind what he said to Salamanca before, as well as his experience gained in training and before the game.
If you make a mistake, remember not to repeat it.
Successful experiences are also firmly remembered.
He sum up his own experience in repeated failure.
Hertha is still defending against Salamanca.
However, their counterattack is not the same as before, richer and more varied, which makes it harder for opponents to put them away and the audience looks better.
When you come to Salamanca, you need to leave a few more people in the defense line so that they can stop Hertha from fighting back.
But when luis garcia joined the attack, things changed.
This Hertha can not only directly counterattack and break the goal as before, but also facilitate luis garcia’s personal dribble to disturb the opponent’s defense and then send a deadly ball
Moreover, the characteristics of several people in their offensive combination are completely different. If they can prevent this, they may not be able to prevent that.
Charles Andreas is a physical force flow defense. He needs a big defender, but it is difficult for the defender to turn around slowly.
And luis garcia happens to be famous for his dexterity. Facing the slow-turning central defender, he can give full play to his outstanding characteristics of flexible figure and excellent footwork, and drill around the defense line of high-ranking people like Linde to make the other side hard to prevent.

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Jun 6, 2024

"Who is the bearer? Stop quickly or I’ll wait to shoot! " Just arrived in front of the gate of the Black Emperor Zongshan, my brother kept the mountain and shouted.

Meng Qi, stop at once, otherwise it would be a big joke to be mistaken for the enemy.
And guard the gate brother see Meng Qi stopped to also send a sigh of relief but still cautiously asked "newcomers? If you send a brother, please show me your life card. "
Meng Qi took out his own life card and made it appear in a special way. This is the way for the black emperor clan to show their identity when they returned to the mountain.
When the brothers guarding the mountain saw it, they quickly banned it and apologized, "It turned out that it was our senior brother who went back to the mountain. We have the responsibility to keep the mountain, but we hope that the senior brother will not take it amiss."
Meng Qi shook his head and said, "Where are the younger brothers doing their duty is really a model? Well, I have some things to do, so I’ll leave you first."
"Brother, walk slowly," said Qi Qi, who was guarding the mountain.
Looking at Meng Qiyuan’s back, one of the mountain guards sighed, "This elder brother is really a great beauty and a lot of happiness."
Another man snorted and said, "You just look at beauty. Do you know who that senior brother is?"
The other man asked again, "Who is it? I don’t seem to have seen it much. Is it still a big shot? "
The man looked at Meng Qiyuan with an adoring look and said, "Do you know that one senior in the third exchange meeting group was promoted to the top ten in the early stage?"
How could they not know such a big event as the little head portrait? Then they suddenly realized. "
Is it just a senior? "
The man nodded and said, "I heard that the elder brother got a deep evil horn to sacrifice and refine the magic weapon. That’s a magic weapon!"
"Wow ….." Everyone was amazed and then talked about all kinds of hexagrams. Some people secretly vowed to make achievements after practicing hard.
And Meng Qi has already arrived at Fang Ling Ling’s courtyard at this time. As soon as she entered Zong Mengqi, she sent a message to Fang Ling Ling’s courtyard. Meng Qi estimated that she had received it now, so she called outside and pushed the door to go inside.
On entering the hospital, Meng Qi saw Hu Xianer …
Hu Xianer was demonstrating the spells taught by Fang Ling Ling Ling in the original courtyard, but suddenly she heard a familiar and unfamiliar sound and she was hearing voices again.
However, as the gate was pushed, Hu Xianer saw that she missed someone so much that she appeared in front of her. First, Hu Xianer was stunned, then a feeling of injustice flooded my heart, and finally I couldn’t help but pounce on Meng Qi’s arms.
And Meng Qi was shocked after seeing Hu Xianer. He also missed his sister all the time, but he remembered that Meng Qi was also embarrassed when he left without saying goodbye. He put neon lights on Hu Xianer’s right hand and scratched his head.
And all of a sudden, a sweet wind came and a lovely person fell into his arms.
Hu Xianer hugged Meng Qi and seemed to want to integrate him into his body. Meng Qi also gently hugged Hu Xianer to enjoy this rare meeting.
After a while, Hu Xianer encircled Meng Qi’s hands and kept beating Meng Qi and said, "Meng Qige hates throwing Xianer and ran away. I hate you, hate you and never talk to you again."
Although the mouth say so, but hold tight Meng Qili way but added some.
Meng Qi had nothing to say. It was a long time before Meng Qi remembered that there were neon things and asked, "Is Miss Xianer in there?"
Hu Xianer nodded when she also noticed the neon heart suddenly a tight asked "Meng Qige who is this? Why are you lying quietly? "
Meng Qi Hu Xianer lifted the neon aside again and said, "This is the master’s daughter. Now she has been banned by others, so I just came to ask Miss Da for help."
The words sound just fell Fang Ling Ayane came out from the inside "oh? This is Elder Cheng’s daughter Meng Qi. Help her in quickly. "
Meng Qi heard Fang Ling Ayane hurriedly helped the neon in, while Hu Xianer looked at Meng Qi’s figure and a sense of crisis hung over her mind …
Chapter 17 Slow Meng Qi
"This is the daughter of Elder Cheng?" Fang Ling ghatpot looked at neon and asked
Meng Qi nodded and said, "Although it’s not like the master, I confirmed that it’s really the master’s daughter through secret method, which should be more like the teacher’s mother."
Fang Ling ghatpot nodded and made a circle in the neon body by shooting a spiritual force, and then saw that her hands rose with a wave of neon, and then Fang Ling ghatpot played several magic tricks.
Then Meng Qi heard the neon and breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that the ban has been solved.
Then the neon body slowly changed from horizontal to vertical in place. Ling Ling loosened the mana. Because the neon was banned for too long, it did not stabilize and fell backwards. Meng Qi quickly helped it up and entered a spiritual force at the same time.
Meng Qi, a spiritual force, turned a circle in the neon body and felt much better. Then he got up and bowed to Fang Ling Ling Ling and said, "Thank you for your help" and then there was no response.
Fang Lingling shook her head and said, "You don’t have to be like this. Your father forgot to make friends. This is a trivial matter. By the way, I see that you seem to be a magic door. Are you a magic door brother?"
Fang Ling ghatpot immediately face a heavy nodded no longer speak Fang Ling ghatpot see her this kind of face is also serious.
Meng Qi saw this situation and hurriedly explained it before. Fang Ling ghatpot’s face eased a little.
"In that case, if you don’t join us, I’ll make a guarantee for you if you’ve been in the magic door, but remember never to betray the magic door or you won’t go out for decades." Fang Ling Ling Ling said after listening to the truth and considering it.
However, Meng Qi was more worried because he also called Neon to join the Black Emperor Sect, but she didn’t promise Meng Qisheng because she refused to offend Fang Ling Ling.
But this time, Neon considered that she actually agreed to Meng Qi. It is really a little puzzled. Is her face too dark? Call yourself Kojikata Ling Ling and get it done in one bite?
Meng Qi neon out of Fang Ling twill house for a while Meng Qi some forced to ask "before you don’t want to join the black emperor? How is it today? "
Neon was silent for a while and said something. "After I was caught by that woman, he told me something. My master fell down because of going out, so he wanted to catch me in a big way. It is said that the elder gave me a moving reward, and now I have a way to go."
Meng Qi listened to a slight silence, then patted the neon on the shoulder and said, "This is your home. Rest assured that I will take care of you for the master."
At this time, the neon burst into tears, turned around and leaned against Meng Qi’s shoulder. Meng Qi’s clothes were soaked with tears. Of course, Meng Qi understood the pain of losing relatives and hugged the neon gently, hoping to give her some comfort.
And hearing some noise outside, Hu Xianer came in and saw this scene, and his heart was tight.
However, Hu Xianer didn’t disturb her when she saw the neon crying so sadly. She remembered that her mother was lucky when she died, and Meng Qi accompanied her through it at that time. Now she recalls it and imagines what it would be like to be alone at that time.
"By the way, now that you have joined the Black Emperor Sect, simply change your name and forget it. Cheng Rewei, this is the name that the master gave you. It is also a farewell to the past." Meng Qi said to Cheng Rewei, who has already worn the neon of the Black Emperor Sect.
Neon listened to Meng Qi and murmured "Cheng Rewei Yao". Neon was silent for a while, but she didn’t really care about changing her name.
But …
She saw Meng Qi with a so-called face, but her eyes were full of tension, for fear that she would not allow a smile in her heart. "Well, I’ll call it Cheng Rewei."

