Jul 11, 2024

His eyes are misty and his emotions are high. Lord Jiang gnashes his teeth. This is to kill their family.

"Are you crazy? What did I tell you? Have you forgotten how you promised me? "
He made it clear to his son that he understood and accepted it. What’s going on now?
Jiang Xiuyi’s eyes half narrowed and his face floated with an abnormal blush. "Father, you let me down. My husband didn’t protect his wife and my father didn’t avenge his daughter. Aren’t you cheating?" You are crazy if you don’t read a little affection for wealth. "
Jiang Da’s popularity is exploding in his chest. "Let people go first if you have something to say. Today is the emperor’s wedding day. Don’t be ridiculous."
He brought the son in himself. He’s responsible!
Jiang Xiuyi ha ha a smile. "If it weren’t for this occasion, I wouldn’t be close to such a big man. I would like to thank my father for taking me to the palace."
He is light and inexplicably excited, so that’s all these big shots are.
Chapter 2112 Naive man
People who are usually unattainable will be afraid!
Lord Jiang regretted it very much. "So you have been lying to me."
If it weren’t for watching him behave well to appease this newly lost brother-in-law, he would be taken to the palace for fun.
I didn’t think it would lead to today’s tragedy
Jiang Xiuyi’s eyeful of hatred is very scary.
"Yes, I just got into the palace. At this moment, the blood of my mother and sisters can’t be shed in vain. I want to get justice for them."
He glared at YunQiao Qiao Qiao Qiao returned a contemptuous chuckle and didn’t take it seriously.
Jiang Xiuyi is even more angry. Why doesn’t this bitch die?
Lord Jiang’s eyes hurt in his heart. "They deserve to die. Why don’t you believe me?"
Jiang Xiuyi angry roar loud "even if they kill and set fire to? Others should let them die! We Jiang family are willing to harm her because we respect her. "
Everyone was shocked by such a wonderful theory, which was the first time I heard of it.
The ginger family is a complete idiot!
Jiang’s adult is saddened. "Is this what your mother instilled in you? I really regret that I shouldn’t have married that Sang Men star. "
Jiang Xiuyi was very angry. "You are not qualified to say that. If you don’t behave properly and favor those goblin mothers, you won’t be disheartened and do something wrong."
Parents respect each other like ice, mothers live alone, fathers love other women and their children.
Thus dividing the interests of women!
"Which man is not three wives and four concubines? Aren’t you also hugging the left and the right? " Lord Jiang is incredible. This office has always been clever, but what’s wrong now?
He glared at him mercilessly. "Let people go quickly and apologize to the records of adults. I beg him to forgive you with you. You are still my most important thing."
Hurry up and go back to this occasion without any mistakes.
Jiang Xiuyi couldn’t listen to a word. "Lie to me again. Don’t I don’t know what you really value is the fourth grade. You want to give him your family business."
He is resentful. He is the first but not the father’s favorite son.
Lord Jiang is worried. What the hell is he talking about? "Nonsense which possessions to ordinary? Xiu Yi, you are my office and my heir. "
Family inheritance is given to the office, and only the office will give it to the concubines. This is the default rule.
Jiang Xiuyi’s eyes were red and obviously stimulated. "Lie, I don’t believe a word. My mother is dead, and there is no one who really treats me in this world. I want revenge!"
The more he talked, the more excited he became. He shouted wildly and his right hand kept shaking.
Mrs. Records feels cold in the neck and dare not breathe. This man is really out of control.
Lord Jiang was nervous. "Xiu Yi, listen to me. Don’t mess around. If you do something wrong, you won’t be able to inherit the family business. You really don’t want the Jiang family?"
He tried to reason with his son and set the facts. Jiang Xiuyi and wait for a while looked over and said, "Jiang’s family?"
Jiang’s adult tried to say that he "Jiang’s family is still pointing to you to carry forward. I believe you are capable of being obedient and obedient, madam."
As he spoke, he walked slowly over and Jiang Xiuyi looked confused as if he were in a dream.
A white light flashed "Be careful"
Jiang Xiuyi couldn’t hide from an arrow in his chest and spit out a sigh of relief. "You shouldn’t believe you if you lied to me. You are a big liar. I want to kill you all …"
He picked up the golden hairpin and stabbed it hard. Another white light flashed and a scream sounded "Ah"
"Xiu Yi" Jiang Xiuyi injured his arm and fell in a pool of blood.
"lady lady" and the records of the lady passed out unconscious.
Records of a picked up the lady panicked and looked at Yunqiaoqiao "Ruyi County Lord help me look at my wife"
Jojo waved his hand and Jia Qige checked his pulse. "Your wife is frightened and it’s okay."
"Great" records of long spit out a sigh of relief.
Jiang Xiuyi fainted to the ground covered in blood and looked miserable.
Jiang’s adult hates iron and beats his body hard, but he can’t help blushing when he looks at the horror.
"Records of adults and children making such a big mistake, I will not spare him, and I will give you a satisfactory result."
The records were full of anger, but because of the occasion, they didn’t send "I’m waiting"
Jiang’s adult went to Zetian and Qiaoqiao in the East again. "Ruyi County’s main child has a very good relationship with his mother. He will do something wrong if he can’t accept the news of his mother’s death for a while, but the mistake is wrong. I am willing to apologize on his behalf and I will never refuse."
He begged to save his son’s life, even if he was disabled and stupid
Jojo glanced faintly. "That’s not necessary. I won’t dispute with a dead man."
Jiang Daren’s face looks ugly when he is in a tight mood. "Ruyi County Lord, I know he is wrong, but please give him a break this time …"
Before he finished Jojo, he interrupted him. "It’s not me who wants him to be killed, but the people in the Jiangfu."
Lord Jiang looked forced. "What did you say?"
Jojo looked sympathetic. "He won’t last long after taking the medicine that makes him mad."
"How is that possible?" Lord Jiang was so frightened that his face was ugly to the extreme. "Are you mistaken?"
Although I feel that my mood is not right, I never thought that I was ambushed!

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Jul 11, 2024

It’s 6: 00, 4 minutes in the evening and 2 minutes from 7: 00. For other people, Mad Dog Dragon will disdain to laugh. Do you know how far buddy can run out in 2 minutes?

But this is Hongwu. I have the talent to dare to speak out.
Maybe this is not crazy, but a very objective fact.
Mad dog dragon took a deep breath again. He was forcing himself to calm down. This was the second time he met a powerful opponent after a sword flying snow.
The rain has become heavy again, and the figures of both sides seem to be a little blurred, but the cameras are loyal. Lan Jun holds the microphone and doesn’t know how to explain it. The atmosphere at the scene is really tense.
It was a good half-day before Hong Wu nodded with satisfaction. "Brother Gua is good enough for me!"
Few people can understand this statement, which means that if Mad Dog Dragon just chose to escape, Hongwu may not even bother to pursue it, so it is not worth pursuing, and Mad Dog Dragon chose to leave this kind of challenging spirit instead of fleeing, which is beyond the ordinary people’s ability.
Mad dog dragon said lightly, "There are not many people who can make me escape."
Hong Wu actually showed a smile. "Then why don’t you start work?"
Mad dog dragon also smiled, "because now you are looking for me instead of me."
"Well said!" Hongwu burst out laughing.
Everyone else feels that the atmosphere has eased, but Hongwu chose this opportunity to make moves.
He almost slid forward and held his hand high to form a hand knife posture and cut it out.
This knife has already cut the mad dog before it even cuts the dragon body. The rain curtain is so exciting that the mud flies around and the wind is strong.
Mad dog dragon has never seen a fighter with such a general trend, but he came to the front with a knife in the blink of an eye, and he directly raised the night shadow to parry.
Who knows Hongwu’s wrist turned straight and the hand knife suddenly drew an arc and cut it from the incredible side.
When the hand knife cuts the blade of the night shadow, it sends out such a vibrato, and the night shadow is instantly shaken to a great extent. At this time, Hongwu hits forward with his other hand and one palm.
This palm is plain, but it is perfect in terms of timing, orientation and speed, that is to say, you must either carry it hard or meet it hard
Mad dog dragon, of course, can’t choose the former. He also tried to say that he is a level 9 master, so he made all his efforts to hit the left palm before.
"Pa" a crunchy collision between two juli shocks to air billow faint unexpectedly lift the rain to spread around.
Mad dog dragon was shocked to slide backwards for more than ten meters, and finally his back hit the mountain to stop.
He raised his head with horror, and his strength was not in the same class as the other party. Because Hongwu did not move in the same place, his figure was very easy
However, Hongwu’s face is not so good-looking, and his palm has hit the "-21" damage value.
Of course, the natural strength of a fighter is not high. Of course, this is relative to a professional body, but no matter how high the strength of a level 9 fighter is, it is impossible for ordinary players to look at his back. This damage value makes him discover the terrible side of the mad dog dragon. It is no wonder that this small one has six physical defenses.
Hongwu suddenly smiled again. "You’d better take my advice and come back now."
Mad dog dragon patted the wrist of his right hand. He was shocked by Hongwu’s knife just now. Now that the rainstorm is raging, it is necessary for him to exercise his muscles.
But at this point, he won’t fall for such a low-level trick joke. The two cameras are turning around happily, so if they slip away, even if they can escape from ascension for a while, if the video is broadcast in Shuiyun City, Gu Xiaoyue’s face can be imagined.
You can’t drop the chain when you press the key. Mad dog Long Ding suddenly opens his hands and shakes the special effect "Assassin’s Guardian". The real avatar is rushing towards Hongwu. The night shadow in the front avatar is like flying fairy in the rain. The scene looks amazing. To be continued.
Chapter seven hundred and ninety The shift.
In the face of flying busy Hongwu, there is a disdain sneer at his mouth. A master at this level can’t hurt him unless it’s a magical skill.
Two places at once in the blink of an eye into the Hongwu body as if absorbed by his body.
He spread his hands and suddenly shook forward, and an incredible scene appeared, and he reappeared and fought back at the mad dog dragon.
The mad dog dragon didn’t panic. He knew that the other side would have amazing skills, so he rushed forward to release "Ghost Hunting" and sent it behind Hongwu.
Hongwu also didn’t turn back to backhand. A "general takes off his robe" elbow punch seems to be moving and slow, but it is clever than this punch in the middle of a mad dog’s belly.
The mad dog dragon was repelled again, and the retreating middleman "swish" disappeared. This time, "Flying Flash" flashed directly in front of Hongwu, and the hand tactical pistol had switched to the shelling mode, and the muzzle instantly spit out anger.
Dream Lanjun and they saw the earth-shattering explosion, and the whole hill was instantly lit up.
In the violent explosion, the camera clearly captured the details of the battle between the two men. It can be seen that Hongwu is alive and well in the same place. On the contrary, several somersaults in the mad dog dragon are flying backwards. He seems to have been punched by Hongwu again, which is abnormal and has obvious tremor and deformation.
"Ding" A mad dog dragon was embedded in the mountain wall like a gecko. His right hand once again raised the tactical pistol "Hua La" and a small and exquisite black crossbow was instantly deformed. Rows of silver and dazzling arrows were set up in the center of the crossbow mouth, and it was obvious that the whole body was made of metal.
"Whoosh whoosh whoosh!"
Seven bolts drew seven bright lights, which penetrated the rain and flew to the other side like a flash.
It turns out that even the strokes and lightning strokes in front are empty strokes. The purpose is to pave the way for this blow, and almost no one can flash Hongwu, and this blow is no exception.
But Hongwu is responsive, and his hands have formed a palm knife to slap. Who knows that the bolt is about to fly to the result? "La La La" exploded one after another.
At present, the battle picture has gone beyond the reporters’ cognition. Seven white energy groups the size of football appeared in front of Hongwu.
Not good! This is a scientific and technological energy arrow!
Hongwu’s face finally changed, and a tangible spherical energy field also appeared around the center of his palms.
In fact, this is not a real energy field, it is a strength that breaks through a certain realm and produces gas strength, which can almost resist other types of attacks except arcane.
"boom! Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom! "
There was another serial explosion in the ground. The strong light generated by the explosion of seven energy balls flashed so that a group of reporters closed their eyes and splashed mud and stones. It was like a flash flood.
But Hongwu’s palm blows his strength, which makes him go back more than ten meters. It seems that he avoided this fatal blow, but in fact he still retreated a little slowly.

