Jun 16, 2024

By the time all the doctors in Guangzong City were called, Zhang Jiao had been moved to a new house.

Important people of the Yellow Scarf Army and Zhang Xue, the daughter of Zhang Jiao, are waiting at the bedside.
A doctor takes turns to look at each one, shaking his head and sighing, waiting in front of the opening angle bed, and the general’s heart keeps sinking.
These yellow turban insurrectionary generals, without exception, don’t want Zhang Jiao to die.
Don’t see dozens of doctors in this city have no way. After all, everyone knows that the opening angle is likely to really die. Suddenly, one by one, the mind is active.
He is finally opening angle. Now that he is going to die, who will they be with after death? Zhang Jiao has a daughter who can’t be in charge.
Handsome with other canals? This is absolutely impossible.
With the messenger? But now there is no angel in Guangzong City.
The Oracle of Jizhou is still behind Guangzong in Julu County.
Moreover, due to Jizhou’s opening angle, the prestige of this angel is not as high as that of Jingzhou Nanyang Zhang Mancheng and Yuzhou Bocai in the Yellow Scarf Army.
The name of this God in Jizhou is Zhou Wu, and the Julu Yellow Scarf Army will obey his orders. In Guangzong Yellow Scarf Army, it has always been an opening angle, and there is little contact between the two sides when dealing with Zhou Wu.
The news of Zhang Jiao’s critical illness soon spread all over Guangzong City.
Dozens of Qu Shuai each wanted to succeed Zhang Jiao as commander-in-chief of all the Yellow Scarf Army in Guangzong City.
However, none of them can compete with each other. Therefore, in the constant debate, conflicts arise. First, a canal commander of the Yellow Scarf Army took up the idea of using force to levy other canal commanders, and then all the canal commanders gathered to belong to themselves, and the two sides sometimes fought each other.
Opening Angle has been in a coma. No one can come out to mediate and stop Guangzong Chenggen.
With the passage of time, the conflicts between the canal commanders became more and more fierce, and naturally they were discovered by the Han army outside the city.
Huang Pusong was overjoyed when he got the news that Zhang Jiao was unconscious. Zhu Xi and Dong Zhuo quickly discussed siege.
Although Dong Zhuo wants to wait for the angel to escort Huang Pusong back to Beijing, it is indeed a good time for Zhang Jiao to be in a coma, and he has been calling for siege before. Now it is naturally impossible to oppose Huang Pusong’s siege proposal.
In that case, Huang Pusong can easily guess his Dong Zhuo’s mind.
When the three corps commanders said a few words, they returned to their respective troops to attack the city.
East, west, south and three sides attack at the same time, leaving the north deliberately to leave a retreat for the yellow turban insurrectionary army
The Han army besieged the city, so that the commanders of the yellow turban insurrectionary army occupied the time and stopped to discuss such things as defending the city.
But in the past, it was always Zhang Jiao who was responsible for what Zhang Jiao said, and they did what they did.
Now it’s their turn to come and come up with a charter.
To discuss, no one can come up with an idea that can say other things. Finally, they simply took their own military forces to stop the Han army.
The yellow turban insurrectionary army is so scattered that it is unconscious in the opening angle, and its morale is low, such as being able to resist the attack of the Han army.
It has been two months since the Han army arrived in Guangzong City. In the past two months, the Han army has been holding back that murderous look and finally released today.
Even with high walls, the Yellow Scarf Army can stop the overwhelming Han army.
First, the East Gate was captured by Emperor Pusong, then Zhu Xi’s army captured the West Gate, and finally Dong Zhuo’s 300,000 troops were killed from the South Gate.
With a genial smile, the Yellow Scarf Army in Guangzong City fled Guangzong from the gate.
In a coma, Zhang Jiao and his daughter Zhang Xue were also escorted by a Qu Shuai to escape from Guangzong.
More than 400,000 yellow turban insurrectionary troops headed straight for the giant deer in their respective canals.
Huang Pusong finally broke Guangzong before the angel came.
Lingyun has always been with Huang Pusong to watch Huang Pusong command this nearly 200,000 Han army easily and freehand.
Wind dance Xu Shu and others have been following Zhao Feng’s side to kill the quartet in the Yellow Scarf Army. Everyone has made many military achievements.
Chapter 73 Opening Angle Fall
Two days after the invasion of Guangzong, the angel sent by the spirit emperor also came to Guangzong.
However, he received the news that Huang Pu Song Gong had broken Guangzong halfway.
Fortunately, this time, the spirit emperor sent another person instead of Zuo Feng, but this person is heart-to-heart with Huang Pusong.
Therefore, when I met Huang Pusong in Guangzong, I didn’t say anything about escorting Huang Pusong back to Beijing.
Guangzong Battle Report has also reached the ears of Luoyang Lingdi.
On the second day after Huang Pusong attacked Guangzong, many ministers prayed again for the spirit emperor to give Huang Pusong more time to send the opening angle head.
The spirit emperor promised to recall the angel.
Huang Pusong continued to wipe out the Yellow Scarf Army in Jizhou.
After the angel returned to Luoyang, Huang Pu Song Ma reorganized his military forces and headed for Julu.
It is half of the millions of Han troops in Jizhou today.
Both the Han army and the yellow turban insurrectionary army buried several soldiers in the battlefield.
Zhou Wu, the messenger of the Great Lucheng, closed the gate immediately after receiving the Yellow Scarf Army fleeing from Guangzong.
Opening Angle is still in a coma, and his daughter Zhang Xue has been taking care of it.
Huang Pu Song led an army to attack four city gates on the same day after his arrival at Julu.
Although Zhou Wu, the God’s envoy, personally commanded the Yellow Scarf Army, but lost the opening angle, the morale of the Yellow Scarf Army was already greatly reduced, and Zhou Wu’s prestige in the Yellow Scarf Army was not very high. Many Qu Shuai now did not regard Zhou Wu as the supreme commander of the Yellow Scarf Army, although he obeyed Zhou Wu.
All the channel commanders didn’t fight the Han army, so they all thought that they could control the Yellow Scarf Army into the new leader of the Yellow Scarf Army.
Therefore, when the Han army attacked the city, Zhou Wu was talented, but he always had a strong feeling.
The giant Lucheng is in danger and may be breached by the Han army at any time.
Three days after Huang Pusong led an army to attack the stag, he saw that the resistance of the Yellow Scarf Army was getting stronger and stronger. He knew that the Yellow Scarf Army saw that the Han army surrounded the stag like an iron bucket and knew that Zhu Xi had slaughtered 300,000 people. Those who fell knew that the city was broken would die, so they died.
The original Huang Pusong wanted to know about the war in Jizhou as soon as possible and didn’t want the Yellow Scarf Army to escape from Julu again.
But now, seeing that the Yellow Scarf Army is fighting to the death, it will put its troops in three gates and leave one gate for the Yellow Scarf Army to escape.
At the sight of Huang Pusong, the Yellow turban insurrectionary army in Lucheng removed the Han army in the north gate, and all of a sudden, they lost their die-hard heart.
Just then, the city opening angle finally woke up after being in a coma for seven days.
But now the war is tight outside, and his daughter and two maids are taking care of him in the opening angle room.
See Zhang Xue’s surprise at the opening angle: "Dad, you finally woke up."
Zhang wrestled and waved two maids out of the room and said to Zhang Xue, "Where is this?"
"In Julu Zhouwufu"
Hearing Zhang Xue’s words, the opening angle has an understanding of the situation of the Yellow Scarf Army now, and it is not far from the defeat of the Yellow Scarf Army.
Opening Angle stretched out his hand to catch Zhang Xue’s hand, but he waved both methods.

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Jun 15, 2024

The young man didn’t know what to do at the moment.