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Jun 5, 2024

Night feather heart

"Are you not conscious?"
Paused and frustrated and rubbed his head.
Night feather just snuggled up to study and let Xiu pick him up.
"Forget it, you’d better go to bed early. It’s going to be announced tomorrow, right?"
A gentle kiss on night feather’s forehead urged night feather to go to bed early.
Although the cause is due to Noah’s sentence "Let everything be all over again", there is also a question in Xiu’s heart.
If there is no special reason, can he make Ye Yu love himself?
It was this idea that made him agree to Noah’s competition
Maybe night feather doesn’t know it yet, but he is stepping into Noah’s gentle trap step by step.
He didn’t realize that he would glance at Noah unconsciously at the end of each speech to ask his opinion.
Whenever he meets any problems, he is always the first to ask Noah for advice …
He used to wait for Noah to wipe something on his mouth every time he had a meal …
Every time he goes out, he doesn’t prepare anything. Noah will help him arrange it …
He doesn’t need to worry, he doesn’t need to worry, because Noah has planned everything for him before he worries and worries …
He can sleep peacefully in Noah’s arms in a noisy and busy city because he knows that Noah will set a quiet boundary so that no one will disturb his sleep …
He can be dangerous in front of Warcraft, so leave his back at ease, because he knows Noah must be behind him …
Sometimes sudden love is not terrible, the most terrible thing is the habit of going deep into the bone marrow …
If it weren’t for Ye Yu’s adamant denial of his love for Noah, he almost doubted that Roger said everything was true. If it weren’t for Ye Yu, would he be so used to Noah?
In the early night, Yu Noah opened his eyes in a gentle wipe.
Warm towel gently wipes night feather’s face, forehead and eyes. When fingers pass over night feather’s lips, Noah pauses for a moment and then continues to wipe.
He shows great skill in moving, and his face is attentive and gentle.
Night feather is still in a confused state. Help him to put on his clothes, button his belt and tidy up his cuffs before he shows a satisfied smile.
Until then, Night Feather really woke up and yawned.
As usual, the breakfast is a light taste of Noah’s kitchen, which is very suitable for a big fish and a big stomach last night
Night feather looked at sitting on his left while eating breakfast. Noah looked at sitting on his right with a cold face. At the same time, they helped him with food and stared at each other at the same time.
Feather himself didn’t know anything overnight, but he was in a good mood somehow.
And everyone was shocked when he walked out of the room in that long skirt designed by him.
Tight-fitting bodice is dotted with fine lace, the waist is simple with a two-finger wide breast ribbon, while the body is a wide dress with loose sleeves and long cuffs like morning glory, and small gems are dotted.
Simple patterns and broken gems adorn the night feathers, but they can’t be elegant and feminine.
Tailor-made dresses are added to match with women’s dresses, and the height is deliberately shortened to outline a small and charming night feather.
There was a silence …
"Are you sure you want to go out like this?"
Finally, Dana swallowed her saliva.
Fortunately, he had spent some time with Ye Yu, who had recovered his face before, otherwise he must be one of those people who forgot to breathe and now think of breathing but coughed badly.
Night feather turned a circle and looked at her image in the water mirror.
"Ah, yes."
Turn your hair into a normal chestnut, blink your eyes, and turn your golden eyes into a light brown night feather. This is the satisfaction and nodded.
Although it is easy to put away the ethereal temperament, the appearance has not changed much. The night feather with long chestnut hair looks even more. I still feel pity. The brown eyes seem to be covered with a layer of water mist, which makes people itch.
Dana has a headache and holds her head.
So don’t say it’s announced. It is estimated that the night feather will be eaten alive by those men before going out.
Hugh suddenly laughed. Well, he had thought of this situation long ago. He snapped his fingers.
After the black whirlwind, he was dressed as a black knight in front of everyone