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Jul 10, 2024

After the second quarter, Nowitzki received the outside lob again, and then turned around on one foot. Nowitzki clenched his fist and smiled, showing his white teeth. His hand came back.

After the German team scored, it was China’s turn to attack. Yi Qianjin reached in front of Nowitzki and asked for the ball. Qiu managed to hang the ball in. Yi Qianjin dribbled the ball to the basket and then turned around. He was very upset about returning the favor to King Nuo. He took a hard look at Yi Qianjin and vowed to avenge himself.
King Nuo was running this time. He wanted to get a shot. When he received the ball, the horse made a mid-range shot and scored the ball.
Yi Qianjin and Nuo Tianwang are dead, but on the whole, Yi Qianjin has prevailed. He is young and has excellent winning skills. Nowitzki is so old, but of course he can’t do it. He only played for six minutes and then the driver was changed. He was so tired that he was sweating profusely.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? In the third quarter, the game also ended quickly. The German team lost some miserably, and the score was really a little big. Jackson smiled slightly. In the fourth quarter, several main players came off the bench and trained in succession.
Li Da has become a leading role. In fact, he is a Zen master. The target of careful training is in the No.2 and No.3 positions. It is difficult for him to play as a main player, but it is good to help the team as well as a main player.
"ah? ? ? ? ? ? "Li Da yelled and grabbed the rebound. This time he threw himself and grabbed it. Then he made no adjustment and shot again. His best mid-range jumper actually fell again.
"It’s my fault. I should play calmly," he thought to himself.
The ball is Germany’s choice. In fact, they have lost two points now. What else is there to start with? Nowitzki Kaman has already sat on the field and rested.
Li Da quickly rushed past the opponent’s ball. Another beautiful steal? ? ? ? ? ? Boom! Dunk!
Well, the Zen master sat in his chair and nodded. He expressed his appreciation for the enthusiasm of this lover. He appreciated playing basketball from his heart. Sometimes, everyone has to be skilled and have coolies. Li Daxian is a coolie and a defensive expert.
In the end, the game was over, and 157 minutes later, the big countries won another game, and it was already ironclad that they entered the strong ones.
If you want to know the funeral, please listen to the breakdown.
Chapter 229 World Championships III
Chapter 229 World Championships III
Against Argentina, the China team can lose or win, but it has steadily entered the strong position anyway. However, Jackson still said seriously, "This game is very important to us until we enter the strong position. We will definitely bring it." Everyone nodded. In fact, they are also thinking about winning this game in their hearts.
There are several main players in the Argentine team that we are familiar with. They all play in the nba. The most well-known player is Manu Ginobili, followed by diamond Luis Scola, Carlos delfino and Andrei Si Nuo Sioni.
Before the game, the players of both sides still have to shake hands politely. The main players of the Argentine team are Scola Andre Si Nuo Sioni Carlos delfino Ginobili and another player.
It was still China who got the first ball, dribbled the ball calmly and glanced around the field, and then suddenly faced the defender. The Argentine No.1 player may not be ready for the first time, or he may not be able to prevent him from planning an acceleration and passing the defender.
Scola is not very good at defense when he doesn’t move in the basket. He really doesn’t know anything to win the referee’s whistle except diving.
Qiu managed to get rid of Argentine lineman Andrei Si Nuo Sioni and continued to take a big step to take off and then come back.
"Du? ? ? ? ? ?” The referee blew the whistle and Scola dived successfully to see him. At this time, the Argentine players fell to the ground in pain and pulled him up. Although Qiu Yunying knew Scola, he didn’t know how to fight before, so he didn’t know that Scola became famous for diving.
"Me? ? ? ? ? ? This is obviously a good goal. "Qiu Yunying stretched out his hands and asked the referee to complain." You really let the ball go. I saw it clearly. "The referee said fairly.
There is no way that the final ball was awarded to Argentine Andre Si Nuo Sioni, who served in the backcourt. Ginobili caught the ball and passed the half-court. Although he is the No.2 player, it is reasonable for him to dribble and organize the attack because he is the biggest player in the team.
At this time, the China team arranged Zhong Daguo to defend Ginobili’s demon knife. In the nba, it was only after knowing Zhong Daguo’s title that he played as the main star for two years and was still the scoring champion. Can you not know that?
The killer demon knife faced Zhong Daguo’s defense and made his most famous killer snake break through Zhong Daguo. Although he was 37 years old, Zhong Daguo was still so sharp when he made a snake break, but Zhong Daguo was not easy to provoke. He would not give up so easily and continue to chase after Ginobili fiercely.
China linemen Zhang Xinsheng and Yi Qianjin were in the right position at this time, ready to cover the Ginobili basket severely, but the demon knife basket has always been strange. The two major lines of China team didn’t cover his ball. Fortunately, they didn’t pay for it.
"pa!" There was a loud noise and the demon knife turned around and turned out to be behind him. Zhong Daguo gave him a big hat like James’s chasing body. It was really domineering and bloody!
"Well? ? ? ? ? ? ?” Yi Qianjin and Zhang Xinsheng came running and hugged Zhong Daguo with joy. The excitement was beyond words.
"oh? ? ? ? ? ? ? Medium? ? ? ? ? ?” The audience also shouted at the same time.
"Bloody hat" This is Zhong Daguo’s extremely capable No.2 and No.3 players. Some people say that he looks like McGrady, but he is tougher and more defensive than McGrady. Some people say that he is against Durant, but his ability to fight alone seems to be a little stronger than Durant, and his blocking seems to be a bit like Little Emperor James. "v5 commentator Ma sighed and praised.
"China’s entry into the top of the Asian Championships in 2014 is a sure thing. Although the former China team has also entered the World Championships, it is not easy to play. Many times, it is still standing on the first place. This team can be described as the king of the new generation of players. The China men’s basketball team is expected in the future," said Tencent Sports Live Guest.
"I can’t remember when the China men’s basketball team killed the quartet as it is now in the world competition. I remember that we have been bullied by others in the world competition. Well, the men’s basketball team has always risen. I don’t know when the China men’s football team can win the Japanese women’s football team and learn like our men’s basketball team." The new lang sports commentator issued a series of heartfelt confessions
This time, it was Argentina’s turn to attack Scola, who received the ball in the low post and then took two steps to the basket. Then he picked up the ball and turned around several times in succession. Finally, it was a strange basket. That is to say, Yi Qianjin couldn’t stop his little eyes from spinning.
This time, it was China’s turn to attack the dribbling. It was Qiu’s strategy. He gave the ball to one side, big Z, big Z, and carried it twice. Then he held the ball in his hands and hung it to the low line. The dive was stronger than that of Scola. He grabbed Scola and held up one hand and then received the big Z ball with one hand.
Yi Qianjin pushed the ball back with both hands, then turned to the left and then quickly turned to the right. Scola failed to stop Yi Qianjin’s footsteps. After Yi Qianjin passed Scola, he quickly accelerated the dribbling. After two steps, he had killed the basket. "Boom!" Dunk Yi dived to the ground, grabbed the ball with both hands and slammed into the basket.
"yi? ? ? ? ? ? ?” What can I say except domineering and shouting?
Yi Qianjin and Da Z looked at each other and smiled. It felt wonderful. They were good friends in Guangdong team before, and they knew it by heart with their teammates.
"It’s really domineering to dunk well. Now the core line of the China team is getting tougher and tougher. Now he not only throws three points accurately on the outside line, but also has excellent skills in attacking the basket. He has greatly improved his strength by several grades." The v5 commentator applauded with both hands in the studio.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? At the end of the second quarter, the score was 564. China was one minute ahead, and the big country scored 15 points. Yi Qianjin scored 17 points. Qiu Yunying scored 5 assists, big Z, big W and big Li? ? ? ? ? ? Have all scored a lot of points? ? ? ? ? ? If you want to know the funeral, please listen to the breakdown.
Chapter 23 World Championships IV
Chapter 23 World Championships IV
At halftime, a reporter came to interview the China team members. Zhong Daguo and Yi Qianjin were the most happy interviewees. Of course, coach Phil Jackson was also sought after and speculated by reporters.
"May I ask coach Phil Jackson what is the method for you to lead the China men’s basketball team to achieve such great results?" An American reporter asked the Zen master
"Talent China has a saying that a clever woman can’t cook rice. Without excellent athletes, my tactical theory is strong and there is no potential for a big country. ? ? ? ? They are the backbone of this men’s basketball team, and the way to win is to train these players and give them opportunities, "Jackson calmly replied."
A beautiful reporter came over and asked Zhong Daguo, "What is the reason why you have achieved such high achievements so quickly?"?
"The coach and the national team supported my efforts and the high-level confrontation in the American nba League are all reasons for my rapid progress." Zhong Daguo replied simply and formally
"Is there no other reason? For example, the female reporter is obviously not satisfied with Zhong Daguo’s answer. He hopes to get some news about divination.
"Oh, of course, there are some good women who have helped me a lot." Zhong Daguo said with a smile as he turned his eyes and touched his head with his right hand.
"Some?" The female reporter was surprised and asked that he was finally satisfied this time as if he had interviewed top secret news.
The reporter’s interview is still going on, and the game is about to play. There is no way to interview, so we have to wait until after the game. The players are going to the stadium to play.
This time, it was Argentina’s attack ball. The demon knife ball was given to the low diamond. Usually, it was in the basket. If it was far away from the basket, he would have voted for it. The diamond wanted to fight against Iraq’s dive and then hit the basket, but Iraq’s dive seemed to be stronger than him. He finally worked hard for a long time and got the ball. The diamond gave the ball to the demon knife outside the bottom corner three-point line.
After the demon knife received the ball, Ma first projected Zhong Daguo. This time, it failed to interfere with the shooting of the demon knife. Perhaps the demon knife shot too fast this time, and Zhong Daguo hasn’t reacted yet.
"Hey!" The demon knife hit a difficult bottom corner three points? ? ? ? ? ? After the Argentine scored, it was China’s turn to serve in the backcourt and then attack. This is the most basic rule of the game. This dribble was made by the China players in Zhong Dachang, and Li Dachang changed to a big Z.
Zhong Daguo carried the ball and gave it to Li Da. "Do it yourself." Zhong Daguo encouraged the little player to win the game anyway, and he was too lazy to play. He might as well let other players practice.

