Jul 30, 2024

Guns and explosions are roaring in caves, and the earth is shaking. These tanks are even more rampaging.

There are more and more soldiers who keep coming back.
After the turret rocked and the shell fell, the whole concrete pouring base wobbled.
The casualties in the artillery fire are getting worse, and no one can solve it in the face of such iron sheets.
"I found the exit. This is the whole exit blocked by steel plates."
Rose sound came from the earphone, and she followed the high heels and stepped on the blood footprints to search forward.
I found the passage all the way, but it was locked up and exploded through the ultra-thick steel plate by the root method.
"I have no exit here."
Falcon has reached a dead end, and he can’t find an exit. He can return.
"I don’t have it here either."
Tie Niu also gained something, reaching a dead end, and he turned around and returned.
"I can’t find it here either."
The last hope is that Tang Yi is here, but he has searched all the passages, but there is no exit.
It seems that Satan is going to catch turtles in a jar this time.
Now everyone has retreated to the tin can area and sought cover with the help of the huge iron frame.
The tank entered temporarily, but behind the tank, the mercenaries had already rushed in.
The two sides built temporary bunkers, and the firepower was strong. They abruptly suppressed this side.
"the only way to go is to let go."
After a fierce battle, they won’t be able to count many bombs, and they will run out of ammunition.
Looking at the fierce mercenary at the exit, Tang Yi holds his fist. Maybe they can rush hard?
Just at this extremely urgent moment, a sound suddenly came in the earphone.
Chapter 495 Secret passage
"Did you miss me?"
The sound is enchanting with a hint of sultry, but with a arrogance that makes people refuse thousands of miles away.
This is the customary sound of beauty snake, and this sound is now coming from Tang Yi’s headphones.
"beauty snake"
How did the beauty snake appear at this time when Tang Yi was one leng?
Different from the indifference when she was injured before, her voice returned to what it used to be.
"Besides me, who else will miss you every day? How about it in the cave?"
The beauty snake is spoiled again, and she is completely different from when she covered her face with black veil.
"If you have something to say, don’t forget I still have your father."
The beauty snake found herself at this time. I’m afraid she knows very well what’s going on here now.
"Of course I know that the person I miss most in this world is you except my father, so I don’t know if I really care about you until I call you and see your fierce appearance."
The beauty snake is still unhurried and in no hurry.
"If you insist on chatting like this, it seems that we have nothing to talk about. Then I’m going to rush out with your father as a shield."
Tang Yi knew that the purpose of this chat was to talk about terms.
There are casualties every minute now, and he is too lazy to talk to her any more.
"You’re always in such a hurry. Well, I know a secret passage is on your left hand, go ahead for 50 meters, and there’s a waterway on your right hand. I cut off the waterway sluice and I can buy you half an hour. If you can’t reach the exit in half an hour, it’s no wonder."
The beauty snake sighed and couldn’t help herself. Tang Yi had the card.
And her remarks made Tang Yi tilting her face to look at the monitor.
I’m afraid the beauty snake doesn’t know what method to take over the video surveillance system here at this time.
I have her father in my hand to see what flowers she can dig up.
"I’ll arrange for your father to go at the end. If he can’t go out in half an hour, it’s no wonder that I am."
Tang Yi shrugged his shoulders and smiled at the camera and said
Anyway, it’s no wonder that Tang Yi died when her father left at the end.
"Hum, then hurry up and I’ll cut off the water now. You must bring my father back."
Hum a beauty snake nai said
"Don’t worry, you help me and I help you all help each other."
Tang Yi’s mouth is relaxed, but his feet are not stopped.
Take the lead in running to the place where the beauty snake said. When he pulls the door, it looks like a warehouse.
The narrow room is small, but there is a huge pipe.
It’s a rolling undercurrent when the cover is uncovered.
However, the original turbulent undercurrent is showing black rocks on the speed reduction surface visible to the naked eye.
"retreat immediately"
Seeing a little fading, the water flow appears back channels.

