Jun 26, 2024


"No, we can’t come if we like it!" Zhong Daguo said with bedroom eyes staring at mm’s chest against Xiao Tang’s front.
A group of men burst out laughing there. They are a big country. Looking at a woman who likes to hook up or make some indecent jokes, the real guy is really a talent. Last year, when he was in the national team, he was a pure and naive honest baby. It’s so fast to learn bad things.
Xiao Tang glared at him and said angrily, "Get out of here, you are a dead man. I curse you for suddenly changing back to the previous 1m. See if you still make fun of others?"
"It’s too hard for me to wipe the beauty. I heard that the height is high, but I didn’t hear that there is still a height. Your brain is too imaginative. Big brother, I am you. Hurry up and measure your height, beautiful woman!" Zhong Daguo was talking nonsense. At last, everyone including Tang mm burst into laughter. "24m, you, how did you grow taller …" Xiao Tang suddenly stammered that he was really puzzled that the guy who had disappeared for several months had grown more than 1 m. "Didn’t you just curse me for being short? I don’t think I can do as you wish, hehe …" Zhong Daguo said with a sneer.
"What are you laughing at? Show me the physical examination form. Don’t worry about it." Old coach Phil Jackson did not know when he hid behind them and suddenly said a word. A group of guys were all scared out in a cold sweat. They were all worried about the unqualified physical examination. Jackson was strict. They knew it.
"Great country played well in Hubei team. I didn’t expect you to play phenomenal performance at once." Jackson patted Zhong Daguo on the shoulder and said with relief.
"Why did I suddenly get hurt later? I just didn’t go to see the star game in person." Jackson continued to ask Zhong Daguo.
"I didn’t control my own problems well, and my sudden emotions are all right now," Zhong Daguo wrote with his head down.
"It’s good to have nothing to do. It’s a necessary process for a player to grow up from impulse to reason. Go back and think about his skills and improve his psychology." Jackson touched the back of Zhong Daguo’s head and said earnestly that he sincerely hoped that Zhong Daguo would get better and better.
"You seem to have grown taller!" The Zen master asked weakly, "I’m afraid it won’t work when I look at your physical examination form first." He went on to say, "24m…… …!" The Zen master was surprised and excited and said, "Hmm!" Zhong Daguo nodded and gently responded with "Good job, good job, good job …" Jackson’s face showed a happy expression, and he touched the back of Zhong Daguo’s head and said with a smile.
"Everyone has no problem. It seems that everyone hasn’t relaxed training for a month or two. It’s good …" Jackson said with a bright face after watching the physical examination.
It is said that the Beijing team will win the northern championship and enter the ba finals in the big M; The Guangdong team in the southern district also fought like a rainbow, and finally it was difficult to win the southern championship and meet the enemies of the Beijing team in the ba finals again, which was particularly jealous.
The scores of ten martial arts games on both sides were extremely anxious. It was only in the last few minutes or even the last few seconds that it was known that the two sides fought hard for seven games, and the Beijing team was still slightly better. Although M was 36 years old, he was still unstoppable. In the last quarter, he was strong and powerful. One person mastered the game, and the Guangdong team was once again runner-up. It seems that the Beijing team is going to become a new era of ba.
Ba after the playoffs, all teams give players a holiday. When players are also flesh and blood, they also need to rest. It is natural that the Hubei team has been training there for a long time. Fortunately, the players have worked hard to respect the team’s arrangement and training hard, and all progress has been great.
After all the teams have rested for a month or two, it has arrived at the end of April. The national team will call all the members of the national team to train. Every year, during the offseason, there are some games, most of which are against other national basketball teams. Only by constantly competing with different and more powerful players can the strength of the China men’s basketball team be improved. Therefore, it is very meaningful to go home to participate in training and competitions.
Of course, the Hubei team readily agreed that Zhong Daguo returned to the national team, and the other members of the Hubei team were also on holiday. They also practiced without any meaning. Besides, they were really tired, so they had a month or two less rest than other team members. Now it is natural to have a holiday.
"No, we can’t come if we like it!" Zhong Daguo said with bedroom eyes staring at mm’s chest against Xiao Tang’s front.
A group of men burst out laughing there. They are a big country. Looking at a woman who likes to hook up or make some indecent jokes, the real guy is really a talent. Last year, when he was in the national team, he was a pure and naive honest baby. It’s so fast to learn bad things.
Xiao Tang glared at him and said angrily, "Get out of here, you are a dead man. I curse you for suddenly changing back to the previous 1m. See if you still make fun of others?"
"It’s too hard for me to wipe the beauty. I heard that the height is high, but I didn’t hear that there is still a height. Your brain is too imaginative. Big brother, I am you. Hurry up and measure your height, beautiful woman!" Zhong Daguo was talking nonsense. At last, everyone including Tang mm burst into laughter. "24m, you, how did you grow taller …" Xiao Tang suddenly stammered that he was really puzzled that the guy who had disappeared for several months had grown more than 1 m. "Didn’t you just curse me for being short? I don’t think I can do as you wish, hehe …" Zhong Daguo said with a sneer.
"What are you laughing at? Show me the physical examination form. Don’t worry about it." Old coach Phil Jackson did not know when he hid behind them and suddenly said a word. A group of guys were all scared out in a cold sweat. They were all worried about the unqualified physical examination. Jackson was strict. They knew it.
"Great country played well in Hubei team. I didn’t expect you to play phenomenal performance at once." Jackson patted Zhong Daguo on the shoulder and said with relief.
"Why did I suddenly get hurt later? I just didn’t go to see the star game in person." Jackson continued to ask Zhong Daguo.
"I didn’t control my own problems well, and my sudden emotions are all right now," Zhong Daguo wrote with his head down.
"It’s good to have nothing to do. It’s a necessary process for a player to grow up from impulse to reason. Go back and think about his skills and improve his psychology." Jackson touched the back of Zhong Daguo’s head and said earnestly that he sincerely hoped that Zhong Daguo would get better and better.
"You seem to have grown taller!" The Zen master asked weakly, "I’m afraid it won’t work when I look at your physical examination form first." He went on to say, "24m…… …!" The Zen master was surprised and excited and said, "Hmm!" Zhong Daguo nodded and gently responded with "Good job, good job, good job …" Jackson’s face showed a happy expression, and he touched the back of Zhong Daguo’s head and said with a smile.
"Everyone has no problem. It seems that everyone hasn’t relaxed training for a month or two. It’s good …" Jackson said with a bright face after watching the physical examination.
If you want to know the funeral, please listen to the breakdown.
Chapter 7 A blessing in disguise
Chapter 7 A blessing in disguise
Hubei team is ready to make great achievements in the 213-2014 season. Their star player has recovered from injury and other players have made great progress. They are also ready to recruit powerful players from other teams. All kinds of players are willing to come to Hubei team.
But even so, ba is not as market-oriented as nba. It is a question of money. Is there anyone in the provincial sports bureaus who wants to drain their talents to other provinces? It is still difficult to sign good players, but it is possible to get one or two players.
On April 27th, officials from the local basketball administration went to the National Men’s Basketball Center for such an important meeting. Of course, officials from provincial sports bureaus won’t miss it. They all took briefcases with all kinds of documents in them and rushed to chinese basketball association Center in a small car.
The president of the Basketball Association must be the first to speak. He summarized the main achievements and problems of China basketball in 212-2013. For example, ba played in full swing this season, and some big-name foreign AIDS flocked to prove the attraction of ba, which is already the second largest basketball league in the world after nba. There is also the eye-catching performance of Hubei team Zhong Daguo, which fully says that there are many basketball talents in China; Finally, in the nba, China player Yi Qianjin’s performance was very eye-catching, and he made it into the playoffs, which also fully said that the future of the China men’s basketball team was just an understatement.
Major officials from other provinces have made long speeches, mainly focusing on making the basketball career in their own province go up a storey still higher, making the national basketball development stronger and becoming one of the top teams in the world …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The official speech stage finally ended, and the atmosphere in the meeting room was very lively. Everyone’s fat face was excited, because everyone spoke with confidence. The situation was excellent, as if China basketball horse was going to beat the American Dream Team and successfully reach the top of the world.
The host of the meeting finally announced that there were about a dozen decisions made by the national team. The first ten were based on painful nonsense, and the last one turned out to be’ Zhong Daguo’s farewell to Hubei’s national team has other plans’
It is really a blockbuster, which is very powerful not only for Hubei team but also for all other teams.
Hubei team didn’t have a big country, but it’s still a big country. All the ideals are in vain. Next season is definitely a playoff fate. Other teams want to increase their strength, and each team is drooling over Zhong Daguo. Of course, they are also very concerned about the national team’s arrangement to see which team Zhong Daguo will go to.
The leaders of Hubei Basketball Association immediately roared with anger and flame, "What does this mean? What does your national team mean? Are you targeting our Hubei team specifically?"
The host was very calm. He had expected this, so he calmly said, "We didn’t come in a hurry. Please sit down and let me talk slowly." "Jackson intends to send Zhong Daguo to the nba, and the nba draft is in June and May. You see, it’s the end of April now. I’m really sorry that Hubei team didn’t come to inform you." The spokesman continued to explain.

More Details
Jun 25, 2024

Dumped his head and put the small white thing behind him, and then looked at the scattered fairy of the shushan sword school. The scattered fairy of the shushan sword school saw the sudden change in this day, and the crane immediately changed his face. The sword in his hand changed into hundreds of sharp swords, formed a sword array and dozens of guards beside him, and then hundreds of them rushed out directly and went straight to those monsters in the sky.