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Jul 9, 2024

Cough is frequent, and influenza is rampant in Jianjiazhuang Hospital.

"It’s better to talk about national affairs when the sun shines on you and me in such a beautiful day!" Jane is embarrassed.
"So good!" Yang Yun laughed. "A few days ago, an emissary from Liao came to ask for the new year’s money. Although it didn’t make the court lose face, it also made people feel unwilling and angry. But I don’t know if Brother Liuguang can make this new year’s money from Liao solve the popular knot in my Song Dynasty?"
"This … ahem!" Jane did catch a cold!
"Asking questions is blind!" Yang Zhen frowned unceremoniously.
"This is really difficult!" Jane nodded a little and said, "If you want to divide this year’s currency, Liao will definitely disagree!"
"nonsense!" Yang Zhen snorted.
"There are two situations in which Liao can automatically remove the old coins!" Jane took a sip of tea and spat it out a few times.
"Let’s hear it!"
It is obvious that the thief is not sincere and will not treat Jane as a dish.
"The first is to beat up the money until he cries and cries, so he naturally doesn’t dare to ask for money!"
"Cough cough!" Yang Yun had a dry cough and his face was embarrassed.
Catch a cold and catch a cold really fast! Anyone who enters the hospital will be recruited.
"If you can beat them, will you pay them back?" Yang Zhen glared at Jane angrily.
"This is a trouble!" Jane nodded a little and pulled out a pair of smiles at Yang Yun from her chest. "Brother Yang knows what this is?"
"Tathagata palm?"
Jane nodded. "If you want to learn, I’ll discount the room and board!"
"Then we said don’t change the subject!"
"The other day, the Japanese and Korean Wu Yan brothers went to sleep in the flower building to find a rouge girl, and immediately discharged two hundred and twenty silver and shouted a bowl of wine to a rouge girl! Guess what the final result is? "
"I got it this time!" Yang Yun shook his head.
Jane shook her head and said, "If I had, I wouldn’t have been born."
Yang Yun suddenly came to the spirit, and he looked like a man who wanted to know what was going on.
"Who knows that the rouge girl didn’t know what hysteria happened that day, and said that she wouldn’t entertain guests, especially the guests in the original boat that day, except Brother Yang!"
"Oh?" Yang Yun Yang Zhenqi lamented!
"Rouge girl must be annoyed with you, especially Brother Liuguang, for not giving her face!" Yang Yun gloated. His sister is a virtue.
"Immediately Han Wuyan brothers are annoyed! A few days ago, I was rejected by the pimp because I didn’t have enough silver. Today, I have enough silver and I am rejected by rouge. If you don’t become angry? Immediately announced a big event! "
"Wait for something big?"
"smashing the field!" Jane has a voice and a voice.
"Sure enough, the result will be very bad!" Yang Yun shook his head.
"It was Han Wuyan’s brothers who were thrown out of the house with a total annihilation. Today, their legs were short and they vowed to avenge themselves, so they asked me to give him an idea!"
"Brother Liuguang has a plan?"
Jane suddenly raised her hand and said, "This is my preparation for the Han Wuyan brothers!"
"Tathagata palm?"
Jane nodded a little. "If Han Wuyan’s brothers practice this martial arts and change their physique over time, they will be able to become a generation of martial arts experts to deal with just a few brothel thugs, isn’t it the mistresses?" Ha ha ha! "
"Sure enough, good idea!" Yang Yun’s expression seems to doubt Jane’s IQ.
Yang Zhen has disdained to interrupt!
"Brother Liuguang said so much, is it a bit off topic?"
Jane nodded a little and smiled shyly. "There are indeed some digressions. The Han Wuyan brothers learned martial arts to get revenge. This process seems a little long, but it is certainly not easy to keep fit overnight. If he is still in a muddle, he will be able to swallow himself even if he sticks to the grass all day, even if he can’t repay his hatred, just like if the raped woman doesn’t fight, she will enjoy it with her legs crossed, even if she hates the sea and snows in June!"
"shame!" Yang Zhen gave Jane a hard stare and turned away!
Yang Yun is also a little angry. It is very reasonable to say this in front of a woman. This is a bit harsh, but I can’t help but think about it carefully.
"Sorry, this analogy was too obscene just now. It must be corrected!"
"There are also people like you who can say such obscene things!" Yang Zhen is still angry.
"It is the crowd birds of a feather flock together! This is reasonable! " Jane glanced at her.
"Hum!" Jane has taken advantage of him again. Yang is angry and doesn’t want to talk to him again!
"Brother Liuguang, I understand the second method!" Yang Yun sighs that now DaSong TianTaiping seems to be prosperous but not enterprising, just as this raped woman was bullied by brothel thugs by Han Wuyan.
"Just talk about it and don’t wave silver!"
"Covered in copper!" Yang Zhen really doesn’t want to let Jane go.
Jane has something to say, but everyone knows this truth. No one wants to say it. It means destroying the existing balance and breaking the old system. This requires a lot of courage, not to mention whether the emperor to the bureaucratic landlord in the Song Dynasty is so prepared now.
Jane doesn’t want to be the savior. He knows that Yang Yun is not a simple person, so talking nonsense can save a lot of trouble.
"Little Niang Xiao Niang is really a woman disguised as a man!" After listening to the wall for half a day, Sanhuan took credit and reported to Su Yuting.
"What do you say?" Su Yuting is proud to think that this is how she dressed up at the beginning. This is called experience value.
{Thank you for your support. Your support is our greatest motivation}
Chapter 19 Lan
"The official met with two guests today!" When Jane came into the room, Su Yuting leaned on the table and looked at Jane Gherardini.
"What does Niang want to express?" Jane looked at Su Yuting carefully.
"Nothing is just asking!" Su Yuting is still Gherardini, as if one day has become a swordsman with high psychological quality, and her eyes are flashing with sword light.
"It is said that one of those two is a woman!"
Is this still said?
"Well, there is a woman disguised as a man!" Jane suddenly jumped back and waited for Su Yuting. "Did I see her?"
Su Yuting suddenly seem to be very wronged eyes drooping path "that woman but dressed as assume touch kind! Isn’t this the first time I met you? " By analogy, it seems that the result is not optimistic!
Jane suddenly nodded and said, "It really is such a thing. Nowadays, women like to dress up as men, and men like to wear long hair. I can’t help it."
"Who likes to dress up as a man!" Su Yuting doesn’t like it, but it’s a disgraceful past.
"Actually, I don’t object to women dressing as men. If there is, we can exchange ideas with each other. I know a thing or two about women dressing as men, such as binding breasts!"
"Who wants you to communicate!" Su Yuting flushed.

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Jul 8, 2024

Protested against Ye Yugu’s own line, while the latter shrugged with a smile.