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Jul 29, 2024

He didn’t ask anything

For this reason, he knew as early as snow.
He doesn’t think it’s unreasonable to say that he will fight against his life for ever and ever.
It’s ridiculous and immature to say such things at this time.
Jia Di’s thoughts on the imperial clan, since he can’t stop it, he should think of something to fight against him.
Zhong Liyi didn’t think it was a wise choice for the White House to occupy northern Xinjiang before.
Up to now, Zhong Liyan, who is beside Jiadi in Yuandu, has really felt the pressure from the emperor on life and death.
If you want to have a little courage in front of Jia Di, you have to show your corresponding strength.
This is what he should do.
"Zhong Li Mi" is like snow at the beginning, mumbling "Live well" in Zhong Li Mi’s arms.
"No matter how hard it is, live well and remember that if you live, there will be hope for everything."
"Even if heaven and man want you to die, you should live well."
"Remember that you should cherish your chance to live now that you can’t bury Yujie Mountain for an hour."
Even without me, you should live by yourself.
Chu Ruxue said a lot of "alive" because he was afraid of his death, afraid that one day he would open his eyes and hear the letter from the assassin in red or see a bloody coat.
At the moment, when the clock is around, it suddenly feels like snow. Even at the beginning, when so many people were beheaded, they didn’t have a steady heartbeat.
Even if we never see each other again, it is the result of her first snow, and this love is hard to practice
Because they don’t have so many companions to wait for in sixty years.
Look at the peach blossoms and apricot blossoms.
Even if she can’t see her lover, knowing that he is here and he is Anna is her most gratifying thing.
"I actually thought that if the north and the south were peaceful, we would go to a restaurant in southern Xinjiang to do business, see the Miao dance in southern Xinjiang, or go to the sea of clouds, watch the sun in Zangjie Mountain and go out to race horses at the southern Xinjiang racecourse."
"But in the end, it is an idiotic dream that we are two families and a blood relationship."
"A castle in a mirror and a moon, now that we have woken up from our dreams, we should return to our respective lives."
This is our best ending.
I never expect eternity, and I don’t expect life after life. I will be satisfied if you can live this life safely and happily.
When talking like snow at the beginning, Zhong Liyan listened carefully to stop tears from flowing.
She always loves to clean her tears. It’s a little dirty after all.
Yeah, it doesn’t seem to be under control
So a drop fell into that hair as early as snow.
A banquet with 100 officials entered the palace, and the envoy hall. On the 23rd, Emperor Jia offered a sacrifice to God. This banquet was a blessing.
The feast three animals were just killed this morning and were still steaming when they came to the front of the temple.
Jia Di wore a coat and looked at the ministers. He picked up the dagger in the three sacrificial dishes and cut the bull’s ear. The temple people called it a "feast".
The ministers were seated.
The first place in the seat is naturally Mujin, so he seems a little unhappy.
Naturally, the imperial clan of King Jingnan was also present.
Ten family owners have all taken their seats except Bai.
Clock from her sitting next to MuJin watching is not very pleasant.
Mu Jin sat on the other side as early as snow.
This table seems to be as natural as snow, and the other two seem to lack interest.
The table is naturally more exquisite than other court banquets when eating as usual.
Chapter 36 State Banquet Competition (1)
At the end of twenty-five years.
Churuxue took the cup and drank a cup of bitter olive tea alone.
She doesn’t like to listen to Jia Di’s eloquent speech and emotional performance.
This kind of words made her feel worse than his usual mandarin sounding routine.
Gu night light didn’t arrive at the banquet in the end.
As the first snow comes, then he doesn’t have to come to the banquet.
It is a kind of pressure for baiguan to solve the mystery of the main body of Gu Wan’s lamp, whether it is for the present banquet, for the nine countries or for the ten families
Gu Wandeng doesn’t care much about those fame and fortune things. He has been trying to protect a person as early as snow for so many years.
Up to now, I have some regrets about the night light, which is called the beginning of last year as snow comes to the deep capital.

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Jul 28, 2024

Yesterday, it was with great effort that she begged Zhang Baozhu to accompany her to visit Castia in Nakajima.