Ji Fan knew at the sight of this young man that he was Wen Liu. The young man who was with him that day seemed to be Wen Gan and admired Wen Wan’s son very much.
If we know that the other party is not kind, JiFan will not be polite to him.
The young man was embarrassed and didn’t know what to do. He quietly put his hand in front of his mouth and sniffed.
When Ji Fan saw it, he immediately shouted, "Ah, ah, ugly. You haven’t brushed your teeth for several years?"
The young man’s face suddenly changed from pig liver color to iron blue color and then changed to pig liver color again, only then did he smile "General Ji was joking"
JiFan picked his eyebrows and said, "Who’s kidding you? No, ask yourself."
Young people don’t believe it. They took a breath again and smelled a stench.
JiFan also covered her nose and lay prone to the window, breathing heavily.
He put that fart. It was a loud fart. It didn’t stink. It didn’t ring! It stinks.
Suddenly the whole second floor was filled with a stench.
Some guests spit out their mouths directly and lay down on the window next to JiFan, breathing heavily.
In just a moment, this small window was packed to the brim.
Everyone looked at Wen Gan with an extremely disgusting look.
The young man was also frightened by his bad breath. He brushed his teeth every day.
I looked around after seeing that the window was empty, and I was at a loss there.
Chapter 12 and WenGu!
Ps sorry, my hands are really sore. Yesterday, I didn’t think that ten fingers were sore today. Plus, today’s brain maintenance is a little too much, which is really slow! Everybody, wait! Excuse me!
Starting point
JiFan also got dizzy by this smelly fart.
Wen gan covered his nose and closed his mouth tightly. He was blinded by his bad breath.
There is a stench in the air, and there is a unique warmth.
After a quarter of an hour, the smell dissipated.
All the guests gave a very tactful look to indicate that Wen Gan was leaving all the guests, and they removed their meals and started a new dish.
Wen gan looks embarrassed. He can’t figure out how it stinks there.
Now he feels ashamed when he sees other people’s eyes, and he feels uncomfortable all over.
Suddenly, I felt a sense of frustration. My parents died when I was a child, and I was adopted by my uncle to see a woman named Wen Waner, but she was taken away by this person to be a maid. Now she has made such a farce, which is actually caused by bad breath.
Wen Gan has a feeling of being ashamed. He still can’t help but believe that his mouth is so smelly. He can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief again.
I was so scared that I kept paying attention to others and ran to the window.
Ji Fan just wanted to fart again, wondering how to make Wengankou unexpectedly deliver the door himself, and then when P eyes relaxed, a stream of color gas floated out.
Wengan just opened his mouth and breathed a sigh of relief.
Suddenly there was a stench on the second floor.
The window has been ready for a long time, and a National People’s Congress shouted, "Honesty can’t stand it! Don’t eat old! I am a vegetable! "
"Too smelly appearance gentle how so unsanitary! I don’t eat either. I just have a bite of food. "
"I can’t stand it! If you are so thick-skinned, you will respect your mouth if you know your bad breath! "
The 3322 people ran to one of them, covering their noses. One of them almost fell to death.
After a while, the building was full of noise.
"The shopkeeper, why do you put everyone in it? There is a smelly old dish in the building before you take a bite of it! What appetite is gone! "
"Yes and yes! How can you make people eat! "
"Yes, I didn’t eat a bite of food! Do you do business or not? Still in the building! "
JiFan schadenfreude listening to the floor people comment in succession.
The warm and dry face turned green, turned white, white turned green, blue turned red, red turned purple, and finally settled in sauce purple.
Soon the stairs will come to step on the steps.
A boy just climbed the stairs, and a foul-smelling wind blew him back to the lobby on the first floor.
A wolf growled, "The shopkeeper has to go to a respected person like you. I can’t handle it!"
Ji Fan smiled. This Xiao Er is also a talent.
The shopkeeper said, "All right, go pack your things. I’ll go."
That shopkeeper has a look on his face. Otherwise, what bad breath can make people lose their appetite to eat? Maybe he is looking for reasons not to give money.
As soon as he emerged, a stench crept into his nasal cavity and then reached his olfactory nerve.
The shopkeeper’s face was flushed and he ran away.
Wengan was embarrassed and was at a loss there
The rest are either reluctant to pay for food just now or wait for important people or meet someone on a date.
Ji Fan is watching the drama. It’s really good to eat radish early today!
The shopkeeper held his breath and rushed up the stairs, then ran to the window to take a breath, then looked around and looked at Wen Gan with disbelief. "Did they say it was you, Master Gan?"
JiFan look changed again. He wants to fart again. Keep an eye on Wengan.
Wen Gan was embarrassed to say "actually"
It is important to note that if friends can’t type the old domain name, they can access it by visiting the backup domain name.
Suddenly a stench filled again.
The shopkeeper hurriedly approached the window and told Wengan that you would stop talking. I can understand you.
Wen Gan’s face changed and turned slightly sideways, and he seemed to want to go.
Ji Fan’s stomach is upset again. It seems that she wants to discharge gas.
Ji Fan quickly stopped Wen Gan and asked, "What do you want with me?"

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Jun 15, 2024

"Oh?" Persimmon continued to sneer. "You mean you did a good job?"

"That that seems not bad" Momo peach drooping this head unintelligent dadada looked at but poor.
"Girl," Song Xing looked distressed and couldn’t help but follow the advice, "Persimmon, you see you are scaring Taotao."
"I can scare her? What kind of teacher are you so bold to be? How appropriate it is to be a public security officer. "Persimmon sneered," Don’t you know how much you weigh? "
Momo peach continued to talk by her.
Fortunately, she didn’t say that everyone was robbed at that time. Although it was suicide, who can say that Hua Niang wanted to commit suicide?
Yan Dada was scolded. Momo Tao sighed and gave Song Xing the former report.
"What is this?"
"DNA test report"
Speaking of this, Momo peach is excited again and says, "This is really a coincidence."
Song Xing and Qu Xiaowan’s head looked at this face together, and the dense data was incomprehensible, but this big character.
Tester Song Xingzhu LinkedIn
Detection of human Qu Tao Tao Zhu Lingying
This is still understandable.
Song Xing face curious look froze and close to a few minutes to take a closer look at the theory.
elder sister and younger brother
"This" song small bowl is also surprised a consciousness to Song Xing to see his face look complicated, she hurriedly asked.
"Taotao, what the hell is going on?"
Momo peach also looked at Song Xing with some concern, and said everything from beginning to end.
"Their family has been looking for someone for years, but it’s really hard to find them after decades."
"This time, the old Hui was arrested, and they also inquired many times to find my dad and their facial features are very similar, and the information was right before I let my little brother test it."
"Although I don’t want anything, I just think that Dad knows something, no matter what you think, I support your decision."
Song Xing’s mood is very complicated. It’s the first time in so many years that it’s so complicated. It’s like going back to the day when he overheard his mother talking.
"There is no money in this family to marry Ah Hang. That sogeum is quite good. Although it looks average, it is absolutely possible to have two big children in this physical condition."
"The most important thing is that she doesn’t want a bride price, and there is still private money. How nice it is to live directly when Ah Hang gets married?"
"Isn’t this the adoption?"
"Where is this adopted by adoption? Isn’t this kid still taking his last name? Xiaoqin also said that when the time comes, two chickens at home will be given to us with ten dollars. "
"Anyway, it is also adopted. Although we have given money, isn’t it enough for us to raise people so big and send them to school?"
Song Hang didn’t hear clearly behind, and it was then that he suddenly realized that those people in the village were awkward.
It is also known that you can build a big house under such conditions at home.
I also know that he can’t stay in this home.
He is a man with a strong nature and is very good at home at good times. This is really cold, and that is also a real break.
What family can do this without adding people?
Besides, isn’t it adoption? Don’t they care about this either?
After that, it’s time for him to be a gigolo at Qu’s house.
It’s really fast at this moment. It’s been more than 30 years.
In the past 30 years, he hasn’t thought less about what his real family really is like. Although he was given away, he didn’t pay less at the beginning, which shows that the conditions are good
But just think about who you can find in this situation.
I didn’t know he was about to step into the coffin, and he stopped thinking about these things, and it came out on its own.
"Don’t worry, don’t worry, I’ll slow down first." Song Xing sighed deeply. "What can’t I see at my age?"

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Jun 14, 2024

"Then why are you waiting?" Huangfu Zhantian was suddenly excited after hearing the little black words. This opportunity really came. This is too fast!