I have to say that it is no accident that the strength of the Shushan Sword Sect can stand on the boundary of the fix-true. The attack power of those swordsmen of the Shushan Sword Sect is terrible, and the strength of these monsters is even more amazing. They are not weak, roaring and thundering, and the scattered fairy of the Shushan Sword Sect is like a gust of wind. Although he is in a state of being suppressed in the wind, he has not shown signs of defeat and the speed is still rising. He is about to enter the mountain, cross the mountains and enter the back of the mountain.
Seeing such a scene, the scattered fairies around them are all flashing their eyes, and then they are ready to move. They can’t wait to rush out and follow the scattered fairies of Shushan Sword Sect. But although everyone is ready to move, they don’t move immediately. For this whole fate, Mundus fears that they dare not move at random. Of course, if someone enters it before, it is another matter!
All eyes are fixed on this flying mountain, and the scattered fairy of the Sword Sect of Shushan is waiting for him to pass this time. No one is looking forward to his accident, but one by one, I hope this guy can go there psychologically, so that they can reduce a lot of trouble, even those two experts who are opposed to the right path are no exception.
But it’s a pity that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. After the master of the Sword Sect of shushan flew straight to this distant mountain range, when he was close to the mountain range, a huge tentacle suddenly appeared in this mountain range. With its appearance, it abruptly moved towards the scattered fairy of the Sword Sect of shushan, hardly giving the other party a chance to respond. The huge tentacle was slapped hard and abruptly turned into a meat sauce, and the scattered fairy screamed at the moment.
The whole process was absolutely less than a second, and all the scattered immortals were stunned. Then you looked at me, and I saw a glimmer of fear in your eyes. This was simply terrible. They never thought that such a terrible thing would happen, and they opened a six-robbery scattered fairy in front of their eyes, and it was very tough among the scattered immortals. The sword fairy turned into a meat sauce root in the blink of an eye and had no chance to respond.
Ask yourself, although some of them are much more powerful than the scattered fairy of Shushan Sword Sect, just now that huge tentacle with amazing power made them feel deep fear, and their conceit was changed to their own, even if the seven scattered immortals and the big scattered magic were the king of The Hunger and the demon king of Huntian were no exception.
After a wry smile and a look around, the Blood Devil here said dryly, "It seems that we have no choice now. One of these ten caves can pass through the other one, and there is no danger in it. Now we have no choice. We demons have two roads and five people are left. It’s up to you. This time, life and death have their own destiny!"
The voice fell like a heavy hammer and slammed into the hearts of those masters around them, which made them feel heavy unconsciously. Especially, the face of the ice scattered fairy was constantly changing and the face was gloomy to a terrible extent. The blood demon king could break a word, but he couldn’t finally bite his teeth and said, "You wait a moment and we will discuss it!"
The Blood Devil didn’t say much about it, but he just smiled as if he were demonstrating. Then he waved his hand, and the five demon masters walked out without hesitation. In the face of the Blood Devil’s orders and the demon king’s orders, these people didn’t dare to resist, because they knew in their hearts that once they dared to resist, they would die, which was different from the top ten scattered demons. Although they were all overlords outside, they were doomed to be cannon fodder, but if they didn’t resist, it would be a narrow escape. But once they resisted, they would be ten dead and alive, and the family sects would
Seeing this demon, the two masters turned their backs on each other, and the face of the ice scattered fairy over there became more ugly and gloomy, and then they went over and discussed with the real masters here for a while, and then five people were elected.
Then there are five scattered immortals who are unwilling to come out. Although they don’t want to, they are the lowest among these people and have the weakest power. They can’t do it if they don’t want to come out at this time. The masters of the right path talk about the word benevolence and righteousness one by one, but they know that these people’s secret means are more ruthless than evil. If it is one, they can still resist. But if it is elected by a group of people, they are not qualified to resist!
After all, if you openly refuse at this time, it will mean that you have rejected the seven scattered immortals and five scattered Buddha faces. As you can imagine, although they are unwilling, they have crustily skin of head.
But from the beginning to the end, whether it is the Blood Lord or the Huntian Lich King or the ice scattered fairy has never let the evil master enter this cave. It’s not that they don’t want to, but that they dare not!
"Into ~" Huntian Lich King didn’t care at all, but he said coldly there, making five scattered repairs there without any hesitation. One person chose a cave and ran directly into it.
"Ah ~ ah ~ ~ ah ~ ~ ah ~ ~ ~" A series of screams came through immediately, which made the people around you look furious. Even the Huntian demon king who never took human life seriously and the king of The Hunger behind him couldn’t help but look angry and became ugly. These are all six robberies and scattered immortals. After all, they don’t want to have too many sacrifices, and they are all their confidants. They won’t let these individuals die if it is not necessary.
The blood demon king looked at the ice and scattered fairy over there with fierce eyes and said coldly, "Now it’s your turn!" "
The demon master rushed in with almost no hesitation. It was a blink of an eye, a breath effort, and they all screamed and died in it. Such a horrible scene to say that they were not afraid of is false. Those five masters of the right path couldn’t help but swallow a mouthful of saliva and secretly wiped a cold sweat. No one expected that the situation would be like this. Those scattered fairies died without even responding. How good could they be when they entered it?
To tell the truth, they don’t want to get into it even if they are killed, but there is no way. They have no choice. After this order, five masters of the right path have taken heavy steps forward, but obviously they don’t have the demon road, so they simply don’t fly but walk.
The gap between the two can be seen at a glance, which makes many masters of the right path dissatisfied, but they don’t say much about it. They can understand that after all, no one will die so simply. It’s good that they can go, but whether they are frank or not?
About ten minutes later, several masters entered the cave one after another, followed by a scream, and three masters died in the cave. Almost as soon as they entered it, they died. Two masters of the right path just paused, but they didn’t enter it, but they dared not look at each other at the door, but they dared not move. Sweat had already appeared on their foreheads.
"Ghost seven hemp five you two do not go in!" Seeing the other three people die, other people are naturally dissatisfied. Some people who know them can’t help but urge them to get up. Although the others didn’t speak, their faces have already shown their thoughts now.
You know, the top ten caves of this narrow escape have now entered one cave, and there are still two caves for them to enter, so that everyone can see which one of them is alive and which one is dead, and then they can go on to find the secret of Mundus’s treasure house. At this time, Ma Wu and this ghost seven have no heart.
Being urged, the two men were more nervous for a few minutes. They didn’t say much. They took a deep breath. On the left, the so-called ghost seven wore a dark blue robe and scattered fairy slowly walked into the cave. Yu Mawu also took two steps, but after two steps, he saw the ghost seven walk in, but he didn’t move and stopped there.
But at this time, I didn’t see this hemp five small motives. Everyone turned their eyes to this ghost seven, followed closely by this ghost seven, looked at this ghost seven and slowly walked into this cave, holding their breath one by one, and then cocked up their ears and listened quietly after this ghost seven disappeared.
"Ah ~ ~" Another scream rang when Ghost Seven stepped into the cave, listening to people’s scalp pins and needles, but everyone was relieved to hear this scream, because Ghost Seven died in it, but it proved one thing less, that is, the cave was not safe, and nine of the ten caves had tried out the details, so the remaining one must be able to live by entering the back of the mountain, so everyone was in a better mood, although several people died, but in their view, it was worth it.
With the death of Ghost Seven and excessive pressure, Ma Wuxian breathed a sigh of relief and became soft. She sat at the door of the cave but did not enter. When people came to their senses, they saw this hole. Ma Wuxian was first stunned and then frowned one by one.
Seeing this scene, the Blood Devil even sneered and said with a slight irony, "It’s really good luck for you to be the right person. It’s all talent remarks. I, the demon master, rushed in and ended up with a dead body. It’s great that you, the immortal master, managed to find a way out at the door. We are ashamed that we are not as good as today. It seems that we, the demon master, should not be so silly and rush forward, and we should also learn from you."
Everyone can hear the irony of the blood demon king. Those demon masters over there have given out a burst of cold hum, and they don’t say much about sneer. Those right masters around there are flushed and don’t refute. Indeed, they can’t find a reason to refute each other in this matter.
The experts in the right way looked at each other with a wry smile and didn’t say a word. At this moment, the face was gloomy and terrible, as if it could scrape a layer of frost. Ma Wu narrowed his eyes in front of the cave and took a look at the Blood Devil. Then he said coldly, "Blood Devil, you don’t have to sneer at me. I will naturally solve this problem without saying more!"
Voice down here ice scattered fairy in all eyes a flash has come to this hemp five side left hand stretched out this hemp five was up at this time hemp five just react to come over and look at the front of the ice scattered fairy some panic said, "don’t don’t don’t don’t kill me, I didn’t mean it, I really didn’t mean it, I dare not anymore! Leave me alone! "
However, I didn’t pay much attention to this. I laughed coldly and stopped talking. With a wave of my hand, this hemp five was screaming to ashes. It was not very difficult for him to rob the peak of the scattered fairy seven times. It was not difficult to kill hemp five in the blink of an eye, and he abruptly killed it!
"Well this you should be satisfied? There are many words in the wrong novel network. I personally executed this scum! " Here ice scattered fairy coldly glanced at the blood Lord didn’t good the spirit said,
Hearing this, the Blood Devil here, hey hey, smiled and didn’t say much. After a dry look at the ice and scattered fairy, people around him walked towards the cave, and they didn’t move slowly. They followed behind the Blood Devil and rushed straight towards the cave to get this chance to live. It was a narrow escape, but because of a fear of death, Ma Wu became a ten-way chance to live, people around them felt a little uncomfortable and a little chilling, but then they were confused by this upcoming treasure house in Mundus, leaving this matter behind.
Ye Guchen and the bodhi old zu here smiled at this and didn’t say much. With the evil extreme cases, several masters followed and went in. They knew in their hearts that this was just one, and the real danger was probably yet to come.
Chapter two hundred and sixty-six Gravity Heaven
Chapter two hundred and sixty-six Gravity Heaven
Without saying much, the big party almost didn’t say much and went straight to the outside of the cave. Soon everyone passed through the cave. As Mundus said, this cave was really a narrow escape. One of the ten caves was safe, and everyone could pass through it safely. In this passage, everyone didn’t encounter any danger. It can be said that when the road was blocked, everyone became cautious because of things just now. They walked carefully, but later they changed their appearance. When they saw this place, they became courageous and tried to fly the last one.
About half an hour later, they finally passed through the hole of this cave, which is as long as just visiting, but I don’t know how far it is. When they rushed out of the hole one by one, they appeared in front of them with a different scenery. A white cloud appeared in front of them, and a magnificent palace appeared in front of them.
This golden palace stands proudly in these white clouds, and the whole palace is more magnificent than it looks. This golden palace seems to be inlaid with pure gold, giving off waves that make people feel more dignified. There are several exquisite patterns carved in this golden palace, which depict dozens of kinds of beasts, among which Ye Guchen doesn’t know much, but each kind of beast is lifelike and dignified, but it can be concluded that these beasts are not simple to want to come, because Ye Guchen shows it, and he sees the four beasts, the dragon, the suzaku and the Xuanwu White Tiger.
And these white clouds seem to form a thick white staircase. At the end of this staircase, in front of these masters, there are two huge white jade pillars and two huge golden dragons with five claws hovering, and the faucet is at the top of this pillar. At the top, a huge archway is written with four bronzed characters "Gravity Palace"!
These four words are as vigorous and powerful as pines and cypresses. Obviously, this is not written by ordinary people and I don’t know who wrote it. However, Ye Guchen estimates that this word is written by Mundus, the fate.
"Gravity temple? Good name ~ I don’t know if there is something weird in it ~ "Love bodhi old zu stared at the masters in front of this gravity palace and frowned. When he said this, he couldn’t help but look around those masters."
Although the sound is not big, the masters around them can’t help but hear clearly. To be honest, just a narrow escape has made them feel psychological fear about this fate of Mundus. At this time, they naturally have some fears when they see this gravity palace.
"This" side leaves alone after hearing this, Chen couldn’t help but frowned and hesitated. He didn’t say much about those personal faces next to him, and the expressions were very ugly.
Just at this moment, the Mundus sound of the fate suddenly sounded again in this half. "Hehe, little guys, I’ve been waiting for a long time. You finally passed this first time. Hehe, but I dare not compliment you for letting people die. It’s really nothing to dare to come over after trying one by one!"
Go against Mundus when it comes out, people around you can’t help blushing, but they dare not say that they are blushing one by one. To tell the truth, their means are not just fair means. If they go out, they will not be in this huge fix-up world, and they can drown their department by spitting.
Ye Guchen smiled at this and didn’t say much about going against Mundus’s will, but he couldn’t do it. It was too offensive. Although Ye Guchen didn’t mind or be afraid of these sentient bodhi old zu here, they didn’t dare to say much, but Ye Guchen didn’t want to erect an enemy for himself. After all, now he is not strong enough. His strength is because evil is too strong and he is not strong enough. Ye Guchen is unwilling to erect an enemy for himself at random.
Those masters around didn’t refute or say much about the fate here, but Mundus once again said, "Well, you young players also have a few acquaintances, hehe, so I won’t say much about anyone. Everyone knows that you are here, or I think you guys are not bad at that time. Now it’s your chance to be here. Since my baby is here, everyone is entitled to come. It’s a chance. I won’t be difficult for you."
It’s no secret that some people in the crowd breathed a sigh of relief. It’s not a secret that there are fairy buddhas and demons hidden in these people. Everyone knows that just now, the bodhi old zu also told Ye Guchen that no one was surprised, but those experts showed a sigh of relief and looked a little surprised. These experts will be afraid here, which shows that Mundus is going against the sky.
But their hearts just fell on the other side of the fate of Mundus’s words, but they just felt at ease again. Because of this fate, Mundus smiled and said lightly at the moment, "Ladies and gentlemen, although your strength is earth and you want those guys to send you here, they also gave you a magic weapon, but you want to live in my gravity palace with these? Hey, hey, there are some things that can’t be done. I advise you not to use magic weapons at random, or the consequences will be unimaginable. My baby will be hidden in this gravity palace, but it’s not that simple to want to enter the gravity palace. Let’s talk about it first after passing my overpass. "
When he said this, Mundus showed some banter. After listening to this, the Blood Devil couldn’t help but ask, "Can the predecessors show?"
"Show? No, I can tell you that this place is much more dangerous than the former broken place. "The fate of Mundus immediately sounded with a hint of indifference.
Go against the Mundus sound let those individuals around me can’t help but raise a chill in their hearts, and then they don’t say much. There are a lot of dignified expressions, especially those acquaintances who go against the fate of Mundus. They know something about the fate of Mundus, but in this case, there is absolutely no hypothesis that you will die. Several people are unconsciously worried. Although they are high, there are magic weapons to protect themselves, but can they really live here?
Moments later, in front of the fate of Mundus sound disappeared, the ice scattered fairy here first said, "Do you still hesitate? Let’s do it! "
Speaking was the first to cross the white clouds and build a flyover, and the first to walk towards the surface. Just now, the right path was fixed, and I lost all my face when I had a narrow escape. Although in the end, he killed Ma Wu and saved a little face, but that was to embarrass myself, not to lose it so thoroughly, and it was not substantive. This is equivalent to setting up a memorial arch. There is no point. This time, he has a heart to get back and naturally wants to take the lead.
It’s not that he doesn’t know the danger of connecting the overpass, nor that he doesn’t want others to go first. Everyone will cherish his life, and this ice is no exception. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have reached this point today, but he is counting on others first. Is it possible? No one knows more about the benefits these people give them than this ice and fairy tale, but if they are made to work hard, everyone will shirk it. In the end, this face will not only earn it back, but will make people look at the joke. After a while, this ice and fairy tale will decide to take the overpass and fight for a breath. After all, this tree will live like a leather man. If he is kept humiliated like this, he would rather die than dare to come, but he is not sure that he still has some confidence in repairing ice and fairy tales himself. He is not too worried.
Speaking of this, the ice scattered fairy is in this overpass. After this overpass, the ice scattered fairy is still high at the Blood Devil and the Huntian Demon King and immediately said, "Do you dare to join me in this overpass?"
In this regard, the eyes of the King of The Hunger and Huntian Lich King are almost in a blaze, but they can’t resist this situation. There is no way for them to openly admit that they dare not. What if they admit that they are numerous? After a short silence, I got this ice and scattered fairy cynicism and found the opportunity. He wouldn’t have the slightest polite sneer and said noncommittally, "What are you afraid of? If I’m afraid, I won’t be myself! "
"Afraid? I, the king of The Hunger, don’t know what it means to be afraid. Don’t you dare to go to the ice and I dare not? !” The Blood Lord is a fiery temper, which is the most unbearable thing. After hearing this, his face suddenly became uglier than ugly. He stared at the ice and scattered fairy coldly and said that he did not hesitate to jump this overpass.
The king of The Hunger has learned that how can the Huntian Lich King fall behind others with a wry smile? Of course, the mixed-day Lich King is not easy to mess with and will not suffer. When he saw this scene, he was forced to endure this overpass. But how can a person like him be willing to be put together by this ice and scattered fairy?
Therefore, the Huntian Lich King sneered at the overpass and shouted, "Come to me, everyone! Are we still afraid of death? Everyone comes and we just walk across the overpass. Even if we die here, we will die heroically. The treasure house of Mundus is waiting for us. There are artifacts there. If you want them, give them to me. Don’t be afraid of death like some cowards. It’s a shame to want to be greedy and cheap behind here! "