Although the fact has long been known that Castia must have been extremely bad, it is very bad, but Megan never thought that Castia would become like that …
It’s just like …
Megan couldn’t figure it out at the moment because she didn’t know exactly how to shape it …
She must face the man and warn him severely that he is no longer a provocation to the powerful Spanish empire!
This is an insult to that Spanish empire!
Open the Spanish empire king unexpectedly turned into those humble slaves sex ~ slave …
In fact, there are many nobles in Spain, Madrid and Valencia who really like this tone.
Megan has also heard about this.
She is a devout Christian, and she is very concerned about this. She always thinks that this is your feeling. I hope that although things are indecent, there will be nothing wrong with not affecting others.
But, but Castia, he, he is the king after all. How can he …
My mind was in a mess and I was thinking about it when the familiar but annoying woman quickly came in and shouted, "Hurry up and pack up a general to see you."
Megan paused for a moment before she realized that she was busy with a smile and said carefully, "What’s the mood of Sister Moon?"
Although Megan just thought in her mind that it was good to question Li Yuanqing severely, she suddenly returned to reality when things happened …
At this time, she is just like that person, a delicate canary.
In Manila, Megan knew exactly how her father treated his canaries.
Although Megan insists, she is definitely not stupid. Otherwise, how can she successfully seduce Castilla?
Said Megan busy looking in the mirror to pack up as if afraid of a little beauty for Li Yuanqing to see if she doesn’t like it, and she will be finished.
I suddenly forgot that she was just laughing at the maids who did the same here.
Moon can’t help but sneer slightly.
This hateful ocean horse is melodramatic
It’s a slutty hoof to be so attentive now when you were dying to live just now.
It’s a pity that she is a’ fresh’
Li Yuanqing wants to have a taste, and her mother can do it.
"Megan, hurry up, general. There are still things that have missed this opportunity. You can’t expect me to help you again."
Megan nodded quickly. "It’s good for Sister Moon. Don’t worry."
As she spoke, Megan carefully checked it several times to make sure there was no problem. This was the busy way, "Sister Moon, let’s go."
Moon slowly vomitted an one mouthful polluted air and took the lead in leading the way ahead.
This is the Guanting building in Li Yuanqing, which is very magnificent. It has been continuously expanded in recent years, even if it is not comparable to the Deep Palace Hall, it is also a few differences.
But Li Yuanqing didn’t meet them in the room, but in the "lounge" of the Intermediate People’s Court. They had to bypass several cloisters and gardens from the front yard.
The house is a public place that Li Yuanqing handles. To some extent, it can be said that it is also public and private. It can do a lot of private things, but it will also meet him. There are things that may be disturbed.
However, the lounge here in the Intermediate People’s Court is a completely private scene, and no one can enter without Li Yuanqing’s permission.
Soon Yueniang and Megan came to the side yard of the Intermediate People’s Court.
There are no soldiers at the door, but there are two women
Moon smiled and joked with the two women and went to the college first.
Megan quickly followed in almost without thinking. It was outside the courtyard. She already felt the chill in the courtyard. Almost every step, her little dream would speed up some beats.
Is it expensive to finally see that hateful person again after a year?
The spacious room is brightly lit. Li Yuanqing is sitting on his tiger skin sofa and writing a plan simply.
Female guards and female doctors here, Li Yuanqing didn’t have much time to take care of them. Qi Caifeng and Meng Qingzhu stared at Canada and his wives, and the original rules and regulations were not too big to put aside.
But ~ Li Yuanqing here in the military academy has to keep an eye on it personally. This is his root.
Li Yuanqing’s plan for the military academy is to adjust the teaching of cultural courses for one to two months first.
Simply put, let the officers read more words.
Then further strengthen discipline and wind drills, and then set aside half a month or a month to analyze some classic examples of Changsheng Camp from Guangning to the present, including some ancient battle examples.
During this period, Li Yuanqing personally came to take them.