"Don’t be so happy. This Lei Jingling body energy is not absorbed by you, and it will be dangerous. So I will sacrifice my strength to seal it into the Raytheon hammer and slowly absorb it for you, but now we must catch it!" The little black excited way
That Lei Jingling’s blue-purple eyes are exactly the same as those of any suspection.i Zhantian, but the color is lighter than that of any suspection.i Zhantian. Many blue-purple eyes purred and turned. When it saw any suspection.i Zhantian’s face, it showed a little excitement, and the speed quickly descended towards any suspection.i Zhantian.
See this Lei Jingling came towards his suspection.i Zhantian will Raytheon hammer held high and then toward the Lei Jingling suddenly smashed in the past.
"Bang bang!"
A series of arcs broke out from Lei Jingling’s body and directly bombarded Raytheon hammer, while Lei Jingling’s tiny hands directly grasped Raytheon hammer and then wanted to take it away from Huangfu Zhantian [
Can suspection.i Zhantian make it satisfied? Hold Raytheon’s hammer tightly with both hands, and suddenly dump it. Then dump Lei Jingling.
That Lei Jingling saw that he had been dumped out and immediately became angry and squeaked a few times, and then his body was like a flash and he came at Huangfu Zhantian.
Nai Huangfu fought hard against Raytheon hammer and dared not let it catch Raytheon hammer again.
Raytheon’s hammer smashed Lei Jingling’s body and smashed it out a long way. However, Huangfu Zhantian did not stop because of this. He came to Lei Jingling’s side again and smashed it quickly at Lei Jingling. It was like smashing a piece of dough. However, Huangfu Zhantian could feel the little black absorbing the energy of Lei Jingling because he could feel the slow evolution of Raytheon’s hammer. Section 165: Long-term meal ticket.
Even so, I feel that every time I hit the Lei Jingling surface behind Lei Jingling, the powerful thunder attribute will make my arm numb, which makes Huangfu Zhantian very depressed. At any rate, it is also the Raytheon body. How can even this little Lei Jingling body emit thunder?
"Blackie, hurry up! This Lei Jingling’s thunder attribute energy is a little weird and I can’t resist it!" Any suspection.i war day urgent way
"Hey, hey, of course you can’t resist it, but things bred by heaven and earth are very rare, and its body energy is many times stronger than those thunderbolts. If it weren’t for the particularity of Raytheon hammer, I’m afraid I couldn’t resist it. Don’t worry, you just insist on waiting until I break through to the celestial level, and it will be good for you to catch it directly!" The little black said with a smile
Hearing the little black words, Huangfu Zhantian is really completely depressed, so that he can rise quickly and now he can grind his teeth and insist.
"Static son elder sister, you see how the dark clouds are gone! Is it over already? But why hasn’t Brother Xiaotian come yet? " Sunny looking at the sky happy way [
Xue Jinger also noticed this situation, but she didn’t know what to comfort her. "Well, I think it’s almost enough. Let’s wait. Maybe Xiaotian’s brother is recovering from his illness!"
At this time, the situation of Huangfu Zhantian is really bad. Now his clothes have been burned and tattered by the high temperature of this thunder, and his skin has been dark. Well, he tried his best to protect his head and didn’t let his hair suffer damage. Otherwise, if he went, he wouldn’t let them laugh to death.
However, this result made Huangfu Zhantian very happy, because he felt that his muscles and blood were strengthened without breaking anything, and his skin has become tough now. From the place where his skin was not blackened, it can be seen that his skin has become crystal clear and thorough, which looks much better than that of a baby.
Feel this change in my body, suspection.i Zhantian will no longer complain at this time, but will be more excited to hit that Lei Jingling.
And that Lei Jingling was consumed by Huangfu Zhantian for such a long time at this time, and the speed was not as fast as before. Even its arc became much less, and Huangfu Zhantian actually found a little tired look in its eyes, which made Huangfu Zhantian more exciting.
"Ha ha, don’t fly it out again. Let it catch the Thor hammer and I’ll deal with it!" The little black excited sound came out.
"So soon? I want to evolve another body! " Any suspection.i war day after hearing the little black words first a happy but then some dissatisfaction.
"What do you know, smelly boy? It doesn’t matter when you want to evolve after I seal it. Besides, before it senses our intention, let’s catch it quickly. If it senses our intention, I’m afraid it will run away directly. If you want to find it again, you won’t find it." Blackie said with a tone of hating iron and not producing steel.
Hearing the little black words, Huangfu Zhantian didn’t dare to provoke the little black again. He quickly waved the Raytheon hammer towards Lei Jingling again, and then Lei Jingling saw Huangfu Zhantian hit it towards himself again. He immediately yelled at Huangfu Zhantian and then brazenly rushed towards Huangfu Zhantian.
See this Lei Jingling once again came to suspection.i war days with a pair of exhausted samples raised his hand thor hammer very soft collapse toward Lei Jingling hit.
And that Lei Jingling immediately felt a burst of joy after seeing the fatigue of Huangfu Zhantian, hugged the Raytheon hammer, and then hugged the Raytheon hammer with his hands and feet and didn’t let go.
See this guy incredibly so cooperate suspection.i war days eyes suddenly peep out one silk smile.
At this time, Lei Jingling finally found out that something was wrong, because every time he came to embrace Raytheon hammer, he would be violently dumped by that guy, but now there was no movement at all. He quickly looked up at Huangfu Zhantian and saw the smile in the corner of his eye. After that, he squeaked for two times and then he would loosen Raytheon hammer.
"Haha, since you want to catch Thor Hammer so badly, stay!" The little black laugh wildly way

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Jun 14, 2024

He kept silent about the mole, as if he had completely forgotten it.

But some people are on pins and needles, and they can’t forget it if they want to …
Chapter sixty-two Reyes’s concerns
For Valencia players, another hard week has passed.
Valencia away to Seville.
The game always wins and there are still a lot of rotations-there is no way without rotation, and many players may not be able to hold on to a game in physical condition.
He would rather put his grades aside than find out the mole, and then teach everyone a lesson-from now on, Lao Tzu’s team and internal affairs are not allowed to tell outsiders, especially the media!
How can everyone remember this lesson if they don’t feel pain?
Seville, an opponent, is also quite related to Changsheng.
At the beginning, in the second division, Seville and getafe, led by Changsheng, had a close fight, and they fought for a league title until the penultimate round before deciding the outcome.
When the two teams met for the first time, it was an opponent who had to go all out to win at all costs.
So he shouted on the sidelines and asked Rondo to shovel Reyes’ leg.
This has also caused great controversy.
At that time, Chang Sheng and getafe were still out-and-out diaosi. In order to win, they dared to do anything and could do anything.
Of course, it is also accompanied by controversy.
However, Changsheng didn’t take these disputes to heart.
Which primitive accumulation of capital is not bloody? This is all good for myself.
In the end, he succeeded. getafe was promoted, won the championship and won the King’s Cup. Did anyone else say anything about his game against Seville?
Today’s Chang Sheng has become the head coach of Valencia.
When he faced Seville again, his mentality was completely different from last season.
Although it is an away game, Changsheng no longer has that diaosi mentality.
This is just an ordinary game.
Seville may be awesome in the future, winning the UEFA Cup for two consecutive seasons and becoming the best team of the year.
But now, they are definitely not the ever-victorious rivals.
In the face of Seville, he is in a normal position, and he doesn’t need to hide anything secretly, let alone dress up as a pig to eat a tiger.
Valencia today is a tiger, and everyone knows that you can’t pretend to be a pig.
Seville and Valencia have no great enmity, but Seville and Changsheng have enmity.
Last season, he won the league title in Seville, and defeated Mallorca in front of so many Seville fans at Pisjuan Stadium, winning the King’s Cup, making Pisjuan a witness to his throne.
Pisjuan Stadium still remembers the face of the little man who always wins.
Therefore, this game is doomed to be very unfriendly to the ever-victorious.
In the away game, it is at Pisjuan Stadium, and winning often does not require any scenes. Let’s talk about winning. Just try to play football well on the basis of winning the game.
In fact, in the final analysis, although Chang Sheng is trying to use Barcelona’s tactics, he is still a "Mourinho-style" figure in his bones-very utilitarian.
The match with Seville, Changsheng has a special arrangement.
He let Vicente, who was in good shape, sit on the bench, but let Reyes start.
This surprised many Valencia players.
Because everyone knows Reyes’ feelings for Seville, can he still play normally if he is allowed to play against his old club?
Even Reyes himself was surprised.
I have been in Valencia for more than two months, and I have always been a substitute, rarely playing the main force.
But Reyes didn’t complain-he doesn’t know his future achievements now, so he thinks it’s normal for him to play as a substitute at such a young age and as a new player transferred from Valencia, a giant like Reyes.
He never complained.
In addition, he is shy and timid by nature, even if he has opinions, he is afraid to mention them.
But he didn’t expect that in the game against Seville, Changsheng would let him start!
Seeing Reyes’ expression, Changsheng raised his chin: "What, you don’t want to?"
Reyes shook his head at once, shaking his head as hard as a rattle.
But he didn’t say anything like "coach, I listen to you".
He is now in the mind feel ever-victorious in playing with him …
He knows his feelings for Seville! He wouldn’t have left Seville if it wasn’t for his family …

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Jun 13, 2024

Wang Xianzhu of Wing County couldn’t help laughing at it. "See, I told you there was a lot of drama in Shengjing."

