Jul 2, 2024

Maybe what a mature woman yearns for after experiencing good fortune is just that warm home! She doesn’t mind how many women are around Ye Lingfeng because he is so excellent, and she doesn’t mind that he doesn’t have much time to accompany her to tell those sweet and meltable people’s sweet words. It would be nice to be with him, that’s all!

In that case, no one can hurt him!
The eyes suddenly turned cold, as if the whole backyard gas had instantly turned into freezing point.
In front of the plain hand, the purple rose garden seemed to be brushed by a huge palm, and the stem was depressed by three points and fell towards the door.
There is a person, a tall and almost impossible person. It is extremely rare for an ordinary person to be seven feet tall, but this person’s strong body is close to his feet, his muscles are crazy, and his eyes are like a series of uplifted peaks, which makes people dare not look directly at him and exudes a dead breath.
Bare half-length scars can be seen everywhere, which are the marks of various instruments of torture. There is a deep depression in the chest, and you can’t see how it is caused.
But the explanation knows that it is the trace left by this life after pulling out the blade inside Kappa bone. The knife has a name she is familiar with, Beauty Dance.
"Tell me he left!" The giant glanced at the explanation and didn’t seem to take her seriously. His eyes were full of contempt.
The caption smiled gently. "He is not here!"
"That’s why I asked you!" The giant impatiently pulls out the sword to carry behind him, which is completely different from the giant’s huge size. This sword is the size of an ordinary person.
I know this sword, and I won’t forget this man. His name is Gong Tian, and he is a heinous sinner. Because he wants to visit his long-lost family, he is constantly looking for revenge killers. It is said that this man has two hobbies, one is a master slayer, and the other is killing people. Two years ago, this man came to Yin Shuang Pavilion and asked to join Yin Shuang Pavilion on the condition that Ye Lingfeng helped him find his brother, but Ye Lingfeng refused.
The reason is that Ye Lingfeng is very busy and has no time!
It’s a pity that at that time, the masters of Yin Frost Pavilion gathered in bamboo masks and wooden fish girls, and there was more Lan Chenxi’s wind and evil dance. The heavenly sword had not been drawn yet, but it was held by the four guards of Yin Frost Pavilion, and Lan Chenxi’s knife had been placed on his neck.
Later, I didn’t want to ask Ye Lingfeng to fight alone on the workday. As a result, no one knew that it was when the door of the chamber of secrets was slowly opened. On the workday, I fell to the ground, and Ye Lingfeng kept bleeding in my chest.
However, Ye Lingfeng didn’t die on weekdays, and sent him to the State of Zheng to accept sanctions.
In fact, everyone will come out alive in vain because Ye Lingfeng didn’t want to kill him. That’s why he found such an excuse. Although many people opposed it at that time, Ye Lingfeng did it his own way, and even Xieyuye couldn’t guess.
The only guess is to make Ye Lingfeng change his mind. It should happen in the secret room, because before the decisive battle, Ye Lingfeng once quietly told him that if he died, he would let Lan Chenxi and them jointly kill the working day and then dissolve the Yin Shuang Pavilion. Ye Lingfeng was not sure about this explanation.
Later, Jieyu recognized that the sword of Gongtian’s hand was Wei Dao Jian Tai ‘a who had disappeared in Zhongzhou for many years.
Shortly after the founding of the State of Chu in the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion, the capital of Chu has been besieged by the military forces of the State of Jin for three years. The State of Jin sent troops to attack Chu in order to get the national treasure of Chu. The world said that the Tai ‘ai sword was jointly cast by two swordsmen, Ou Ye and Ganjiang, but the two masters didn’t think so. They said that the Tai ‘ai sword was a warlord, and the Wei Dao sword had long been in shape and trace, but the firm but gentle spirit had long been waiting for the opportunity to unite in heaven and earth. The sword becomes the most powerful in the state of Jin. Of course, the king of Jin recognized that he was the most qualified to get this sword, but it was contrary to his wishes. When the sword was cast in a weak Chu State, the body of the sword was naturally engraved with the word "Tai ‘a". It can be seen that the word "Tai ‘a" was true. The king of Jin couldn’t swallow this tone, of course, so he refused to ask the king of Chu for a sword. So the king of Jin sent troops to cut Chu and claimed the name of the sword, taking the opportunity to destroy the disparity of Chu forces. Most cities in Chu quickly fell
On this day, the state of Jin sent messengers to issue an ultimatum. If the sword is not handed in, the city will be captured and everything will burn! The king of Chu unyieldingly told him to kiss Chengtou to kill the enemy. If the city breaks down, he will kill himself with this sword. Then he will pick it up and ride a fast horse to the great lake and sink it to the bottom of the lake. The king of Chu will stay in Chu forever. At dawn the next day, the king of Chu will go to Chengtou to see the military forces of the State of Jin outside the city, covering the sun. His capital is like a boat in Wang Yang, which is in danger of collapse at any time. The cry of the military forces of the State of Jin attacking the city is like a mountain calling for a tsunami. The king of Chu is holding a sword in his hands and sighing So I drew my sword and pointed it at the enemy’s incredible miracle. I saw a mighty firm but gentle blaster coming out of the city and suddenly flying sand and stones covered the sky. There seemed to be a beast roaring. After a moment of chaos in the state of Jin, thousands of troops were wiped out with flags … After this incident, the king of Chu called the wise man in the middle of the country to ask Feng Hu, "Will the Thai sword be so powerful?"
Feng Hu’s sword against Tao Tai ‘ai is a mighty sword, and Xin Wei is the true power. It is the outstanding performance of Xin Wei that inspires Tai Wei in adversity!
Most of the stories were imagined by later generations, but Ou Ye and the generals became stronger gradually after the history was true in Chu. According to the explanation, it is speculated that the Thai sword should also be the magic weapon with sword spirit during the ancient war. Although the sword spirit was lost for various reasons, Reiki still thought that the sword spirit accessories around the world-class masters were now comparable to those of the King of Chu. It is not impossible to find a way to inspire the sword spirit to break through the army.
It is this sword that appears in Zhongzhou now, and it is also in the hands of workers. After all, the hand that fiddles with the stamens trembled slightly.
Chapter ninety-nine, answer my question
"You are afraid!"
Rao Ye Jieyu moved slightly, but he still didn’t escape the workday. His eyes laughed with contempt and followed Wei Daotai’s finger.
"If you’re afraid of change, say it. I want an answer."
"giggle!" The explanation is that the flowers are swaying with a light smile.
"Are you out of your mind? This is Yin Shuang Pavilion. You really have the guts to force me to ask questions here. Don’t you remember? When you didn’t even draw your sword, you were stopped. "
I glanced at my chest and got a long scar.
"Hoo!" The three-foot strongman’s sword, with a comparable posture, seems to have flaws everywhere, but there are traps everywhere.
However, the explanation didn’t move. Looking at the oncoming Thai sword, it was as calm as water and motionless as a mountain. It seemed that the oncoming was not a magic weapon, but a catkin and a little sunrise.
"Brush Lala!"
The evening breeze blows through the courtyard, and the whole purple rose swings rhythmically with the wind.
"I don’t kill women. Tell me the answer!"
The heavenly sword is on the top of the story
"Are you? Then should I thank you? You’re scared, right? Afraid that you can’t or get out of here. "
I don’t care if the man in front of me is a murderous devil. The swordsmen on the top of his head cut iron like mud.
"Don’t make me repeat the same thing for the third time."
The man said that his face flashed with cruelty, but his hands moved, his wrists shook and roared, and his feet cracked. Ye Jieyu was pushed into the ground by the great pressure of Tya, three feet below his knees and left a half-length like that tombstone.
"Say or not! Have you ev tasted bee buried alive? "
"Do you have this thing?"
A sudden smile, a flash of cold light behind the work day, can make a bow and a handle. Gu Jian floats and shines. Jiao Jiao drinks like a hidden dragon out of the water, jumping out of the soil and making a move. The sick crimson Gu Jian jumps to the interpreter with a slight quiver.
The swordsman can work hard and then take a step back. He feels dangerous, although he can’t say anything, but this kind of saying that it is not dangerous to debut is the most worrying thing.
Eyes gradually condensed to the interpreter’s handle, Gu Jian, which is very ordinary and carved with antique drum patterns. It is an ordinary decorative sword, but what will it be?

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Jul 1, 2024

But now the note is so straightforward and it was found in Chen Mingfang.