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Jun 4, 2024

She remembers very clearly that the guards surrounded her. When Qianyu appeared, Feng Yingmo was not there. He only brought people later.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, Third Master and Phoenix Shadow Ink have never really appeared together.
Every time, the third master appears without seeing the phoenix shadow ink for no reason.
That time at Jitai was later, and so was that time in the town.
Third Master said he went out to buy her ready-made clothes and never came back.
But when she went out, she happened to encounter Feng Ying Mo and Han Xiao, and they checked people there.
What a coincidence?
Moreover, when she bandaged the waist wound of Third Master at the inn, she felt inexplicably familiar with it, and she was frequently distracted and thought of Phoenix Shadow Ink.
She remembers asking him if he had a woman.
Because he is too much like Feng Ying Mo, but he is older than Feng Ying Mo, she only has this question.
But now think about what is not easy in this world. Sound, appearance, temperament, temper
Third master wears a mask and doesn’t see the truth. She feels old, and it’s just from his words and deeds that she feels old.
These are all disguisable.
Third Master was injured in the waist. She remembered that night when she pushed the door and pushed in, Feng Ying Mo was bending her head over her waist and fiddling with something. When she heard the door open, she immediately closed her robe and looked up at her. At that moment, her eyes were full of evil light, and she softened after seeing that it was her.
Then when they were together, her hand fell on his waist, and she felt that the fingertips felt different.
Of course, it’s not a scar, but a piece of skin that seems to be slippery and cold without temperature.
At that time, she wanted to see what had happened, and was interrupted by Chang ‘an’s report that she was strange to Qianyu.
Now that I think about it, that piece of skin must be easy, that is, the scar has been pasted without temperature.
All these things are so obvious that she has been careless not to see them.
She used to be devoted to thousands of feathers, but he even missed Zhang Shuo later, but he never thought about it.
It turns out that this man has always been by her side.
He protect her in his own way.
I can’t say how I feel at night.
I’ve never felt a big move in my heart and chest concussion.
Shocked, excited, delighted, grateful, distressed … Words can describe her mood at this moment.
She felt her heart and soul moving.
Feng Ying Mo is the third master.
He turned out to be the third master
God is such a joker. It turns out that she is looking for someone by her side.
He won’t tell her?
Is it because he has his difficulties?
Judging from the jade exactly like Mo Qianyu, he must be a royal.
The brothers of the first emperor, that is, Mo Qianyu’s uncles, are now alive. Wang Yi, Feng Yingmo, is one of his dead uncles?
it should be
That’s why he has nothing to hide. He won’t tell her everything.
It’s Feng Ying Mo. Feng Ying Mo, since you are the third master, why are you so jealous?
It’s really nice to eat your own taste.
It’s a matter
Think of it as the most wonderful first person she has ever met.
Why do you have to force out that powerful man behind her?
In fact, the real purpose is to force her to see her feelings and her heart in this way?
Indeed, I was grateful to the Third Master, Mo Qianyu, who devoted herself to it for three years.
Later, she protected Third Master, and she kept it from Feng Ying Mo.
If it weren’t for the fire a few days ago and her near sword killing Feng Ying Mo, she might never have known that this man had entered her life so deeply.
At night, I was so excited that I couldn’t restrain myself. Even my hands were shaking when I wrapped it up.
She wants to see him.
I’ve never wanted to see him so much.

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Jun 3, 2024

Almost after people left, Tian Tangqiang began to sort out the day with a drowsiness.