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Jun 25, 2024

"hmm? Why do you want to check him? " Keith opened his eyes and asked

"Want to know if he is scum" said Feng calmly.
"If you want to know this, don’t look it up. There is no aristocrat in Mitte who is not scum," Keith said after closing his eyes again.
After hearing Keith’s words, Feng had to feel again that the number of civilians living in this empire was really too low.
"Is there any way to get rid of him?" Maple regrets after asked
"It’s not easy to deal with a noble. Have you thought it over?" Keith asked.
"Of course, I’ve figured it out. Although I can’t kill all the nobles, since I’ve seen dirty things, I think I should do something." Feng nodded.
After hearing maple’s words, Keith’s mouth slightly tilted and said, "Is this your creed? It’s interesting that Senior is in charge of managing the financial interests of Mitte City. It’s quite a big deal. I don’t even have any good opinions about trying to take him down, but if you want to assassinate him, I can tell you some places where he often goes. "
After hearing Keith’s answer, Feng couldn’t help remembering what he said when he first met Keith. "It was my dream to be a ranger, but my father insisted that I become a priest."
Maybe he once hated evil, maybe he once wanted to kill all the wicked, but after becoming a priest, he had to follow the general trend and quietly do his own division of labor.
In the next ten minutes, Riches told Feng everything he knew about Senior, including his favorite places, his bodyguard team, his love of drinking and so on.
"If you can kill him here, remember to come to my room immediately after you kill him," Evelyn Ritter said with her eyes open again.
"… okay, I know." Maple nods.
"Oh, you know why I want you to come to my room?" Keith laughed
"A lot of people will arrest me for killing a nobleman. In this case, I can still keep my pastor Keith, right?" Feng replied.
"You are really smart," Keith was pleased to say with smile.
"Thank you for your compliment. Then I won’t bother Reverend Keith. You continue to pray." Maple got up and said.
"Well, go," Keith said and closed his eyes again.
Feng breathed a sigh of relief after leaving Keith’s cabin. I don’t know what happened just now. He suddenly remembered when he first became a police officer. At that time, he fantasized that after taking office, he could fight corrupt officials and catch drug lords to keep one side safe, but in the end, he could fight with gangsters in the street and set up stalls at random to argue with vendors. In the police station, he often saw some sentenced prisoners being sent and released in a few days. There’s a backstage
After seeing more, Feng Cai realized that what he can do as a small police officer is too limited.
"Maybe you can console yourself by being brave in the game?" Maple looked at his hand and laughed
Then I was thinking about doing something more in maple. When the friend bar suddenly lit up, maple took a look and saw that it was from Tianma Hangke.
"Boss, I got some good new goods here and sent them to you?"
"Well, send it," Feng replied.
Then Feng received several props renderings.
Anger potion (potion)
Exquisite quality
Effective combat capability increased by 2 points.
Note: it tastes a little bitter. It’s best to prepare a candy before eating.
Popular medicine (liquid medicine)
Exquisite quality
The effect is remarkable, and the moving speed is high
Remarks feet give birth to wind!
Intermediate recovery agent (potion)
Exquisite quality
The effect significantly increases the wound healing speed.
Remarks Blueberries taste hot and selling well.
Bull potion (potion)
Exquisite quality
The effect significantly increase your strength.
Remarks What is bull potion? Because your eyes will turn red after you drink it.
After reading these four potions, Feng can’t help but nod his head. He does have a lot of high-end goods, but he really runs out of basic props like this. Every time he wants to supplement it, he always forgets that it’s very thoughtful for Tianma Hangke.
PS me! ! ….. I won’t say it. Ha ha ha ha ha! to be continued
Chapter one hundred and ninety-seven Ghost Walk
"Your friend who studied alchemy has been upgraded?" Maple asked after watching.
"Yes, I got him a lot of materials in the early stage, so he rose very fast. Now we are waiting for the cobbler to upgrade. If they want to go to Black cow leather after upgrading, we can make a profit this time!" Tianma traveler said excitedly
"It seems that the stocking progress is good?" Maple laughed
"Haha, you must not even have a competitor to be lonely." Tianma Hangke laughed.
"It’s good to be smooth. How much are these potions altogether?" Feng asked.
"Eldest brother! That’s why you’re wrong. Now that we’re both so deeply connected, what do you charge for this stuff? Besides, these potions were also given to me by my friend. Thanks for my help before. I didn’t charge for it. I was afraid you wouldn’t read this grade of potions before asking. Since you want to, I’ll mail it to you now. "Tianma Hangke immediately threw out a long list of reasons.
"Yes, you are right, so I’m welcome." Maple laughed.
In a short time, Feng took out the potions sent to him by Tianma Hangke from the mailbox, and there were one bottle of intermediate recovery potions, 15 bottles of bull potions and 5 bottles of violet potions, so that Feng could put the potions in his backpack, and once again he had a place.
After putting all the potions away, Feng hit the friends column and sent a message to Qingyan, "I inquired about the Baron Senior, which is very difficult to deal with."
"Are we temporarily unable to cope?" Smoke quickly replied
"Well, I want to make a weekly plan," said Feng.
"Maybe it will help to discuss it with Amanda for a while," said Qingyan.

More Details
Jun 24, 2024

"Lord Su naturally won’t lie to you. My friend is a Jianghu person who didn’t go to the Wulin Congress because of the death of his mother at home. After learning about Miss Qiu’s story, he worshiped it very much. Just after the first seven days of her mother’s burial, he rushed to the snow. As a result, he made a surprise attack yesterday when he returned to Khmer. It’s a pity to say that he didn’t see this strange girl in the news. It’s a pity that he didn’t see Miss Qiu, the heroine." Lengyuchen lied simply.