"East Bird" Yan Yan gently read.
If I hadn’t found Yan Yan in Chen Ming’s room, I really wouldn’t have been able to link the word East Bird with Chen Ming so soon.
But now Ming Chen is just around the corner, and the note is on his desktop. Yan Yan read the note again, and the horse linked the word East Bird to Chen Mingshen.
Ming Chen didn’t know what Yan Yan meant by the word "East Bird" and drank the wine in the bowl without knowing it.
Zhang Niujiao didn’t know "what east bird?"
Yan Yan glanced at the note that she was still drinking. Ming Chen then looked dignified and handed the note to Zhang Niujiao, but her eyes never left Ming Chen’s face.
Ming Chen also saw Yan Yan bend over and pick up a piece of paper. He didn’t know what was written on the surface, so he didn’t care.
But now Yan Yan has been staring at him. This kind of eyes is that he has never seen Ming Chen before, and he suddenly feels that this note that has fallen into Zhang Niujiao’s hands seems to affect his life.
"What’s the matter?" Ming Chen finally put the wine bowl and asked Zhang Niujiao.
Note Zhang Niujiao would have seen it several times, but he still looked at it seriously and some angry way "East Bird? This is a person? " No horse answered Ming Chen.
"Is there someone by that name?" Ming Chen Qi Dao Yan still kept staring at him and looked at Ming Chen with some creepy feelings.
In order to pay attention, Ming Chen continued to ask, "What is written on the note?"
The expressions of Zhang Niujiao and Yan Yan made Ming Chen feel uneasy. He could feel that the note in Zhang Niujiao’s hand seemed to be very bad for him, but he didn’t know what the note had written until now.
The note made Ming Chen curious and uneasy. I didn’t know Yan Yan would stare at him like that.
"This is your room paper. Did you find it at your desk? Don’t you know what was written on it?" Yan Yankou’s tone to Ming Chen is very stable, but it is a little more than before.
Ming Chen is also listening to the distance in Yan Yan’s voice. He is not stupid. Compared with other black mountain thieves, Ming Chen’s ability is at the top. He has brains and strength.
Otherwise, I wouldn’t have followed Zhang Niujiao for so long. Zhang Niujiao didn’t even know who else was in his family.
Ming Chen and other Black Mountain Thief Commanders have almost no personal relationship. When talking, talking about the basics is business and personal. Ming Chen never tells anyone.
When he has nothing to do, he is drinking alone, and no one knows what he is thinking. Everything seems to be unsatisfactory.
Ming Chen is really indifferent to everything and his affairs. When Zhang Niujiao has any orders, he will do it and finish what belongs to him. Without orders, he will drink alone.
It doesn’t matter to Ming Chen whether the Montenegro thief can succeed or die in the end. He has nowhere to go, so he can muddle along among the Montenegro thieves.
Withdrawn and meticulous, this is how Yan Yan feel about him.
And unlike other black mountain thieves who command Ming Chen, the scope of activities is very small, if not to lead troops to fight, they will almost never leave their camp.
Thinking about Ming Chen’s life for half a year, I don’t know when Ming Chen was and how he joined the Han army
In Yan Yan’s mind, it is almost clear what Ming Chen is doing at all times, either leading troops to fight or drinking at the camp.
But now I found this note in Chen Mingfang, the word "East Bird". If I want to go through other people’s names, I will have the word "Ming Chen".
If Dongniao doesn’t mean Ming Chen, who else is it?
The note fell on the table. It is likely that Chen Ming was reading it before, but he accidentally left it on the table. Ming Chen was half drunk and half awake when he didn’t pick it up. It happened that he and Zhang Niujiao came in at this time.
Gazing at Ming Chen’s face, Yan Yan also thought a lot.
Yan Yan really doesn’t want Ming Chen to be a traitor. Now he and Zhang Niujiao have the strongest strength, Ming Chen.
If Ming Chen is really a traitor, it will be a great loss to the strength of Black Mountain Thief.
Yan Yan really doesn’t want to see this result, but now it’s almost irrefutable evidence. Yan Yan doesn’t know how to make herself disbelieve. Maybe Ming Chen should explain how to prove his innocence.
In the face of Yan Yan’s question, Ming Chen can say that although the paper was picked up from his room on his desktop, he didn’t know there was a piece of paper on the table until Yan Yan bent down to pick it up.
In the face of Yan Yan’s aggressive eyes, Ming Chen kept playing drums in his heart
Just because he doesn’t care about other people’s affairs doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about himself.
Looking at Ming Chen’s expression, there are some doubts in his heart. "Doesn’t he really know?"

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Jun 30, 2024

"Are you looking down on me?" Qin Jing couldn’t help frowning when he saw Jason still holding the cigarette in his finger.

"There are not some things you have to know." Jason shook his finger ash. "You are already strong, but not strong enough. Once you meet someone who can make 100% A-level skills, you will not be able to pose a threat to them. Of course, I mean that you can hit your opponent’s moves. I think you can’t give up singing until now."
"Second, you can change the flying sickle foot quickly, but it has its fatal flaw-it can increase the degree in the foot, even if it can speed up your mobility to almost teleport, but when you make a move, your manual movement is also normal, which may not be obvious until now, but when you face more teams and meet higher-end combat power, your flaw will become fatal. Flying sickle foot is just a move to escape …"
Jason hasn’t finished yet. A huge, pale flame rushes into Jason’s defensive wall, and sparks fly out to show Qin Jing’s back hand.
"We’re not always talking," Qin Jing paused. "We’re desperate."
"White" Jason’s cigarette butt was thrown to the ground. "Then let’s continue."
Only in this way can I feel guilty about killing you or being killed by you …
From the moment Jason started work, Qin Jing fell into an absolute wind power, which is worthy of being a panacea. It can not only form combat power independently, but also reach everything around him, turning ordinary dead leaves into sharp blades and tiny stones into deadly bombs. Qin Jing rejected the flying sickle and the bound road to the extreme, but his tiny wounds still began to increase.
After Qin Jing finished, there was no way to fight back. Based on the theory of generation, how fast he flew the sickle foot and how strange it was, but he must have the motivation to attack him when he appeared instantly.
He can’t escape Jason’s lock, so he can’t escape the power interception.
Soon … It’s all over … Nana, we’re alive … With a guilty conscience …
As if in response to Jason’s idea, Qin Jing suddenly exerted a stronger force than usual and slammed into the power of mind, which pushed him away from it in a hurry.
Jason read power in ten meters away from his body really can form a direct force …
Qin Jing’s mind turned sharply, and his feet condensed out a complicated inscription. Correspondingly, in Jason, the feet were not yet aware, and at the same time, a white boundary began to condense …
Four ash ropes tied to the road …
The purple light rope quickly wrapped around Jason’s limbs and wrapped around his body faster, which made him unable to focus his attention. At the same time, Qin Jingyin began to ring in a hurry not far away.
"King’s Landing! The flesh and blood mask is full of wings and crowns! Carve double lotus on the pale fire wall and wait for the fire in the distant sky! Breaking the road, seventy-three pairs of lotus pale fire fall! "
I was … As Jason said, I have the ability to break the power defense for No.70 Ghost Road, especially at the moment he has not been able to break away from the gray rope state …
In his eyes, an almost dazzling light condensed from Qin Jing’s hand, and then there was an illusion that everything was still for a moment. Then the light in Qin Jing’s hand expanded in his eyes and formed a dynamic defense wall of Bai Yanxun’s bullying …
Finally, this high-end ghost Dao Qin Jing, who has practiced several times in private, has entered the battle stage for the first time …
Jason center double lotus pale fire power produced a violent explosion scattered force unexpectedly like miniature nuclear bombs generally formed a violent Gangfeng to wreak havoc in all directions, some slightly close to some nightmare was blown away by the whole and I don’t know where to fly.
The white flame formed a pillar of fire to illuminate the whole South Street, which made the world silent for three years and formed a high night for the first time in the evening.
Qin Jing, of course, denied the blow and could defeat Jason. He squinted at the center of the flame, and although turbulence formed, he could see the specific situation, but at least he believed that even Jason could not take the blow so easily.
All he has to do is …
Qin Jing’s foot flashed, and the whole person got into Gangfeng by flying sickle’s foot. Even though he could not see it in the turbulence, Jason’s position had already been printed in his heart. What he had to do was to make a blow to Jason who had no power protection …
Jason … I’m sorry, but I also want to live. It’s not just me, Zhan Lan, Zhao Yingming and Yan Wei. I want to take them to live … with a guilty conscience …
At this time, the power of the turbulent center is huge, and the power of the double lotus pale fire has gradually dissipated. A right hand appears in the turbulent center, and then a subtle but huge power is formed in the hand.
Break the path of thirty-three …
The spirit is not yet condensed. Qin Jing’s head suddenly hurts sharply. With the strength of Sangouyu sharingan, he has already begun to glimpse the illusion. Accordingly, he has also resisted the mental attack to a certain extent. It was someone who attacked him with spirit!
Jason …
Qin Jing’s mind came up with this name, and his hand was caught by the other hand without warning.
"Not yet." With Zhang Jieyin, his figure slowly emerged from the turbulence.
The double lotus pale fire pendant finally broke through the defensive wall formed by Jason’s motive force, but the moment of penetration became a spent force and failed to cause serious damage to Jason’s appearance.
Zhang Jieyi has revealed that the burnt black and pale flame did not penetrate the defensive wall, but the shock wave still caused some damage to him.
Jason wiped the bleeding from the corners of his mouth and gently repeated, "It’s not over yet."
A huge force hit Qin Jing without warning until he recovered from the stabbing pain. One mouthful blood came out of Qin Jing’s mouth and fell back along this huge force Qin Jing.
When Qin Jing was still in the middle school, another huge force fell from the sky and hit Qin Jing into the ground.
Qin Jing spit out one mouthful blood again, but that extraordinary force has not disappeared, but it will press Qin Jing harder to the hard ground.
"Well," Jason finally said, "I want to live more after all."
He looked down at his hands. Qin Jing was completely controlled by his power. On how hard Qin Jing worked at the highest level, there was an indelible gap between them. After all, he came alive, and then he could go back to the Lord God and continue to be with Nana.
But what? What? He doesn’t have anything to live for.
He suddenly remembered that the teenager who was overwhelmed by his motivation was touching his nose and smiling warmly in front of them and his Wendy …
Think of Zhan Lan and Nana cooking delicious dinner together and holding a long shovel …

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Jun 29, 2024

"Didn’t you say I was sick?"