"I’m sorry I didn’t react either. This cold automatically surrounds my body and protects me."
"Well … it’s really annoying. What the hell is it?"
Izayoi muttered so and looked up at the huge creature that appeared in front of him.
It was a huge creature like a white snake, staring at Ye Yu and Izayoi with a pair of Chengcheng Huang eyes at the moment.
"since you have come to my snake god, come and choose the trial. If you pass my trial, I will give you unimaginable rewards!"
"The snake god? !”
Ye Yu slightly stupidly this claim to let him have a reaction.
"Yes, I am the snake god, the owner of Toli Tunisia Waterfall at the end of the world!"
White snake proudly said while Ye Yu’s eyes showed some dangerous light.
"Can you choose a reward through trial? Any reward? "
"That’s right. You can choose any reward like that. By the way, if you want to get the best reward, just use your strength to prove and beat me!"
"Oh … beat you?"
The corners of the mouth are slightly raised. It has always been a look of expression. Ye Yu’s face actually smiled. It was a cruel and twisted smile.
Inexplicably feeling uneasy Izayoi caught a glimpse of Ye Yu, and immediately he was scared to retreat for several steps. The shocking white frost spread and knew that this place should not stay long. Izayoi turned around and ran without thinking.
Although Izayoi likes to be brave, it is obvious that this is not the time to do such a thing. It is obvious that Ye Yu is already excited.
Ye Yu’s excitement made Izayoi feel deeply uneasy. The problem child didn’t even think about choosing to escape. The whole huge lake was just frozen into ice, and he still remembered it vividly. He didn’t want to become an ice sculpture.
Chapter 17 Fear
Izayoi fled near the waterfall with great speed, but on the other side, the snake god obviously still didn’t notice anything
Although there is more or less some water in it, the other party is, after all, a god, Ye Yu, who gives off the cold, and she is also aware of it, but the proud snake god obviously doesn’t care.
Being able to come to your face, human beings will naturally not be idle, and it will not be surprising to have some strange skills.
Frost power? But it’s naive of you to have this to defeat the snake god!
The snake god is so disdainful to think that since Ye Yu chose the most difficult one in the trial to challenge himself, the snake god will make him understand what despair is!
"very well, if mortal want my treasure, come and defeat me!"
The snake, twisting its long and strong body, growled and immediately jumped at Ye Yu.
"Oh, really! Where the hell did he go? ?”
It’s been fifteen minutes since Black Rabbit started looking for Sakamaki Izayoi and Ye Yu.
It may not feel far from the height of 4 thousand meters, but it’s actually a very long way from them falling into the lake to the "end of the world", and it must be through the jungle, which is impossible to reach for the first time.
Besides, there are certain ghosts and gods set up competitions around here. If you are confused and participate in the game … it will become more and more dangerous!
The black rabbit, who was running anxiously in his heart, suddenly heard a strange sound in the surrounding forest and stopped.
"Are you looking for two people who just passed by, Miss Black Rabbit?"
Silence accompanied by hoofs is a fronted wildebeest with a smooth bluish white body-a unicorn magic beast.
"This, this is really rare turned out to be a rare unicorn! Shouldn’t the "one-horned" guild be in the south? "
"It’s up to me to say this. I can’t see rabbits on the east side of the pavilion except for the official competition. Well, let’s not ask each other about the person you are looking for. If it is the same as I imagined, the forest residents said that they have issued a competition challenge to the water god’s family."
Black rabbit couldn’t help feeling dizzy and sitting on the ground.
At the end of the world, the cliff is the Terry Teniers Waterfall, the end of the world’s great rivers, and it is said that the family of the water god who lives there now is either a dragon or a snake god
"Really … really … what’s the problem!"
"There is no time to cry now. If they are really looking for someone, you’d better hurry up. People will be selected for the Water God Competition here. Go now and maybe come and sit on my back."
The black rabbit was about to cross the horse’s back when suddenly the earth shook and roared all over the forest. Everyone couldn’t help but look at the river and saw several huge water columns in the distance.
If it is an ordinary game, this is absolutely impossible.
"I’m sorry, it seems that it’s better for the black rabbit to go by himself."
"Oooo … although I don’t want to let the girl go to the insurance alone … but do you think I’m not qualified?"
"But if it happens, I may not be able to protect you. It’s polite, but the black rabbit is faster."
Unicorn with a wry smile back a few steps.
"Please be more careful and give my regards to your problem children."
The black rabbit nodded his head and looked nervous, thinking that the Terry Teniers River was rushing away. Her figure was transient and far away, chasing the wind and passing through the trees as straight as light through the forest.
The field of vision widened, and only a few moments later the black rabbit came to the bank of the river.
"Should be around here …"
"Oh, isn’t this a black rabbit? Why has the hair color changed?"
Suddenly remembered the problem behind the disgusting sound Izayoi seems to be safe.
Black rabbit heart cried relieved is not finished by Izayoi around her patience has reached the limit, black rabbit with a furious momentum fierce turned nu way
"It’s really where you are! ? I also fooled Mr. Ye Yu into fooling around together! "
"It’s just coming to the end of the world. Oh, well, don’t be so angry."
Izayoi’s frivolous smile is still alive and unharmed. It seems that there is no need to worry. If there is anything different about him half a moment ago, it is that he was wetter when he fell down.
"But your feet are good. Although it’s fun, I didn’t expect you to come so soon."
"Hum, of course, the black rabbit is a black rabbit who is praised by the noble race of" Cabin nobility "…"
Oops? Black rabbit suddenly felt abnormal.
Because there is Izayoi here, and it seems that Izayoi has been here for a long time.
So who caused the huge roar and splashing water column just now?

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Jul 7, 2024

She put on her coat, washed her face with cold water, felt a little refreshed, and then went out of the door. She was driving, didn’t know where to go, and wandered around the street, feeling desperate and tears could not help falling.