Let them practice and study on their own after the big situation in the imperial court is prosperous, and it will be a practical exercise when Li Yuanqing has finished handling the affairs of the imperial court.
Although there are not many cadets in the 900-person military academy, Li Yuanqing has accumulated some war horses, especially good horses, which can do a lot of things.
It doesn’t matter much to take a trip to the hinterland of Houjin less.
I was thinking about it. Moon’s familiar voice came into my ear. "Miss Megan is coming."
Megan looked at Li Yuanqing’s charming body in a white pajamas and hesitated for a second. Her horse was a very neat and clever hail, and she gave Li Yuanqing a deep gift "Handmaiden Megan has seen the master."
Li Yuanqing one leng didn’t expect this period of time not see Megan actually learn so clever.
Sure enough, the environment is the best mentor.
Li Yuanqing smiled for a moment. "Miss Megan, we really haven’t seen each other for a while! Don’t be stiff. "
Chapter 2 Handmaiden …

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Jul 27, 2024

But now Shen Xuefu doesn’t have any patience to see Shen Baobao don’t talk, and he is a little angry at the moment.

Shen Xuefu directly pulled Shen Baobao’s little hand out of his sleeve. "Tell me if you did anything wrong?"
Although Shen Baobao really knows what her mother means, she is just too worried about her own safety.
But in this case, Shen Baobao can’t keep his mouth shut. What’s worse, this little guy has exactly the same idea as his father!
But Shen Xuefu didn’t give Shen Baobao anything extra, so he took out a ruler from the desk drawer.
Instantaneous ruler appeared in Shen Xuefu’s hand and then was heavily thrown in Shen Baobao’s hand.
As soon as the ruler fell, the whole person broke into a scene of crying.
"Wow …"
But Shen Xuefu looked at her son and felt that she might be heavy-handed
At that time, Shen Xuefu also felt a little sorry for himself, but if it was simply like this, forget it.
Then he will never change his mind.
As a result, Shen Xuefu was cruel and continued to play a few times.
Being punished by Shen Xuefu in the backyard at this time, Jiang Muhan suddenly heard Shen Baobao crying.
See Jiang Muhan hurriedly threw the bucket in his hand to the ground and followed the sound.
Unexpectedly, Jiang Muhan kicked the door of the house from the outside and it turned out that Shen Xuefu was punishing Shen Baobao.
Shen Baobao cried when he saw Jiang Muhan rushing from his mother to Jiang Muhan’s arms and holding Jiang Muhan’s thigh.
At the sight of this scene, Shen Xuefu’s anger increased a few minutes.
At this moment, Jiang Muhan doesn’t know what he should say. He has been patting the baby’s back with his own hand to express comfort.
Shen Xuefu was so angry that he got up from his chair and said to Shen Baobao
"Shen Baobao, come here."
But now baby Shen has a shelter from the wind and the last straw, so the root will not move.
Shen Xuefu looked at this picture and felt a sad feeling in his heart at the moment.
I didn’t expect it to be this situation. My own son directly jumped on the opposite Jiang Muhan.
Jiang Muhan also know now Shen Xuefu heart feeling so hurriedly picked up Shen Baobao to Shen Xuefu said
"I’ll take Shen Baobao to his room first, and then I’ll take him to you when his mood eases."
"You also calm down!"
Shen Xuefu was just about to get angry, but as soon as he heard the word "good", his instantaneous anger vanished.
Shen Xuefu doesn’t intend to bow his head, so he turns around and stops talking.
Jiang Muhan looked at him and softly held Shen Baobao and went to another room.
"Baby, hold out your little hand and let Dad see if I can apply some medicine to you?"
Shen Baobao, this little guy, just eats soft and doesn’t eat hard, so he cleverly sticks out his paws from his sleeve.
Jiang Muhan looked at Shen Baobao that miserable sample at that time could not help laughing.
"Does it hurt to shout for you …"
Shen Baobao just sat on the bed and looked at his father carefully applying medicine to his hands.
"Dad … I really don’t want to be angry with my mother … I know I was wrong …"
Unexpectedly, Shen Baobao was afraid to say sorry to Shen Xuefu because he felt so angry with his mother.
Jiang Mu cold heart instantaneous outflow of a warm current.
Later, Jiang Mu Han took the baby in his arms and told him that it was not easy for Shen Xuefu to take good medicine.
"You know, your mother has been really tired for so many years, and she is sometimes excited, but this emotion is all due to her love for you."