"You are not sick, but you have the ability that others can’t, but many normal people are afraid that your ability will hurt them, but some people want to have this ability, so you are trapped here by doing experiments."
"What?" After listening to my sister’s words, I was surprised and speechless. I’m an experiment? A burst of sadness hit my heart. It turned out that I was just an experimental mouse in the secret room.
"Don’t be disappointed by the snow. Do you know why your parents haven’t come to see you for so many years?"
"Elder sister, didn’t you say they were going to control the company’s operation in the distance?"
"Of course not, our Oriental family used to be a small family of’ dream’ enterprises, but because of you, we were promoted to the general agent of the local branch and I became one of the top ten leaders."
Seeing that I didn’t speak, my sister continued, "In fact, you are not our Oriental family, and you are not my own brother!"
My heart trembled and asked, "Sister, are you telling the truth?"
Chapter 16 Thinking
Comrades, look, we’re going to smash tickets! Don’t smash, just say a few comments! Just don’t comment.
Chapter 16 Thinking
"You were born in a test tube!"
"~ ~" I forced myself to listen to my sister quietly.
"As soon as you were born, we decided that you were fifteen, so before you were fifteen, you had no memory, not amnesia."
"At the age of fifteen, you were handed over to me by the enterprise to take care of you. Do you hate your sister?"
"No, I know my sister is sincere to me."
Hearing this Oriental Ping’s eyes suddenly reddish, the corner of her eyes was full of tears.
"Have you this sentence is enough! I believe that my sister will be able to rescue you. "
"Sister, is everyone here except you ~"
"Well, I’ll tell you what I want to tell you first. In a few days, I’ll leave for our parents’ place, where precise deployment is being prepared. When everything is ready, I’ll definitely come to rescue you. So before that, you must behave as well as before, especially in front of Zhang Xian, and don’t show great interest in computers. Besides, this is a microcomputer, which is the latest high-tech product. Did you know it when you were around? Don’t be found out that you can make a computer and have a computer with you, even if you go to the toilet, take a shower or sleep, you should keep it close! "
"The elder sister is gone!" Dongfang Yiping was about to leave when she suddenly remembered something and said to me, "Did you enjoy the game?"
"Well, this ~" I’m embarrassed to say that I’m now in the game where everyone shouts to beat the street mouse.
"No matter whether you play this game or the world’s number one game for the time being, my original intention is to let you learn all kinds of things in society in the game, but after watching you play the game, you will know that you have learned something. Remember that the game is not just a game, but it is not a game! Remember? "
"hmm!" I replied with firm eyes
I watched my sister leave the window with tears streaming down my eyes. I knew I couldn’t see my sister for a long time, but my heart was heavy, but what was heavier was that my life was so rough or what special talents IVF had. If he really had special talents, I would like him to appear earlier.
My head was in a mess and I fell asleep. I didn’t forget to put that microcomputer the size of a finger away and put it in my pocket before going to bed.
I woke up early the next morning and felt my head hurt. Yesterday, too many things happened. I fell asleep late and didn’t dream about the things in the game. Besides, I didn’t have anything to do today. After eating Zhang Xian for breakfast, I waited for her to leave my horse and hit the microcomputer. The whole computer had a button. After I pressed it, a screen and a keyboard appeared in front of my eyes. I really felt like I was in the game. It was also displayed in front of me when I needed to see the status in the game.
After trying for ten seconds, I learned almost all the functions of this computer and marveled at my talent for computers. I couldn’t help thinking, am I particularly talented in computers?
I searched for a lot of information about companies with dreams. The original dream company is a diversified enterprise. No matter what line of work or industry, it has its subsidiaries. It is also one of the top ten multinational companies in the world. Its total assets are uncountable. Its president’s name is Lan Fengyun, and he is in his forties today. He is the youngest in the history of a dream company. In the seven years since he led him as president, the dream company has reached a historical high and firmly pulled the throne of the world’s first enterprise to his ass.
There are three core businesses of "dream" enterprises. One is heavy industry such as ordnance, ships, airplanes, etc. The other is medical theory. You can find any medicine you want in "dream". This is the reputation of the enterprise. The third is biochemical engineering. However, according to the information found on the Internet, this information is a bit strange. Because there are too few, there is no reason not to find a few important projects with information. However, after checking on the Internet, nothing was found except this one, and this department was added after the company had this department.
What a coincidence seven years ago? It seems that the president and I will have a good experience.
Check again. My parents’ enterprise is just a regional agent. Although the area is large, the total population is 1.3 billion, which is still too small compared with the world’s population of 300 million.
Since yesterday, I have felt that I have matured. I am no longer mentally or psychologically disabled. Although I can’t move freely, since there is a computer and a fairyland game, I will make a name for myself in the game to rank first in the world. I believe that major enterprises will also pay attention to this game, which is definitely a’ dream’. There must be someone in the enterprise who will learn the news of the enterprise through them, which will definitely help him escape from here in the future.
After all this, I suddenly felt much more relaxed, and I was more enthusiastic about the game Wonderland, but I felt a headache at the thought of the game. When can I get rid of the wanted order? If I keep doing this, I can’t move freely at all. If I accidentally reveal my name, it will be a dead body.
I’ve been thinking about this all afternoon, but it’s worth it. I’ve never been so sure about my life.
It’s almost 12 noon to watch the seconds lapse. I’m looking forward to adding three new special projects. What’s so special about it?
"Dang ~ Dang ~ Dang ~" When I heard the mechanical clock in the hall strike at 12 noon, I immediately typed the webpage and asked me what advanced games were? Of course, let’s see if there are any announcements about these three new things.
As soon as I get to the fairyland homepage, Ma seems to be in the new three-phase information.
In the pet system game, all monsters below level 3 can catch their pets, but each pet needs a kind of catch that belongs to him. The specific system won’t tell players that they have to grope for it by themselves, while level 3 monsters can only be caught as pets with BOSS, and each pet has a special skill and won’t tell players any specific skills.
Chapter to be continued! (updated at noon)
Chapter 17 Potential Ring
Look to collect, look to smash tickets, look to reply!
Chapter 17 Potential Ring
The top ten difficulties are found by the players themselves. All the top ten difficulties in the game are not shown to be completed by the players themselves. From the five-level artifact to the special reward, players can complete it by their own real ability, and no team or multiple people can complete it.
The weekly level challenge level is divided into LV7LV79, LVLV9, LV9LV99 Three groups are held every Sunday afternoon, and each group is limited to one person to sign up for 10,000 RO coins. One-on-one fighting is adopted to select the challenge overlord every week, and one week after the challenger defeats all the players, the new generation of challenge overlord will fail. If any player can persist for one month, it will be rewarded with special objects. In addition, it is said that in the battle, the title can not be dealt with once the lines such as intentional loss to the other party, malicious theft, language insult and game physical infringement are detected! If the ring overlord is going to enter the advanced group of fighting because he has upgraded the boundary, he must not stay in the low level.