"Ye Qing, where have you been?" She shouted in her heart
There was another person who didn’t fall asleep last night besides Dami and Dong Laoer. She was always worried about Ye Qing Pearl Krabs. She got up early and then went to the coffee shop after breakfast. She was afraid to talk. In case she heard bad news, she was afraid that she couldn’t bear it. She wanted to go to the coffee shop and see Ye Qing sitting in the training room for training. That would be the best picture.
Su Yanbing didn’t know that Ye Qing was missing. She got up as usual, washed up and dressed beautifully before going out to the coffee shop. When she got to the coffee shop, she arranged the work first and then went to the door of the training room. At this time, none of the team members had come.
Just as she turned around, she saw Pearl Krabs come in. She nodded at Pearl Krabs and smiled, "Good morning!"
Pearl Krabs looked at Su Yanbing with some surprise. Didn’t she know about Ye Qing’s disappearance? How can you still laugh? She wondered in her heart but didn’t say what it was to answer "early!" " Then she went into the training room. She sat in her own position and waited for Ye Qing to come. She hoped Ye Qing could push the door and walk in as usual and say "Work!"
Soon the team people came one after another, except for Ye Qing, who was all here. He was curious and said, "Hey? Why hasn’t that guy Ye Qing come today? "
Pearl Krabs didn’t speak. She didn’t want to make everyone know about Ye Qing’s disappearance. When Ye Qing still didn’t come to Pearl Krabs after the team rules, she knew that she couldn’t wait for Ye Qing. She panicked in her heart and quickly got up and went outside.
The players who were late for Ye Qing were a little surprised, but they didn’t struggle for long. No matter whether Ye Qing came or not, everyone had to train because there was an examination every month. If you don’t want to be a substitute, you have to work hard by yourself.
After Pearl Krabs left, Nalan and others trained, and no one asked Pearl Krabs to leave, because there must be a reason to mind their own business or to practice their marksmanship.
Out of the coffee shop, Pearl Krabs called Dong Laoer, who was also driving around the street at this time. He wondered if Ye Qing had gone somewhere to drink after breaking up with him last night, and then got drunk and broke his mobile phone. Now he may still be sleeping on his stomach in a bar.
Dong Laoer is very clear about Chengdu bars. He has been to most of them and has been there many times. He has looked for several bars and found no Ye Qing figure. He has asked the bar owner and said that he has never seen a man who is more than one meter tall and drunk.
When he received Pearl Krabs’s words, he was on his way to a bar. When he picked up the words, he heard Pearl Krabs’s urgent voice "Did you find Ye Qing?" Is he drunk and resting at home? "
Dong Laoer knows that Pearl Krabs likes Ye Qing to see her in such a hurry and can’t help but sigh, "Pearl Krabs, don’t worry. People haven’t been found yet, but we are trying to find them. I believe we can find them soon. He is probably drunk and asleep somewhere. Now I’m driving. I won’t tell you and I’ll let you know if there is news."
With that, Dong Laoer hung up. Pearl Krabs was very depressed and waved a mobile phone. He still had many questions to ask. That guy actually hung up. She quickly calmed down and thought about it.
She soon thought of Ye Qing together with Da Mi. Maybe she was kidnapped. So is the kidnapper after all seeking money or revenge? After careful judgment, she thinks it is much more likely to seek money, so the kidnappers will definitely call Ye Qing’s relatives.
Since it is for money, the kidnapper naturally studied the value of Ye Qing before going back to the place where he tied it. The other party must want Da Mi to take out the money, because there is Da Mi, so much money is available. If Yuzryha dumps his parents to take money, it will be hundreds of thousands of days at best.
With this analysis, Pearl Krabs felt that the kidnapper must have called Da Mi, so she quickly picked up the phone and dialed Da Mi’s words. She had to make sure that Da Mi was upset when she heard the phone ring, so she quickly grabbed a look, but it was not what the kidnapper said, but Pearl Krabs called.
She hasn’t spoken since she got through. Pearl Krabs speaks very fast. "Is Ye Qing kidnapped? Did the kidnappers call you? "
Dami didn’t know that Pearl Krabs was so eager, but the two of them were wonderful. She didn’t think much, so she replied, "I should have been tied up, but I didn’t hear from the kidnappers. I don’t know what the situation is now."
"What shall we do?" Pearl Krabs suddenly burst into tears when she heard the big honey’s words, and she broke into tears when she spoke.
"Where are you now?" Big honey asked
"Then I’ll let you know when you get back to the coffee shop for training. Don’t worry, that damn fool will be fine!" Big honey said and hung up. Now she has no mind to comfort Pearl Krabs. She must find Ye Qing as soon as possible.
Her body and mind have completely belonged to Ye Qing, and she dare not imagine that she should live as if she were facing the future after losing Ye Qing.
At this time, there was light coming in from the window of the stone house in the suburbs. Ye Qing was in pain for almost a night, and he was always thinking about escaping. But Zhang Xuan at least kept four people here and took turns to change everyone who came in. Then he took the pistol and continued to aim at him, leaving his roots without a chance to escape. His hands were still tied behind his back.
The stone house was so simple that there was almost nothing to help him cut the rope, which made him feel more desperate.
Later, Ye Qing vomited once because he was beaten so hard that he vomited after drinking last night. Now the smell of the stone house is just like that of the unified old altar sauerkraut beef noodles, which is so sour that I can’t believe it.
The gunman couldn’t help pulling his head cover to the face, but he couldn’t cover the leaf tilt. He could hold his breath occasionally and twist his head to one side. He felt a little hungry, but he didn’t say anything because he knew very well that these people wouldn’t give him anything to eat or water. That bastard Zhang Xuan confessed.
After a while, someone brought the gunman breakfast, pumpkin porridge and a few steamed buns. Usually, he doesn’t like to eat buns, but today he smells that smell and doesn’t know what he wants to bite.
The gunman’s porridge sound was very loud, as if he wanted to keep his eyes on the red leaves and pour them into his heart. He scolded the guy a thousand times. The gunman seemed to feel that the leaves were not happy. He took a bite of the bag and threw it directly in front of the leaves and said, "Mom, this bag tastes terrible for dogs!"
Ye Qing heard this and stared at the gunman with great anger. The gunman laughed. "You see how good I am to you. Brother Zhang confessed that I can’t give you food. I kindly gave you a bite. Why are you staring at me without thanking me?"
Just then Zhang Xuan came in, and the gunman quickly got up and shouted "Zhang Ge". Zhang Xuan ordered a head and then looked at Ye Qing and immediately smiled. "Did you sleep well? Did you have a sweet dream? "
"Zhang, don’t be crazy. I will return it ten times sooner or later!" Leaf gnashing tunnel
Zhang Xuan ha ha a smile is the so-called tunnel "there won’t be such a day, and since you want to take revenge on me later, I might as well beat you up again and earn enough first."
After that, Zhang Xuan said to several hands, "You guys should exercise when you get up early. Don’t get fat and get a wife!"
A few hands immediately rubbed their hands and walked away toward Ye Qing. Ye Qing was very depressed. Seeing a sudden beating was inevitable. He simply closed his eyes and waited for the storm to strike.
Chapter 999 Have a clue
Ye Qing got a beating again and felt that his bones were all broken, and there was no pain. This time, he really didn’t even have the strength to get up and could continue to lie on the ground.
Zhang Xuan smoked a cigarette outside the door, but he didn’t hear the sound of his fist hitting Ye Tilting. Even if he snorted, he couldn’t help but feel that this guy is really a tough guy. Since he was caught here, he hasn’t even a trace of begging for mercy.
He threw a cigarette butt and walked into the room. "You guys eat in front of him at lunch. It’s the best feeling to let him endure hunger but watch you eat!" And clean up what he vomited for me. It smells bad! "
With that, Zhang Xuan went out and didn’t come in again until noon. Ye Qing lay on the ground for a long time and didn’t move. This time, he was really hurt a little, and his arm hurt as if it were dislocated.
At lunch, someone brought a meal to the gunman and moved in. A table was placed not far from Ye Qing. There were several plates on the table, all of which were meat dishes with attractive dishes and two bottles of beer.
The gunman drank a bottle of beer very comfortably, then poured a glass, took a look at Ye Qing and gulped it down. Then the gunman grabbed chopsticks and ate it, deliberately making a loud chewing to Yuzryha.
Ye Qing swallowed a mouthful of water, and he was very depressed. He didn’t think that he would be reduced to this point one day. The ancients said that the femme fatale was indeed true. Although it was not a big honey fault, it was because of Da Mi that he would have this situation today.
Not everyone is broad-minded. There are always some narrow-minded people who will hate you for a little thing and then try their best to deal with you. Ye Qing didn’t expect to meet such a person. Now he naturally thinks that Li Zhihao is dealing with what he is dealing with. He hates Li Zhihao quite much. Once he gets away, he will definitely go to Li Zhihao and never stop until he beats that guy to the ground.
Big honey and Dong Laoer met again and then had lunch together. After watching a mobile phone, Big honey said to Dong Laoer, "It’s less than 24 hours since Ye Qing disappeared, but now it’s very clear that he was restricted from freedom, otherwise he would have appeared at the worst and would have called us."
"You and I both know this, but what should we do?" Dong Laoer is very anxious. He is an acute one. He has been looking for it for so long that there is no news of Ye Qing. He is going crazy.
"The city didn’t find anyone. I wonder if it will be caught outside the city?" Big honey is very calmly analyzed
Dong Laoer heard the words and immediately scratched his hair in regret. "It’s even worse to find the words outside the city. We don’t even know which direction to look for. We can’t find it for a month!" Unless the city people are looking for it! "
Big honey smell speech is also silent. Come on, Dong Laoer is right. It’s really harder to find so many directions outside the city. Which direction should I look for? Moreover, there are several suburban counties around, and there are many villages that are far away. It is simply looking for a needle in a haystack with the two of them.
Li Zhihao had lunch in the company at this time and was sitting in the office drinking tea when he suddenly remembered Ye Qing’s incident. After a night, he didn’t know if Zhang Xuan had given Ye Qing a hard time. He picked up the phone and dialed Zhang Xuan’s words to ask about Ye Qing’s situation.
Zhang Xuan immediately called the caretaker and learned that Ye Qing was lying on the ground but not dead, so he replied to Li Zhihao. Li Zhihao learned that Ye Qing had been beaten several times and now he was lying on the ground injured and could not move. He felt very Japanese.
"Zhang Xuan’s affair is almost over, and it’s dragged on. It’s not good for you and me. It’s already out. Now you leave there. I’ll tell his friends to find him. I’ll give you a sum of money in your card. You should go to other places to avoid you first. This is not a kidnapping case. It’s not a big case. It’s not a big case. The wind will pass after a while," Li Zhihao ordered.
When Zhang Xuan heard this, he quickly promised, "Well, I know what to do. That little guy has seen me, but he has no evidence to tell me. I’m not afraid of anything. If I go, it will make people think I have a problem."
"Well, then you can leave him alone with someone. It’s impossible for him to be chased like that, and it’s even more impossible for you to walk back alone." Li Zhihao finished and hung up.
Zhang Xuan immediately called to let the Stone House Department withdraw and dismissed all these people. Of course, he gave everyone a sum of money.
Ye Qing saw a man come in and said a few words in the gunman’s ear. The gunman took the gun and went out with the man. Ye Qing didn’t know the other party’s intention, but he still lay on the ground and didn’t move for almost half an hour. No one came in again. He struggled to sit up and knelt down and moved forward.
When he moved to the door, there was still no movement outside, so he poked his head out and took a look at the door, but there was no one outside. He was brought here late, and he couldn’t see the surrounding environment clearly at that time, knowing that he was in a wilderness.
Now he can see clearly that this place is a deserted grassland, which is very vast but full of weeds and some bushes. It used to be a place for raising cattle and sheep, but now it has been abandoned.
The stone house is in the middle of the meadow, and the weeds around it are one person high. There is a road leading to the outside. Last night, it was probably a little light rain, and the road surface was still wet. Two clear rutting marks like two long dragons meandered into the distance.
This place is too remote, there is no building around, and I don’t know how Zhang Xuan and those guys found such a place. He knows it must be far from downtown, because he took a long train last night to get here. If he wants to walk back, he doesn’t know how long it will take, and he probably doesn’t know the way. Plus, he didn’t eat, and the wound was unbearable. It is very dangerous to go out.
He sat dejectedly at the door and gave up the idea of running away. He thought that Zhang Xuan’s gang might have gone to something and would come back. It made no sense to leave him here. He just stayed in the stone house and waited for those guys to come back. After all, Zhang Xuan didn’t want his life, and he would eventually let him eat. Otherwise, who would be responsible for starving?
Li Zhihao sat in a chair with his legs crossed and took a mobile phone and sent a text message to Dami. The text message was "Mier, I got a message that Yeqing may be in a pasture 50 kilometers outside the south of the city. I don’t know where it is. I received the message when I was looking for someone to inquire about the situation, and I know who did it, but I can’t tell you. Go find him quickly. I heard that he hasn’t eaten!"
After receiving this message, Big Honey didn’t think about it. Even if there was a glimmer of hope, she had to go to her and let Dong Laoer and her car go to Li Zhihao together. Although I don’t know where the place is, the general direction is clear.
Soon after they set off, Pearl Krabs dialect called Dami again. Now I feel a little excited. I can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief when I finally get the news of Ye Qing. After picking up the words, she said a little hurriedly, "We already know where he is, and now I’m on my way!"
"Where is it?" Pearl Krabs was very excited and asked, you know, she’s been looking for it in the street, and it’s almost breaking down. Sometimes when she sees a crowded place, she runs to see if Ye Qing is surrounded by people in that place, but the result is not.

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Jul 6, 2024

When Lingyun several people fled into the dense forest, Yan led people to chase into the dense forest, the valley was still a black mountain thief fighting the wind.