"Qiu Er how can take French leave? Although she is very tall, it is inconvenient to walk alone with her young in this troubled times. "Speaking of which, Su Yiming suddenly got up and looked at Xiaobai slightly uneasily." I don’t believe that Qiu Er must have met something without her. It must be like this! Go back to the snow to find her! "
"Sue door Lord don’t panic! No one can hurt Miss Qiu, who is so tall and has an icy snow silkworm protector! Besides, isn’t there a brother and sister beside her? That brother is not generally kind to her. It’s certain that he will have Miss Qiu! " Cold rain Chen hurriedly got up and stopped Su Yiming.
"Mrs. Chen, what do you mean?" Su Yiming face a heavy and exudes a cold Chapter four hundred and fifty secretly to check? !
"Sue door Lord don’t sweat it too much, but it’s just telling the truth." Cold Rain Chen saw Su Yiming’s anger and hurriedly accompanied with a smiling face. "Although I don’t have much contact with Miss Qiu, I can also see that the brother and sister next to her are very concerned about her. Although they are very high from time to time, they are in danger of maintaining Miss Qiu in every way. If they remember correctly, they are more nervous than Miss Qiu at the Wulin Congress."
"Their brother and sister and Qiu Er have known each other since childhood, and they have been closer than ordinary people since childhood. What’s wrong with that? What does Mrs. Chen mean? " Su Yiming still black face "do you suspect that Qiu Er is having an affair with others? I can tell you for sure that Qiu Er is not like that! "
Aside from the small white smell speech at this time is also eye view nose, nose view mouth, mouth view heart very anxious to be an invisible man, a pair of atmosphere all dare not sample.
"Su Menzhu didn’t mean it so much!" Cold rain Chen sneer at a really stupid woman has run away, and you are still here to speak for her. "Miss Qiu is naturally not like that, but the heart is separated from the belly. Who can be sure that others have no other thoughts for her? After all, Miss Qiu is a heroine among women, and it is also a normal Su door master. You are a fierce and upright person in my life, but who can guarantee that there will be no hooligans around you? As the saying goes, it’s too hard to guard against people’s hearts. It’s just that you’re worried about Su Door Lord … "
"Mrs. Chen, there is something fishy about what you said today. Are you trying to say that Qiu Er was abducted by the brother and sister?" Su Yiming’s hands clenched into fists, his forehead and veins stood out skyrocketed, and his eyes were red and he could see that he was trying to suppress his anger.
"Master Su, you are always very calm. When it comes to Miss Qiu, you are confused. It can be seen that it is really meaningful to Miss Qiu!" Leng Yuchen sighed lightly, "I don’t know if we men will be so self-conscious only when we face our own girls. You are a fan of the authorities, but you are a bystander."
"I think that Miss Qiu is also very concerned about the Sumen Master. It is obvious to all that the Sumen Master failed to go back when he was too detained by the Khmer Rouge. It is reasonable to say that Miss Qiu should be at large to raise her young and wait for your return, but she disappeared because of her reason. Isn’t it strange that the Sumen Master learned of her whereabouts?"
"If the high girl repair said someone kidnapped her don’t say too don’t believe even Sue door Lord you don’t believe it! Not to mention that she can’t stand the ice, snow and silkworm, just say that the totoro beast is not generally fierce. Who can easily get close to her? When I heard a friend say that Miss Qiu was missing, the first reaction was the place closest to her. "
"It’s most possible to get on the road because there is no guard against the most trusted people. Maybe the brother and sister simply don’t have an attempt to take advantage of the secret of Sue’s door to secretly give Miss Qiu medicine and take her and the child away!" Lengyuchen is not stupid. He won’t directly say that Miss Qiu was having an affair with her brother, but that someone else designed her to take her away, which aroused Su Yiming’s anger and disgust.
"Impossible! The brother and sister are very loyal to Qiu Er. How could they do such a thing? Besides, are they going to do this? " Su Yiming’s face at this time is still not good-looking, but his anger is much smaller. Obviously, he still doesn’t believe this rhetoric. "The seat has been away from the helm before. If they are willing to kidnap Qiu Er, why don’t they do it then?" !”
"At that time the high girl is not still in labor? If something goes wrong when she is abducted halfway, it is likely that one body will kill two people. How dare they take risks? " Leng Yuchen smiled lightly. "Or maybe they knew early on that Su Door Master would go to the Wulin Congress and had been waiting for the opportunity. When Su Door Master was countered and defeated, Qiu Girl Array challenged to win the title of leader. With the Jianghu token, they robbed Qiu Girl …"
"But Qiu Er’s fire Xuan is so severe that even if they give Qiu Er medicine, the fire Xuan will not be noticed ….." Su Yiming sounded a little lower.
"I remember that my neighbor totoro is a guy who loves wine. Didn’t it also ask Changfeng Yu for ten altars of wine when the snow flooded the palace to help search for assassins? Happened to the two brothers and sisters in the wine medicine will totoro beast also medicine down this just successfully robbed the high girl "cold rain Chen imagination is not generally strong.
"Even so, how can the fire Xuan and Qiu Er wake up and do nothing? Fire Xuan has a bad temper and will never tolerate such a trick to harm him and Qiu Er! " Su Yiming is still hard to believe.
"Sue door Lord you forget the high girl young? !” Leng Yuchen quietly looked at Su Yiming. "Miss Qiu is stronger and the totoro beast is worse, but the infant child is weak after all. This brother and sister want to catch the child and hide it. What can Miss Qiu and the totoro beast do? I’m afraid I can obey them for a while! "
"Qiu Er! You! " Su Yiming heard that his face had turned pale here, and people looked very decadent. He suddenly grabbed Xiao Bai, who had been quiet. "Xiao Bai will go back with the seat, even if he digs three feet, he will find Qiu Er and You!"
"Master Su, you don’t have to panic. You’ve ordered someone to look for it before you come!" Cold Rain Chen patted Su Yiming on the shoulder in the previous step. "It’s also because of you that Miss Qiu is divided. Now Miss Qiu is inexplicably missing, and I feel sorry for you. In a few days, we will leave for Liucheng as planned, and the corpse poison will send too much troops to the snow to hand over the rain to her father and brother. At that time, Su Menzhu will naturally return to the snow together. I know that Miss Qiu must be eager to find her. At this time, someone sent by Su Menzhu must go to the snow to find Miss Qiu and leave it to Su Menzhu."
"But Chen Tai, after all, is not a snowy man. It’s inconvenient for you to find it …" Su Yiming shook his head and looked uneasy.
"Master Su, if you sincerely help your wife, you will be sure to repay her kindness. This time, you are too special to ask your father to move all the hidden piles in Khmer Snow, and you can find out Miss Qiu and the young ones as soon as possible. Don’t worry!"
"This ….." Su Yiming still hesitates a bit. Cold rain Chen’s heart thumped and secretly forced the method insect to control Su Yiming’s method insect. Just after Su Yiming worked hard, he noticed something and hurriedly communicated with Su Yiming. Su Yiming laughed in his heart but didn’t show his color.
"Door Lord, why don’t you write a letter and let the commander-in-chief go to Miss Qiu! If it’s really the brother and sister who do it, they must have planned it early. I’m afraid they can only find out the clues. "Xiaobai hesitated and persuaded Su Yiming." The door owner will startle the snow at this time. Maybe the brother and sister will be desperate to do something bad for Miss Qiu and Guan You. Why don’t we just pretend to know nothing according to Chen Taidian’s plan, and secretly let people check on them. If they relax their vigilance, they will naturally show the fox’s tail. "
"That’s what Taitai means!" This is the first time that Leng Yuchen has praised Xiaobai, but he doesn’t look at Xiaobai at all. Today, I didn’t expect this guy to be clumsy but reach his side.
"I can really rely on my cousin to help me find it after I get back. It’s better to write a letter and let them find it first!" Su Yiming sat down decadently and rubbed his fingers between his eyes. It seems that his heart is unwilling but can be resisted.
The complex contradictory expression in Lengyuchen’s eyes is like "obeying the method", and Lengyuchen’s heart secretly rejoices and hurriedly calls Xiaobai "Why don’t you wait with pen and ink?" ! Let your Lord write a letter and so on, so that people can bring you back to the helm! "
"Yes!" Xiaobai turned to get pen, ink, inkstone and paper.
"Chen, thank you so much!" Su Yiming hung his arm vigorously and forced a smiling face at Lengyuchen.
"Master Su, you and I have to be polite?" Leng Yuchen also sat down. "I really want to thank my father. I didn’t expect that he would be so readily promised to let him help me find the news of Miss Qiu."
"The emperor’s great kindness and great virtue bear in mind that if there is an opportunity, he will definitely do his best to report it!" Su Yiming bit the word "readmitted" very hard. Unfortunately, Leng Yuchen didn’t recognize the mystery when she took care of stealing music.
"Sue door advocate YanChong! Real father is a talented person. He has long been interested in summoning you. Today, I also want to tell Su Door Lord that my father wants you to meet before we leave for Liucheng. "Leng Yuchen watched Su Yiming’s attitude.
"It’s a gift! It’s a mistake not to see the emperor after coming for so long! " Su Yiming’s face was full of fear and mixed with excitement. "I have long heard that the emperor is the throne of Cangxi mainland. It is a great honor to be favored by the emperor and Chen Tai!"
"Master Su, you have learned that your father will definitely give you a heavy introduction before you leave. Even if it is too bad, you will definitely become a red man in front of your father!" Cold rain Chen see in the eye feel Su Yiming this moment is completely exposed his climbing idea but completely rest assured Chapter four hundred and six Chinese New Year together? !
"Then thank you for your recommendation!" Su Yiming arch hand took the pen and paper sent by Xiaobai and wrote a few words concisely. Turn the index finger ring and put a seal on it before folding it and handing it to Leng Yuchen. "I would also like to ask Mrs. Chen to give this letter to the chief rudder brother of Xiaoyao Gate."
"It’s a trivial matter!" Leng Yuchen took it from her arms and got up. "Then please leave Su Menzhu and wait for news!"
"send Mrs. Chen!" Su Yiming hurriedly got up with a face of respectfully waiting for the cold rain to disappear before he turned around and hid the eyeliner outside the house. He heard that the master and servant were worried about Miss Qiu’s fall, but he didn’t know that they secretly laughed at the cold rain and succeeded in their tricks.
"The main door you not is say cold kunyang can’t see? And promised to see him? Aren’t you afraid that he will doubt your identity? " Xiaobaili sound
"Now Leng Kunyang still has doubts about the seat. If he pushes from pillar to post and finds out various reasons not to see him, he will certainly be more suspicious." Su Yiming sat there tapping his fingers on the desktop. "Even if he refused to enter the palace, can’t Leng Kunyang know what the seat looks like? He can have a portrait painted in secret and presented to him! "
"That is so good? !” Small white one leng immediately worried.
"Avoidance is not the way" Su Yiming smiled evilly. "Just now, the seat has been decided that he will go to the palace to see Leng Kunyang generously. Maybe he will be shocked when he sees the seat, but the seat will definitely convince him that there is no Yan Guifei in the palace!"

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Jun 24, 2024

"No, this dead gas field is formed by him. Wherever he goes, the dead gas field will follow."