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Jun 29, 2024

"What gift are you going to give me?" Small crystal asked again

Zhang Chengyuan said, "I’ve given this matter to your sister Zhixiu. You’ll know it later."
"It’s not Ji Xiujie who helps you choose a gift again, is it?" Small crystal some unhappy way
"No, I chose it this time, but let her take care of it for me."
"That’s more like it." Small crystal was happy again.
Zhang Chengyuan said, "Brother Crystal asked you something. Do you have any goals when you become a singer?"
Small Crystal said, "Yes, I want to be a popular singer like my sister and a great actor like my brother."
Zhang Chengyuan laughed. "You are greedy, and you want to be a singer and an actor. Besides, don’t you still want to enter Seoul National University? Aren’t you afraid you can’t cope? "
Small crystal hesitated for a moment, saying, "Brother, I want to discuss something with you. I hope you won’t be angry with me after hearing this."
"Come on, I won’t be angry with you if you don’t want to do anything bad." Zhang Chengyuan smiled gently.
Little Crystal said, "I don’t want to enter Seoul National University."
"What? Didn’t you always regard it as a goal? " He didn’t really care if Xiao Crystal took the Seoul National University exam, but he was a little confused about why she suddenly changed her mind. She is not a person who gives up her goal at will.
Small Crystal said, "That was when I was a child, I was not sensible and casually talked about the reality. Now I have found that I am afraid that it is difficult to get into this university. Of course, if I can study with my heart in the future, it is still possible. But when I become an artist, I will definitely not have much time to study hard, and I will definitely pass the French exam in this university. Even though I am still a trainee, I still can guarantee that my grades are the first in my grade, not to mention after my debut!
Brother, do you think I am not worthy to be your sister? Before, you can easily get into the national university while reading the notice. "
Zhang Chengyuan said, "There are too many people who can’t get into the national university. Are they all gone?" Brother Crystal told you long ago that you don’t have to go to this university, such as Sungkyunkwan University, Central University, dongguk university, etc., but you don’t have a university like your sister, but your brother doesn’t have any special requirements for you and your sister. It is good for you to have goals and have a happy life. "
"really?" Small crystal was very happy. She was afraid that Zhang Chengyuan would blame her for not having ambition and giving up easily.
"Of course it’s true!" Zhang Chengyuan repeated with a smile.
Small crystal more happy way "elder brother, don’t worry, although it is likely that I won’t get into Seoul National University, but I will definitely be able to get into the university and it will definitely not be an ordinary university.
Zhang Chengyuan said, "It’s up to you, but don’t give up after you set a practical goal, okay?"
"I know that I will never give up this time. You will see, after three and a half years, I will definitely be a first-class school student and a small accomplished artist."
"I’ll wipe my eyes," Zhang Chengyuan said with a smile. In his opinion, it is naturally a good thing for Xiao Jing to have such ambitions, and he will try his best to support and help her.
Chapter six hundred and thirty-six Inception shooting
After breakfast, Zhang Chengyuan sent the Zheng sisters away and immediately rushed to the crew to continue filming. Three days later, he flew to Tokyo to meet the crew of Inception. It is estimated that it will take at least one or two months to return to South Korea.
Zhang Chengyuan arrived at noon on July 1st, and immediately met the director Christopher in a hotel. Nolan actor Leonardo? DiCaprio, Allen? Peggy and Tom? Hardy, marion? Cotillard, Ken Watanabe, Lucas? Haas and other cast members, um, and his Hollywood agent Jon? Brian will naturally follow Zhang Chengyuan before he is integrated into the cast, which is his duty.
Except for Nolan, the director, other cast members Zhang Chengyuan are almost the first time to meet him. Of course, this does not mean that he can’t recognize them. They didn’t say that before, agent Jon? Brian has done enough homework for him. Even if he doesn’t do his homework, Zhang Chengyuan can recognize one or two famous Leonardo who starred in Titanic, Blood Diamond, Walker and other blockbusters or classic movies. DiCaprio, he definitely knows him. Although he seems to have experienced many vicissitudes and gained a lot of weight, he is still quite handsome and charming.
Besides, marion? Cotillard, a famous actress who just won the Golden Globe Award and Oscar Award for la vie en rose last year, is also somewhat familiar with other actors. Forgive him for his blindness, but he really didn’t remember anything before preparing his homework.
But he will not despise them, because most of these people are not well-known in the ball, especially in the west, and he has many more than him.
Although he is famous in South Korea and even the whole of East Asia, he is not known by many people in Hollywood and the western world, and he is a little famous in the hearts of some people who like kung fu movies. However, he is naturally not arrogant and can’t grovel to others, whether at this time or at other times.
Fortunately, the strict hierarchy system in South Korea is not popular in the western world, and the crew members don’t think that Zhang Chengyuan doesn’t respect them enough. Instead, they think that he is neither humble nor admirable. Plus, he is very impressed by his strong figure, handsome face and fluent English, and they are all happy to talk to him.
In order to enable them to communicate better and shoot a good film, Zhang Chengyuan naturally did not hesitate to communicate more with them. He even used a little special means to make them get familiar with him quickly, so that they could cultivate some tacit understanding as soon as possible and reduce the obstacles in filming, and the effect was obviously good. By dinner that night, Zhang Chengyuan had become quite familiar with most actors, and occasionally played some hurtful jokes on each other.
After a night’s rest, Inception began filming the next day on the roof of a skyscraper in Tokyo and a helicopter parked on the roof. There are four actors in this play, Leonardo? DiCaprio, Zhang Chengyuan, Ken Watanabe and Lucas? Haas also hired several walk-on actors to play the bodyguards of Japanese tycoons played by Ken Watanabe in Japan.
Although the local government in Tokyo has very strict regulations on helicopter flying height and flight route before shooting, the crew made great efforts to apply for helicopter shooting, but it was quite smooth when shooting this scene. The four actors are all acting veterans Leonardo? DiCaprio writes freely, Ken Watanabe is sophisticated, domineering, Zhang Chengyuan is confident, and there is not a word in this scene. Haas will also behave very naturally, of course, this is also because the scene is not difficult
However, no matter whether the first scene of the opening ceremony was successfully completed, the director Nolan and the crew were greatly encouraged. Through this scene, Zhang Chengyuan made people realize his superb acting skills and won their respect. At present, his acting skills are not inferior to Leonardo’s? DiCaprio and others, and the performance style is also very in line with Hollywood movies
In addition, director Nolan’s directing style left a deep impression on Zhang Chengyuan. He usually told the actors his shooting intention instead of telling them what you should do and how to say, so he left a lot of freedom for the actors, which can be said to be like a duck to water for Zhang Chengyuan, an actor with superb acting skills and experience, and can also give full play to his own strength and greatest potential.
Soon after, Zhang Chengyuan also felt an interesting difference from Nolan’s other directors-Nolan didn’t allow the actors to understand the whole drama deeply, and most of the other actors had their own dramas, so that the actors could follow the corner cesium they played and figure out the film step by step like detectives.
After shooting in Japan for about ten days, the crew made a scene in Japan and then went to Britain to shoot some important scenes. Among them, there was a very complicated scene in a converted hangar in northern London-a weightless fight scene in the hotel corridor.
In order to shoot this imaginative fighting scene, the crew specially spent a huge sum of money to build a hotel corridor that can rotate 36 degrees, so that when the corridor rotates, the actors can fight on the left and right sides for a while and for a while like flying over the wall.
And this scene happens to be the main part of the assistant of the dreamer played by Zhang Chengyuan. Zhang Chengyuan gave full play to his superb skills, rehearsed for about an hour, and then got used to prancing and jumping in this environment. The stuntmen who had been trained for a long time performed a fierce, strange and wonderful animation in this rotating corridor, which made the director Nolan and others satisfied and greatly appreciated. It was deeply felt that Zhang Chengyuan had found the right actors to shoot this scene, saving a day or two of shooting time.
In addition, all the plays performed by Zhang Chengyuan since the filming began have also made him very satisfied, because he is the actor with the least number of ng times in the crew. And no matter when he can show 100% concentration and acting state, this is the most amazing and admirable. Of course, if Korean actors see this situation, they will not be surprised because they have long been used to Zhang Chengyuan’s filming situation.
After filming the scenes in Britain, the crew moved to Paris, France, and Tangier, Morocco to continue filming. Since there were not many scenes in these two places, he asked the director to put his scenes together as much as possible and started filming first. After finishing these scenes, he asked for leave twice to return to China, and then took some scenes of iris and got along with some sisters.
Of course, these two scenes are not long enough to add up to more than half a month, but in the past half a month or so, he has filmed five or six scenes. Although he is not very tired, he has exhausted his actors and crew. If the actors’ scenes are not adjusted and staggered, and Zhang Chengyuan has supported a group of film and television drama crews to add directors to the "iris" crew, there are just two people who can rest alternately, fearing that the whole crew will fall apart early.
Everyone has some complaints about him, but Zhang Chengyuan’s position now is that it is certainly difficult for several people to dare to talk about him in secret, but Zhang Chengyuan is too lazy to pay attention to it because of guilt and let Lin Zhixiu allocate some funds and manpower to improve the diet, accommodation, transportation, medical care and other aspects of the crew.
However, the cast of Inception didn’t care much about his leaving halfway. Anyway, it almost didn’t affect the normal shooting of the cast. After this period, everyone’s affection for Zhang Chengyuan increased dramatically. Several major actors have regarded him as a good friend and didn’t complain about the convenience that director Nolan gave Zhang Chengyuan.
After returning to China twice, when Zhang Chengyuan returned to Inception, it was almost mid-September and the shooting location was transferred to Los Angeles. Here, Zhang Chengyuan played a lot of plays, so he didn’t want to leave again. He worked conscientiously until early November, when his play department filmed, and he officially left the crew. In this issue, iris has been shown on kbs TV, and he was also "sorry" to be absent-in fact, he was quite pleased because he saved some time to talk about the media and his breath.
After he left, the crew of Inception moved to a mountain near Banff National Park in Calgary, Canada for the last location shooting. Because Zhang Chengyuan didn’t have a scene here, he didn’t go with him. Maybe he didn’t need to go back to the crew until the director felt it necessary to let him come back and make some more scenes or the film began to be announced.
This filming cost Zhang Chengyuan more than three months, which also seriously affected the filming process of iris. In addition, Zhang Chengyuan put in a lot of money to calm the mood of the members of iris, but he didn’t get nothing without saying that he got the great director Christopher. Nolan appreciates that he may be able to reunite or be recommended to other directors and producers in the future; I don’t want to say how much this film will increase his popularity and popularity after it is shown in the future. DiCaprio, marion? Cotillard, Allen? Peggy and Tom? Hardy and many other actors have expanded their friendship and made him glad you came among Hollywood actors.
It can be said that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and he does not feel the loss or regret.