Yan Yan knows that the 1,000 black mountain thieves who stay in the valley may not be the opponents of the Han army in the end, but he can fight for both sides even if he is not the opponents of the Han army.
Who would have thought that staying in the valley after he left was almost a rout?
The gap between the Han army and the Montenegro thief who stayed in the valley is obvious when the supreme commander is away.
After all, the Han army is professionally trained. Even if Lingyun and others are absent, ordinary soldiers can wield weapons and cut at the enemy. There is no strategy to be strict.
However, after all, there are captains and commanders in the Han army, and they still know how to cooperate with each other. After all, this kind of cooperation often occurs in the training process
Although the efficiency is not very high because of the lack of general command, it is much better than that of Montenegro thieves
Although there are many small leaders among the 1000 Montenegro thieves left in the valley, they don’t know what cooperation is after losing Yan Yan.
Moreover, before this, these Montenegro thieves had no experience of fighting together. They were all hidden in all parts of Julu County and suddenly tied up by Yan Yan.
Few small and medium-sized leaders and small leaders of this group of black mountain thieves know each other, let alone ordinary black mountain thieves.
After Yan Yan chased into the dense forest, the 1000 black mountain thieves suddenly lost their backbone and never trained discipline together, which is naturally a big drop compared with the Han army’s combat power.
Besides, the number of people is far less than that of the Han army. Although the number of black mountain thieves was dominant in the middle area when Yan Yan chased into the jungle, this advantage soon disappeared
More and more Han troops appeared from the dense forests on both sides of the valley, and a thousand heishan thieves seemed to be trapped in the valley and ambushed.
Mainly Yan Yan underestimated the strength of the Han army and overestimated the strength of his own department after he left.
If a thousand Montenegro thieves in the valley have not lost their fighting power after Yan Yan left, it is indeed possible that a thousand Montenegro thieves can fight a lose-lose battle with the Han army just like Yan Yan’s conjecture.
However, after Yan Yan left, the fighting capacity of the 1,000 Montenegro thieves dropped by more than one level, and the local number advantage soon disappeared.
Without these two advantages, it is far less than the Han army in other aspects. Naturally, it is impossible to be the opponent of the Han army. The situation has become a one-sided situation in an instant.
This can’t blame Yan. After all, he didn’t know that after he left, the black mountain thief’s fighting power would drop so much, and anyway, even if he knew it would be the result, he would personally take people to chase Lingyun, who could not stay in the valley and entangle with the four thousand Han troops, and let Lingyun and others escape with the opening angle.
Yan Yan’s ambush was still very successful, but it’s strange that he didn’t have a general.
Seeing that many Han troops have killed this hillside from the valley, Yan bit his teeth and pounced on Sun Yu, who is going to try his best to slay Sun Yu first.
This time, unlike the second time in Julucheng, the swallow ambassador is a swallowtail gun. The head of the gun is like a swallow’s tail. The blade is two meters long and the handle is two meters long.
Yan Yan didn’t want to do it himself at this time, but a large number of Han troops were coming, and he didn’t have so much time to consume GongSunYing’s physical strength.
Yan Yan’s tail gun stabbed Sun Yu faster, and his gun was as fast as light, and he came to Sun Yu in an instant.
Sun Yu also saw the cold light shining like a dovetail blade coming towards his neck, and it seemed that he could cut his neck in a moment.
Although Sun Yu saw that he was out of the block to dodge, he was already exhausted at this time. His evasive speed was compared with that of stabbing a dovetail gun.
Moreover, Yan Yan’s body is good at speed. Even if Sun Yu is in the heyday, the speed is far less than Yan Yan’s. At this time, he avoids moving as slowly as a snail. The dovetail blade of the dovetail gun is always aimed at Sun Yu’s neck
Sun Yu finally realized death at this time, and he felt that he was able to face this heady gun of Yan, and his heart was already white, so it was impossible to resist it.
If it is in the victory period, he can also use the mysterious knife to kill, which may temporarily force Yan to retreat.
But now that the oil is exhausted, he has made his strongest move.
Sun Yu finally turned his head to his back and looked at his brother Sun Hong. He faced Yan Yan and stabbed a dovetail gun. After knowing that he could dodge the past, he gave up his resistance and wanted to take a last look at his brother.
At last, Sun Yu said in his heart, "You must fulfill our dream."
Chapter 115 One knife, seven people, fourteen paragraphs
A loud noise turned to look at his brother behind him and then closed his eyes. Sun Yu’s ears roared. The dovetail gun that should have stabbed his neck did not come as scheduled.
My ears roared and I didn’t feel the pain. Sun Yu opened his eyes and twisted his neck back to the front. He saw a knife with a length of one meter, and the cold light was like snow. The tool rest was in the dovetail of the dovetail gun.
The blade of the dovetail gun is a slap away from his neck, and the distance between the two tips of the dovetail gun has reached the other side. Sun Yu can hardly see the tip of the dovetail gun, but he can see more than half of the blade
Looking at this scene, Sun Yu felt even more scared when he came back from the ghost gate with a cold sweat and a pounding heart.
Fortunately, Sun Yu, after all, has experienced several battles. When he saw the dovetail gun being stopped, he quickly retreated away from the cold and stung his neck faintly.
Sun Yu took five steps back to see that the dovetail gun was a GongSunYing gold Long Lin knife.
At the most critical time, it was the most powerful GongSunYing’s shot. Although GongSunYing and Sun Yuzhong danced across the wind, GongSunYing’s gold silk Long Lin knife stopped Yan Yan’s tail gun when sticking out from behind the wind dance.
Although Feng Wu on Sun Yu’s right and Zhang Tong on his left both found Yan stabbing Sun Yu’s dovetail gun, they tried their best to save it.
There is the strongest GongSunYing has the ability to save Sun Yu.
Yan Yan chose Sun Yu as her first goal because Sun Yu was the farthest away from Sun Ying and hoped that Sun Ying would rescue her even if she found out.
Fortunately, Gong Sunying is a long weapon with a handle four meters long. The Long Lin knife finally stopped the Yan Yan tail gun at this critical moment.

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Jul 5, 2024

Dare not come over

Therefore, we are still unaffected here, and this meeting is not accidental or can be arranged. Anyway, it has to have an ending.
I pulled out a knife, bamboo leaves green, took my python phosphorus whip, and young Xi Ning Xi were all waiting for Lin Weiwei to lean back a little.
Let’s fight regardless of her wishes.
The train rumbles right through a farmland, just like taking pictures, and there are mountains in the distance, which are very emotional, and it is unknown how the train will go there.
Also, I need the jade card system. Just now, it has been stated that the awakened ones will be killed and they will not appear again, but the jade card will remain.
Of course, the awakened one should unite against the players, but judging from this posture, the awakened one has a lot of contradictions.
Have selfish elements.
Especially those two Italians wanted to arrest people when they came, and I don’t know how they got there so quickly in a city like Tang Cheng.
Anyway, it’s not a good thing. We can’t let them succeed.
At this time, one of them shook the cross sword and said, "No matter how many, in any case, the awakened one can’t accept the jade card in the vice squad, but it doesn’t mean that the vice squad can’t. If you resist, I don’t care to kill you and let you find someone new to take away. I can also see that you are a novice when you are young. You are both novices together. Let’s die in cattle and novices."
Suddenly, black smoke came out of my feet and wrapped myself, but it wasn’t wrapped, it was wrapped.
_ ____w_ w_ w___ __ _o_m
They are also fast, without saying that they are shaking their swords and attacking directly. "I’ll hit the woman with long legs and this little girl, and I’ll take it back when I’m done. I like flying together like this."
She jumped up with a smile. Just now, when I saw four awakened people, I was frightened. The whole silver-white cross sword was taken out of the black wind and went to the bamboo leaf green.
Very fierce
And the other one looked at me and said, "Come on, you two. It used to be one, but now it has become four. I feel that there should be a lot of rewards. Although there are some troubles, the rookie is a rookie and a rookie. I can’t believe it. I can’t kill you."
Very confident
I laughed. "There’s a famous saying in our East. I wonder if you know it’s called pretending to be struck by lightning! You fucking pretend to be big. "
Tangdao, the seven stars, chopped down like a phantom, causing a high wind and jumping over the ridge. I can’t believe I can’t beat him with such a high physique.
He smiled very proudly, immediately holding a cross sword, and when he had experience, he laughed, "If you come, you will enlarge and recruit novices, and they will eventually die."
After a round of the body is very elegant, it is still awkward to me. The strength and speed are very sufficient. My legs are soft in the first gear of tangdao.
Almost fell
I haven’t made a unified plan after the novice assistant, and I feel that the level will be re-settled at this time, and there are some rewards, but I can’t come.
Ning Xi chopped up with two daggers. "Let me help you."
Her ability to learn is easy, and she has no other skills but chopping.
Moreover, his physique has not increased, so he is an out-and-out novice. If it is not easy, it is impossible to mix in the end in the novice’s secondary period.
At this moment, the Italian’s legs were long, and he kicked her in the chest and flew out, hitting the iron wall of the passage. The whole carriage was shaken, and she spat blood and was defeated.
And the Italian also disdained to say with smile, "I didn’t see that the chest is quite big, and it’s quite cool to wear. I’ll have a good time if I have the chance."
Licked his cross sword and looked at me.
One move, I lost a helper, and I was tottering behind Lin Weiwei.
And I have a helper who hums, "I’m not only forced to be struck by lightning, but also my mother will die miserably. Come out, zombie dog with corpse eyes, and let you see us novices."
A flash of white light
Huge corpse eye zombie dog bobbing in there.
The carriage has become two parts. On one side, we will fight again, and on the other side, Zhu Yeqing and Youxi will fight again.
At this time, as soon as such a thing appeared opposite the man, he was immediately stunned. "Fuck, the+level pet actually received such a pet in the first awakening."
A little scared
But I was still in a hurry to attack.
Chop me directly
I’m dead and my pet is gone.
But with the help of a zombie dog, how could he kill me so easily? I laughed and said, "Kill this idiot for me."
Zombie dog "Ow!" A huge hind leg jumped at it, which was very fierce, and I then looked for an opportunity to make a’ fatal blow!’
"Let you pack to force me to die."
He can’t do this. He retreated repeatedly. First, the zombie dog jumped on a cross sword, although he also cut a knife and hurt the zombie dog.
But I was thrown back again and again.
And my fatal blow followed, and he sat down on the ground.
Finally, when I got the chance, I was ready to kill him with a bang and directly cut him down again. "Die for me."
Mainly the corpse eye zombie dog, this is too fierce.
Let him some reaction not to be able to come over, but he is an old hand to catch rookie, and suddenly he shook his body and went directly to another corner one meter away.
Let me cut it.
Leave a lot of black gas
And he was a little breathless there, knowing that he couldn’t beat me and the zombie dog, and he shouted, "Come and help me. I can’t fight here."
In fact, it’s not easy for that person to get two people there. The dispatch is to catch one awakened person and turn it into four who are still pretending to be forced.
How can it not go wrong?
At this time, the bamboo leaf green whip waving is making the flame whip skill last for 30 seconds, so that the Italian can’t get into the body
It’s also the whole carriage "pa!" "pa!" It’s broken. It’s very hot. It’s leaking. There’s a huge crack on the top.
And young hee is beyond my imagination.
This little girl is six or seven years old or a preschool child, but her ability is to summon a big brown bear and jump at it bravely. "ouch!" Call and attack.
Fierce is not dead eye zombie dog.
And she controls it in the back and shouts "kill him, kill him, Mao Mao, come on, Ernie, come on" like playing a game.
stay aloof from the affair
The Italian who was beaten by me shouted, "You are stupid. Kill that little girl first. Don’t think about all that mess every day. Don’t take off your clothes and kill her, and the big brown bear will be gone."
He wants to also to good grind blunt past.
As soon as I turned over and crossed the flame, I wanted to chop, but I couldn’t come if I wanted to help.
I gasped and was shocked because the car was so big that I was able to fight around young hee, which was easily intercepted by people.
Lin Weiwei shouted "lie down" in the back.
I feel young hee born to die.
Other awakened people may be able to hide from Young Hee. How could they hide?