First of all, this delivery mode is indeed feasible, and the people in Shenzhen do have a demand for goods because of inconvenient transportation, which can be seen from today’s explosive delivery demand list.
However, the demand for delivery will gradually decrease in the following days after the first day until it tends to a relatively flat value.
In any case, since the corresponding logistics measures should be done well in such a town with demand for gods.
Map of Kaian District in Tiantang Point and Today’s Demand Sheet
Today, a large part of the demand list is food, rice, flour, grain and oil, followed by vegetables, meat, eggs and so on, but in addition, there is a part of life, such as toilet paper, clothing, shoes and socks, soap and so on
Compared with the ingredients behind, these living conditions are relatively low, even if they are not put in the warehouse of the trading market, they can be kept for a long time.
But at the same time, these lives need to take up a lot when transporting, especially because the toilet paper is relatively fluffy and adds some base. When confirming the purchase of toilet paper, every family buys it by the stack. If it is transported by bicycle, it will occupy almost half of the bicycles, which will cause great inconvenience to the delivery staff.
The conditions of grain, oil and rice flour are stricter than life, but they can also be relatively heavy in the ingredients when the daily environment is long, which will also bring some inconvenience to the delivery staff.
At present, the delivery orders in Shenshen Town are mainly in areas far away from trading markets and counters. These places are willing to spend money to choose this way to buy goods, which is to reduce the shopping time.
It is obvious that the distance from the trading market to the delivery point will not be too short.
No matter whether it is goods that occupy a relatively large proportion, such as household paper, or goods that are heavy in weight, such as rice flour, grain and oil, once there is such a single base, it will be carried out in batches. If this matter cannot be handled properly, it will also bring greater pressure to the delivery personnel in Shenshen Town, which is not conducive to the development of the logistics industry in Shenshen Town.
Tian Tang’s eyes rested on the map of An District.
At present, the map of the safety zone has included the iron ore location in Tongjiang County and some areas in Jinhe County within the safety zone of more than 6 square kilometers, and the population density of nearly 70,000 people is not high.
Tian Tang also deliberately set aside a lot of vacant places when building houses, so that the continued development of Shenshen Town will not affect the normal life of the people in Shenshen Town.
Now is the right time to need some of them.
Tian Tang will mark all the demand boards on the map of An District, and then build bungalows according to the demand boards and the living density of people’s houses, and then build four bungalows at a time. After these bungalows are completed, open the interior to the warehouse.
The number of warehouses is much less than the number of demand boards, but the bases are all in the residential area of the people. She also built wooden rails on a relatively remote part of the roads in the warehouses and trading markets to reduce the burden on horses and increase the carriage capacity.
After the warehouse is completed, a batch of life-resistant and rice-flour grain and oil can be sent from the trading market every few days according to the demand.
In this way, the single delivery man around the warehouse does not need to bring goods from the trading market far away, but needs to choose the most suitable path to bring goods directly from the warehouse nearby, so that the pressure on the delivery man will be much less than before and the fatigue after a day’s work will be much lower.
After the warehouse was built, Tian Tang was afraid that he would forget the next day. While his thoughts were still clear, he listed some goods that could be put in the warehouse first. After 24 hours, he could transport these goods to the warehouse first, and then choose to transport some goods that people need more according to the situation.
She circled the warehouse location one by one with the current map of Shenshen Town. After that, she put aside the information and thought that she would send this map to the printing house one day and print a batch of maps marked warehouse first.
Then there is the distribution of delivery personnel …
Tian Tang sat at the table and thought while recording the problems that happened on this day. The solutions to these problems were to choose the optimal solution as much as possible.
By the time the record was almost finished, it was already past twelve o’clock in the morning when she looked at it.
Just before going to rest, she remembered another thing, fearing that she would forget to sit down and continue writing the next day.
It was two o’clock in the morning when she really went to rest after a busy day.
Because she was so sleepy, she almost touched the pillow and fell asleep. She didn’t come to find that the GDP of the town jumped faster than before.
Chapter two hundred and fifty-one Send handle
"Princess, is it a letter from the angel in Shenshen Town?" Dan Cui saw the heart of the princess next to her. The princess held a letter and smiled curiously and asked.
"It’s her." The princess smiled deeper and read the letter again.
"What did the princess write? You are so happy? " Dan Cui is full of curiosity.
Princess Xin put the letter on the table. "She said that when people from Shenshen Town went to the mine, they caught a petty steward who was greedy for money and set up seven boxes of gold. She asked if it was inconvenient for us and asked someone to send it to me."
"How dare anyone be greedy for the money of the monarch?" Dan Cui was shocked and resentful. After getting angry, he couldn’t help but say, "Princess, that angel is really a good man. Why should someone send gold? But you are so happy about this gold?"
Heart infanta left her hand on the stationery and tapped on it without directly answering Dan Cui’s question. Instead, she talked about another thing: "Dan Cui, I went to the palace the day before yesterday to see my uncle, and his body seems to be a little sick."
Dan Cui face a surprised, low her talk "infanta, this thing can’t blather"
"It’s a foregone conclusion. What difference does it make if I say it or not?" The princess raised her eyes. "After a while, I’m afraid it’s hard for the court to be at peace."
"But the emperor he …" Dan Cui trembles.
Heart infanta smiled. "He didn’t control the profits for a day or two. Unless he dies, this position will never fall into his hands. Now his poor health is the right time for those emperors, but now it’s not just the Renwang court. The situation seems to be not very good."
Dan Cui lowered his bass again. "Does the princess mean that both sides may be upset?"
"Well, once there is an accident on both sides, the war may break out at any time, and it will still be the people who suffer," said the princess, holding the stationery in her hand and looking at it again. "It seems that Dan Cui didn’t write this letter with a brush?"
Dan Cui leaned over and looked at it carefully for a while and nodded. At the same time, she smiled. "We all saw so many good things in Shenshen Town, princess. It’s just handwriting. Some differences are also common."
"It’s common in Shenshen Town, but it’s not common in Beijing and in the sky." The princess suddenly smiled and tilted her head. "Dan Cui …"
"It’s the princess"
"Go and prepare some beautiful jewelry, and then ask someone to make some clothes and send some gold, silver and jade to Shenshen Town." The princess said carefully folding the letter and putting it back in the envelope, and took out a piece of white writing paper to write on it. "Give her all the gold, just consider it as a previous compensation."
Take the game of life to the ancient section 6
"That one is really lucky." Dan Cui helped the princess to grind and grind. "She can still get an apology from the princess."