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Jun 28, 2024

It’s like a high-pitched cannonball sweeping around 100 meters, and the clouds are rolling up. The muffled thunder clouds can’t stop rolling inside, and every rolling will release a burst of edge pressure, which is deafening!

This violent extreme coercion made Xia Man dizzy, and even his spiritual strength in the middle period of his spirit could not be covered!
However, the good purple ice dragon’s high-pitched dragons are to show their coercion to warn the surrounding Warcraft to let them roll far away, not for Xia Man. Otherwise, Xia Man will be shocked to roll out of the world at this moment and immediately turned into ice by purple ice dragon or a high pressure into coke!
"Banana, you Bala, this beast is too powerful. If he finds out all the time, won’t he die?" Xia Man hesitated in his heart. The strength of Purple Ice Dragon is too strong!
"Not Sophie must get back ten thousand years of ice. I’m afraid this guy can’t stand the old bronze frame." Xia Man hey hey smiled and rolled his eyes just to see the purple ice dragon rushing to the cloud level.
"Well, this guy is going home." Xia Man was overjoyed. "It seems that this guy’s lair is old and quick to follow."
The surface is a dark blue lake. The huge body of the purple ice dragon rolled on the surface of the lake and immediately got into the lake.
This small lake is only nearly a kilometer in size, but the water inside is extremely strange!
The pool of clear water in the fierce sun actually sends out a bit of cold rising into the sky!
And the lake here is actually as dark blue as the sea!
What’s even weirder is that this seemingly small lake can’t see the bottom of the lake at a glance!
If the line of sight is more than ten meters away, it will be shrouded in a vague blue-black layer, and even Xia Man can’t see the bottom of the lake!
"It’s so weird. It seems that this beast will really find a place to rest." Xia Man’s eyebrows are tight. Zou Zi’s ice dumpling actually found a lake nest. It seems that the shelter must be on the surface of the lake
But when it comes to water-based Xia Man, it’s not good.
"This his niang? Laogen is a dry duck. Don’t just forget it? "Xia Man thought," The ice in ten thousand years must be purple ice dragon’s nest, which means that if you want to get the ice in ten thousand years, you must have water. "
"No matter what he did," Xia Man waited for a quarter of an hour on the surface of the lake and still didn’t see the purple ice dragon. He gritted his teeth and decided to venture into the bottom of the lake
"Grandma is a bear and she is always a hero after ten years."
Xia Man shouted and plunged into the cold lake with a jerk.
Xia Man shivered as soon as he entered the lake.
"Grandma, the lake here is so rare that it freezes to death."
In this icy lake, Xia Man didn’t dare to close his breath carelessly and swam to the depths of the lake like an ugly duck.
Although this lake is small in area, Xia Man’s eyes lit up as soon as he entered the lake ten meters away.
Appear before impressively is a very different vision!
The dark blue lake reflects the whole bottom of the lake like a transparent glass, and shines like a dream. All kinds of strange and precious things, such as coral beads and agate stones, emit colorful and faint light, which makes the whole bottom of the lake particularly colorful.
"Grandma Bill, this mother is a fairyland, which is a thousand times better than visiting the aquarium." Xia Man was shocked in his heart, but the temperature around him was getting lower and lower, which made him just a little interested and wiped out.
"I rely on this beast to really find a place. If he is old and strong, he will definitely settle down here." Xia Man shivered. "But it’s so fucking cold here!"
It’s been dropping for nearly 100 meters, and when Xia Man almost couldn’t hold on, the scenery in front of him suddenly turned straight again, making Xia Man stare big eyes.
"Grandma a bear what is this? Is this beast turned out to be an earth cultivator? Into a fine? " Summer is more shocking than looking at a large building with dozens of stories in front of it.
There is a magnificent and luxurious palace at the bottom of this 100-meter deep lake!
And it’s built according to the model of the ancient oriental palace. It’s like someone moved hall of mental cultivation, the Forbidden City, to the bottom of the water! Red brick, green tile, glazed agate, the shape alone is enough to shock everyone!
"Grandma a bill big master I’m drunk? Or are you dying? This fantasy will appear unexpectedly! Damn it! " Xia Man immediately closed his eyes, but his heart was still pounding. His hands were like cattail leaf fans, and his two faces were tearing at each other. He kept shouting "Wake up, wake up, wake up".
It lasted for a moment, and when he opened his eyes again, the mysterious palace in front of him was still safe.
But at this time, it looks like it is covered by a huge semi-circular glass cover, with a layer of colorful light and a huge arc-shaped round cover that keeps flowing.
"Grandma, this is true! What a palace! " Xia Man couldn’t help exclaiming once again, and his blood surged and roared, "I always see the most magical water palace!"
Chapter 17 Ancient Prohibition
"The ban turned out to be an ancient ban!"
This covers an area of tens of acres of water, and the outside of the palace can completely overlook the palace view inside the whole protective cover.
Xia Man marveled with horror that this layer protected the whole palace through the glass cover, which was an ancient forbidden technique.
The method of prohibition is also graded and can be called the ancient method of prohibition. First, it is not a powerful method, which can be regarded as the root of a Sect!
However, there is no sects in this spiritual world mainland society, and even the ordinary prohibition methods have been completely lost, not to mention the ancient prohibition level.
These prohibitions, even if they are spiritual masters, will be sighing.
It’s hard to get in without the method of opening and banning, and it’s not worth it to get hurt and get banned!
"Grandma, a bear, isn’t this a bargain for the old man?" Xia Man laughed. Don’t worry, maybe he has to worry, but in front of him, there is an ancient ban that can break the ban identification. These treasures with banned secrets are not a problem for his roots
"Appraisal, appraisal, old can depend on you." Before Xia Man fixed the glass cover, his hands stretched out gently and touched gently, and he was banned.
Hua La, a tiny stream flows, and Xia Man stretches out his palm, as if it were immediately covered by a hazy light, and the whole palm suddenly disappears in his sight!
"Hey, hey, it seems that the old man will not only get the ice for ten thousand years, but also make a fortune." Summer is quite happy and laughs.

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Jun 28, 2024

Ye listened to the last sentence and suddenly felt very ambiguous. What made you toss me up so late? He smiled in his heart and knew that Su Yanbing was very simple and didn’t mean anything. He smiled and said to Su Yanbing, "It doesn’t affect that you should have a rest as soon as you arrive at the hotel. Call me at any time!"