"It’s true that this kind of banquet is easy to have an accident. If someone neglects it, it will make a joke. It’s ashamed to join the host family." Su Yalan sighed and took the lead in showing interest in this kind of live divination. Chapter 396 396 Some people are low.
Dong Yuling followed up and said that she was also interested. "This kind of party is easy to have an accident? What do you mean? "
Just became a county Lord Dong Hanxuan exam, Dong Yuling rarely attended the banquets of various houses, and later married Lian Yan Jiing and immediately became pregnant. Even more, he didn’t attend the school until now, and Dong Yuling didn’t know much about this kind of participation.
"If there are many people at the party, it’s easy to figure out who is going to move." Wang Xianzhu, the king of Wing County, got up and slowly explained these things with two people. It’s not surprising that she almost grew up.
"Someone’s calculation won’t make a fuss about any name or fame. If a woman’s innocence ruined a marriage and she didn’t want to succeed, she would have to succeed." Su Yalan dumped Pa and said that the three people die-cut behind a bunch of ladies in front.
Although the ethos of this dynasty is relaxed, women’s names are still important, and some people aim at this.
"Yes, this kind of situation is ideal when the host’s family level is not high enough and the guest’s status is very heavy. Some people want to climb high, but what means can’t they come out?" Wing County King sighed with emotion, "I have attended many banquets since I was a child, and there is a high probability of a good show. It is obvious to all that a woman is married well, and people will always want to follow suit."
"No way!" Dong Yuling was stuck and always felt that ancient women were crazy, too. A good marriage is really enough.
You know, if there is something wrong with this design, it will be beyond redemption, which is purely a gamble.
"Of course, it’s a distinguished opportunity for guests, so it’s the best opportunity for more host families to suppress nature." Su Yalan smiled over her mouth. "If the host family level is high enough, most people dare not move their minds. If those people in Wangfu can behave themselves."
Somebody else’s house made a joke, and the owner was ashamed to follow. If it provoked too much, wouldn’t it be trouble for himself?
Since the closure of the county magistrate, Dong Yuling’s banquets are all top-notch, such as the frenzy mansion and the palace. Who dares to make trouble? That’s because I don’t want to live. Dong Yuling hasn’t witnessed this kind of drama.
"…" Dong Ling’s silence is really crazy.
Is marriage interesting?
It’s getting late at the moment, but some of the sun shines on people with some warmth.
Because we were in a hurry, everyone didn’t feel cold, and soon we arrived at the other side of the garden with a waterside pavilion.
The pond is naturally lotus, but it is a little withered, the lotus leaves are shriveled and there is no scenery at all.
But at the moment, the pond is full of people, both masters and servants.
"God, my son, what happened to you? How can you be so careless? " Seeing a woman with heavy makeup jump in front of a drowning woman is a bit sad.
But there was some joy and pride in that sound.
It seems that what women should know about this plan and express pleasure at their daughter’s success.
Dong Wei-ling looked at this scene and it was really such a thing. His sons and daughters had wrapped themselves in cloaks, but they didn’t show any indecent gesture.
"Oh, it’s really bad to fall into the water again." Su Yalan despised and said that he looked a little depressed.
The trick is not new. It depends on who gets it.
"It’s good that it’s rotten. Anyway, there are one or two every year." The king of Wing County smiled gently and looked at the man pushed by the servant in the pond
It seems that this is the hero who saved the United States.
Isn’t Dong Fengling’s curious times very liberal? What, you still care about this move? A hug and you lose your innocence? Okay, how can it be so weird? Made her confused.
"That woman is the eldest daughter of the assistant minister of the Ministry of War, right? Hehe is a big fish!" Su Yalan is interested.
The Ministry of War has a real eldest daughter but a good chaff.

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Jun 13, 2024

Three days later, my fever dropped, but I coughed, but my spirit was much better.

Liu Zhengnan calls me every day these days, but I don’t dare to answer it. I reply to him by text message, for fear that he will hear his hoarse voice and worry, but he always refuses to answer his words. Instead, he plays harder and can’t answer his words well. As soon as he hears my hoarse voice, he guessed that I had a cold and insisted on coming to see it.
On Saturday, Liu Zhengnan’s father was surprised, and his stepmother was very happy. Lin Xiaoyue was very happy. If I remember correctly, Lin Xiaoyue seemed to like Liu Zhengnan every day after him, shouting Brother Anan.
The Lujia family has something to do with the Lins’ family. The origin is that my grandfather’s father is also very familiar with Liu Zhengnan’s father. Six years ago, Liu Zhengnan was admitted to Rongcheng mainland. Grandpa was heartbroken. Sun left his hometown (in fact, it was just across a city), so his father asked him to live at home every week and specially cleaned up a room for him.
Liu Zhengnan came back after so many years, and his father and stepmother were very happy. Lin Xiaoyue took him to ask questions.
I haven’t been in the bedroom for several days, and Lin Xiaoyue seems to be deliberately hiding from me. If I want to see my building, she will immediately hide back to her room. Obviously, there is something in her heart. If Liu Zhengnan hadn’t come here today, she probably wouldn’t have come out.
Liu Zhengna’s arrival made the atmosphere at home lively. His stepmother eagerly asked him to have dinner. Liu Zhengna didn’t polite to her. When his father learned that he was far away, he invited him to the room to chat for half a day.
After dinner, Lu Zhengnan had a chance to say a few words to me to see that I was in good spirits. This relieved me and secretly stuffed me with throat lozenges, which made my throat itch.
Off Liu Zhengnan’s father called me into the room and asked me if I knew about Liu Zhengnan’s return. I said it was only two days ago that I knew. He also asked me if I knew about Liu Zhengnan’s inauguration in Hengyuan. I was afraid that he would count Liu Zhengnan in, so I couldn’t say clearly.
My father frowned when he saw me asking random questions, and said, "Tong Tong Yatai is in a hurry now. If you can’t find a capital increase again, it’s very likely that you won’t be able to say it."
"Dad, what you care about is to let my body change?" I’m cynical and crazy.
Father was very depressed, closed his eyes and held his hands tightly in the wheelchair for a while before waving me out.
I can’t bear to see him instantly aging for several years.
"Zou Chen is not a person who will be influenced by women. You two daughters didn’t look at him at all, so don’t worry about it." I walked to the door and heard my father say behind me, "But he still touched you."
I suddenly turned around and roared, "If it weren’t for him that night, I would have been insulted by that demon Meng Chengyang. He didn’t want to touch me at all. I stuck it hard." I gnashed my teeth. "And all this was done by your good daughter."
I yelled and slammed the door, and I was just amazed at Lin Xiaoyue’s expression. She actually gave her a slap before eavesdropping on me outside the door.
After all these days, I finally broke out. She owes me this.
"Ah," she cried, burying her face in pain and looking at me in horror for a while before yelling, "Why do you hit me?"
I tried to slap her again before my chest fluctuated. "I don’t know Lin Xiaoyue’s little mind."
"What did I do?" She’s still playing dumb with me
"What’s the matter … what’s the matter?" The stepmother heard the noise and ran out of the kitchen.
Behind me, the door also hits from the inside.
Lin Xiaoyue cried and pointed at me, "Mom, she hit me."
"Give me a break," my father thundered at the door.
Shen Liping looked at Lin Xiaoyue’s face with five finger prints and frowned. He looked at me again. The condemnation in the eyes of the people behind me was beyond words, but she didn’t say anything about me.
I looked at my mother and daughter indifferently, and then turned out of the door. I didn’t want to stay in this house for a moment.
"Tong Tong, where are you going?"
Just walked to the gate but was stopped by Zhang Ma.
"Zhang Ma, I really don’t want to stay in this house." I got red eyes.
"What are you talking about?" Zhang Ma took me. "Your mother built this place, and even if you want to go, you won’t go."
I can’t understand Zhang Ma’s insistence. This is the first time that she has shown her partiality to me.
"What about my mother’s construction? She’s gone." Thinking of my mother makes my heart even more desolate.
"She is gone, but this room is yours." Zhang Mali squeezed my hand.
"Is it me?" I’m a little confused.
"Well, I’ve seen the young lady make a will with her own eyes, and it’s clear that this house will be inherited by you when you grow up, and there will be 10% shares in the company."