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Jul 26, 2024

Outside the cabin, Prince Ning’s serious face is full of red spots. Sitting beside the tea table, sipping tea is very annoying, and I don’t know if I am congenial with that smelly girl. Looking at those rabbit-like red eyes, I will be hard.

Meng mother-in-law is a face of look nervously walked to come over thyme drunk and Ouyang Qing followed closely behind.
"What happened?" Prince ning asked coldly.
"Your report, is this black jade Tathagata?" Meng mother-in-law frowned and asked to put the crescent-shaped jade in dark black in the case.
"Cherish if found in that smelly wench" Prince Ning answered to gaze at what happened?
"Your report concludes that this jade master is the girl?" Meng Popo asked again
"What’s the matter?" Prince Ning looked at thyme drunk and Ouyang Qing.
"It was really this jade that I took out at the top of the cliff that night. We are sorry to chase the cliff, but if we find it from the snow, it is definitely this one!" Tell the truth when you are drunk
"Patriarch, listen to this sound." Meng’s mother-in-law swept the jade to the ground. It was just that the sound of Chengcheng was boring and not crisp at all.
Prince Ning was frightened immediately! Baidi is rich in jade, and everyone knows more or less about jade. Nine times out of ten, this sound is fake jade!
How can it be so lifelike? Prince Ning carries it with him. Although there is no other way to identify the special color of this jade, he can also identify some genuine jade by licking the tip of his tongue lightly and snapping it lightly. I didn’t expect it to sound like this if I slammed it hard.
"Fake jade!" Prince Ning looked incredible and picked up the black gouyu himself to bite his finger and drop blood, but the blood was still as coagulated as before.
Black Gouyu’s blood drops to recognize the Lord. It is this that makes him ignore the fact that the master will die easily and the main blood will melt into it. It is this that makes him ignore the phenomenon that fake jade also has such a phenomenon. Drops of water and blood are all condensed beads.
192 are old friends.
Update the tyrant as soon as possible. I swear I won’t miss the latest chapter!
Prince Ning’s eyes were suddenly cold. What’s going on? Is the black hook jade fake or changed? !
"Patriarch doesn’t see things so fast. An old woman excused herself first. Patriarch has poison. If snow can solve the need, an old woman has brought medicine. Take care of herself." Meng’s mother-in-law said lightly and got up. She shouldn’t care so much about these things. She just lent the western world to Prince Ning.
Twist a frown thinking just now that wench words don’t believe that she is she hurt jade evil seems to be really so consciously shook his head slowly to the boat …
The cabin Lin Rexue is still holding the jade evil little face with tears and quietly listening to the story of Yu Tangying’s dream …
In a short time, the ship anchored and slowly moved forward. It was dark in front, and nothing could be seen. The end was still far away, but the water in the ship was obvious. It was still dark and the river seemed to be poisoned. The whole river was like this everywhere, and there was no clear time …
Then there was an old man in the middle reaches of the underground river who was still fishing, dressed in rags and wearing a broken felt hat. Instead of spending the night in the fishing boat inn in the underground river, he sat by the shore.
A woman is behind him, covered with dark black satin. She is still dark black’s cloak. Her face is exquisite and her temperament is good, but she has some gray hair. It seems to be a transition.
After a long time, the woman finally said, "Teacher Jian, it’s been a long time."
Elder Jianshan was expelled from his master’s school by Yin Niang, the master in charge of discipline, for saving General Tang and breaking the rules.
The leader of the mountain, regardless of his background, male or female, was appointed by the former leader. The leader must be forbidden to guard the mountain all his life and devote himself to studying all kinds of poisons. All the leaders of the past dynasties need to prepare a medicine to detoxify and antidote to continue to write poison classics before they can succeed to the throne.
"Brother Jian, don’t be ill." See Jian didn’t answer Yin Niang’s greeting again.
It was the sword that still ignored and put away the fishing rod. The small barrel got up and left.
Yin Niang stretched out an arm and easily stopped, "Brother, I have been visiting you for a long time, so you are so hospitable?"
"There has never been a host and guest in the western world. Can your wife have something to ask?" Sword this just look at her eyes clear.
"Poison Sutra" Yin Niang’s voice is cold, and it can’t stop the bleeding when she comes to the mountain. There is also the most important poison sutra, which is the painstaking efforts of the leaders of the mountains in the past.
The "Twelve Silver" Sword reached out and its palm prints were criss-crossed and full of cocoons.
Yin Niang frowned and put a whole bag in his palm.
Jian Dian Dian said seriously that "it should be kept by Tang Meng, who is about to succeed to the throne, because the leader has not yet found the blood fox, and the new leader can’t succeed to the throne. Elder Yin Niang took care of the mountain poison through the discipline hall. Elder Yin Niang lost it five years ago and didn’t respect the rules to hide it privately. The poison has fallen today."