"That’s not good. We have a time difference. I know it’s just about midnight in your place now. I’ll give you a call before you sleep, and then I’ll go out for a stroll, otherwise playing at other times will affect your sleep."
"Well, you really miss me. I think if you want to fall in love, you will definitely consider me unless you have an affair abroad, don’t you think?" Ye Qing joke tunnel
"What are you talking about? I don’t understand foreigners. It’s impossible. Well, I’m going out for a walk. Go to bed early if you have nothing to do!" Su Yanbing hung up without waiting for Ye Qing to speak, probably because Ye Qing’s words made her embarrassed.
After hanging up, Ye Qing walked out of the room in a good mood, then left Dong Laoer on the sofa, knocked over his black leather bag and found ten dollars. He hurried upstairs to eat a bowl of noodles and returned to the house, only to find that Dong Laoer had not come back yet. He took out his mobile phone and called Dong Laoer.
The ringtone in the mobile phone rang for a long time before Dong Laoer picked it up. "Boss, are you awake?"
"Nonsense! I didn’t wake up. Is it a ghost calling you? Where have you been trotting? " Ye Qing is very uncomfortable. Dong Laoer quickly said, "I am training in the club. Damn it, I was caught by the big boss. You wish to sleep at home. Our department is training hard in the club. Now the big boss won’t let us go."
"I depend! So miserable? " Ye Qing was very surprised. What’s wrong with the tunnel honey? It’s so strict all of a sudden, but on second thought, Dong Laoer’s performance in this competition is really unsatisfactory, and he should train well.
Big honey is really serious and responsible for her work. She is a workaholic, but she is too serious and responsible. Suffering is still the team. Ye Xie can’t help but be glad that she didn’t go to training today, otherwise she will definitely be trained in the training room at this time.
"Eldest brother, please come and help us. If you don’t come, I estimate that the big boss will leave us until midnight before letting us go. Now I’m going to throw up playing F …" Dong Laoer pleaded that Ye Qing laughed. "I don’t care if I come. I’m not that stupid."
"No friendship! The boss actually wants you to say a few words about the boss, and she estimates that she will let us go. Now she will listen to you. "
"I’m that good at talking?"
"Absolutely good!"
"What if I come over and get imprisoned?" few
"Don’t worry, if you are imprisoned, then we will have a cruel heart to jump out of the window."
"Well, I’ll come and see." Ye Qing actually didn’t go to training today, but he was not used to it. He still wanted to have a look.
"Eldest brother benefactor! Come on! " Dong Laoer rejoiced that Ye Qing hung up and went straight out of the door. He didn’t even take the keyboard bag. He was afraid that if he was confined by Da Mi, then he could say that he didn’t have equipment training.
Ye Qing ran all the way to sleep after a day’s sleep. He felt in excellent spirits and soon ran to the club. When he entered the club, he saw that Zhao Junzhu at the front desk had left. After all, he was a front desk and didn’t need to work overtime.
Ye Qing turned a corner and saw that the door of Dami’s office was left unlocked with a glimmer of light, while the training room was closed and even a lock was hung on the door handle! Yes, it’s a lock. A big iron lock! Ye Qing suddenly sighed, "Nima, this is too hard!"
There is a small glass window at the door of the training room. Through the glass window, you can see the situation inside. Ye leans outside the door and looks at Dong Laoer and others in it, yawning sadly with F.
Ye Qing knocked on the door. Dong Laoer and others immediately turned their heads in surprise and looked over. They were released by big honey. As a result, they were very disappointed when they saw Ye Qing outside. Dong Laoer was very excited and rushed over to Ye Qing through the door. "Boss, hurry up and save us!"
"Well, if you bear with Brother One more time, you’ll be a lobbyist!" Ye Qing nodded, and Dong Laoer quickly said, "Eldest brother can sacrifice hue when necessary! Although your body is polluted, your soul is still pure! "
"get out!" Ye Qing criticised 1 and then went straight to Da Mi’s office.
After pushing the door, Ye Qing saw that Da Mi was leaning against the boss’s chair and rubbing her temples. When she noticed that he came in, she immediately sat up straight and her body expression was very serious. "What are you doing here?" Ye Qing didn’t answer her, but directly pulled up a chair and sat down, and then leisurely crossed his legs. This is the only way for Da Mi to say, "Do you know what you are doing now?"
Big honey looked at his sharp eyes and couldn’t help but look away. "I’m working. What can I do?"
"No, you are wrong! You are not at work! " Ye Qing shook his fingers and was sure that the authentic honey left her pie mouth and didn’t good the spirit tunnel "What do you think I am doing?"
"You are in ruin! Do you know that women can’t stay up late? Although it’s not too late, you’ve been sitting in front of your brain like this, which has a lot of radiation and is very harmful to your skin. How do you think you can meet people if you get a few pimples on your face one day? If you are ugly, who will want you? " Leaves a solemnly scolded way
Big honey was scolded by him for being extremely wronged and couldn’t help but simply yell, "Nobody wants me to tell you anything! I’m ugly and fierce. I’m not a lady. I’m unpopular, but I’m the only person in my world who can replace me. I’m going to do this. What’s wrong with me? "
Ye listened to the injustice in her words and couldn’t help but soften her tone. "I’m sorry I put my foot in my mouth. In fact, you are so cute, just like Leslie Cheung’s song. I am a fireworks with different colors. You can continue to be yourself and change without people, because you will lose yourself."
When Damei heard this, she felt that Ye Qing was hinting at herself. She smiled sadly. "I don’t understand. You can rest assured that I know what to do. In fact, is there anything else you can do now besides criticizing me and laughing at me?"
Ye Qing didn’t understand the meaning of her previous sentence, but the latter sentence was clear. He immediately said, "You don’t need to train them so hard in the training room. Forced training is not good, but there will be vice. I know you are eager to win and you want the team to become stronger, but this can’t be changed overnight. You must be patient."
"Ye Qing do you think I need you to teach me to do things? You are the boss and I am the boss? " Big honey is very impolite. Ye Qing said with a cool smile and a tepid tunnel. "Of course you are the boss, I know you have your own ideas, but I am giving my advice."
"I’m sorry you suggested that I don’t accept it, and since you’re here, you should also go to training together. A member of the team should arrange everything from the team." Big honey looked at Ye Qing with a very serious expression and tunnel.
Leaf suddenly a clap forehead in the mind, "I knew it would be the end … second I fell into the pit …"
"What are you doing? Not satisfied with my arrangement? " Big honey increased her tone and said, "Ye Qing waved her hand." No, I’m very satisfied. I mean, you are illegally imprisoned! "
"Bullshit! I can also say that this is overtime! " Big honey argued
"Is there overtime pay for overtime work?"
"Of course!"
"How much?"
"One dollar per person!"
"Holy shit, isn’t this naked exploitation?"
"I’m just exploiting. What’s the matter? You bit me?"
"No place to talk!"

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Jun 27, 2024

Do you like red roses or blue roses?