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Jun 2, 2024

Hmm? This smell of tobacco …

Tao Yaoyao hallucinated herself and smelled it deeply. It really came from the boy. Her heart thumped and she turned around to see that the crowd was dispersing. Several girls wearing masks ran to the van in front of her.
Tao Yaoyao suddenly hit a shiver and remembered seeing a real-life event on the Internet a long time ago. jane doe came home in the middle of the night and met a drunk who was rescued by a "good-hearted man". The "good-hearted man" asked for a car to take the woman home, and then the woman disappeared …
"I, I’m all right. Thank you. I’ll go back by bus myself." Tao Yaoyao said suddenly. The boy didn’t seem to think that she would struggle. She accidentally broke free and immediately turned around and grabbed her arm. "I’ll take you back."
"Let me go!" The more Tao Yaoyao thinks about it, the more she thinks about it. She struggles to grab her own bag.
"Stop that now and be good" boys’ voice is still calm.
The social youth is no longer here, but the boy is still playing the role of "boyfriend". Tao Yaoyao immediately decided that he was not a good guy and didn’t want to go, but he turned to run and got a sharp pain.
Tao Yaoyao screamed, and a long hair was caught by a boy who wanted to struggle but didn’t dare to yell for help. A passerby wanted to help the Hutongkou, but a stall aunt stopped the man with a pie mouth. "Hey, hey, people are recording programs. Don’t join in the fun."
"Recording program? What program is recorded? " The new onlookers asked the stall owner.
The stall owner sneered, "Isn’t that what’ live broadcast’ is popular among you guys now? The little couple quarreled, and those little girls were taking mobile phone videos. "
The onlookers suddenly stopped to help.
"help! He is a liar and a trafficker! " Tao Yaoyao shouted, "Please help me! Help me call the police! "
It’s a pity that everyone knows that they are "recording" and "broadcasting". No one has called the police, and some people are looking around for the next "actors" and expecting the story.
Tao Yaoyao suddenly remembered that the school had said that if you met a trafficker who pretended to be a relative on the road, one way to be rescued was to rob passers-by, so that passers-by would not let the trafficker go, but would pester you for compensation.
Although Tao Yaoyao’s family is poor now, she can’t afford to pay for it. She rushed at the onlookers to break their mobile phones or tear their clothes. However, the onlookers "cooperated" to avoid more people because they didn’t want to appear in the "live broadcast". Instead, they deliberately hid away from the onlookers.
"Help me! Help me call the police! Please … Mm-hmm! " The boy threw Tao Yaoyao’s bag to the ground, covered her mouth and dragged it in the direction of the van.
Tao Yaoyao was full of grief and indignation, but Hwa-Sung Do "uh-huh" was not heard by anyone.
"ouch!" A bystander was suddenly knocked down and exhaled in pain.
"Come here! The actor is here! " There was a commotion in the crowd.
"Hey, hey, don’t mess with other people’s filming." The stall aunt commanded like a director
"Shut up!"
Suddenly, someone choked the stall aunt and turned her head to see a flat-headed boy wearing a dark blue coat. It was also obvious in the coat of a high school stall aunt. "How do you talk to your elders?"
"I told you to shut up! Watch! " The boy’s eyes almost burst into flames to set up a stall, and the aunt was actually yelled at.
"Oh, it’s fighting!" The crowd is another commotion.
"Oh my god, bleeding! Is this a real fight? " The onlookers were in uproar.
The "live" girls in the crowd had already run away, and the boy in Dashun No.4 Middle School was punched again and again.
"Don’t move! Police! " The police suddenly appeared from the sky, and the crowd retreated like a flood. The aunt finally saw that the crying girl in the middle of the venue was now held in her arms by another boy, but the "boyfriend" was taken away by the police in handcuffs.
"What, what’s the matter?" The stall aunt stunned the onlookers and also stunned. "Didn’t you say that you are recording programs and broadcasting live?"
"Are you indifferent because it is a’ recording program’? Are you afraid to intervene because it is a’ live broadcast’? !”
The crowd center has just been mistaken for a tall boy who is an "actor"-Ji Jie holds Tao Yaoyao in her arms so that no one can see her face.
Ji Jie’s chest heaved violently with anger and shouted at the crowd, "If she is taken away and abducted today, all of you are accomplices!"
The onlookers were shocked and gradually became white-haired. In broad daylight, a girl was almost taken away under their noses! Just now, I wanted to help people stare at the stall aunt who waved her hand repeatedly. "I don’t care. I’m not with them. I set up a stall here every day!" Just now, it was that little girl who was bullied. The beaten boy rushed out and saved her! "
Speaking of this, the aunt reacted and pointed to Tao Yaoyao. "Little girl, you should say something. Which one is your boyfriend?"
Tao Yaoyao cried and heard nothing.
"Don’t cry, let’s go." Ji Jie rubbed Tao Yaoyao’s hair and took her out, holding her shoulder in one hand and her bag in the other to block her face.
Chapter one hundred and ten Tarot lovers