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Jun 12, 2024

Shenchengtian is in another world.

That black hole is the entrance to another world, and that world is teetering and will collapse at any time.
Li Xiaohai is at the entrance of the haunted house’s sleep test workshop.
Lu Ying came back with two bags, which was when she just went to the supermarket to store rice.
Xiao-hai Li helped her go upstairs, smoking outside her door and looking at the strange sight.
The whole Shencheng is covered by it.
Although the government repeatedly said in the news that it was a mirage for some special reasons, no one believed it.
People not only saw the scene, but also felt that there was a horrible smell floating in the oppressive city that they couldn’t name.
The same breath Li Xiaohai has seen in the beauty house.
Master said it was evil.
However, the evil spirits in heaven are much scarier than what he saw that time, which makes people feel cold.
Lu Ying handed him a bottle of water. "The end of the world is really coming."
Li Xiaohai took a sip. "Even in the end, I always believe that there is a superman who saves the world."
Taotao travel-stained just after the train was waiting at the exit, and Luo Hou and Xin bodyguards received it.
In the past, the train in Shencheng was crowded, and there was no one.
In the era of rapid development of the Internet, the application for the city has reached every corner of the country through the Internet.
People dare to enter Shencheng Airport and close the expressway. There are vehicles leaving the city.
The train runs once a day, and most of the passengers come to Lingshi from other places.
"There are still many people in this city who can’t leave. This is their only home."
Luo Hou was driving in a pedestrian street with his right hand holding the steering wheel, and his left hand lit a cigarette and knocked off ash outside the window.
Taotao head sticks out of the window and looks up at the sky.
The disaster in Shencheng is not inferior to that in Mincheng.
It was at that time that He Li’s bones stopped the tsunami on his own and saved the lives of millions of people in Mincheng.
Can she do it now?
"What the hell is this?" Taotaowen
Luo Hou parked his car in front of a hotel. "The Special Bureau and the Salvation League are already waiting in the conference hall. It may be more clear for them to answer."
Chapter 198 Chapter 198
It’s unreasonable and justifying a fault
Hotel top floor conference hall
In addition to the spiritual division of Salvation League, there are many Taotao people who have never met.
Xin bodyguard whispered in her ear, "Sitting next to Director Yuan is the mayor of Shencheng, and there are several directors of the Kim consortium who will meet later. The directors want to talk to you alone."
The prominent position at the front of the conference table is for Taotao to leave her to walk over.
The male psychic next to her got up and tried to strike up a conversation. She ignored "Don’t delay when everyone is here, just start."
Male psychic awkwardly withdrew his hand.
Special bureau lingshi meeting gate
Yuan Ling took out a piece of white rice paper and pushed it to the table "This was put on the hotel lobby table this morning"
Taotao glanced at the paper, and there was a line written on it with a brush.
[Three days later, evil spirits descended to the world]
The handwriting is familiar and the touch of paper is rare.
Taotao touched the paper with the same touch, which she seemed to have touched before.
Yuan Ling "Although the city can see another world vision in the sky, the two worlds also have entrances, but the entrance has not been opened yet. If it is really like this paper, it will be a disaster for Shencheng to open the entrance three days later."
"So far, although we have a guess, we can still determine who is behind it."
Taotao said, "If you don’t guess, it’s silent."
She looked at the paper on the table and finally remembered where she had seen it.
A year ago, when she woke up from the coffin.
It is this material that the burning paper is made of, and the handwriting that cursed her to die is the same.
This paper is from the silent Lord.
Although there has been speculation for a long time, when I heard the name of the silent Lord, everyone present was shocked except ordinary people.
A spiritual master said, "Once the entrance to the world is opened, let alone Shen Cheng, I am afraid that disaster will sweep all the surrounding cities."
The person next to him echoed, "We must stop it."
Taotao looked around and found that Jihandian was here.
He looked at her in an obscure corner, smiled at her and got up and left.

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Jun 11, 2024

But for a moment, he watched a knife chop and hide, and he couldn’t finish it …

"hey! ! !”
The fire cloud knife flashed by and the trafficker was cut in half! ! !
After his consciousness disappeared, the cloud knife flew over again, but it was the blade that was going to smash his head!
This man is really cruel! This became his last thought in this life.
"ouch! ! !”
As soon as the trafficker died, the little elephant howled and his eyes were red, so he rushed at Xiao Wen directly.
Since you like him so much, go with him …
"hey! ! !”
How can the intelligence of the elephant be matched by Xiao Wen’s cunning counting? After that, the fire cloud knife pierced the elephant’s skull!
At this moment, Xiao Wen really didn’t have any pity, but he was quite upset. He raised a kind of idea that the high-order fairy beasts were slaughtered more than 90 thousand years ago. In fact, there is a good side, because these fairy beasts have no judgment of right and wrong, which is too easy to help.
In this mood, he rushed over before the little elephant fell down, holding the elephant body against himself and letting Jade save the noodle man.
One, two, three, Cuiyu hastily carried three children out of the elephant belly, and then the mother cried because there was no one there, and there was no Qiaoer among the three!
Xiao Wen was also very shocked. He put the elephant corpse directly and quickly rushed to the side of the human trafficker’s body to pick up the other party’s ring.
My mind swept away a mess, but there was no child’s body!
Where’s everybody? !
Xiao asked himself that the judgment was quite accurate. At that time, the child might have hidden in the elephant’s belly, but he consciously chased this person. But how could Qiaoer not be here?
After hurriedly taking out the five ghosts and taking a look, Xiao Wen was going crazy. One kid Guanghua was extremely dim, but he stayed behind and soon dissipated his traces. His direction was the other escapee’s side!
"Sister Jade, let’s go. Qiaoer is in another person!" Xiao asked fly past in a hurry
Then Xiao Wen’s head is big. At the moment, besides Jade, he has to bring five more children, four of whom are still in a coma!
If you don’t hurry to wake up the children, maybe people will die. What’s worse, one of them was injured by the little elephant. It is definitely impossible to leave them at this moment. Xiao Wen has picked up two children with his left arm and a small fat in his right arm, and continued to hug his right leg. Jade herself hugged another one, and then the flame revived. So they flew to the middle …
If this scene had been put aside at ordinary times, someone would have laughed long ago, but at this time, Xiao asked how anxious he was, and how could he laugh? Fortunately, the children were so light that it didn’t affect his speed too much.
Four comatose children should be in what tactic or ghost magic method jade how to get all can’t wake up Xiao asked impassability medical skill also dare not fiddle with can play twelve j and jīng god to chase people.
At this time, he naturally missed the finishing touch of the lake. If he played Ning, he would have solved this problem easily, and if he had strengthened Dan medicine, he would be able to hold five children with one arm when he became bigger …
Chasing after the five ghosts led the kids to light up again at last.
But at this moment, ideal city also appeared in the night, and the direction pointed out by the imp was in that city!
Chapter two hundred and thirty Into the house
Human traffickers have entered the city?
If so, it will be more beneficial to Xiao Wen, who can be fully altruistic
Xiao Wen relaxed a little at the thought of this, thinking about where the other party could hide the person. At that time, I saw the person as if he were also led by five ghosts. Until now, I can still measure Qiaoer’s information, so let alone that she has not died. That person can’t have put Qiaoer in the ring.
Got it!
Xiao asked that it was because this was his first contact with a human trafficker that he was unfamiliar with the means of human trafficker, but after a little scrutiny, he knew where the key was. The man was wearing a gown and his legs were completely covered, which made him tie the child to his legs!
Xiao Wen vaguely remembers that the man’s figure is quite symmetrical, so the other person is probably tied to his left and right legs. !
The more bizarre the methods of human trafficking are, the more they say that they are quite skilled in abducting people. How many children have they abducted before they have developed such skills? !
Where are all the people in Xianjifu at this moment?
The rampant human trafficking should have attracted attention a long time ago. Are the people here still so careless?
"Sister Jade, aren’t there any children abducted in your town?"
"No, if there were two of us, we wouldn’t be so careless." Jade annoyed tunnel
"But look at this situation, this is a group of recidivists. Are they here?"
Jade couldn’t say why she could say "I think so"
At this time, Xiao asked, but he regretted it. At that time, he must have saved Qiaoer and killed the elephant guy with a knife. If I had known Qiaoer was not in his hand, I should have left him alive and asked about the situation first …
But in the end, I will definitely kill Xiao Wen. Because of the lobular incident, I hate traffickers very much. When I grow up, I know that they are cruel and cunning, which is the cancer of the whole celestial world! If he doesn’t touch it, it’s enough. If he touches it, he will never hide from reason, especially now that he is capable.
That elephant guy is a typical one. You can’t kill him a hundred times!
At this time, Xiao Wen also remembered the little elephant. At first glance, the little white elephant people would feel very cute and would be fooled by its appearance. In fact, they have been hanging out with their owners for a long time, and their hearts have changed greatly. Lost elephants should be gentle.
The cat, the celestial beast, the Taoist priest and the fairy beast will interact with each other, and wake up faster. Some people will be mixed with some kind of fairy beast from childhood. Once the fuzzy blood is established, the fairy beast can really promote the owner to wake up faster. The influence of the fairy beast is actually quite extensive, but it is obvious that people have a greater influence on the fairy beast. With the realm of high fairy beasts, the influence will gradually fade, but many fairy beasts have been with someone since childhood …
So it seems that the fairy beast is actually a very good one in the celestial practice system.
They also need to rely on people to improve their strength, otherwise it is impossible for them to learn those five-flower-gate magical powers. However, in the early days, due to lack of spiritual wisdom, they will be greatly influenced by the mind of the cultivator to do things that they can’t touch.
If you think about it carefully, those high-order fairies and beasts who died at the bottom of Feixia Valley may not be much better, because at that time, the highest realm of celestial beings was greatly limited, and their spiritual wisdom was certainly not much higher at that time.
Maybe it is for this reason that those fairy beasts were killed in the middle?
But the quality of fairy beasts still depends on people. Can’t those high-ranking fairy beasts owners be full of evil?
Certainly not for this reason!
Key also fell in Na Xin avoid body! The death of those fairy beasts and their masters must be closely related to Xin Ji!
Unfortunately, he had already asked Nan Yunqing about this matter, but Nan Yunqing told him that "you will regret it when you know it", so he never asked after that …
Mind slightly transfer kung fu Xiao asked finally flew to the Yuecheng convenience hurriedly closed mind stare big eyes and looked in the direction.
At this time, it has been dark for more than an hour. Ordinary small villages and towns have long been silent, but big cities like Linyuecheng are still lit up.
After sweeping his eyes in the sky, Xiao Wen judged the direction of the fairy and threw it directly at the city fairy.
On the way down, he had already seen several Dandao shops and directly picked the biggest one and rushed in.
All the guests entered the door by stepping in, but Xiao asked married with children to fly in, and the people inside were startled.
"Can someone pass medical skill? There are four children here who are dizzy by traffickers. Please wake them up! " Xiao asked in a hurry
As soon as the word "human trafficker" came out, there was an uproar in Dan’s drugstore, and no one blamed Xiao for rushing in recklessly. Then a middle-aged man rushed out from behind the counter and asked Xiao, "Let me have a look."
"Thank you!"
At this time, I didn’t care so much. Xiao asked to directly discharge the four children at the counter and wait for the middle-aged person to rescue them.
So in the light of the stone, Xiao Wen also saw some problems. The four children, both men and women, are quite handsome. I want to come to Jade’s daughter Qiaoer, and it will definitely not be bad. Compared with Xiao Pang, it is not as good-looking as those children. It is no wonder that the traffickers didn’t turn him …