After shopping the whole street for almost one night, Xia Tong felt that the whole person was going to collapse and was exhausted … She was exhausted. She was going to be tortured by those beautiful brand-name skirts. Shopping was really tiring, but why didn’t Nangong Law look cheerful and tired? This guy …
At this time, the Nangong Law’s flashing eyes and extraordinary splendour skirt … He has already thought about those sexy and enchanting bold dresses, and then he will wear them for him to see when he goes out. It is good for him to wear formal enchanting goblins.
"Well, you see, I picked out so many dresses for you, and she will be very happy when you give them to her." Xia Pupil said to Nangong Law seriously that the implication was that she had done her duty and should go home.
The nangongshan law looked at summer pupil pressure bass noise low a smile "oh? Really? " She will be happy …
"Of course, this is my experimental skirt. She will be very touched." Xia Tong must have nodded.
Nangong Law’s slender joints broke up, holding the perfect outline, and the jaw was lazy and asked Xia Tong, "So … what if she wasn’t moved?"
"How is that possible? ! It’s impossible, it’s impossible, it’s impossible, it’s bound to be moved and excited, and then you’ll be very happy to coquetry with you, and then you’ll confess conveniently … "Xia Tong opened her beautiful eyes and said with some excitement," You must take roses for roses, these skirts and roses, and then she will be very happy. You will catch up with her and you will be together. "
"But now the most important thing is that I’m tired … well, it’s getting late. I’m tired. You should take me home." Xia Tong yawned, and his eyes were full of sparkling tears. How cute is it?
The nangongshan law will watch Xia Pupil’s danger when Xia Pupil doesn’t notice it. Think about Xia Pupil’s words. The original brand-name dress is not enough. You need roses …
"Wait and then go back, you and I will go to the flower shop and buy some roses." Nangong Law added calmly as if I didn’t see Xia Pupil yawning. That Xia Pupil must promise to let Xia Pupil think directly but can’t refuse. Who asked her to promise Nangong Law to help him chase girls? She Xia Pupil is a good baby who keeps her promise.
"Roses? Little sister, do you like blue roses or red roses? " After coming to the flower shop, Nangong Law ignored the straightforward and enthusiastic eyes of the shop assistants, but played with the petals and asked Xia Pupil lazily.
She is the girl he is chasing.
"Blue Rose Blue Rose" Xia Tong is a little perfunctory. "Well, hurry up, it’s already late at eleven o’clock … why are you in such a hurry? You won’t be ready to confess tonight, will you? Maybe the girl is asleep?"
"No, she’s still alive and heartless without sleep," said Nangong Law.
Nangong Law is the heir of Nangong family, and then he looks very enchanting. He is the kind of fascinating demon with a beautiful appearance that makes women scream at any time. This identity of money has made several women upside down.
Those women are cute, lively, naughty, enchanting, pure and beautiful-anyway, every one is more beautiful than every one.
For them, the Nangong law wants to hook a finger, and those women flock to him.
And now he really wants to confess, shouldn’t it be a real pursuit of girls? Nangong Law really wants to chase girls this time. Does he really like Xia Pupil? He doesn’t know, but he always wants something and will simply rob people. Since he has interest, whether he likes it or not, he will keep it with him first.
Summer pupil Nangong Law squinted and drove to the gate of Xiajia. Summer pupil was happy to see his home. As soon as he opened the car door, he had to drive Nangong Law from the car and actually took those skirts. And-blue roses are blue enchantresses.
"Little sister" the nangongshan law charm voice stopped the summer pupil.
Xia Tong looked back and saw Nangong Law holding these in front of her and was shocked. She swallowed her saliva and looked at Nangong Law. "What are you doing?"
"That little girl is you," Nangong Law said. He put the blue enchantress in Xia Tong’s hands with burning eyes. "Little sister rose dresses are all for you. The girl I want to chase is little sister you!"
What is Tiannangong Law saying?
Summer pupil head don’t know what to answer after a delicate and charming roses in full bloom, like a blue flame in the dark.
It’s a beautiful night, decorated with the moon and stars. It’s a charming and romantic night, in other words, it’s a very suitable night for confession.
"Little sister, I am asking you formally this time." Nangong Law gathered up the original evil spirits and frowned and said, "Be my girlfriend. I am very kind to my girlfriend."
"What? You! How did this happen? You didn’t say that the girl you were chasing was me. "Xia Tong was in a hurry, and Nangong Law said that chasing her was like a girl.
"It’s naive. If I didn’t say that, would you go shopping for a skirt with me?" The nangongshan law narrowed his eyes and stretched the ending. The hoarse charm makes people think.
"It seems so" summer pupil thinking and then shook his head "no! That’s not true either! Anyway-you lied to me! "
Nangong Law put his hand into his pocket at will and looked at Xia Tong with a commanding feeling. "Little sister, you said that girl would be moved, so are you moved now?"
The nangongshan law sexy thin lips with if have if smile he is waiting for summer pupil to answer.
I was nervous for no reason. He was-even nervous?
"I-I-"Summer pupil disorderly dead! God, she’s so stupid. She’s so stupid that she set a trap and jumped herself. She just said that the girl would move her. Now if she says she won’t move, she won’t accept it. Isn’t that shooting herself in the foot? The nangongshan law is so bad that … it induces her.
Just when Xia Tong was at a loss.
A familiar and magnetic sweet voice suddenly became cold and oppressive, and the strong breath came tightly. The cold eyes narrowed. "Xia Tong, you’d better not tell me that you spent the night with this man."
Guess who he is?
Spend it with him tonight.
Summer pupil turned around and saw a sullen YiLiChen YiLiChen hands with pockets handsome face with a somewhat YinZhi.
There was a moment when Xia Pupil had a feeling that an almond was caught out of the wall. Of course, that feeling was that Xia Pupil didn’t catch her herself, but she was upset to find that she couldn’t calm down. Yi Haochen now looks like she was going to eat her little white rabbit.
Naixia Pupil dared to mutter, "What’s wrong with others? Why are they so fierce?"
Yi Haochen’s lips with a kind of sneer still put the soul-stirring beauty in his life to the fullest. It is a king’s demeanor from the bottom of his bones. He bent down near Xia Pupil to smell the fragrance of tobacco. "What? You still don’t know that you are wrong? Hmm? "
She’s wrong? Summer pupil felt very strange, looked up and looked at the whole body with a sense of oppression. Yi Lichen was very spineless and said, "I know I am wrong."
Although I say this verbally, I don’t think so in my heart. What’s wrong! She was threatened by Yi Haochen’s eyes. What’s wrong with her summer pupil? She helped Nangong Law choose clothes. Although she finally turned around and found that she actually helped Nangong Law chase herself, she still had the freedom to help others choose clothes.
"Good. Tell me where you are wrong?" Yi Haochen didn’t let go of Xia Pupil’s habitual squinting with a somewhat questioning tone. It really felt like finding his wife having an affair.
The nangongshan law came to wait for Xia pupil to fall out with indignation and Yi Haochen, and let Xia pupil know who he and Yi Haochen are better. I didn’t expect this little girl to be threatened by Yi Haochen, so she was wronged and bowed to Kannika nimtragol.
Feeling a little unhappy, Nangong Law lifted her eyes and charmed her voice with a strong provocation. "Can’t you see it easily?" My little sister is spending the night with me. "
The magnetic male voice and noise are somewhat ambiguous, which makes people think about it.
Yi Haochen’s elegant behavior and cold eyes narrowed slightly. A dangerous breath spread in the air instantly, and the breath of the king became more and more oppressive.
Oh, my God, the wolf is going to get angry. Oh, my God, Xia Tong felt that there was an end of the world and immediately pushed Nangong Law away. "Don’t say it again!"
"Little sister, I’m helping you." Nangong Law was unhappy. He helped Xia Pupil but was interrupted by Xia Pupil. It’s almost gone to catch him. "If you don’t want to talk with Yi Haochen, I can help you."
Summer pupil want to cry Nangong law is simply adding fuel to the fire. What should I do? She seems to really annoy Yi Haochen. Yi Haochen looks very angry.

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Jun 27, 2024

Usually big people have aura, but mad dog dragon has never seen such a big old man. He looks very kind and kind, but the hall is quiet and no one dares to come out.

Mr. Du walked up to a man wearing warrior gloves. The soldier quickly got up and bowed his head respectfully. "Mr. Du!"
Mr. Du nodded. "Where is your boss?"
The soldier handed in his hand and said, "The wind boss is far away in Loulan Empire. I hope Mr. Du will forgive me for coming when I am in the posture. The wind boss specially assigned me to buy a generous gift to congratulate Mr. Du on his 6 th birthday."
As he spoke, he took out a beautiful box from his bag and offered it in both hands.
Who knows that Mr. Du didn’t pick up the box, but muttered, "Alas, the wind is actually too hard, but it is good for young people to be busy."
He said it was a good thing, but there was a deep disappointment in his tone
He never received the gift, which made the soldier look very scared.
"Sleeve sleeve friendship? Are you busy, too It was a year ago that I last saw her. "Mr. Du came to a dressed and plain female player.
Sleeve sleeve is also very respectful to get up and say, "I’m really sorry that Mr. Du Yajie stopped hosting Yutian’s family affairs at the end of last year. This year, Mr. Du lived up to Mr. Du’s 6 th birthday, and you sent me to congratulate him! I have prepared a gift! "
This is actually a mad dog dragon sent by Yutian family to represent him.
"So that’s it …" Mr. Du sighed in a tone full of sadness. "Aya is a good girl, alas … it’s a pity, but she won’t be able to sit in charge of her personality for long!"
He turned to the assassin behind him and said, "It’s not easy for them to return the sleeve gift now."
"good!" The assassin nodded respectfully.
Mr. Du came to another guest. This male player is obviously not low in status, but his status is not low. He is also polite to Mr. Du. "Mr. Du is really embarrassed. I am the endorsement brother to congratulate your old man and make amends."
"What happened to Ayan?" Mr. Du asked
Male players are reluctant. "Brother Yan recently went to Loulan Empire, and there has been no line for four days. I really can’t dare to come."
Mr. Du sighed, "It is also qualified for mainland players to let us live in the sea."
He seems to be sighing, but the actual expression on his face scares the male player to lift his head.
Chapter five hundred and ten Mr. Du
The atmosphere in the hall should be jubilant, but I don’t know what. With Mr. Du asking questions one by one, the atmosphere becomes unspeakable.
Mr. Du asked a few more people. At the moment, the mad dog dragon is still in the clouds and fog, but he has finished seeing the tricks.
This Mr. Du must be a man of the hour when he was young, but now he is old and probably doesn’t ask much questions. A player usually has to consider quitting the Ninth Continental to enjoy his old age when he is his age.
However, Mr. Du may still borrow his birthday name every year to invite the bosses of the major forces in the sea to get together, which is also a sign of his hope
A sword flying snow can understand Mr. Du’s psychology. When you are old, don’t think about it. Just figure out a face and have a bright face. No matter how powerful and famous you are when you are young, many people will not sell you if you are old.
For example, now Mr. Du is asking questions one by one, but the bearer is actually not the boss. It is estimated that the second-in-command and the third-in-command have reasons for the bosses to take off. Maybe one or two of them really can’t come, but the sword is flying snow. How can you not see that most people’s reasons are false?
For a moment, she sighed sadly. If one day I retired from the position of chairman of the colorful paradise, I don’t know if I would end up alone like Mr. Du.
It’s really not too much to flatter and flatter her at ordinary times, but at least half of the ten people are because she is the president of Colorful Paradise, and the other two are because of her beauty. Of course, they dare to hit on her. This kind of man is rare, and two people appreciate her strength. The last one left may be treating her as a friend from the bottom of his heart.
Only now did she realize that she was actually a lonely person because she didn’t seem to have a true friend.
Once people reach a certain position or realm, they will realize the importance of bosom friends.
She is still thinking, and Mr. Du has come this way.
The Longmen family has great influence now, and Mr. Du obviously wants to save Qian Fan for the last time, which also shows the position of Longmen Wang.
As a result, Mr. Du didn’t have a mouth, but Qian Fan quickly greeted him. "Mr. Du has specially prepared two small gifts for his sixtieth birthday!"
Everyone else is sending one copy, but he has to send two copies differently. Even Mr. Du is interested in "Oh?"
The terrible thing finally happened. Qian Fan suddenly turned and pointed to the mad dog Long Dao. "This man called a section of hard cucumber once robbed your golden bow family in purgatory island and Loulan Empire, which made the golden bow family suffer huge losses in economy and reputation. Unfortunately, I met him halfway and brought him here by Mr. Du. This is my first gift!"
This is a surprise to all four.
A sword flying snow was also startled. This cargo … Fuck!
It turns out that playing cards, getting boxes and borrowing money are all nonsense. This guy has long recognized Mad Dog Dragon and has been trying to trick Mad Dog Dragon into coming here.
"Huh?" Mr. Du narrowed his eyes and looked at Mad Dog Dragon carefully. Mad Dog Dragon really held his breath and remained calm and idle.
The assassin poked his head out. "That’s what happened!"
Mr. Du turned his head and smiled at Qian Fan. "Well, Hanazono Sakura is good!"
Qian Fan was overjoyed when he heard that "Mr. Du is happy!"
At this time, the atmosphere in the hall was relaxed, but the sword flying snow was secretly on alert for a while, and it was estimated that there would be a good fight.
Qian Fan hand way "now there is a second gift!"
As soon as the voice fell, two players labored outside to carry in a glittering statue.
As soon as the statue entered the hall, it was amazed
Because this statue is cast from the image of Mr. Du, it looks like a real person when it is finished. People with a little vision should see that the statue is made of gold.
I have to say that this gift is really a generous gift. Qian Fan said, "Members of our boss Longmen family congratulate Mr. Du on his 60th birthday. I wish Mr. Du happiness as the East China Sea and longevity as the South Mountain!"
The whole hall was shouted, and a warm applause quickly rang out.
Qian Fan proudly looked at Mr. Du, and Mr. Du seemed satisfied with watching the lifelike statue.
It was a long time before Mr. Du turned to smile. "Actually, you forgot to ask me whether I like these two gifts?"
Qian Fan was dazed. "Is Mr. Du not sincere enough to recognize our Longmen family?"
Mr. Du smiled meaningfully.
Qian Fan suddenly froze.
Mr. Du took another look at the mad dog Long Cai and sighed, "Young people are always full of energy. When I was young, I also clashed with others. It doesn’t matter whether this kid’s purgatory island and the new district clashed with the Golden Bow family. What matters is …"
Here he suddenly pegged to the Qian Fan "this gift is not a dust? I think it should be your own decision, right? "
He has no expression, but it is because he has no expression that people think that the image of Mr. Du suddenly becomes unspeakable.
Even other people have this feeling, I wonder what kind of great pressure the parties are facing.
"How did that happen? Naturally, it is the meaning of Fang Boss! " Qian Fan is still laughing, but he is already reluctant to laugh.
Behind the assassin Li said, "No one can lie in front of Mr. Du!"
Mr. Du turned to the statue again and smiled, "I used to play this trick badly when I was young."
His voice suddenly became dignified. "Carry this statue to the gate with your back to the hall."
The assassin and the soldier put the statue in twos and threes according to his requirements. When he saw Mr. Du’s understatement, he waved his hand and didn’t know what to type out. He heard the statue’s back "ding" and a crunchy mouth suddenly blew out a long and narrow black smoke.
Players who don’t know the goods should see that this is definitely poisonous smoke.