"Dear brothers and sisters, uncles and aunts" Li Xiong said to the crowd, "We are still high school students. We don’t want to affect our study and life because of this incident. Please protect the privacy of my classmates. Don’t post today’s photos and videos online. If you can’t help it, please give her a code. Please!"
Li Xiong dialect made many people immediately delete photos and videos from their mobile phones, but some people wondered, "Do you have any evidence that she is your classmate? Did you bring your student ID card? "
The trio of Ji Jie didn’t dislike such interrogation. It was because of such "meddling" that people in Tao Yaoyao would be more likely to be rescued. At this moment, the sound of police cars came, and soon two police cars stopped at the side of the road and many policemen came.
"What’s the matter?" Ji Jie frowned at Fu Wei.
"Shit!" Fu did not suddenly wake up and suddenly look back to see that the boy and the policeman had already disappeared from the crowd, and the van at the door of the small restaurant also disappeared.
"Just now, the police have taken people away," Li Xiong said.
The policeman said seriously, "Impossible! We went to the police immediately after receiving the alarm. When did we take people away? "
The onlookers have not dispersed yet, and their eyes are wide open when they see the story turning over again.
"Did anyone just call the police?" Pay not deathless heart to ask
Someone nodded, but the policeman said, "We got an alarm from different people but this time."
The policeman and another policeman next to him wrote a few words, but he didn’t overhear the word "monitoring". He looked up at the alley around him and unfortunately didn’t monitor it. He clenched his fist and became more angry. The gang must have planned it.
"Who have you just video? Did you record those fake policemen? " Fu Wei once again asked those onlookers who had not deleted the photos and videos, and finally came out and took the initiative to hand over the evidence left in their mobile phones to the police.
"This classmate is a victim? Are you hurt? Is it convenient to go to the police station to make a record now? " Asked the policeman.
Some of the police took special camera equipment, and Ji Jie still blocked Tao Yaoyao’s face and didn’t want her to be photographed. The four of them went to the police station together in a police car.
"There will be no king of these kill thousand knives even dare to pretend to be the police? This is going to jail! " Stall aunt resentfully said to the police who stayed to investigate
It’s a pity that in the video, the fake policeman’s police hat and coat are very clever, and he can’t see the facial features clearly. Although the suspicious boy’s mask was knocked down by Ji Jie, his face was blocked by Ji Jie’s fist-waving figure, and he was finally taken away by the "police". The scene must be with his head down and his waist bowed.
Fu can catch people quickly without evidence, but I didn’t expect these people to be so cunning that they are recidivists at first sight.
When the Ji Jie trio and Tao Yaoyao took notes at the police station, the escaped prisoners had returned to their "old place"-a dilapidated abandoned factory building that often appeared in the youth film.
Garbage everywhere, smoke everywhere, graffiti everywhere, beach after beach, objects everywhere.
Three "social youths" were helped by three girls to remove their disguises, revealing their youthful appearance, while the injured hero was facing the mirror medicine and dirty school was thrown aside and extended from it to Dashun No.1 Middle School attached to Dashun Middle School and Dashun No.5 Middle School … High school and junior high school piled up a pile of police, suits and os, which looked like a photo studio warehouse.
"Damn it, I told you it wouldn’t work. The battle was too big." The short boy took a deep breath of his cigarette, and smoke came out of his mouth and nostrils when he spoke, making it impossible to see his face clearly
"If you ask me, it’s just too many troubles and acting. Just stun and take it away!" The short boy said angrily
"Don’t push it, don’t bother." The tall boy ruthlessly crushed a cigarette butt at the door.
"Hehe, it’s just a mistake." Sticking a band-aid to yourself seems that the boy wants to show a disdainful smile but accidentally hurts the wound. "Come on."
Then he leaned against the old sofa and reached behind the backrest of the sofa. He skillfully touched a vr headset and closed his eyes and entered the game world.
It was already dark when Tao Yaoyao left the police station, so as not to worry her family. She called home halfway, but she didn’t expect that her parents would come to the police station together soon.
Tao Yaoyao’s mother scolded her in both distress and anger after learning the ins and outs of the incident.
"Why are you so unintelligent? Just like your dad! "
This sentence is Tao Yaoyao’s mother’s "conclusion" every time she "educates" Tao Yaoyao. She is used to listening to it, but this time she can’t help but feel that this sentence is really harsh, especially in front of her classmates, but she can’t say a word of defense.
It was already late, and the police asked Tao Yaoyao to go home with his parents. Ji Jie, Fu Wei and Li Xiong also left.
Ji Jie paid Li Xiong not to drop off the road, and the trio dialed the car in two.
"I said you how so god today? Why did you suddenly pull Ji Jie and me to the east? " Li Xiong couldn’t wait to ask as soon as he got a car, as if he had been suppressed for a long time.