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Jun 10, 2024

And the peach blossom seven evil spirits network is the extremely poisonous and filthy refining of the dove-dish woman’s condensed heaven and earth. Like the peach blossom, it is tangible and looming. As soon as Fairy Fan and the enemy’s magic weapon fly sword are covered by this network, the host can choose the best situation if he incarnates himself and casts a magic method. Now the peach blossom fairy Ni Liyu is still her best at Yuan Yin Shen Fa.

Although I can’t see the specific situation inside, since someone casts spells, I can’t be separated from my younger brother. Qi Lingyun didn’t even think about flying a golden ray of fire in the hand, and at the same time drank a few other people. Now something is wrong here, and they have released their magic weapons to fly swords to attack that colorful fog.
Everything has its vanquisher. Everything has its bittern. Tofu is decent. Many magic weapons are restrained against evil spells. This is undeniable. Although Qi Lingyun’s mine fire is generally powerful, it happened that everything in Peach Blossom Fairy Ni Liyu has no defense and attack power, which confuses the Lord. A very general mine fire makes the colorful fog scatter.
I still followed quietly. Yi Jing suddenly saw something hateful as soon as he saw this colorful fog. Without saying anything, he let out his Ananda sword with a ferocious face. At the same time, he took out the thunderbolt made by his father. At the beginning, everyone was shocked before the thunderbolt exploded.
Thunderbolt is a thing that both the righteous and the evil factions have made different sects with their own characteristics and different powers. The evil sects call Yin Lei, which is mostly made from underground and decent materials. It is said that it is the most famous and powerful thing in the southern Xinjiang magic wave pool, and Yi Jing’s father Yi Zhou’s thunderbolt power is also extraordinary. A single one can blow up the main peak of Mount Tai.
It is conceivable that the power of the explosion in the three thunderbolts was so close. The huge explosion spread all over Ziyun Palace. Even in the quiet room, Song Changgeng was shocked. Everyone quickly rushed over and Shuangying near the explosion point was seriously injured and unconscious on the spot because of the shallowest capability.
If it weren’t for them, it was Song Chang-gung’s elegant brocade cloud clothes in the first day of the real water, and then he released the flying sword to attack the colorful fog explosion, and he consciously returned to the sword to defend himself. I’m afraid he would be killed on the spot.
And followed by Qin Han calyx and Zhou Qingyun and Qi Lingyun, although they were still awake, they were seriously injured by the explosion wave. Yi Ding and Yi Zhen were all injured and stunned at the back. Yi Jing herself was injured, but her body was particularly injured. The lightest of them were all so, not to mention the explosion point of Peach Blossom, Li Yuyu and Qi Jinchan.
One day, the original Qi Jinchan dodged the mirror and thundered the double swords to protect himself, but when he saw the dreamland, his feet had stepped on the demon. Fortunately, Yuanyang was firm and released the treasure to protect himself. He flew fast, although he was finally absorbed by her Yuan Yin and Yang absorption method, and he was stunned by the demon method. At last, Yuan Shen still dominated the sky and never left the mirror and thundered the double swords. Qi Jinchan was still in a coma, and the demon Ni Liyu was still doing his own thing. Later, the evil clouds and fog were thundered by Qi Lingyun, and the demon Ni flew back and saw many young men
Qi Jinchan’s injury was much lighter because of the magic weapon of flying sword, but it was also blown up. Like Shuangying, Li Yuyu, Zhou Qingyun and Qi Lingyun, they were thrown out like being thrown a stone. After landing, Ji was in a coma. When Song Changgeng, Ziyun Palace, Xu Feiniang, Qin Ziling and others came, they saw that the ground was disabled.
Seeing Shuangying and Qin Han calyx injured, Song Changgeng felt the blood pouring in. When he came to practice, his short state of mind was unstable. He didn’t dive after the disaster. He was very impetuous. When he saw someone close to him injured, he was so angry that he couldn’t speak. Then he came to Qin Ziling. When he saw his sister injured, he flew over to ask and took out the best medicine to feed her.
In the back, Xu Fei Niang was startled to see this sample. She didn’t expect to see this sample consciously. Song Chang-geng was surprised to see his sample. What she said was that she had been practicing for more than two hundred years. Now she is also a master in Yuan’s infancy. As soon as she saw his sample, she knew that it was a sign of unstable mood and possessed.
Hurriedly walked over and read a few words of the mantra of abstinence and concentration, and put the jade Fupei, which is the most tranquil mind from the bodhi old zu trapped in the North Pole, on his forehead. As soon as she read the mantra of abstinence, Song Changgeng woke up. As soon as the jade Fupei entered the body, his spirit was completely calm and gratefully looked at her eyes. Xu Feiniang said nothing and hurried over to save lives.
Fortunately, everyone saved their lives after a busy work. After everyone saw that everyone was fine, they wanted to move the wounded. This is a big hole in the garden that was bombed. It is natural to move to the palace to recuperate. There are still a few people who haven’t woken up yet. Song Changgeng asked coldly, "Don’t go yet. What’s going on?" Who shot? "
Yi Jing looked at him awkwardly and gnashed his teeth. "It was my thunder. At that time, I was angry and didn’t calculate the distance and hurt everyone. Just say what you want."
Yi Ding is fine. Although I am not satisfied with my aunt’s own goal, I can see that in the past, I didn’t take it seriously for mutual affection. However, Yi Zhen was disgusted by Yi Jing’s disagreement with his mother’s aunt. This aunt is now hurt by her eyes, and she hates Qin’s sisters. She is also unhappy with her face, but she is embarrassed to say her.
And JiLingYun wry smile, she never thought that her brother was not how the enemy himself, but all these people were hurt by one of their own first. But after all, she was forced to fight back with Yi Jing’s dissatisfaction. "Yi Daoyou are so impulsive? Does this woman have any hatred with you? Can you let me wait and get a white? "
When it comes to this, Yi Jing is still a little embarrassed and her face suddenly becomes ferocious. She looks at Li Yuyu, who is still in a coma, and hates, "This enchantress is a magic weapon to teach the old shameless old witch naked. This enchantress must be the old witch’s brother, I, because I saw something that ruined my flesh in those years …"
Ji Lingyun couldn’t help but add her forehead to Yi Jing’s things. She probably knew that some people who killed evil sects in southern Xinjiang were captured by the naked leader Dove Pan, and when they refined their souls, they were saved by their father Miao Yi, but I didn’t expect that Dove Pan was just that magic weapon to catch her. No wonder she was so impulsive.
Song Chang Gung took a turn and stared at Yi Jing with Yu Yingnan’s eyes and said, "You hurt my sister and my wife. I will naturally talk to your father about this matter. After we wait, let’s talk about what happened here. What will you fight?" Is this how a few people besieged a person? Are the guests not giving the host a face at all? "
Qi Lingyun’s face turned red. "When I was talking to my sisters, I heard the Yi brothers come back and say that my brother was fighting in the garden. They came back and reported that I was afraid that something would happen to him, so I rushed here. I saw a colorful dance, but I didn’t see anyone. I thought it was someone’s disposal, but I didn’t want Yi Daoyou …"
Four looked and saw the Yi brothers’ eyes dodging Song Changgeng’s frown and asked, "You should be the people at the scene. What’s going on? What will fight? "
Yi Ding looked at her eyes and was still in a coma. Ji Jinchan was embarrassed to say that he was not easy to shake, but regardless of those who did not say that he was not, he was angry with Ji Jinchan because of his injury and said bitterly, "The three of us were talking in the garden. The woman and the female Taoist priest came and said a few words about Ji Jinchan’s efforts to cultivate, and the result was scolded by Ji Jinchan."