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Jun 26, 2024

Just as he was searching for a way to beat Lazio, Lazio scored again …

When I came to Wanda Stadium, the decibel level has been very noisy. boas took this as the background sound, but it turned a deaf ear.
But his thin was interrupted by that great noise.
He woke up from thinking, although he hasn’t seen what happened yet, but he has already had a very bad idea in his mind.
So he quickly turned his attention to the big screen in the stands.
As expected, a very cool animation is being played on the surface.
After a burning football exploded, a huge Italian word "GOL" was displayed after the golden light sprayed out of the sky.
The goal is scored again! !
"Eddison-"live broadcast is leading Lazio fans to shout.
"cavani! ! ! !”
More than 70,000 people shouted a person’s name at the same time. The scene was like a tsunami caused by a 10-magnitude earthquake in Haiti!
The momentum is almost suffocating!
"Lazio are two goals ahead of Real Madrid! It’s only been fifteen minutes since the game … It’s incredible! It’s incredible! "
"cavani! His fifth Champions League goal of the season! After icardi’s injury, the veteran seems to have found another spring in his career. At present, he is Lazio’s top scorer in the Champions League! There is even a chance to hit a top scorer in the Champions League! "
"Real Madrid want to beat Lazio away? Boas also said that he would definitely lead Real Madrid out of this death group? What an idiotic dream! Their dream is fragile in front of Lazio! "
"I think Real Madrid will be the first team in history in boas that failed to qualify from the Champions League group stage …"
When Lazio fans cheered all over the world and swept the whole stadium, the old face of Real Madrid President florentino was very ugly.
But it’s not a sullen look, but an ugly face.
Just like someone who has been dead for a while.
His hope and glory were taken away in Lazio’s second goal.
Real Madrid will never be able to reverse Lazio when they are two goals behind.
In other words, if Real Madrid wants to qualify now, it can count on another stadium team to draw and Lazio will not continue to score goals in the game.
That way, Real Madrid can still be second in the group with the overall goal difference advantage.
But … Is it possible for florentino to know about winning?
It’s not the first time he has dealt with Chang Sheng.
He knows how much this man hates Real Madrid, but he won’t miss a chance to humiliate Real Madrid.
He should have known for a long time that Real Madrid’s current situation hit a winning streak in the final round of the group stage, which was a serious mistake.
However, boas’s achievements after leading the team, especially a round of 1-home sweep of Osasuna, made him see hope again.
People always have some luck in their hearts …
Now the cruel reality let him know that it is wrong to be lucky.
Real Madrid is really going to suffer humiliation at his hands!
This old man who really loves Real Madrid is heartbroken from his heart.
The news that Lazio was two goals ahead of Real Madrid in 15 minutes also reached the city stadium for the first time.
Everyone has confirmed that Real Madrid will definitely lose or lose a few goals.
Then there is nothing to pay attention to. Just concentrate on playing your own game.
Want to qualify for the group?
Just win!
The next thing is like a nightmare for every fan who loves Real Madrid. They wish they could wake up from this dream several times, but every time they close their eyes and open their eyes, all they can see is that their team was slaughtered by Lazio at the stadium …
The score on the big screen is constantly changing.
In the 35th minute, Lazio led Real Madrid 3, and Messi scored the goal.
In the 44th minute, Lazio scored 4 points ahead of Real Madrid, and Virathit scored.
When the referee blew the whistle at the end of the half-time, the commentators agreed that although there were still 45 minutes left in the game, there was no suspense.
"After 45 minutes of garbage, Real Madrid players were already dead … They came to Rome with a very difficult task. Now their efforts will naturally be meaningless if they fail. The only suspense is to see if Lazio will show mercy … but I often know that it is difficult …"
In the intermission dressing room, the dressing room of Real Madrid was as quiet as one person, or … like a Taiping sitting in it, not a dozen real Madrid players but a group of cold bodies!
Boas couldn’t find a way, but he didn’t give up. He continued to look for it, but he couldn’t find a suitable way to find a full head of sweat.
Now the situation is not much different for him and Real Madrid.
Boas was unwilling to lose the game like this.
He believes that since he can lead Manchester City to beat Lazio, he can lead a stronger Real Madrid to beat Lazio.
But how did this happen?
He was so entangled in his own world for fifteen minutes that he didn’t come up with any effective measures until the end of the intermission.
Finally, he was able to shout a few times in a dry voice to let everyone not give up and continue their struggle.
But everyone is a professional player, and they are not known children. Of course they want to win, but you, the head coach, have not come up with an effective way to shout slogans. So what?
Isn’t this a bluff?
Is there no way to fight to bring victory?
It is absolutely impossible to be four goals behind.
All the Real Madrid players were depressed when they reappeared at the stadium waiting for the game.
The coaches are all helpless, which makes them feel very uncertain.
The game has been lost in many people’s minds.
And they feel at ease when they lose-anyway, it’s whether the head coach can make weekly arrangements, and we show that we have worked hard to stand up such a capable head coach … It’s not that we lose when we lose the problem …
What is the historical glory of Real Madrid that has never been eliminated from the Champions League group stage? Those records have nothing to do with them.
How tired it is to always live there with records …
Maybe it’s better for Real Madrid’s future if this record is broken?
Because you can throw away your baggage and go back to the light array.
Consider it a new era for Real Madrid …
These players are constantly comforting themselves in their hearts and giving themselves such a so-called psychological hint.
Then they really feel that they lost. If they lose, they lose.

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