"How do you know?" Tianxin Dao
"My old man’s house is born with a clever eye, which is known at a glance. Yuanshui, a little guy, belongs to water. Outside his body, there is a huge dead micro-gas field. "
"Is there a way to resolve it?"
"Yes, the last eight words of the Shuiyuan Heart Sutra, besides the spiritual element, God hides all beings. He’s going to realize it. I’m always … I can stop looking for you as a host! Boss, I can’t see the dead zone outside your body. How did you do it? " Moist and purring.
"Yes, but you can’t see it!" As shook his head.
"Boss, no, I can’t be invisible. Even if I can’t see it, I will definitely feel it." Moist and meditation for a while, and then open your eyes, very serious tunnel, "your body is filled with a very complex gas field, the color is very lively."
"Maybe it’s because I’m young!" Tianxin is noncommittal.
"Maybe!" Moist interface, tens of millions of years, it is the first time to feel this different gas field in vitro, and I don’t know what is going on for a while.
"So what did you see when the sailors robbed in the former Yuan Dynasty?"
"Oddly enough, XianJie this thing is very strange. The monks in the spiritual world will ignore it unless they fix it to a certain extent. For the immortals in the celestial world, they will come on time in different levels. Take Yuanshui as an example. He reached the last level of Shuiyuan Heart Sutra, so this fairy robbery should come on July 7, and this time it should come. The period of 700,000 years has expired. "
"Yuan Shuidu robbery before was initiated by his dead micro-aura in vitro. However, the dead micro-aura can’t treat him like anything. With the magic weapon and its own concentration, he can melt the dead micro-aura. The mystery is that after the dead micro-aura disappears, it will trigger the Xuan fire Shaqi, one of the most powerful seven gases in this world. This is not something that Yuan Shui can resist. Therefore, whenever Yuan Shui or other immortals rob me, I will come back here and help them out. For millions of years, I have resisted countless natural disasters, and my mysterious spirit has become more and more refined. "
"Then this time, why don’t you help Yuan Shui and come with me?"
"Eldest brother, you don’t know, seven yuan, seven yuan, every seven is not round. Don’t say that the new generation of Dijing is pregnant. I will either walk away with you or stay here and destroy myself. In other words, the new generation of Emperor Jing is not pregnant, and this apocalypse on the seventh day is a big one. All seven kinds of Shaqi, namely, Xuanyang, Xuanyin, Xuanjin, Xuanlei, Xuanhuo, Xuanqing and Xuanwei, will come, and no matter how severe I am, I can only restrain the Xuanhuo Shaqi. Any of the other six qi can break his body and kill him. " Moist and cry foul.
"It is no wonder that Yuanguang master here wants to rob you! ….. Er, slow, slow, there is a question. Why don’t the seven-yuan master discuss it and cooperate to fight against the natural disaster? "
"It’s no use, such a stupid thing. My seven brothers did it 15 million years ago. At that time, the Lord of the seven celestial bodies gathered the light celestial bodies, and my seven brothers were also willing to help. But when the big Armageddon came, the seven Xuan Shaqi was so ingenious that they almost killed my seven brothers. That Armageddon, all the immortals in the light celestial bodies vanished, and my seven brothers played it by ear and left first. From then on, when the seven heavenly robberies came, we gave up. Sure enough, the robbers only found trouble with the robbers that day, but other immortals survived. "
"Is there such a thing?" Tianxin feels very strange.
"Never dare to cheat the boss." Moist and quick statement.
"Maybe it’s your fault?" As silent for a while, suddenly way.
"My fault?" Moist and puzzled.
"You can communicate with me, it should be called intelligent species. In my opinion, it is as natural for a fairy to rob a man as it is for a mortal to die. If you don’t help them, they will try their best. If they get through it, they will be educated in by going up one flight of stairs to the extent that you said they can be your host. However, their ashes can tell other immortals that this road is blocked and they should find another way. You helped them to resist the apocalypse, so the cultivation of these immortals increased, but their mind and knowledge were far from progress, let alone their understanding of heaven. Therefore, when their cultivation is getting higher and higher, it will trigger a catastrophe that you can’t resist, and come to an end. "
"Ah, …" Moist at first glance, the mouth turned into a circle, and it did something bad with kindness.
"Also, emperor crystal fifty million years in a generation, I beg to differ. Nothing in this world, even the whole universe, is eternal, only intelligent life can. As the dark master of the Seven-Yuan Star Domain, you seven brothers have been in Shou Yuan for tens of millions of years, but like the Seven-Yuan Master, you can’t understand the Seven-Yuan Heart Sutra. Therefore, when the time comes, it will be ruthlessly eliminated. Since you can’t do it, why don’t you try a new generation? This is the same as the change of dynasties in the world. However, the form of human transformation is much more complicated. Powerful immortals who can’t be killed, and fairies like you, are very simple, and everything will return to zero. "
"Boss, boss, what you said is terrible!" Moist and more surprised.
"Alas, heaven is only balanced, heaven is only strong, and heaven is only rational. Everything is both accidental and inevitable." Tianxin smiles.
"Eldest brother, that’s very kind of you. I’m sure I’ll have a good understanding of that heaven with you. " Moist and alert, I heard that there was a meaning of rescue in Tianxin’s words, and I couldn’t help crying with gratitude.
"What do you know?" As Gherardini, staring at this little person, it is really a fairy, much better than a guy like Master Yuan Guang who only knows how to levy and kill.
"Eldest brother, I know, heaven only scale, so ruthless; Heaven is strong, so ruthless; Heaven is rational, so it is ruthless. By chance, I happened to meet you. I must have made up my mind to follow you, and then you have a way to save our seven brothers. " Moist and laughed.
"Oh, listen to three ruthless explanations?"
"The first ruthlessness is that heaven pays attention to balance. Yin and Yang, up and down, and Fiona Fang all have a degree, and the degree is permanent, and the loss does not exist; The second ruthlessness is that heaven pays attention to self-improvement, and only by self-improvement can we not be bullied or destroyed by him; The third ruthlessness means that the Tao has its own clue to everything, which is the principle and cannot be deviated. If it is poor, it cannot be balanced. Among the three, balance is innate, but it is not immutable. Its change is due to the self-improvement of the day after tomorrow, but the self-improvement of the day after tomorrow cannot be blind, and it must be rational, self-improvement, and reasonable, so that it can be restored to the innate balance, thus lasting. "
"Ha ha, good, good …" As laughter, I feel in my heart, this little thing is so clever, I don’t know if worldly desires on earth can beat this great fairy. "Then I will accept your seven brothers, since they belong to intelligent life, then you will do what belongs to intelligent life. It must not be violated. "
"Yes, boss." Moist and happy. "Eldest brother, is it time to go to the fairyland and look for my seven brothers?"
"All right, you lead the way."
Moist was about to fly, when I suddenly remembered something, "Boss, wait first, I have a baby for you." Say that finish, flash disappear, also don’t know where to drill.
Never mind, meditate. About half an hour later, Moist came in carrying two "big" pockets. "Boss, help, it’s killing me."
Tianxin reached out and took a photo, and the "big" pocket slowly flew into the palm of his hand, and the gods penetrated into it. "Hey, there is a palace-style warehouse in it, which stores the best crystal of the mountain and countless special products of Shuiyuan Sanjie."
"Boss, this is a special product of Shuiyuan Sanjie that I have collected for tens of millions of years. Do you like it?" Moist and leaned forward, blushing and showing off.
"I like it, I like it so much!" As see more dazzling, easy to answer.
"If you like it, boss, I’ll give it all to you." Moist and generous tunnel.
"Send me."
Looking at the watery and simple face and expectant eyes, Tianxin has a great feeling, but there is also a feeling of playing with children’s property, and there is also a feeling of desperate need to help this little guy to rob, and …
"Hey, it will be lively when the white clouds come up!" He came up with the idea of redeeming the Baiyunju, where the Seven Spirit Brothers can practice. At the same time, with the Seven Spirit Brothers in town, Baiyunju will be a very powerful artifact, which can be used for living and defending against the enemy.
Clap the watery face and put the "big" pocket into the Gankun ring. He said sincerely, "Ok, I’ll take it. Let’s go! "
Moist and happy, lonely for thousands of years, it’s so refreshing to be talkative today. This feeling is so beautiful. I saw that he turned into a giant bird with a head straight forward for a long time, and his body was covered with a layer of clear air, which took the lead in flying. Tianxin follows closely.
One person, one bird, extremely fast. Daewoo’s vanity only saw a slight shock, and the infinite starlight was folded by 10%. Two small celestial bodies disappeared on the way to the star of Guangyuan Fairyland.
Light yuan fairy world, Yin to cover, the atmosphere is bleak.
In the chamber, the light chair on the top gives off a golden light, which is sometimes thick and sometimes light, and turns into a bad thing. However, at this time, the face of Yuanguang Master who was sitting in the chair and had just fled back from Shuiyuan Fairyland was black. He looked coldly at the elders on both sides of the long table in front of him, and his anger burned up one after another.
The color of the long table in front of the master in Yuanguang is just the opposite of the golden color of the light chair, red and white, separated from the middle, and the line is strict. From time to time, the center of the long table rushes up with water and mountains, turning into a rockery, where red, white and small flowers bloom, which is really beautiful. I regret that the situation is wrong at this time, and no one looks at it carefully.
The red light overflowed to the left, mapping the five elders on the five bloody benches on the left; The white light moved out to the right and connected with five white benches, but one of the five benches was empty.
"Bright light, bright yellow?" People in Yuanguang have been waiting for a long time, and they barely suppressed their anger and asked.
"Boss, Ming Huang may have been unlucky." The second elder opened the underwater sky with a stone, and Yuan Guang and all the elders were shocked by a word.
"How is that possible? Mingguang, you speak clearly. " Master Yuan Guang snapped, and his mood was even worse.
"Eldest brother, the bright light door planted in the end. On the Inner Water Star, ten disciples and I not only didn’t kill the old guy Teng Bing’s gate, but the strongest and most clever disciple Ming Jiu stabbed the people invited by Teng Lao Er with a sword. " Bright tears, no longer arrogant in the past, he attributed Tianxin to Teng’s camp.
"What?" Master Yuan Guang and all the elders’ faces were all black this time. Who is Ming Jiu? Ming Jiu is a senior fairy, that is, Yuan Guang personally made moves, and he didn’t display the planetary dharma in space. It’s not for a while to extinguish Ming Jiu’s one-point light.
"Not only that, Ming Huang didn’t come back at this time. I’m afraid that the disciples in the Mingguang Gate of Lingzhen and the other three middle and low-level immortals sent by Ming He, Ming Zhen and the end of Ming Dynasty all met the people who stabbed Ming Jiu, and the whole army was wiped out." Mingguang wiped his tears with his right hand, gnashed his teeth, and told the story of what happened to him on the Inner Water Star in detail.
It turns out that Mingmengmen also has a kind of spiritual skill to examine the magnetic crystal of Yuan Dynasty. Shuiyuan’s new generation of emperor crystal was born. With the help of ten disciples, he carried out the unique skill of searching for spirits in Guangming Gate and told the master of Yuanguang. People in Yuanguang have long been fascinated by Shuiyuan Magnetic Emperor Crystal, but they have no choice but to know that the Emperor Crystal has a spirit and his whereabouts are uncertain. After receiving Mingguang’s report and getting a positive reply, I was moved by it for a while, so I agreed with all the elders on the plan to seize the crystal from the three realms in unison.
In the plan, Mingguang and Minghuang were sent to the Inner Water Yuan Wu boundary and the Inner Zhongyuan Lingzhen boundary respectively. There was nothing wrong with the plan to seize the crystal, but Ming Qi, the modern head of Mingguang Gate on Neiguang Yuanxing, was selfish and wanted to take this opportunity to destroy the biggest sect on Neishui Yuanxing, so as to achieve its goal of marching into Neishui Yuanxing.
I don’t want to, this selfish idea attracted the unexpected enemy of Tianxin, which caused a major setback in the crystal search plan of Lingkong Fairyland. Not only was Mingmengmen completely killed, but also several ethereal immortals of Guangyuan were ruined. Even senior immortals Mingjiu and three elders Minghuang fell, and they were all lost, and their lives and deaths were unknown. Of course, Mingguang won’t say these things, but he will tell the cruelty of Watergate and Tianxin in a complicated way.
All remained, and Master Yuan Guang stamped his foot severely. He had guessed at this moment that the person who took away the sword of the two poles of the aura must be the person in the mouth of the Second Elder Mingguang, but how did this person come? And it’s a coincidence, so, although there are a lot of doubts and loopholes in Mingguang’s words, he doesn’t care, only feels that he has been countered. I have planned my own major events carefully and calculated everything everywhere, but when it comes to acting, I have made such a big mistake. It is really unreasonable to say that all this was stirred up by an unexpected person. Moreover, this unexpected person is too severe. The three realms have changed, and at the same time, it has hit him, and it is tens of thousands of light years away. If you don’t run to death, you will be exhausted.
He completely don’t believe that in this dream star field, there will be such an outsider, an outsider who means more than him. "Someone must be up to something," he said without thinking, hating in his heart and bursting with murder from the darkest place in his heart. "Bright light, you use all reconnaissance means to investigate the fiasco of the light yuan celestial body and see who is in the way. Once it is found out, I will not rest with him, and I will do my best to avenge this arrow. "
"The boss is wise!"

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Jun 23, 2024

Not dead … this round of attack took away half of the hp value of the girl.