You!’ Yin Niang’s eyes are suddenly heavy and sharp.
"Madam, do you have anything else to ask?" Sword but don’t have much mood to continue to ask.
Yin Niang clenched her hands and swallowed her anger and whispered three words, "Can’t you really fight the tomb of Shu Fei?"
"Thousand-year-old black iron can only be cracked by black gouyu" Jian answered truthfully.
"Was she really dead?" There is a trace of complexity in Yin Niang’s eyes. When an inexplicable fire burned down the harem, she didn’t believe that a mere fire could stop Lingxiao.
"Yan Shufei’s body is hidden in the coffin of Xuan Bing in the past ten thousand years. The mausoleum is sealed by a thousand-year-old black iron. How long can a woman live even if she has not died for more than twenty years?" The sword asked
"What was the cause of the fire that year? Didn’t the sky frame be investigated?" Yin Niang vaguely excited.
"Shu Fei died of illness and was poisoned, and it was revealed that the Emperor Tian Frame was angry and burned the imperial officials of the harem palace. Fortunately, everyone knew about this," Jian replied.
"I don’t know what I bought!" Yin Niang cold hum
"The old man knows that there are so many ladies. Ask someone else." Jian said, but he returned the purse to Yin Niang and shook his hand. He turned and left into the western world, not to forget all his worries, but to cut off all his worries. He knew too much and only stayed here to catch his fish quietly. Maybe he could really catch something one day.
Yin Niang, however, hurried after her and still asked in a low voice, "Where is my child?"
The swordsman was a little stiff and didn’t look back. "Madam, if you can really ask everything out in the western world, it’s high time that it changed hands. Madam, let’s go home." Then she shook her head and continued to move forward.
Yin Niang stopped watching the sword go away and the lonely figure slightly screwed up her eyebrows and didn’t recognize the words in the sword. She slowly pulled up the black veil, dressed in black and white eyes, and when she saw it, she knew that the Wulin middleman was here, and no one would care.
It’s like the two men coming in front are all masked in black, with sharp eyes, a pair of pampered hands behind them, and the other white-haired hand is riding behind them with a respectful attitude, just like the master and servant.
Three people passed by in the wrong way, and no one paid attention to anyone.
The two men in black walked in a hurry towards the high ladder.
"Lord and slave, maybe this place is really cursed?" Li Gonggong has been frowning all these years. He is always at ease. Many hands have been sent to explore the source and end of the underground river. As he said, he has gone back as if he had been cursed, but he has tried it himself and finally returned.
"Curse?" Tian frame emperor cold hum
"Just now, you also saw that the clothes you left behind were all sent by us years ago. It is already the tenth batch. Even the lights in the cabin can’t be lit in the dark area." Li Gonggong came back to the western boundary to see the group of dead people. Many of them are curious about sending people, but they all have to go back.
Day frame emperor eyes hidden in the complex didn’t speak on the high ladder.
Li Gonggong quickly followed in a low voice. "Why don’t you ask the gatekeeper about black and white?"
Emperor Tianqi stopped and looked back at him with displeasure. He said coldly, "No matter people or ghosts and gods, even if they are buried thousands of miles away, they will belong to China. Don’t startle them yet!"
193 fly knife and fly knife
Update the tyrant as soon as possible. I swear I won’t miss the latest chapter!
Fifteen yuan at night
Streets and alleys are full of colorful lanterns, which are very beautiful. Even older men and women will wear lanterns, and the flavor of the year is still very strong.
This is the busiest place in the imperial capital. It’s late for the New Year’s Eve. The business of Zhanghonglou is good, but it’s not as good as before. Another street is full of firecrackers.
Green Square has opened a new high-profile ratio tonight, and almost all the streets are talking about changing to a low-profile style.
Tang Meng is dressed in men’s clothes, white clothes, jade belt, dark black cloak, high hair, high vulgarity and a face of leisure and leisure.
Looking around the busy crowd in the street, I smiled a little on my lips and strode into the crowd. It seems that I haven’t been so comfortable for a long time.
Ling Si night is probably still healing in the misty valley at the moment. Last night, he was all right. I didn’t expect to turn over in the middle of the night and not see anyone. It took a long time to find him in a secret room. He was really hurt.
After spending an afternoon in Dali Temple, the damn case was finally solved. After all, the old trick of the plant guy was repeated. The Japanese discount should be able to be sent to the emperor’s hands. The result is that Dihu should be very satisfied with the king now.
Unconsciously, I went to the door of the Red Chamber and looked up at the high plaque. I couldn’t help sighing in my heart. These two people are really skillful craftsmen, even this plaque is the same.