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Jun 1, 2024

"Let you remember me in another way. Do you want to come again?" Snow Lotus inadvertently glanced at Muqingfeng’s crotch.

Muqingfeng suddenly felt chilly in his crotch at the thought of the tragic incident in the evening. Snow Lotus’s knee was really unforgettable.
"No, no, that’s good. Just say something." Muqingfeng unconsciously put his hand to protect his key.
"Okay, okay, I won’t joke with you." Finally, that’s enough. Snow Lotus came back to look. She took out a strand of red hair from her clothes.
"Put it away intimately. If you lose it, I will never spare you." Snow Lotus said softly.
Mu Qingfeng clutched her hair tightly in the palm of her hand and blurted out, "Don’t miss each other for a while after autumn wind."
Then he took Xuelian’s strength into his arms.
Xue Lian Er Mu Qingfeng and her party disappeared into the night.
"I said little, what are we going to do now? You must have a charter, right? It’s summer, and we can’t still run around like flies." Xiao Langzhong was speaking.
These three travel-stained pedestrians are Mu Qingfeng and his party. After a month’s journey in Dai Yue, they finally returned to the summer land. It’s really like Mu Chongshan’s intelligence. The mausoleum palace didn’t catch and hurt the war reputation. Mu Qingfeng didn’t realize that the situation was not as bad as he thought. Mu Qingfeng breathed a sigh of relief and wanted revenge if he didn’t expose himself to the public.
"Let’s inquire about how far it is from here and Beiyan Wangfu. I want to find Bai Qiao first. Besides, after all, he is my sworn brother. With his help, I can better and more conveniently understand the movement of the mausoleum Wangfu." Mu Qingfeng said his plan
"We don’t have any better place to go now, so let it be. I’ll go and inquire about it first." Mu Chongshan heard that Mu Qingfeng was going to frowned slightly but said nothing.
"Xiao Langzhong, why don’t we find an inn to have a rest first? After all, it’s hard to have a good meal. I’m afraid you can’t keep up with old bones." Mu Qingfeng joked.
"Fuck you, grandma. You’re still worried about yourself. You’re obsessed with the mausoleum palace. Even if the mausoleum king was a little cruel to you in the south of Lincheng, it’s understandable. After all, you hurt his son like that." Xiao Langzhong was curious
In addition to Snow Lotus, there is Mu Chongshan who knows that Mu Chongshan turned out to be the bodyguard of Ling Wangfu. It is impossible to fool him after all, and it is impossible to get along with him for such a long time. Mu Qingfeng has finished believing him in Xiao Langzhong. Mu Qingfeng doesn’t believe that he doesn’t want an adult so old to get involved in this muddy water.
Mu Qingfeng and Xiao Langzhong found the inn, and soon Mu Chongshan finished exploring. This is a small city called Wangshan Town, which is not too far from Yecheng, where Beiyan Wangfu is located. It can be reached in about three days by fast horse.
"Now that Mu has found out, we will take a break and try to get to Yecheng as soon as possible," Mu Qingfeng said.
After satiated with food and drink, the three of them rushed to the location of Yecheng non-stop, but it was confusing to see the martial law at the city gate, especially the prairie people had receded.
"How can I search?" Xiao Langzhong was puzzled and asked, "Isn’t this the hinterland of the Northern Prince of Yan? Who are they guarding against? Are you sure you can go in? "
"No, I had a personal Yu Pei. He said that this is a certificate of another life. It is not a big problem to go in with this." Mu Qingfeng took out a pledge for himself when they broke up.
"live! ! What are you doing here? ! What can I do for you in Yecheng? !” The guard at the door stopped the three of them.
"I’m here to visit a friend, and I hope it’s convenient for my eldest brother." Mu Qingfeng took out Yu Pei.
The guard at the gate carefully looked at Yu Pei immediately face big change; "Bai Qiao and you what?"
"Bai Qiao? Shouldn’t it be called the world? " Muqingfeng wondered, but I still said myself and him.
"Bai Qiao is my sworn brother. Why is there a problem?"
Hearing that MuQingFeng is Bai Qiao’s sworn brother, the gatekeeper soldier immediately retreated several steps, took the pike and aimed it at MuQingFeng and shouted, "Come on! ! The rebels and associates are here. They’re here to meet Bai. Everybody take them! !”
As the soldier shouted, more and more soldiers of Beiyan King rushed towards them.
"Smelly little! ! Are you sure Bai Qiao is a prince of northern Yan? See how this posture is like an enemy of life and death. Do you know what’s going on? " Doctor Xiao is ready to fight, and he doesn’t want to do nothing.
Don’t say that Xiao Langzhong is also confused about Mu Qingfeng. When will Wang Shi of Beiyan stop being called a position? It seems that something terrible must have happened in Yecheng. Now we have to go to town first.
"Mu and our advanced city don’t hurt their lives! !” Muqingfeng knows that if you want to get to the bottom of things, you must go to Yecheng first.
Mu Chongshan got instructions and immediately rushed to a small number of soldiers in North Yancheng. It was not appropriate for Mu Jia to use saber and divide the mountains. So Mu Chongshan started Mujiazhuang’s unique flying skill and quickly kicked the guards out. Compared with Xiao Langzhong’s hand, there were not so many rules. The ruler always hit the soldiers’ faint points and soon hit a large area.
I found a large number of troops coming in the distance, and Mu Qingfeng didn’t dare to fight and shouted, "Let’s hurry into the city or we will have a conflict with their big brigade!"
After saying his word, Xiao Langzhong hit the last soldier, and the three men took advantage of the chaos to enter the city.
When the big brigade dared to come over, Muqingfeng and his party disappeared. Looking at the comatose soldiers on the ground, the first general swore, "A bunch of fools! ! Even three people can’t stop us from what Yecheng is like now, and it can still happen. Everyone listens! ! Dig them out even if you dig three feet! ! !”
The sun shines on the general’s face, and it is the general of the Northern Yan Army scouts-Zhang Hong! !
"What’s going on? I’m still your sworn brother. Can you greet us well? It depends. Your brother seems to be trapped by himself. When fighting, I can hear clearly that the soldier’s mouth is shouting" inverse thief "! !” Temporarily hide the pursuit of Xiao Langzhong asthma hush said
"If I knew, I would have told you, but I’m at a loss now. Let’s go to the inn in disguise and ask for information. At this time, it’s up to you," Mu Qingfeng said
"Don’t worry, I taught a large part of Yamuyi, and I modified it to ensure that your mother wouldn’t recognize you." Xiao Langzhong was confident in his craft.
After a while, three people walked into an inn and found an inconspicuous place to sit. It is always the best place to ask for information from this crowded place in ancient times.
"Hey, why do you want to kill your father?" The person next to him said sadly
"Who knows? Maybe it’s that Bai Qiao who wants to be the prince of the North before he can ascend to heaven. Anyway, he won’t live long."
"It’s just that I usually look at him as gentle and a good man, but I didn’t expect to do such a wolf-ambitious thing."
People at another table around also joined in this discussion. Bai Sushen, the King of Northern Yan, seemed to be very popular with the people. Everyone felt sorry for his death, so he accused the murderer of making extra efforts.
It seems that everyone knows what happened except Mu Qingfeng and the three of them.
Is as people around you discuss MuQingFeng more and more pale.
"Bai Qiao killed his father? ? ! ! This is impossible! !” In Mu Qingfeng’s heart, this eldest brother, who didn’t get along for a long time but was honest and sworn, could never do such a frenzied thing.

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May 31, 2024

"The outside world has spent more than two years in February and March, and the injury has not completely recovered. It is no wonder that it is not easy to make moves. It is so far-reaching to be injured once."