Wang Yang’s dark eyes suddenly lit up and approached one step at a time. Recently, a herbivore didn’t use it to cool down. The vertical cut was a sword cut obliquely, and then it didn’t stop and ran to a place where several herbivores were very close together. The whole body suddenly turned a circle, and the tip of the sword left a wound on each herbivore.
In a short time, it attracted the hatred of nine herbivores present. Wang Yang couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. His hp left less than half of the small bottle of recovery potion, and the effect disappeared at this time. Before the medicinal resistance buff disappeared, the second bottle of recovery potion was not enough, and there was a visual medicinal resistance recovery crystal.
It means to hate, so the girl is safe and he is in an absolutely safe situation
Glancing at the girl who kept mumbling, Wang Yang couldn’t help sighing and began to clean up the last mess.
Ten minutes later, in Wang Yang, hp had less than six hours left, and all the small herbivores were killed by him. At the same time, he gained experience and successfully upgraded to level 5.
After the battle, the sequelae of excessive force broke out. Wang Yang’s leg weakness sank to the ground and fatigue spread all over his body, and he didn’t even have the idea of moving gently
"What the hell is this!"
Suddenly, the girl came behind her and asked a big question.
"What the hell is this!"
The bleak question rang for the second time and echoed in the dark forest. Wang Yang listened to the question and could not help but be silent.
Yeah, what is this …
Wang Yang turned to look, but she kept asking the girl that she was in tears. The tears that slipped out of her red eyes seemed to stop like breaking a dam in a rainstorm …
"Originally here also have cry ….."
Wang Yang suddenly felt a little sour in his eyes and clenched his fist.
From the hoarse silence, he looked at the tearful girl and suddenly had the idea of hugging her.
Excessive force and fatigue make the body in poor condition, which is really reflected in the body state method, which can make this state disappear by restoring hp through rest and sleep
Struggling to get up, Wang Yang silently walked to the front of the girl kneeling on the ground and half knelt down to hold the girl in his arms.
A pair of cold eyes kept staring at Wang Yang’s back in a dark, half-man-tall grass hundreds of meters away when the wind left in the dark forest blew through the branches.
The owner of the eyes is playing with a sharpened stone piece in his hand and muttering to himself, "Gee, it’s a pity that it was upgraded when he killed the last small man-eating grass."
The eyes in the low-pitched blowing in the wind grass disappeared immediately.
Chapter 32 Resettlement
The village of Horuca is the only stronghold in the forest area. The number of np in the village is relatively small, but all of them need preconditions to trigger, and each of them has certain difficulty, and its benefits are proportional to the difficulty.
In addition to the solo players who have participated in the sealing test, almost all the mainstream players come and go in the 200-meter-long street where the village of Horuca is located, and some players even chat on the street corner.
At this time, there was a sudden commotion at the entrance of the village, which was located in the middle of the street. Players were attracted by this commotion and cast curious eyes at the entrance of the village. After seeing the source of the commotion, every face could not help but show surprise.
A tired-faced, black-haired and one-handed sword messenger is pulling an unarmed girl with long hair towards the middle of the village. This normal phenomenon is not a surprise to street players. The reason for the surprise is that the girl with long hair looks almost dull.
"What’s the matter?" When the players on the street corner saw this scene, they all whispered and glanced at the girl with long hair from time to time.
The girl has a waist-long black hair, and bangs in front cover the whole forehead, which highlights the thin eyebrows and big eyes. Unfortunately, the big eyes that should attract the most attention are dim at the moment. Even so, with delicate Joan nose and cherry-like mouth, this is still a beautiful girl who can’t help but attract attention.
Now the question is, what happened to that girl? Why did she seem to be slaughtered?
With this idea in mind, the players can’t help looking at the black-haired sword in front, but the original stream is a little crowded. The street has made way and the players are looking at the black-haired sword in a strange way.
Although they are all curious, no one stands in front of the dark-haired sword-maker and asks questions. After all, no one is in a situation. It is good to make a big joke rashly.
This black-haired sword angel and long-haired girl are Wang Yang and Yuxi who walked all the way back from the depths of the forest.
Sa is a stealth game, where people’s emotions and expressions can be faithfully expressed. Here, emotions can affect expressions without any nerve hindrance, as if they are not in the game but in another real world.
However, Wang Yang doesn’t know whether the collapse of the player in the game will affect the reality, and he doesn’t know what the collapse of the player will be like in this world. He doesn’t even know the name of the long-haired girl, and there is no response when he keeps calling, which makes him very worried about whether the girl will continue to be in this mental state.
If Wang Yang can pull the girl back to Ancun village first, she plans to rent a room to let the girl have a good rest and see if she can return to normal with time.
Facing the strange eyes coming around, Wang Yang said in his heart that he was not nervous. It was an illusion. He didn’t feel good about being nervous. He thought he was shameless and couldn’t stand so many eyes, so he could speed up his steps and go to the hotel.
While watching Wang Yang pull the girl who lost her autonomy to the hotel, the onlookers were all amazed. Many players were thinking about whether to stand in the way as a guardian and ask what was going on, but this is of course also thinking about it. After all, this is a game, and it is very likely that two people will know each other. If this situation is rushed, there is a great chance of losing face.
At the same time, private discussions are also heated up.
"Wow, what is this situation? Do the two people know each other?"
"It should be. Female players in sa have anti-harassment benefits. If they don’t know each other, the girl can fight back and send the one-handed swordsman directly to prison."
"Can you say that in the game?"
"What kind?"
"Of course it is!"
"What is it?"
Even if the players are particularly curious at the moment, they don’t continue to pay attention to the motivation. After Wang Yang brought the girl into the hotel, the commotion quickly subsided. However, this phenomenon can naturally be discussed later today.
I finally walked into the hotel, and the strange eyes that came from all directions were finally gone. Wang Yang breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly paid for a room. Later, because the girl manipulated the sample, Wang Yang did not have much effort to put the girl in bed. After finishing these things, Wang Yang collapsed on the bed as if unloading the burden.
Breathe heavily. Wang Yang leaned against the bed and stared at the monotonous and mottled old wooden wall. He didn’t dare to get up and look at the girl lying in bed. It would make him feel uncomfortable.
That kind of look seems to be a pile of data like np … But the problem is that he knows that this girl is not a data, and she is uncomfortable. If she meets this kind of look in a different environment and a different meeting scene, Wang Yang will stay away even if she is beautiful.

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Jun 23, 2024

It’s easy to dig a hole and pull a few ropes when you don’t have time.

It’s not fatal, but it can make Koguryo’s army drop at the peak of its momentum, which can also slow down their sprint speed and relieve the pressure of the front shield hand.
Although the shield is a huge shield with a height of ten feet and a width of half feet, it cannot be said that it can completely stop the cavalry from charging.
The giant shields are inserted into the ground and tilted forward at an angle of about 30 degrees.
The shield leans forward and the center of gravity faces the oncoming impact, which is not only difficult to fall down, but also the head of the opposite horse will hit the shield before the foot.
The strength difference between the horse’s head hitting the shield and the foot hitting the shield is great.
If the shield stands upright, it may fall backwards if it is slightly hit. Even if it does not fall, the shield will fall backwards. In front of the high-speed sprint horses, these horses may directly step on the shield and rush over.
Koguryo cavalry, 50 miles away, soon appeared on the horizon, bringing up dust like a strong wind.
When we saw that Koguryo cavalry didn’t pause after waiting for the Han army, they accelerated their speed, and the frequency of whip falling on the horse became faster and faster.
Booming …
The ground is constantly vibrating, and the charge of 200 thousand cavalry is louder than that of 500 thousand infantry
It’s like a landslide
Chapter 456 Rear Ann
The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer
Ten Li … Li …
Just five miles apart, the front horses in Koguryo tripped.
The cavalry behind them slowed down involuntarily.
But we can’t stop the horse. There are 20 ropes in the five-mile road from here to the front of the Han army. One rope is more than 100 meters.
After tripping over five ropes in succession, the speed of Koguryo’s 200 thousand cavalry is getting slower and slower.
Although the speed is slow, they still have to trip when they meet the rope, but the strong impact force also breaks the rope when they trip.
At the same time, the slow speed also made them fall less miserably.
By the time they crossed the Han army, these cavalry sprinted forward and the momentum was already swinging.
It doesn’t look so irresistible, not so scary
After crossing twenty ropes, Koguryo cavalry saw a row of copper walls composed of large shields.
When they were about to hit the shield, they shot their spears and stabbed it in the hope of flying it.
If they reach the maximum sprint speed, it is really promising, but now their speed has dropped.
As a result, the strength is much smaller. Many people hit the shield with their spears, and the shield didn’t even shake. Then their horses butted into the shield.
However, there are also some individuals who are powerful enough to reach the level of two stars and three stars, and a gun will blow the shield into the past.
However, before they were behind the big shield when wielding the pike, the horseman cut off their front legs.
Then stand aside, and the ju hand cuts them flat and agile.
There is no flying shield at the front, and it is more difficult to break through behind the copper wall.
After all, the horse hit the shield and stopped their way.
After the first few rows, the cavalry behind has been stopped by the fallen horses.
Although we can still pass, the speed has become slower. If we don’t hit the shield, those horses will easily twist their feet when they step on the ground.
The horses fell to the ground one by one, and at the same time, 100 thousand cavalry came from behind them in Lingyun, behind Koguryo cavalry.
Although the technology can’t be compared with these prairie people who grew up on horseback, it is still possible to attack these newly transformed cavalry soldiers from behind
Chui fook behind two hundred thousand infantry are also coming here quickly.
Lingyun constantly applies gain skills to the front shield soldiers so that they can persist for longer.
At the back, Kigoguryeo cavalry can abandon their horses and approach with their feet when facing the copper wall composed of shields.
One pike pierced, but few shields that could hit the fly were pushed to the copper wall.
Lingyun not only gives shield soldiers physical gain and other skills, but also draws various warlock skills.
The most common thing is to make pits. Lingyun warlocks are still weak, but it is still possible to make some pits on the ground.
Koguryo cavalry, the feet of those horses will sink into the pit from time to time.
In such an army, the sudden increase of small pits is very hidden, and almost no one can find that it is even more difficult to see cavalry riding horses.
After half an hour, Koguryo cavalry finally broke through the shield to form a copper wall, but the cavalry broke through and became infantry.
Grassland tribes are good at horse fighting, but they are not good at stepping against Han opponents when their horse fighting power is greatly reduced.
Even if Koguryo’s army succeeded in breaking the shield soldiers, it would be of no help.
Is to speed up their death, and at this time, two hundred thousand infantry led by chui fook also arrived to join the war circle.
Gong Sunying, Zhang Tong and others have all been killed in Goguryeo’s army, followed by hundreds of elite soldiers from one end to the other and turned around to kill them back.
Go back and forth and walk freely in Koguryo’s army

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Jun 22, 2024

Nonsense. If you find someone, will you bother asking questions?