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Jul 25, 2024

Mrs Chu alpha males "you you incredibly call her aunt? Do you know what you are doing? "

Weijiang sneered, "They know better than you do."
Mrs. Chu looked at her two grandchildren strangely. Did they betray her?
Chu Zheng and Chu Xun looked at the old lady Chu in front of Chu Yiqing and said, "Grandma, we are all a family."
The old lady Chu suddenly looked at the old man Chu, and he hung his head and seemed to accept his fate. Just when Chu Yiqing said that the trees were her daughters, they realized a problem. Chu family had to bow their heads and be strong, so that Chu family could be destroyed more thoroughly, and there was no room for recovery.
Bending down to admit mistakes is the only way to save Chu family.
But Mrs. Chu won’t bow her head.
Even if they bow their heads, they may not forgive Chu’s family.
Just then ChuLing with hospital security rushed in "what’s the matter? What happened? "
Chuling sneaked out when Weijiang pushed Mrs. Chu, and called the hospital security guard to prepare to blow them out.
Before the security guard, he prepared to push Chu Yiqing’s wheelchair away from the weak man’s knife. It was his hand that was pulled out flexibly before he touched the wheelchair. His waist baton hit him mercilessly on the back, and two security guards were knocked to the ground by him.
He looked at the other two security guards, who were far away, and looked at Chu Ling coldly. Chu Ling was startled by him. She hasn’t made Bai Wei dye yet. How can she protect Chu Yiqing here?
"Mr. Weiwei, how are you?"
Who dyed ignored her and threw the stick and patted off the dust on her hands.
The other two security guards saw that their companions had been knocked down. Of course, they had to take revenge. They jumped at Wei Ran, and Chu Xun and Chu Zheng were directly at their side, one by one, beating the security guards to the ground.
Get out! Two people yelled at one or four security guards. Do they want to help beat each other away? Why did they come to help and be beaten by the helped party first?
They also dare not ask what they got up and ran away.
Chuling hasn’t come in vain yet.
Chu Xun has been apologizing to Chu Yiqing. "Aunt Chu Ling is really sorry. She didn’t know your identity and almost hurt you recklessly." Say that finish and wink at Chu Ling.
Chu Ling was shocked and couldn’t react. Chu Xun pulled her up. She just shouted at Chu Yiqing, "So you are my aunt. I didn’t expect my aunt to be so young and beautiful."
"This is your aunt’s child. You should call her cousin."
Chuling thought that Wei Ran was actually my cousin and wanted to call her cousin.
Wei Ran dislikes hiding aside. "My mommy has no brothers or sisters."
Chu Xun accompanied the smiling face, "Aunt, this is not a place to talk. Let’s go somewhere else." He now feels that things are not desperate but rescued.
I didn’t expect my aunt’s background to be so strong. If my aunt and the Chu family get back together, they will become relatives with the family and the American se family, and they will take the Chu family with them whatever they say.
When I don’t go home, I beg my grandfather to tell my grandmother that I can straighten up.
So now he is giving up everything to rebuild with his aunt’s family.
Chu Yiqing didn’t complain and didn’t speak. Today, they came to talk about the terms. What did she do to her mother at the beginning? Today, she wants her to taste the taste of being abandoned.
Let her throw up all her food at her age and die, so that her mother can close her eyes.
Chu Xun looked at the old man and the old woman Chu.
When the old man Chu sees that Chu Yiqing is willing to negotiate, he says that there is hope for the Chu family. If they turn their heads and leave, they say that the Chu family is completely finished.
He said, "Why don’t you go back to the ward?"
Wei Ran and they also agreed that it is most suitable to be in the ward. In case anyone faints later, there are ready-made equipment and doctors to rescue him.
Chu old woman also mouth shut "they come to revenge chu home how can let chu home? I didn’t even talk about it. "
"Since you don’t want to negotiate and don’t want this opportunity, we just don’t have the leisure time." Wei Ran pushed Chu Yiqing’s wheelchair to leave.
Section 437
"Wait" Chu old man’s heart kindled hope that the other party said there was an opportunity.
He scolded Mrs. Chu, "I’m not dead yet. This family is still my decision. If you don’t want to follow, you can go."
Mrs. Chu was sad, and there was a faint uneasiness in her heart. She felt that the old man Chu would punish her at the Chu family.
Chu Xun and Chu Zheng pushed the master back to the ward. The old man Chu is now exhausted and has strong legs and feet.
I want ChuLing that girl to come and help her, but who knows that girl ran to ChuYiqing "Aunt, let me push you."
The gesture of Wei Ran blocked her from approaching the cold way "No, you are kind"
Chu Ling didn’t feel ashamed of being rejected at all. "Is it inconvenient for my cousin and aunt to walk?"
Who gave her a cold stare, and Mommy got half the credit for this.
Chu Ling was startled by his eyes and said weakly, "It’s not like I did this to my aunt. Why did you do this to me?"
"That’s also your Chu family. How can you be a Chu family with you?"
"But being born in the Chu family is not my choice. If I knew that the Chu family would do this to my aunt, I would definitely stop it."
"ChuLing you give me come here" Mrs Chu gnashed her teeth. Is this girl trying to piss her off?
What to say? Before knowing Chu Yiqing’s identity, she should be glad that she was born in the Chu family. The Chu family gave her a princess’s general life, and now she actually dislikes the Chu family and does not hesitate to belittle the Chu family to gain the favor of the other party.
All of them are traitors.
Mrs. Chu called her that she was still her grandmother. Chu Ling dared not cross over and reluctantly walked over to her. "What’s wrong with grandma?"
Mrs. Chu gave her a "hold me"
Mrs. Chu was ready to put her weight on her body, but she pinched her, so she just hid and hurt Mrs. Chu and fell to the ground.
"Ah … you are a dead girl to die, aren’t you?"
Chuling rubbed his arm and quickly helped her, fearing that she would pinch her. "Grandma, don’t pinch me."
Mrs Chu was so angry that even Chu Ling warned her that if she was pinching her, she would leave her alone.
Mrs. Chu told her that she could endure not slapping Chu Ling, and then taught her a lesson. Let her know whether relying on others is reliable or not.
Old man Chu’s ward is too big to walk on a ladder. They insist on not crowding with them and waiting next to another ladder.
In the ladder, Mrs. Chu held the old man’s hand in tears. "Do you really want to negotiate with them to save the Chu family?" They will make a lot of demands and will humiliate them to the fullest.