The female Taoist priest flew away in shame and anger, saying that he was going to find a girl to reason with. The woman said a few words to help the female Taoist priest, and the two of them fought. Qi Jinchan also asked us to help him. Later, he broke several swords, and the woman escaped. My brother took me to my aunt and wanted to talk to them, so that they could persuade Qi Jinchan. "
When he spoke, he pointed out that Xu Feiniang and Li Yuyu, who were in a coma, said that the female leader was Xu Feiniang and the female was Li Yuyu Yi Ding. When he was at home again before seeing his brother’s eloquence, he always said that he would leave himself out first and then push all the mistakes to others. I didn’t expect to be able to wield his expertise when I was away from home.
Volume 27 Ziyun Feast Chapter 269 Birthday booze
See Xu Fei niang Yi Zhen pointed to himself and put on a surprised look and said, "Me? How come… Li Daoyou and I came to the garden to enjoy themselves and met them. I said that Jin Chan’s present state is the time to practice hard. There is enough aura here and we should practice hard. He said some ugly words and I flew away angrily and later wanted to find Lingyun to reason.
When I got there, I felt that I shouldn’t be as knowledgeable as a child, so I called Purple Bell out. I didn’t expect that Li Daoyou didn’t leave, but they fought instead. How can I say that it was all my talkativeness? "She looked like I didn’t know, so everyone could recognize that it was really wrong with her. It was all Qi Jinchan.
Ji Lingyun’s face turned red, and she couldn’t help secretly hating her younger brother for not being sensible and not looking at it. This is because the young master’s temper is chaotic, even if he doesn’t like Xu Feiniang, he can’t talk like this. Even his mother has to be insincere with her. Well, it’s really irritating to finally get everyone injured.
She was just about to say a few words. Yuan He looked at Song Chang Gung and she said, "Don’t say that I am a gentleman’s mouth skill. Fortunately, Emei is going to be a mansion. We will find a real person together then. Let’s talk about it today. Let’s send you back to heal first. I’ll send you back after we drink the birthday wine."
Chu Feng and others have been unable to get in the way. Listen to him and say that he wants to find a place to heal. Hurry up and arrange a place. Qi Lingyun also knows that this matter will eventually go to her father, but she and her younger brother are both injured. The problem of going all the way back to Ann is troublesome, which makes Song Changgeng unhappy. She feels very uncomfortable in her heart, which makes her feel a little strange.
They were busy for a while and sent the wounded to their respective palaces to rest. Song Chang-geng carefully examined several people’s injuries. Fortunately, they got good injuries and medicines. Although they were all badly hurt, it didn’t matter if they were nursed back to health for a while. The most serious injury was actually Li Yuyu, but Xu Feiniang didn’t know for what purpose it was her heart that saved her.
Fortunately, she didn’t break her body, but this happened. Everyone was honest. Many of the guests who came to congratulate stayed in their rooms and waited for the sun to stop walking around and avoid the friction of life.
The next day, after a night of self-cultivation and miraculous medicine, all the injured people except Li Yuyu barely showed up. A group of people led them to the main hall with servants in the palace. All the way, everyone heard about Xianshao’s miscellaneous performances and various arrangements made people feel that they were beaming. How do you say that the six people in Ziyun Palace have been here for hundreds of years? This scene can still be made out.
Before walking in the main hall, Song Chang-geng took a long look outside and saw that the walls of the temple were full of whales, candles and beads. The lamps were not only simple and elegant in shape, but also brilliant and shining like day. In the temple, there were more than a dozen seats of sapphire cases with strange flowers, exotic fruits, seafood and delicacies piled up like mountains, or jars of porcelain or jade had already been set up.
Ziyun’s three lesbians, Hui Zhu, Dong Xiu and Jin Xunu, were talking to others in the temple. When they came, they all greeted them with a smile. But Song Changgeng was keenly aware that when Sanfeng and Dong Xiu looked at themselves, their eyes were full of jealousy and hatred. Although they concealed it well, it made Song Changgeng stunned. He thought that maybe he had taken the treasure of the main jade column and didn’t share their reasons.
After everyone entered the temple, the two sides sat down and saw that everyone had done a good job. After that, the first phoenix got up and said some words of thanks for coming to congratulate their sisters. Then, they urged the people to drink wine, and the scene became lively for a while. After drinking for a while, some guests took out some magic pills and other things to make birthday presents and offered them one after another.
The people in Ziyun Palace thanked everyone for urging the servants to perform all kinds of magic while persuading them to drink. At that time, the guests in the main hall were dazzled and amazed, and each of them was able to entertain the whole hall. Fairy birds and birds danced in succession, drinking cups and enjoying music. The whole change was extremely mysterious. Although it was a side road, it was also shocking and dare not despise it.
Chu Feng’s three girls are smiling at the birthday girl sitting in the middle of the case today, and they praise each other with each other. The hall laughs and laughs, and Yan Yan is amiable. However, because Song Chang-geng here is a decent brother who disdains their talk, it seems deserted, and everyone is injured and has no mental entertainment to show up.
At this moment, Sanfeng suddenly swept her eyes bitterly from the case, and Song Chang-geng held a white crystal glass full of blue wine in her hand and said to everyone, "Just now, you Taoist friends have learned all the wonderful methods, and your little sister is incompetent. Thank you for your kindness, and you have refined a little skill. Now you Taoist friends can help Qing Xing a little, so you can learn?"
A young man dressed in tropical clothes got up and flattered, "We all know that the sky is rare. Since it must be a wonderful method to perform, poverty will be even more novel than the other, but we have to look forward to it. It is a great blessing in life to see a beautiful performance like Yincui gorge."
The young man obviously saw Sanfeng, and everyone was white from his speech and expression. Although Ji Jinchan looked faint, he left the pie mouth, but he was not stupid enough to know that it was dangerous here and did not dare to talk nonsense. So were others. If Song Changgeng had not said that he would send them back when they came, they would have left long ago.
At this time, Jiang Wei, the topographical elder Cao Kuzhu’s younger brother, got up and said to the young man, "Hayan, don’t talk disgusting here. Everyone has seen the beauty of Yincui gorge. If you don’t have nice words, don’t say your clumsy words here. Instead of praise, they are blasphemies against Yincui gorge."
Next to the young man in tropical clothes named Hayan, a young man in Confucianism sneered, "Jiang Wei, we are here to celebrate your birthday, not to see you here. Pay attention to your words. Not everyone can say that my master is an idiot, but we brothers dare not lose his face."
Jiang Weidi’s master, Cao Kuzhu, an elder in the shape of a dead bamboo temple in Qingjiangpu, took his apprentice to sit down and raised his glass to the young man and smiled. "Young people are not sensible. Don’t be knowledgeable like them. Speaking of it, I have admired your teacher for a long time. If you have the opportunity, you must visit your teacher. It will be an honor if you can listen to the teachings."
Listen to his compliment to his master building Cangzhou and Hayan both raised their glasses and gestured that they didn’t mind what Hayan had just dealt with, so they put their glasses and stared at Sanfeng to see him and Jiang Wei’s jealousness and jealousy. Sanfeng couldn’t help but be proud to say that the first phoenix was the most beautiful place, but she was always unsmiling and dignified, which made people unwilling to get close.