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Jul 4, 2024

Yang Ye apologized before smiling quickly. "Hey, hey, don’t be angry, don’t be angry. I’m telling you, it’s not enough. It’s just listening to the wind occasionally outside. I know you know astronomy, astronomy and geography, and I just want to ask you if you know it."

Never somehow is an old monster who has lived for one thousand years. Where can I be really angry? After a while, I will shun the light way. "Hum, you really asked the right person! Since you are interested in the old man, I will tell you. "
Yang Ye immediately smiled and helped the old man to make a chair and then listened to the long story …
"I used to be a wizard when I was a beginner in Level 2. I heard about the name of Yuan Tianzhe at that time …"
Listening to the story that has been told for dozens of minutes, Yang Ye finally understood it, but in a few words, the old man actually said it for dozens of minutes, even to catch a mouse together. In a nutshell, Yuantian is a warrior. He belongs to the hybrid of night race and human beings. He is proficient in both, but Yuantian is very rare. It took decades and hundreds of years to come out with a unique era, and then he was very powerful. The younger brother followed it, but later the night race and human beings split into an abyss and the Yuantian disappeared with him … To put it bluntly, this is a hidden professional warrior.
Knowing so much, how can Yang Ye not be excited? Soldiers must take the hidden profession!
"Old man, I think what can you do to make a difference?" Yang Ye excited, the old man said that he had told the deep heaven, so he must have been able to turn, otherwise what would he do with so much bullshit?
"No … I … I can’t help it" absolutely prevaricated.
Shit, you don’t want to give it! No, you have to!
"Old man, I am a glorious soldier. It is the duty of a soldier to defend everything I love, including the emperor-country, home, lover and so on! I don’t hesitate to give my life to them, but it’s nothing to give my life alone. Sometimes even giving my life can’t be saved! I hate myself, I am not strong enough, I hope to be strong! !” Oh … Yang Ye was sick and vomited by himself. Look at me. I have vomited on the side of eating peaches.
But these words are very "good!" ! OK! ! Great! I just want to find someone like you, a soldier with ideals and ambitions! Like those who have gone deep into the sky, they stand at the forefront and peak! ! What was entrusted to me by the last generation of Deep Heaven was finally completed … "Then I wiped a tear.
Yang Ye was excited with ecstasy, but his face was filled with sadness. "Old gentleman, I hope I can continue to regret the mission of the former Heaven!"
"good! Ok! Ok! Great! It’s great that you have this heart! I can make you a visionary, but I still need to test you to see if you have the potential to be a visionary. After all, you are still too weak. "
"Old gentleman, I will go!" Yang Ye excitedly said that he had a try. I didn’t expect that you really got a hidden career
【 Time Wizard-Never released to you the one who changed his job and was once glorious-Abyss! It is said that Yuan Tianzhe is a magician who used to be synonymous with the strong, but now he has disappeared-he has never promised to find a new Yuan Tianzhe and let him continue to shine the glory of Yuan Tianzhe! It is required to complete it step by step according to the requirements, and the final winner will be rewarded for changing jobs-Yuantian! 】
Wow, hahaha! Accept! !
[You accepted the former glory-Yuan Tianzhe, and now you have become a formal Yuan Tianzhe. The first step is to find the descendants of Yuan Tianzhe through unremitting efforts]
"Do a good job, I am optimistic about you!"
Yang Yemeng nodded beaming.
Back in the rainy city, the two said goodbye to each other and continued to brush the blame for upgrading, while Yang Ye went back to the trading hall and made more than 6,000 essence racks. Now there are a lot of essence formulas, a lot of auction surfaces and prices are falling all the way. Now they can sell 3 gold coins in a bottle in Yang Ye.
Finished these Yang Ye lines.
Head dizzy got up and took a shower, ran to Qin Yan’s house, just had a dinner, and then went back to sleep in Qin Yan’s worrying eyes …
The next day, Yang Ye got up full of energy and refreshed, and it was not easy to come back.
A bowl of porridge, two fried dough sticks, a hemp ball and five bags to solve a breakfast. Yang Ye is excited
People with clear vision appeared in the rainy city, received 6,000 copies of the mail, sold out, harvested more than 1W6,000 gold coins, and then consigned 1w gold coins at the exchange rate in 55 yuan.
"The essence doesn’t earn ….." Yang Ye murmured. I’m afraid I want to kill him if others hear his words! You know, even if the orcs have the essence, it is very difficult to fight now. At present, more than a dozen teams have passed, and the fastest speed is to chase the dragon elite group into the orc tribe. There is nothing to be happy about if you drop a lavender formula, you will be rich! Because mobsters may also fall, a large number of players enter the orc tribe, and they don’t expect to ask mobsters to drop a formula.
Yang Ye put away his mind and looked at a list. All the people in the list entered level 3, but none of them changed jobs. I’m afraid they were stuck in changing jobs.
Yang Ye smiled and looked at the first thread. Aha, it’s too difficult to find someone …
Follow the miner’s hat to instruct journey to the south to go forward, bypass all kinds of wild monsters and go deep into level 9. Yang Ye, the monster, is frightened at every step. If it weren’t for the miner’s hat, he wouldn’t know how many times he died.
This is probably the largest and most central ten countries in China-Dragon City is on the periphery, but it is not yet released. The player level 1 is going to the main city, which is the largest main city in China District.
After walking for more than an hour, I finally reached a small village where the miner’s hat indicated.
The small village is surrounded by a mountain cut by a stream, and dozens of wooden houses are distributed on both sides of the stream
When Yang Ye entered here, these np obviously wondered why there were outsiders in this small village and even dispatched two warning militia.
Yang Yehao apologized to them, smiled and waved his hand to show no malice.
In the village, turn left and turn right, and finally come to the edge of a dilapidated courtyard. Yang Ye shouted no response and then shouted that an old man finally came out inside.
Old man-Leon
hp? /?
There is nothing special about an old man. Let’s go and leave him alone.
When Yang Yezheng was checking the attributes of the old man, the old man staggered to Yang Ye’s face and looked at Yang Ye with some doubts. "What can I do for you, young man?"
Yang Ye said with a smile, "Old man, do you know who is far away from heaven?"
Yang Ye’s words just finished, just as he never responded at that time. The old man also responded. His eyes stared at Yang Ye’s trembling way. "Little … young man, how do you know about the deep heaven …"
"I met the time wizard-he never told me."
"Never … when the magician … never … turned out to be his old man’s house must know what he said." The old man muttered for a while and looked up and asked, "Then you wanted to see me …"
"I’m the first one to become a genius!" Yang Ye is full of righteousness
"No no! I won’t give it to you! You go! Go! " He said that he was about to drop the small courtyard door.
Yang Ye wondered if the current rhythm should be that you are very happy and then give it to me directly. What kind of trouble is this to kick me out directly?
"Senior, please wait. I want to know why you won’t let me become a deep-seated person. Even if I don’t have the strength to become a deep-seated person, can you at least let me challenge one?"
The old man stopped looking at Yang Ye with a sigh and asked, "Will you kill humans?"
What does Yang Yeyi mean by staying here?
This ….. How to answer?
Chapter 3 Deep Heaven Medal
Yang Ye hesitated for a moment. What if he answered "yes"? What if you don’t answer "no"?
It’s like choosing one of the two ways, and you will get different answers, but you know that one of them can lead to your destination, but you shouldn’t choose.
Leon hasn’t said anything. Looking at Yang Ye quietly seems to be in no hurry. This should be a very simple question, but Yang Ye dare not answer it easily …
After pondering for a long time, Yang Ye finally took a deep breath and said, "Yes!"
The old man Leon asked faintly, "Will you kill those abyss races?"
Again? Yang Ye can’t understand that he can continue to say "Yes!"
When I heard this, the spirit of the old man in Lyon shook his mouth and said, "Good, good, right and evil. My heart is just … this is the deep heaven! I can give you a job, but it’s up to you whether you can pass it or not. "
Yang Ye suddenly realized that Yuantian people are a mixture of night races and human beings. They must be concerned about both sides and be partial to one side. It is not acceptable for this continent to have names for thousands of years, so that they may be partial to the human side when dealing with such problems.
Such a profound person is unqualified.
However, it is not difficult for players in Yang Ye to care whether you are a human or a night race and kill them all. Yang Ye is worrying too much

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Jul 3, 2024

Love scratched his head and said, "What do you say?"