"I’m going to find my daughter now. If you can give me the information about the friar, it will stop here, otherwise you will wait for me to come free." Yuan Qingbai said in a mirror.
"You don’t look at how much you have lost in having a baby. Now you can’t keep your body shape for years, and you still have the courage to give me malicious words. I will compensate Jiusunseeker and your father later. It’s nothing."
"Oh, although I am young, you are also seriously injured and in a state of illness. Since both sides are half a catty, how can you have the face to laugh at me?" With the fall of Yuan Qing’s vernacular, a bolt of lightning suddenly lit up most of the night.
This also makes the mystery see Yuan Qingbai in the dark. At this time, the handle of the green umbrella is held in a joint. Its owner is wearing an ice-blue white sea robe. Most of the light blue hair sticks behind him. Before hanging down, it occasionally flies with the wind, and a fan pendant with the same style as Yuan Jiuxi is falling at the eyebrows, which shines even at night.
Secondly, the blue pupil of his eyes is cold and straight, and his animal nature is not lost to the golden pupil of the flower mirror.
Chapter 57 Chapter two hundred and fifty-seven
If it’s an ordinary fox, it’s normal to lose hair, and there will be no reaction to the words.
However, the fact is that the rhetoric mirror has long been a monk of the ninth order. Only an ordinary fox like Mao can have something happen to him.
The room is full of white hair, even if it is not touched, the mirror will move slightly, and the hair will fall off in large pieces.
Soon, the white hair of Huaci mirror lost more than half of its surface, and more black skin was exposed, which made Huaci mirror more and more crazy. He stretched out his claws and grabbed his falling hair and gnashed his teeth. "This is absolutely green and white!"
He was hurt by XuanChen and felt guilty. He didn’t find the dirty trick in the rain for the first time.
The total result is that the flower mirror has drenched itself with Yuan Qingbai rain, but wherever it is drenched by rain, the hair of the body is falling off quickly. This, Yuan Qingbai will not add depilatory liquid to the rain, will it?
Of course, the most important thing for Hua Qijing now is not that his new hair can’t grow, but that his strength seems to be restrained by something so that his hair can fall and not grow, and the mood of Hua Qijing will collapse so much.
Finally, when the nine tail hairs of Huaci mirror also fell off, the whole fox turned into a black mass. Huaci mirror stopped tossing and retaining, but looked at Xuanji with resignation and said, "Go out and don’t say anything about it or I’ll bite you to death."
It’s holding one’s tail and saying malicious words, but it makes people feel miserable without cruel posture.
Mystery didn’t go, but looked at Hua Ci mirror and said, "Uncle Hua, you can go to a doctor to see your problems, such as an alchemist."
The flower mirror is a ninth-order Buddhist monk’s body problem, which can’t be treated by general medical treatment, but the body doctor can’t repair it. It is a small problem that the spring and flower mirror are the same as the ninth-order Buddhist monk’s flower mirror.
Who knows that Hua Ci Jing has a face of resistance to the mystery? "Don’t be a monk of the ninth order. I will be laughed at by them. I don’t want to be laughed at by them. I’d rather wait until I lose my hair. I will never spare that guy Yuan Qingbai after I change my hair."
With that, he waved his paws at Xuanji and motioned Xuanji to go out. He cared so much about his image that Xuanji was caught off guard and saw that it was the limit. Now he wanted to be calm and calm by himself, waiting for his strength to recover and let his hair grow again.
"Uncle Hua, if you don’t want to find someone else, maybe I can try to tell you the truth. I have worshipped an alchemist, and the master can also help Uncle Hua with a little medical skill. Anyway, there won’t be anything worse than the present situation, right?" Mystery looked at the hair and said.
It’s really boring to feel good when you’re furry or hairy, but it’s really a trick to kill the fox’s heart, which won’t hurt the mirror, but it can hit the self-confidence of the mirror to the greatest extent.
I was about to turn my head and shut my eyes. I looked back suspiciously at the mystery. "Really, you can also practice medicine?"
"Let’s say that my medical skills are not as good as Master Chun’s, and I really can’t do my best." The mystery goes before you.
"You try it. Anyway, my ninth-order body won’t be damaged by you." Hua Ci mirror gave up on himself, and the whole fox spread out on the couch into a black cake.
Before Xuanji, I checked a flower mirror, and the diagnosis was alopecia. Alopecia, this symptom actually appeared in a monk of the ninth order, and no one believed it.
Ordinary human monks will lose their hair because of alopecia, but it’s the turn of the furry demon to fix it, so they will lose all their hair.
For this kind of symptoms, there is a special hair growth Changchun Dan, which can make hair grow rapidly. It’s not difficult for this Dan medicine to be mysterious, but it can be refined.
On-the-spot refining of Dan medicine with a keen sense of smell by "Aqiao" mystery, Hua Ci mirror suddenly sneezed when he smelled the scented elixir.
Soon, Changchun Dan was refined, round and round, and several pills were of good quality. There was also a very Dan medicine, Changchun Dan, which was comfortable and turquoise, and it was full of fragrance as soon as it came out of the oven.
At first, the hair of the flower mirror seems to have grown out in an instant, but after a closer look, it is found that it is an illusion. Changchun Dan made the flower mirror grow a little stubble, but soon it fell off in another force.
This time, the blow is not the same as the previous blow. Just eat a pot of vindane in one breath, and then the mystery will see that the hair of the flower mirror grows rapidly and falls rapidly, which looks very strange.
"Ok, Uncle Hua, let’s stop. I think we can try another place." The mystery stopped the rhetoric.
"If you want your hair to grow back, you must first remove the power in your body. I happen to know a place where you can do it," said Xuanji.
But the place is not in the mountains and seas. Fortunately, the flower mirror is a ninth-order monk. The distance is not a problem for him. It is a claw to draw the flower mirror and successfully break the virtual and return to Bai Yujing with mystery.
However, Xuanji wants to take a fancy mirror to the secret place of Lingye, which can accelerate the growth of Lingye. In a sense, Lingye has the same effect as Changchun Dan, but Lingye can’t take a bath. Anyway, Lingye is the bathing water for youth.
Mystery just has the secret limit of the earth spirit liquid, so it directly brings the flower mirror in.
Chapter 58 Chapter two hundred and fifty
"Isn’t this Uncle Hua who started first? Is it wrong for my brother to obey?" Mystery laughed and said that he was not afraid of rhetoric at all.
It’s a shame to eat this yabakui, but he didn’t expect Xuan to take it.
Mystery is only a sixth-order distraction period, which is three big realms away from him. It is good for an ordinary sixth-order monk not to be afraid in front of a ninth-order monk. Who would have thought that Mystery still dared to play snake with a stick and actually dared to look at it?
"That …" Suddenly, the other tail of Hua Ci Jing wrapped around the mysterious wrist and said, "How do I compare with others?"
With that, he took a look at Qing Ming in the mirror and pointed out something.
Even if you don’t ask, Huaci Mirror can see that Mystery and Qing Ming are different. When we met just now, Huaci Mirror found that he was no match for Qing Ming and didn’t know where the strange ninth order of Qing Ming came from.
It is to see that the unspeakable surge of two people is the breakthrough here. Who knows that the last one who suffers is him, but since they all suffer, they can’t eat for free.
The flower mirror was placed to compete with Qing Ming on the other hand, but Qing Ming was provoked to take a look at the malicious fox and look at the mysterious way, "I believe you can judge fairly."
"I can fairly judge a ghost. I didn’t see it clearly just now." Mystery scalp slightly fried, and then before the two of them fought again, they directly put the flower mirror into the water and scattered the petals into the lens.
Huaci mirror accidentally choked the saliva, trying to surface, and was pressed in by mystery.
"ShiShu, you must have a good wash, and I will refine Changchun Dan for you." Mystery way.
It was only then that the flower mirror stopped, and the body dipped into the water and said, "In this case, you should let him leave first. I didn’t show the male xiu a hobby."
Before Qing Ming laughs at the mystery, he said, "Uncle Hua Qing Ming can’t be too far away from us. If Qing Ming is too far away from us, we will be discovered by the owner of the secret realm."
"The owner of the shakotan coast is not young, is it? I didn’t expect that the ninth-order monk around you actually had the strength to deceive the young spring." The eyes of the flower mirror narrowed slightly, knowing that the old monk is alive from ancient times and the strength of the green ghost is not inferior to him
"Wait, here is the breath of youth. Should it be all his bath water here? I actually asked another man to fix the bath water! " Flower words mirror suddenly react way
At this time, if there is hair on the flower mirror, it can definitely be blown up. Even so, the flower mirror still has a hundred petals to rub in the body.
"It’s not that serious. It’s all running water here. It’s not old spring. There are some special situations. That’s why we need to bathe alone." Mystery Road is not old spring. What’s the situation? If he takes a bath outside, the water can make Fiona Fang Baililingzhi always invincible and avoid trouble. It’s not old spring that makes the land liquid come out.
Although the mystery says so, it is better to speed up the bath than to take a leisurely bath at home.

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Jun 22, 2024

The first map is a blasting map with a high probability of appearing in the Hawkeye competition. Both sides have studied and trained several times, and they are quite familiar with the map. Ye Qing is lucky to win the first The Infiltrator force by tossing a coin at half-time.