Although Erfeng is also beautiful and gentle, after all, it is already a woman’s wife. Huizhu’s cold and affectionate appearance doesn’t make people close. Dongxiuchang is also a beauty in people, but compared with Sanfeng, it seems that there is less spirituality. It is natural that these young people who come to congratulate her have turned around Sanfeng to play her jealously drama these two days.
Sanfeng smiled demurely and proudly, saying, "This method is actually nothing rare nor a mirage. Recently, it was very disappointed that stupid sisters could not come up with a wonderful way to entertain guests because of their short life."
I recall that the Zhou Wang Meat Forest Wine Pool was praised by the world for its debauchery, which cost a lot of money and people’s lives. In fact, it was just a man-made wine storage pool. Where does it deserve the word wine pool? My spell is not like Zhou Wang’s, where the disabled people show off hundreds of limited fish and shrimp and some wine.
When I was young, I would like to invite you Xianbin and all the sisters to take notice for a while. Once this method is applied, the Huangjing Temple will immediately turn into a thousand layers of wine brewed by immortals, and then this crystal cup will be turned into a large crystal basin. We are in the same place, and all the drinks are brewed by immortals. There are still many fish and shrimps swimming in this wine sea. You can tell your little sister when your index finger moves, so you can refer to the trivial things and wine. You have to laugh. "
Say that finish the demonstration to see the eyes Song Changgeng let Song Changgeng a burst of boredom, he came to hate the three phoenixes and the winter show, and now the three phoenixes are even more annoying to him. He also wants to leave one more day to find opportunities for Xu Feiniang to bewitch the six people in Ziyun Palace and let them lose their mood now. He put down his glass and looked at the eyes, and everyone has decided to go.
When they shout, Sanfeng will recite the Xuan curse with her head full of beautiful hair, and use magic to see her. With a wave of her hand, the music around Cui sleeve will be full of lights, candles and huadu will be extinguished. Outside the temple, it is generally dark. Everyone can see clouds and clouds turning around before their eyes, but everyone can see things in darkness naturally.
In a blink of an eye, I suddenly heard Sanfeng drink a lot, and everyone listened to Tao Haohao’s smell of wine. They felt that they had moved slightly. A topaz temple had turned into a vast sea of wine, except for a few cups and plates in a long case. The original scenery was unknown, and the place where everyone was now was actually the crystal cup held by Sanfeng just now.
Now it has become a crystal basin the size of an acre, and the silver is shining straight into the sky. There is also a bright moon in the sky, which shines like daylight, and all kinds of fish and shrimps in the water can’t stop flying back and forth. For a while, everyone suspected that they were in a fairyland, although everyone knew it was a spell.
Three phoenix pick people like to eat seafood, point their hands at the waves, and a golden flower will burst into flames. Those fish and shrimps will be thrown into the fire and baked in an instant. As the golden flower floats straight into the basin, everyone is holding the original sapphire case in the crystal basin, drinking wine and taking fish in the sea at will, and the diet is very carefree.
When everyone was finished, they were still praising in surprise. Suddenly, they heard the music from a cloud of colorful clouds in the wine sea, surrounded by dozens of feathers, chardonnay, fairy officials and fairies, each riding a phoenix and holding a musical instrument, floating and sinking in the depths of the sea, looming in the depths of the sea, and then lining the crystal basin with a bright sky, blue clouds and silver clouds, and being in one of them, there may not be such wonders.
Volume 27 Ziyun Feast Chapter two hundred and seventy South China Sea twins
Maybe this spell can deceive others, but powerful people like Song Chang-geng and Xu Fei-niang are in another day’s land, but in the scanning of Song Chang-geng’s spirit, in fact, everyone has indeed been moved, and all the places have been put into the three phoenix wine glasses, and the hall has been added with some props and magic weapons, plus some mirage similar illusions.
Not only is the wine sea only the size of the original palace, but the magic rendering and illusion really make people feel as if even people have become a ruler. Song Chang-gung is a Buddhist, a Taoist and a demon. You can tell at a glance that this is a magic posture. Although it is not as magical as the magic of finding the world in a Buddhist mustard, the advanced magic can also show the world in a grain of millet.
This spell, such as the King of the Stars and others, should be simplified, although it is not so good, but it is also quite wonderful, so few people present can see the advantages and disadvantages of this spell. Hayan and others even have their eyes flashing, but they can’t help but be unmoved by this spell.
Seeing that the three women in the temple are reveling in the wine wave in front of the crystal basin in bliss, a red light suddenly rises, and everyone thinks it’s a novelty. But the three women know that outsiders are coming, and they dare to wear it from the underground in the temple. It turns out that all kinds of defense laws will be forbidden, and he can’t stop. Several people are staring at each other, and the first phoenix quickly throws spells.
Three phoenixes drank a lot of spells. At the beginning of the temple, phoenixes were prepared for various defensive spells. Yuan Ling put her hand on the top of her head and emitted a gray light. A mirror hung over her head. This is her magic. The mirror can be the most invisible according to people’s theory. Whether it can be seen or not, the mirror can fly out like a shadow. As soon as it is urged by spells, it gives off a cold light and always shines red.
They were all alert, and they were preparing to use their magic weapons to fly swords to meet them. Suddenly, a thunderbolt exploded and a purple ray with an arm more than one meter thick was produced. Although the ray was small, no one dared to despise it. A small ray gave people a creepy feeling. As soon as it appeared, it went straight to the red light.
Two slightly contact will see purple two-color Guanghua flashing and exploding, and then the red light will be extinguished, and the purple light will rise and rotate like a dragon. Two people in the red light will tie up the purple light and fly back to Song Changgeng’s hands after two people have wandered around. Everyone didn’t look at the person who was arrested, but their eyes turned to Song Changgeng with the purple ray. Although they knew that he had spent the robbery, it should be very severe, but they didn’t expect it to be so severe.
Most people know that this spell is a kind of thunder method, but everyone has never seen anyone who can manipulate the thunder so freely like him. All legal persons who have refined the thunder know that it is the most difficult to manipulate the thunder, not to mention that it can be controlled freely like him. Everyone looks at him with awe.
At the beginning of the cold field, Feng came back to see the eyes first. Two people are a pair of little boys. Their faces look a little familiar. After coughing, she asked the two children who couldn’t move but their eyes were rolling around. "Who are you?" You want to penetrate the underground and invade our Ziyun Palace. Are you ordered by people? Tell the truth. "
At the beginning of the phoenix HeWen let everyone turn their eyes to come over three phoenix is hate and anger her resentment, "elder sister also ask what? Don’t you just know what they look like? They must be the coral nest of Funiu Island in the South China Sea. We should have found them when we killed Zhenhai, and now they have become a climate. "
Seeing these two children, Qi Lingyun, Zhou Qingyun and Qi Jinchan, Qi Lingyun got up quickly and said, "Please slow down at the beginning of the Phoenix Palace. These two people are from Emei Sect. Is there any misunderstanding?"
"Misunderstanding? I think you Emei Sect have calculated that it is necessary to take away our Ziyun Palace and pretend to be a good person here. "Before others can speak, Dong Xiu can’t help but align with Lingyun."

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