Meteor holding the bar in one hand is very thoughtful. "I think we should throw a string of firecrackers into the crack of the door. Can the captain still sleep?" And it won’t burn the door, will it? "
"You are an idiot didn’t cure! Now the key question is whether the captain is in it, not whether he can wake the captain! Do you understand? " Cold-blooded is very authentic
"I can also achieve this effect by throwing firecrackers in. If the captain is inside, he will definitely come to see who is making trouble when he hears firecrackers. Then we will know if he is inside. If the firecrackers are all blown up and he doesn’t have a door, he says he’s not in it, right? " Meteor argued
"This is also! But what if the captain is in there but passes out? What if he can’t hear firecrackers? " Cold-blooded asked again
It is very difficult for a meteor to grasp his head. "This is a problem. I have no choice but to think about it! But I think how can a person with such a abnormal physical quality as the captain faint? "
Dong Laoer bit his teeth and suddenly came to the muddy strength. He said to other humanitarians, "You all let me kick the door a little, or my leg wind will hurt you!"
Meteor and others immediately let Dong Laoer just make a gesture of preparing to rush forward and be pushed by Big Honey. "Can you be stupid again? If this door can kick me, do I have to call you? Besides, how difficult is it to get in? Just call the receptionist to the door! "
"Yes! Why didn’t I think of that? " Dong laoer and others are suddenly enlightened. Honey suddenly shook her head. "I really can’t expect you guys!" I’ll go to the front desk! "
After that, Dami went downstairs to ask the receptionist to come to the door. At first, the former Taiwanese sister didn’t want the door to say that she wanted to protect the privacy of the guests. Dami said that something might have happened to the people inside, and the younger sister was afraid that she could not afford it, so she took the spare room card and ran to the door.
After the door was closed, honey rushed in first, only to see that the bed cup was lifted aside and Ye Qing had already left no trace in the room. Honey felt very strange that Ye Qing didn’t come to wake them up after getting up. She suddenly thought of a terrible guess and her heart could not help but panic.
She rushed out of the room and ran to the restaurant on the first floor to find a circle, but she didn’t find Ye Qing. Only then did she confirm that her guess was probably true. She went back to the building in a panic, Dong Laoer and others were still confused, and they didn’t know what had happened. When she saw Da Mi coming back, she couldn’t help but ask.
Big honey cut her hair and was worried. "I think he must have gone to that hotel alone to help us get our luggage back!" "
"what! ? The boss is too ungrateful to go alone! " Dong Laoer shouted at him in surprise, "Your boss is so loyal that he will go alone. He doesn’t want us to bear all these things by ourselves. We can’t sit here and wait now. Let’s go to that hotel and look for it. If he is not there, it is estimated that something has happened!"
"I’ll give the boss a message first!" Dong Laoer anxiously took out his mobile phone and nodded. She also agreed to give Ye Qing a message first. If Ye Qing can still answer the phone, then it must be an accident to prove that Ye Qing is okay. If you can’t answer the phone, something must have happened!
Big honey at this time, although her heart was in chaos, her mind was still calm. Dong Laoer immediately dialed Ye Qing’s words and soon got through. Dong Laoer was very excited and said, "Yes!"
Just as Dong Laoer dialed the phone, a graceful figure appeared in their corridor on this floor. The figure came to take the stairs to think of the restaurant on the first floor, but she saw a familiar figure and stopped to take a look. As a result, she found that the man was really someone she knew, so she walked gracefully.
In the tenth floor office of Panshi Building, an evil-looking young man pushed the office door and came in, turning a delicate knife in his hand very skillfully. He first nodded to Teddy boy sitting on the sofa and said, "Brother Fei, I’m coming!"
Teddy boy didn’t say much and pointed to the tall figure standing in the middle of the office. "Break his finger!" "
Crazy evil spirit smiled and turned the knife in his hand and just grabbed the handle. It was very natural and unrestrained and it was ready for a long time. I saw that the knife hand came over and immediately stepped forward. The right hand swung directly to the crazy cheek. This punch was full of strength, and the speed of punching was also quite fast. The style was simple and direct.
For a person who doesn’t know martial arts, this punch is quite perfect, and all of a sudden, punk and Gu Ye didn’t react. Crazy seems to be quite an accident. That punch is about to hit him in the face. Who knows that he actually ducked his head and then he grabbed Ye Qing’s arm with one hand and laughed. "I knew you would resist if someone cut off a finger. I would resist if I were you!" I’ve seen too many people like you when I was in prison. Don’t expect to beat me with one punch. I’m not a vegetarian! "
Shi Lei saw the scene just now and clapped his hands and praised, "Crazy is really a good skill! No wonder Feiying Society has developed so rapidly in recent years! "
Teddy boy smiled. "It’s thanks to Brother Lei’s photo!"
Shi Lei satisfiedly smiled and then took the table cup to drink a mouthful of way "crazy to give him some color to see see! I was going to let him choose which finger to break, but now I’ve decided to break his index finger! Don’t break a piece. I want him to break it all! "
Crazy nodded and said, "Brother Lei, you can rest assured that you are satisfied with my work!" Then he smiled at Ye Qing again. "Obviously, it is meaningless to resist in this environment, so I advise you not to struggle again. If you have to resist, then I will make you suffer!" Don’t worry, I’ll try my best to minimize your pain, and I’ve brought alcohol to disinfect your finger and the place will grow better. I dare say that the amputees in the hospital are not as professional as me! "
Ye Qing’s eyes were full of anger. He straightened up and proudly said, "I don’t have the habit of being slaughtered. If you have that thing, do it. Don’t expect me to cooperate with you!"
"good! I seldom see such a courageous person as you. Many people are seemingly hard-hearted, but once I move my hands, I will cry, cry for mercy, and even pee my pants! There are many Jianghu brothers among them! " Crazy will hand knife to throw a serious tunnel
Chapter 35 Interruption of Punishment
Knife is a kind of weapon that can make people shudder. The cold light of the blade often makes people afraid to look straight at the crazy hand. The knife shines with a breathtaking light and exudes coldness as if it can seep into people’s hearts. He has taken a step forward and is closer to Ye Qing, who can easily hit him in the face with a wave of his hand.
Ye Qing’s right hand was still gripped by madness. He tried to draw it back, but the madman’s hand didn’t seem to be strong, but it was like an iron pliers to draw it back. His heart was terrible. After all, he rarely met someone who could outperform others in strength.
People who have practiced martial arts seem lean, but their strength is not bad at all. Many people have great power. This is no exaggeration. Ye Qing finally understood once again that there is a reason behind the world, but he still did not give up his resistance.
After taking a step forward, Ye suddenly leans his right hand to the front, pulling Ye so strong that he can’t help pulling his feet unconsciously and taking two steps forward, Ye leans his left hand and immediately swings it towards the crazy face.
The crazy body suddenly twisted Ye Qing’s arm directly behind his back, so Ye Qing’s left hand was hit, and the madness came back to his back. He completely controlled his right hand, and then he kicked his feet in the popliteal fossa for two consecutive feet. Ye Qing’s feet actually knelt down uncontrollably.
Humiliation! This is Ye Qing, who has never felt humiliation. He was so angry that he shook all over, but he resisted in the face of madness. The man with the evil smile was so strong that he smelled of terror and bloodthirsty.
It’s conceivable that such a powerful man should condescend to a punk. How powerful punk should be, and how powerful punk is, which further highlights Gu Ye’s power and inscrutability. Ye Qing didn’t know that one sentence decided his fate. Gu Ye was a sacred party, but he expected to come from a very big position. He knew that he had really made a terrible disaster this time. To be exact, this disaster was actually created by Dong Laoer, but he had to help him with it without hesitation, brother.
Crazy knows how to grasp. He twisted Ye Qing’s backhand behind his back and forced Ye Qing to kneel on the ground. Then he grabbed Ye Qing’s arm with both hands. As soon as he twisted it, he heard that Ye Qing’s arm was completely dislocated and could not move.
Ye Qing cried out in pain, and his left hand tried to resist and was quickly caught by madness. Then he put his hand on the table, and with the other hand, he dragged the knife and quickly chopped it off. Ye was so desperate that he dared not look at his fingers. At that moment, he closed his eyes.
At the last minute, the phone suddenly rang. "Wait!" Gu ye suddenly said two words, and the knife in his hand was like being adsorbed by a magnet, so he forcefully stopped at a distance of less than one centimeter from Ye Qing’s forefinger.
Ye Qing can feel the chill of the blade. His left index finger can’t help but shudder, and a layer of cold sweat seeps out from his forehead. He looks up and looks at Gu Ye, waiting for Gu Ye to step in and instruct Gu Ye to say, "Let him pick up the words, or he will have an abnormality when he speaks! This kind of pain is not affordable for everyone! "
Crazy nodded his head, took the knife in his right hand, loosened his left hand, and then retreated two steps. "If your right hand can no longer be used, just answer the phone with your left hand. After that, your index finger won’t belong to you. Cherish it. It’s still in the day. Hey hey …"

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