In the first round, Ye Qing still chose to take the middle road. This map shows that The Infiltrator takes advantage of taking the middle road. A flash bomb can be thrown in and rushed inside. Once the opponent’s defense in the middle road is weak, it will definitely be broken through, and ab will be in danger at two o’clock.
Du Lingxiao’s command ability has risen. I don’t know how many levels sir has given him valuable experience. He knows the importance of the middle road and gives it to others. If he doesn’t trust, he will just guard the middle road himself. Once attacked, he can quickly rescue him, which is more mobile.
His position is also quite reasonable. Once a flash bomb flies in, he can quickly avoid it and then flash out to give the other party a beating.
Ye Dumping didn’t expect Du Lingxiao to defend the middle goal. Actually, he is determined to defend the middle goal. Du Lingxiao is better. He can prove again that he is a better marksman than Du Lingxiao.
After losing a flash bomb, the four gunners of Club I rushed in, facing south, and slowly followed this kind of fighting sniper. If you can’t help it, just follow behind. Only when the gunners in front get through the road will they have room.
Du Lingxiao hid behind the bunker when he saw the flash bomb flying in, but he didn’t know how many people were coming to attack the central gate, and he didn’t dare to call for support. In case the other party came to attack the central gate alone and called for support ab, the two forces would become weak. Once the other party attacked, it might lose one of the blasting points, which would be a big loss.
Chapter 1325 Despair Li Zhihao
Du Lingxiao didn’t call for support rashly when he couldn’t figure out the number of attackers. After he flashed out to see clearly, he gasped in horror. The other four machine gunners rushed in, and four machine guns formed a gun forest. It looked scary.
Even if he is proud and conceited enough, he doesn’t have the confidence to pick four. After all, there is a leaf tilt among them. He retreated without hesitation, and then ran to point A. He joined his teammates first, and then he said whether the other side would attack point B or point A. Let’s wait until the other side’s gun rings and everything will be natural.
Ye Qing, of course, also saw the passing Du Lingxiao’s return to the place. Someone must have met him and chased him. It’s not necessarily easy to win. It’s most appropriate to attack in the opposite direction. Beware of being pursued. He left two machine gunners in the middle of the road to ambush the others and killed them directly at point B.
Ye Qing’s consciousness is quite outstanding, which directly avoids that there are three people defending point A and two people defending point B. At the same time, they are three people attacking, and the troops also have the advantage. There is little suspense in taking point B.
At point B, the two stars are Tianxing and Yaoguang. Although the marksmanship of these two people is not bad, they still can’t beat Ye Qing as a substitute. The strength is slightly worse than Tianxing. Tianxing has always been regarded as the second best marksmanship among the Big Dipper Palace except Du Lingxiao.
Ye Qing personally led a team to attack point B firepower, which was quite fierce. The most important thing was to fly out of the gun and stare at people very accurately, and they would die directly at the end of the bite. Tianxing and Yaoguang were pressed to hide behind the bunker and did not dare to show up. They knew that Ye Qing was so fierce that once they exposed themselves, they might be shot in the head instantly.
I club people saw each other and didn’t dare to show up, so they rushed directly. The two sides fought hand-to-hand to see where you were hiding. They also took a sniper. The snipers all switched to desert eagles and followed them. They were not afraid of anything
Ye Qing ak47 ranged and melee are quite awesome. It’s not enough to shoot two people directly in melee.
Star Star and Rocking Star also heard the approaching footsteps and knew that the other person had rushed over. If they didn’t move, they would wait for the dead point A reinforcements, although they had already started, but they could not do anything.
Du Lingxiao is also cunning and worried about walking in the middle of the road. The ambush will go directly to the other side, causing two machine gunners to ambush in the middle. Two people, Pearl Krabs and Na Lan, have been waiting for a long time, but no one has come to think that the person at point A has gone inside, so they immediately started to run to point B to reinforce their teammates.
Tianxing and Yaoguang Star were forced too tightly, so they had to flash out from behind the bunker to stop them in an attempt to delay a little, but the effect was not satisfactory. Ye Qing seized the opportunity and directly gave Yaoguang Star a shot in the head, scaring Tianxing to retreat again.
Who knows that a grenade flew behind the bunker before he got a firm foothold, which scared him terribly. He just flashed out and was beaten to a pulp. This grenade was really deadly. He immediately jumped to the right and "boom" exploded. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough to blow up a little blood before he came to breathe a sigh of relief. The other gun rang again. It turned out that he jumped out of the bunker with a big jump and was exposed to the other gun. He really escaped for a while.
In the I club, shooting the Star with a pair of mutilated roots supports being directly killed by the point B defense line, and Ye Qing and others March in and directly occupy the package point and then return to defend.
As soon as they had done all this, Du Lingxiao and others appeared, accompanied by three flying flash bombs covering a considerable area. As soon as the flash bombs landed, they had to rush forward for a while, regardless of whether they flashed to people or not. The other person was probably already in the bag.
One of the people in Club I was struck by a flash bomb, that is, the sniper lost his combat effectiveness, while the other two people came out to fight back. The two sides just exchanged fire, and Pearl Krabs and Nalan also arrived to attack directly from behind.
Du Lingxiao and others were caught off guard and two of them died immediately, including Du Lingxiao. This is really but before he could conquer, he was dead.
He was killed before fighting Ye Qing, and he couldn’t wait to prove himself, but he didn’t have a chance. He was so wronged that he took off his headphones and scratched his hair in regret and didn’t dare to go further. After all, this is a live game. You can properly vent your emotions, but you can’t be rude. So many cameras are staring at it.
Du Lingxiao also wants to have fans and deafening shouts. He hopes that he is a perfect person in the eyes of others. He doesn’t want to leave a bad impression on the audience.
If he is in the training room of the club, he may yell hysterically and get emotional, but not here, he must control it.
The defense in the first round of the Big Dipper Palace was a failure. Club I was like a group of hungry wolves attacking too hard and too fast, and the defense at point B collapsed instantly. Before the supporters could shoot, the other side left their hands behind and played a sneak attack from behind to kill the two of them. The man left was also attacked on both sides, and of course he was lying on the cold ground.
Club I took the first round to watch the game in the office. Zhi Li thumped a table with great anger, and then his hand was so painful that it was really hard to swing the solid wood desk. It was unbearable for people to thump like this.
The most important thing is that this kind of table can’t make any shock when it is pounded, but it can hear a weak sound. The hand is still sore, and the root is not suitable for venting emotions. Li Zhihao angrily picked up the table and tried to break a cup to express his dissatisfaction, but he didn’t throw it when he raised it, because the cup was given to him by big honey on his birthday. Her head was printed in the cup with a smile, which was the most beautiful picture in his memory.
Maybe it’s impossible to be with her again. There’s no way to treat her smile as exclusive. She’s sitting and talking. It’s impossible for her to go shopping and watch movies again. Those memories can comfort her occasionally.
This cup is the only one with big honey. If an object is broken, it won’t happen again. It is more precious to Li Zhihao than anything else, so he let it go and sighed deeply. He lost the battle himself and lost in all aspects.
He is a confident man who never regrets doing anything by himself, but now he regrets that he obeyed his father’s orders and left the country for a few years, but it will change many things.
If at that time I could have the courage to give up all my family interests, throw this well-paid and well-paid job together with Da Mi, maybe everything would be different. I don’t need to be so stupid to save Ye Qing, and I can’t have the opportunity to get my hands on Da Mi. She would belong to him alone. Unfortunately, it is impossible to choose the wrong choice once and change it back.
He slumped down in his chair and suddenly lost interest in F, the team and all these struggles. A woman made the group a mess by herself and went abroad for several years without being able to work at all. Maybe it’s time to change.
Don’t know that losing in the first round will change their boss’s mentality, but they feel a little embarrassed that they have let their opponents take the lead in a long-awaited game.
In the second round, Du Lingxiao was fed up with the humiliation of passive defense. He decided to take the initiative. Doesn’t the other side like to go through the middle door? Then he will go out through the middle door.
If you don’t find the enemy outside the middle gate, then you can touch each other’s back in two ways, and maybe you can get miraculous results.
After throwing a flash bomb outside the middle gate, the imperial secretary of the Big Dipper rushed out. Headed by Du Lingxiao, he was as itchy as an alcoholic who had not touched alcohol for ten and a half months and smelled the fragrance of wine. He wanted to meet Ye Qing head-on and then get a high score on the gun. The ak gun god can have one, and that is him Du Lingxiao.
Ye Qing and the Big Dipper Palace didn’t meet for the first time. He still knows Du Lingxiao’s character better. That’s a lonely guy who can’t bear to be beaten in the first round. Now he must want revenge and save his face.
Although Du Lingxiao’s personality has been restrained, tactics and sir’s guidance have made great progress, once he meets the I club, he may forget everything and make mistakes.
Ye Qing expected that Du Lingxiao would take the initiative to attack when he found the field, and because they attacked from the middle door in the first round, Du Lingxiao would attack from the middle door.
In order to verify my judgment, Ye Ye is lying outside the middle door, and there is an ambush on both sides. If no one comes out after waiting for a long time, it is no loss to attack ab from both sides.
A flash landed "poof" and four people rushed out of the back door. Then a sniper came out slowly. Four machine gunners looked at one person outside and it was terrible to be quiet.
Chapter 1326 Tactics and tactics
There is a towering iron tower outside the eagle’s eye, and there is no one in the tower. No one in the big dipper imperial secretary rushes out angrily and pounces. According to the second plan, they should divide their troops into two ways to attack each other’s backs.
Du Lingxiao didn’t know what and had a bad feeling, but he couldn’t tell what would happen. He still attacked in two ways according to the original plan.
Three people went to the left and two went to the right. If there is no accident, they will definitely gain a lot. Can they still suffer from sneak attack on the back? Five stars, except Du Lingxiao, the other four people are very excited and feel that this round is going to be proud.
As soon as they dispersed to a corner, they saw that the muzzle spewed fire like a sickle, and three people fell to each other. The ambush was cloudy enough and unexpected enough.
Sneaking on the back became an ambush in the Big Dipper Palace. Five stars wanted to be dead, but three of them were really dead. The remaining two struggled for a long time, and the other party’s continuous firepower output failed to make them play for a long time. The body was riddled with holes and became a broken screen.
The three people on the left side of the Big Dipper Palace died unjustly. They met the killer Ye Qing of the I Club and let out an ak47 growl and kept playing it for free. This is a symbol of the brilliant ratio of pressing the gun and strafing the bullet over the head.
This time, Du Lingxiao, who was in Zhongfu, had a warning sign, but it was difficult to guard against his flexible posture and excellent marksmanship. However, he was hit by the other side’s first-hand fire. After all, he was not made of iron and had to hang up if he ate too much.
"grass! I want to play a good game. I want to have a real meaning. Why don’t you give me a chance! " Du Lingxiao roared in my mind
I failed to fight Ye Qing in the first round and was humbled by the sneak attack from behind. In the second round, I was even more miserable when I was ambushed. I didn’t even have a chance to shoot, so I knelt down and drank bullets. A long-awaited game was not what he expected. He killed the quartet and the prestige did not appear. Is this a dream or a mistake?
He’s a little confused about whether the game was played in a dream or not, and he will become like this. But the ace gunner of the Big Dipper Palace, the Big Dipper, is a genius, and the ak is invincible. The main position has never wavered. Today, he was dressed like this.
"Tactics and tactics!" Du Lingxiao calm down. There is not much difference in strength between the two sides in this game. It is still necessary to rely on tactics to win. These words were told by sir Qian Ding before the game. How did he forget all about it when he arrived at the game? He always wanted to score high with the other ak machine gunner.
He doesn’t like that guy with ak’s recklessness, but he doesn’t like that guy’s fear of headshots, because that’s what he should remember. Of course he won’t be happy when that guy steals the limelight that belongs to him.
Club I didn’t give the Big Dipper Palace a head-on encounter with guns, and didn’t launch a head-on attack. After that, Du Lingxiao took tactics to fight the enemy, which made Du Lingxiao very reluctant to hit the meat with every punch. He had a strength but could not do harm. He was humbled as hell.
"Play tactics with me and I will play tactics with you!" Du Lingxiao bit his teeth and conceived tactics in his mind. sir’s teaching was not in vain. His rich experience gave Du Lingxiao too much enlightenment. Tactics have to be arranged according to the map, and we have to figure out the commanding psychology of the other side. We must expect the enemy to take the lead step by step and not give the other side a chance. Only in this way can we defeat the opponent.
In the third round, Du Lingxiao still took the people to the middle gate. Although his teammates didn’t understand his practice, they still ate the loss outside the middle gate from the order of the next round. Captain, is this where you want to fall and get up? What if the opponent doesn’t ambush the middle door this round? But directly in the army went to point A or B? That’s not giving the other party a blasting point, and then the other party can get it from the bag
Everyone knows Du Lingxiao’s violent temper and narrow-mindedness. No one dares to say questions in his heart. Being a conductor must have different IQ and different ideas. Otherwise, everyone can be a conductor. There must be unexpected places and the captain thought of them.
Du Lingxiao doesn’t want to find a simple face outside the middle door and then take risks. It’s not worth it when he’s sober now. It’s not as important as winning. He won everything!

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Jun 21, 2024

"Yeah, let’s go to Tangtang. We’ll all sing and you’ll be left." Erjin’s greeting attracted many people to find Zuo Tangtang, who had been in a daze here before.

Just as she was having a hard time, Su Orange somehow ran over from the jukebox, clutching her mouth and laughing. Seeing her nervous eyes, she barely said with a sullen face, "It’s okay. Go left pig. I saw Erjin and said yes. This is definitely that you can’t sing out of tune."
Is she never out of tune …
Which song would that be …
It’s really bad to look at Zuo Tangtang, who is waiting for her in front of her eyes, and then get up with a grain of salt while puzzling over what song she will sing in her mind, and take the person next to her to give Mike a walk.
Sue orange has always teased her, but she also knows her. Since she has helped to determine it, there should be no problem.
Frowning slightly, Zuo Tangtang tilted his head and looked at what songs would appear on the screen.
When the familiar cheerful rhythm rings, Zuo Tangtang will understand without looking at the name of the song. What is the reason why Su Orange smiles so ambiguous?
This peat is really that she can sing, and it is absolutely out of tune!
Astro boy …
Isn’t this her special childhood memory!
Glared bitterly at Su Orange, who was still laughing there, and then looked back at a group of people sitting in rows, clever and ready to listen to the singer. Zuo Tangtang turned a supercilious look in his heart, but when he saw Erjin, the "culprit", looking at her pure little eyes, his resentment melted again. Naide, this stupid Erjin is estimated to really recognize that these songs are better to sing.
Anyway, it’s hard for others to hear it. She just plays with her heart.
So thinking about Zuo Tangtang, I completely let go with Mike and sang four or five songs from Astro Boy to Smurfs in one breath, and then after a big ear, Tu Tu took it. When Huluwa saw a black cat sheriff flashing on the screen, Zuo Tangtang was always tired of singing and hurriedly gave it to Mike in his hand-I don’t know how many strings were missing in his head. Did she order so many children’s songs for her, and she was as determined to be a Mai Ba as he was?
Probably today’s personnel notice really made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. It’s almost ten o’clock late, and no one has talked about going home. Even on Monday, there is still a list of transfers to be handled, which seems to be forgotten. Have fun.
What’s this called?
This is called singing with five tones, and Zuo Tangtang thinks unkindly.
Sue orange probably had the best time and drank a lot of wine. She was almost choked to death by her own saliva when she casually pulled two people to sing auspicious Sambo.
You can’t count on oranges today. It’s the most important thing to find an excuse to pull Su Orange home after sitting for a while.
When Zuo Tangtang came out from washing his hands, he thought in his mind that he didn’t expect to look up and see a person looking at her in tears. "Sister …" To be continued.
[55] Chapter five hundred and six RenQin conference! ]
"What are you … doing?"
Zuo Tangtang carefully moved closer to the wall and looked at the tearful person in front of him.
"Sister! It’s me! "
I don’t know if I was drunk and blushed, so I cried from the corner.
"Stop, stop! You stop! " Zuo Tangtang held out his hand and disliked keeping the goods at arm’s length. Then he said slowly, "If you have something to say in Erjin, you should say that the drunk distance is still one."
"I’m not drunk." Erjin looked at his hand in front of his face with a look of injustice. "Look! It’s me! No, no, no, you blindfold … er, that’s what you blindfold yourself! "
Seeing Zuo Tangtang’s preparedness, Erjin quickly changed his mouth and withdrew his claws, urging assiduously, "You blindfold, you blindfold ~ I won’t do anything! I sent four! "
I looked at Erjin for a long time and looked at the serious expression. Two fingers Zuo Tangtang paused or silently closed his eyes and said, "Okay, then what?"
"Then ….." Erjin sounds as if it is somewhat expected that the tone is no longer so careless, but gentle and gentle. "Listen!"
"…" Zuo Tangtang waited for a long time without waiting for a sentence, took a deep breath and held back. "Listen to what?"
"Listen to my voice!"
"…" Does she want to open her eyes and give the goods a fist? Fortunately, it’s okay that Erjin is out of stock and then talks. Otherwise, maybe the Japanese city forum will really appear, "So-and-so KV found incomplete body in the dark and suspected of seeking revenge?" "This is news.
"Listen to my voice ~ is it ~"
Erjin’s teasing sound is more and more full of tenderness. Zuo Tangtang unconsciously listened carefully …
"Is it … familiar?"
Zuo Tangtang …
Peat! This internship has been going on for so long, even if a cat squats in the office every day and calls her, she should know whether it’s jen or ah hei! These two Jin deserve beating, right? Or drink dizzy and lower IQ to tease her!
I can’t believe she is really stupid enough to cooperate like a fool!
Damn it!

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