Looking back on these solo studies, Chen Shaobai couldn’t help but feel heartbroken at those treasures that were eaten as food.
Purple jade paste, Biluo Shengxian, Split Yuan Dan, Flower Elixir, Herb Dew, Fire Snow Lotus … All these are regarded as elixirs by the world, and they are reduced to food here in Chen Shaobai.
It’s just to repair the injury and restore health.
But in the past few years, Chen Shaobai’s injury has not broken through the progress state of xing, but it has been stabilized. What’s more, it’s a little J: ng art, if you have to say the results …
"I won’t roll around in pain like I did at the beginning!"
Chen Shaobai comforted himself as if he were talking to himself.
Suddenly he felt his eyelids beating slightly and his heart beating slowly, as if something bad was happening with him.
"I don’t know if you are upset. Is there anything important happening?"
The speaker is a tall man.
If this person’s dark hair falls over his shoulders, a pair of eyes are pure and clear, and the mana haunts his face. It’s amazing that he can really look at it at will, and he will remember that shiny black eyes in his heart, which is a dragon and phoenix among people.
This feature is not Chen Shaobai’s master, Dawei Tianlong Wei Zhang, but also a human being?
So-called "one man, chicken and dog ascend to heaven" After Chen Shaobai achieved the status of today’s Ri, a group of brothers, sisters and sisters in Guangdark Peak have been exposed to the resources of light practice for many times, and his master has gained great benefits and directly entered this jade-clearing secret with him. Now, it has broken through the original level and reached the state of quenching gas, ten times and half a step.
If you have a chance and a little enlightenment, maybe you will have another great avatar when you come to the Xuanmen of Ri Qing Dynasty.
"That’s true, but I’ve been practicing here for more than two years, and it’s been two months since the outside world. What must have happened, Master? Be calm and go back first."
With these words, Chen Shaobai disappeared into the paradise.
"This child …"
Wei Zhang old bosom relieved to laugh and then continue to practice.
How can you be worthy of your disciples’ painstaking efforts if you don’t seize every opportunity to practice?
The war between the two worlds is tight, like a millstone of flesh and blood, which has consumed hundreds of millions of lives. Even the fairy family can hardly guarantee their personal safety. It is better to break through to the fairyland clan early and make more contributions.
A man dressed in Xuan Jin Se Bao is shaking a folding fan and walking back and forth. An anxious Se seems to be troubled by a worrying thing.
He walked back and forth for dozens of steps, bowed bitterly to the two monks guarding the secret territory, and said, "I hope the two big brothers can pass in an emergency!"
Zhou Jinyu’s remarks are also some nai. Now he has also cultivated quenching gas. four realms has successfully obtained the identity of the core brother of Qing Xuanmen and the identity of the two people in front of him as if they were a higher level, but they have to be so low-spirited if they want something from others.
After hearing this, the two gatekeepers were prepared to rebuff the newcomers. I couldn’t help but glance at each other and consider the tone respectfully. "It turned out that Colonel Zhou’s presence was far from meeting …"
"There’s a great man here who is practicing palm teaching, and both Elder Tai have said that if we neglect our duty, we must think about the cliff face and suffer from the nine secluded places. I hope you will forgive me!"
Zhou Jinyu was polite to these two monks, but his attitude was even lower. One of them, a nun, was even more delicate and touching, tearful and loving.
Another time, another place, Zhou Jinyu, it’s hard to really say a few more words with these two people to tease the woman, but now it’s an emergency, but he can’t delay much.
"Zhou has something urgent to do, and now he can offend two duties!"
Say Zhou Jinyu hands folded into a golden Se streamer twisted and quickly condensed into a flying sword. It seems that it will suddenly and violently rush.
The two core brothers also seem to be war-hardened and immediately react to offer each other jewels.
But when they saw Zhou Jinyu’s treasure, a wry smile immediately appeared on their faces.
"Great freedom in Xuan Jing Excalibur!"
What a joke! This kind of gem-level stuff can be easily smashed in the same realm. Although they are very confident, they have no confidence in this magic weapon.
Don’t charge for flying swords? What if it is damaged?
"Brother Zhou has something to say. I will come soon when I report to Zongmen for approval!"
"There is no time for waves! Sorry, two! "
Just as Zhou Jinyu was about to break into violence when he was drunk, a white-robed teenager suddenly appeared in the three men and held his flying sword in his fingers in an airy way.
"Jin Yu, what happened to you?"
Chen Shaobai took Zhou Jinyu’s sword and gently wiped it to repair the place that was accidentally broken before, so he asked to be continued.
Chapter three hundred and forty-one Refined Buddha Dan
Chapter three hundred and forty-one Refined Buddha Dan
Seeing Zhou Jinyu’s performance, Chen Shaobai confirmed his guess more and more.
Although this old friend went to Ri, he was bohemian, but after years of team management, he was mature and prudent. If there were not thousands of miles of urgent things, it would be impossible to make such a forced intrusion.
"What can I do for you? You can’t wait."
Chen Shaobai dialect seems to have a reassuring magic. When Zhou Jinyu heard this, he suddenly felt impetuous and peaceful, so he stopped and told the story.
After years of exercise, his eloquence has risen by leaps and bounds, but in a few words, he will make things clear, make things clear, and make things clear.
It turned out that Chen Shaobai was seriously injured after Ri’s decisive battle with the Emperor of Heaven, and he received a secret letter from Wan Li, the master of Tibetan Xuan, asking for help urgently. Because of the pain law, he personally went there and sent a heavy building to help him.
Chen Shaobai has been taught by Lin Yuanxi in the future, and he can officially take his name and prestige when he is in a little health. This kind of great avatar in the fairyland is a horse, and those wine and meat monks in tantra are ten to give some face.
But there is a saying that a good plan can’t keep up with the change.
Not far from the heavy building, Wan Li arrived at the hanging mountain to show his identity, and he successfully met the tantric monk, J and jīng, who is now at the helm, and simply stated his purpose.
But I never imagined that it was the hidden monk J: ng. No matter where he came from, he said that the heavy building was threatening, and he had never seen it before. He was the devil emperor of purgatory, and he wanted to set up a large array of arhats with a hundred plough to transform him.
I’m afraid someone else would have to explain it well, but a heavy building?
The spirit of chopping Sendai was born to kill and live in! Ten thousand years savijīngs forbear chest also don’t know how much rage root no injustice hidden j and ng this shock broke out on the spot.
It is said that the world war I was played in darkness, the moon was shining, the rivers dried up, and the stars shifted and the mountains hung up for ten thousand years. The shiny skin was also torn to pieces, and one hundred golden arhats were left to talk about 33.

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