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Jul 24, 2024

"Dr. Xu’s emergency department will let you consult in the past." Zhou Xin took a message and told Xu Jinyan before she hung up.

The patient has pulled all her thoughts back.
She hurried towards the emergency department and Zhou Xin followed her.
Now that the clinic is over, she can go to work, but she has taken emergency patients temporarily.
"What’s the situation?" Xu Jin inkstone walked and asked.
Angel lee handed the patient’s report to Xu Jinyan. "The three-year-old boy’s parents didn’t take good care of the child. The child accidentally ate the nifedipine sustained-release tablets. How much did the parents eat? The parents also judged that he was induced to vomit in the emergency department. He did find tablet residues in his mouth and had a slight cough and vomiting after vomiting."
"Know" xu today inkstone to give her a review.
The little boy blinked and lay in the hospital bed, with big watery eyes and some tears. He should have cried just now.
"How many sweets did you eat at home, little friend?" Xu Jinyan judged that the drug taken by the child by mistake was probably candy.
The little boy put up his fingers "one, two, three, four, five"
She pressed a little boy’s belly again. "Does it hurt?"
"It doesn’t hurt …" The little boy was tickled when he was touched, and he couldn’t help laughing.
The child’s mother had tears in her eyes. "What do you think we should do, doctor? We didn’t pay attention. Today, let his grandmother take grandma to take high blood pressure medicine and forget to put it in the drawer. Grandma stole delicious food and ate it when grandma didn’t pay attention."
"Don’t worry about your mind, but you don’t have difficulty breathing. Nifedipine sustained-release tablets are hypertension drugs. Now it’s not clear how many doses he has taken. It’s better to arrange what sequela the gastric lavage drug residue causes if he hasn’t eaten for more than five hours." Xu Jinyan and his mother explained one.
The mother nodded, "Okay, okay, I’ll listen to the doctor, but will it be very harmful for him to pump his stomach so small?"
"Try to calm the child’s mood. Such a child is not suitable for pain. Li Jia asked a colleague from the Department of Gastroenterology to go to pediatrics. First, he was brought to pediatrics to live for gastric lavage. After that, he had to hang salt water for a few days to reduce inflammation before he was discharged." Xu Jinyan confessed to Li Jia.
She turned and called Zhou Xin to "tell Li Keyi to be gentle."
"Dr. Hao Xu" Zhou Xin immediately went to do it.
My mother listened to Xu Jinyan’s arrangement. She held Xu Jinyan’s hand gratefully. "Thank you so much, doctor."
"Yes," she took out her pen and walked to the bedside, holding the child’s hand. "Do you know what aunt is so not afraid of, little friend?"
The little boy shook his head.
She showed him a superman Peugeot symbol on the back of her hand. "Because aunt is superman, if children are superman, they will not be afraid of pain."
"I want to be Superman, too." The little boy held out his hand.
Xu Jinyan drew a superman on the back of his hand and then encouraged him to "be brave when you look at superman when you have an examination later."
"I am Superman" The little boy looked at Superman Peugeot and immediately burst into tears.
The owner of the forest came to see this scene. "You still have a plan."
"Who let me be a child?" Xu Jinyan chuckled. She looked at Superman Peugeot. "Let’s take it over. I’ll go first if it’s nothing."
"Good delay your class again" Lin looked at it for a while and just called her from the outpatient class.
Xu Jin inkstone was skilled in the emergency rotation, and the owner liked it. Later, he let her stay in the emergency department, and Naiqi Zhengguo was too powerful to dig her away.
But the owner of the forest has always appreciated this younger generation.
It’s like she just shone in her own way as a doctor.
And do it with enthusiasm.
Xu Jin inkstone waved his hand. "Lord Lin has gone to my face again."
She walked out of the emergency room.
"The child needs gastric lavage, so you don’t call me for money. This family takes care of your mother with the child at home. Your mother doesn’t know how to put away the medicine bottle that caused the child to suffer. I have to stretch out my hand and ask if you want money." Xu Jinyan heard crying in the corner about the child’s mother.
Her face was full of tears.
Xu Jin inkstone is not worried.
There was a scene after scene in front of my eyes.
"Mom begged you to see her in the hospital. The doctor said that if you don’t look at my mother, she will die."
Xu Jin inkstone closed her eyes and came to her side. Mom hung up and looked at the smashed fact in a panic.
She reached out her mobile phone to "add me to WeChat"
The child’s mother is stunned.
"Pay the money first. Gastric lavage as soon as possible is not good for the child, and then pay me back later."
"Thank you, Dr. Xu. I don’t know how to thank you." The mother will kneel down.
Xu Jin inkstone held her arm "it’s not that she didn’t return it."
She quickly transferred her two thousand dollars to the hospital for examination.
"Women can have children and families, but don’t lose themselves." Xu Jinyan patted her mother on the shoulder.
The mother looked at the doctor in a white coat who had never met her, and the white coat stood tall in her heart. She gave up everything herself and wished she were at home.
In the end, I lost myself
She couldn’t help shaking her head. She was really stupid, but she didn’t want her to go to the hospital at once. She couldn’t wait for the baby.
Chapter 54 I forgive you
Just got out of the emergency room
Xu Jin inkstone just received the words.
Words that harsh sound up "inkstone life how haven’t call this month, you see your dad heart stent this every month to fill …"
The old reasons made her ears cocoon.
"Busy these days, I’ll be back soon." Xu Jinyan hung up after saying that.
She closed her eyes and went back to the office to change clothes.
It was already dark when I left the hospital.
Before leaving the hospital, she went to the AM machine to get a transfer, which was a sigh of relief.
Empathy is all about being hurt.
The night is very thick
She was alone.
She walked silently to the subway.

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Jul 23, 2024

Later, she sang her famous song Blue and White Porcelain and chased it out.

Long ago, he disappeared. Sure enough, it was her turn to sing, and he ran away. This extreme way of chasing people ended in failure.
"I didn’t expect you to chase him so hard when you were a student?" After hearing the story of Xu Jinyan, Angelica dahurica couldn’t help sighing that when she was in college, she secretly loved Shen Shanglu, but she was humble and afraid to get close.
But Xu Jinyan is hot and brave.
But now she is not so bold and she is a coward.
He still said that he hadn’t heard her sing for a long time, but he hadn’t heard it at all, okay? Later, after they were together, Fu Jingxiao asked her to sing. She just didn’t say that you didn’t hear me when I sang. Now if you want me to sing, I won’t sing.
I was particularly dragged when I was young.
No, why would he say that? Xu Jinyan is unknown.
"I wouldn’t dare if I were young and impulsive." Xu Jinyan teased. "What about you, Dr. Bai? Is Professor Shen chasing you?"
Angelica dahurica thought, "No, I had a crush on him when I was a student, so it’s terrible. If I were that good, we might get married after graduating from college."
"Maybe God’s free arrangement is the best because of this arrangement." Xu Jinyan didn’t expect that there would be an unforgettable past behind happiness.
Humble or naive is always a part of life.
"It’s good to say that we are all lucky that the people we liked as students are finally together." Angelica dahurica has always been grateful to God for making her secret love come true.
It should be the most romantic thing in my life to be with someone I liked as a student forever.
Xu Jinyan nodded his head and smiled. "I’ll take a shower first. You pack your bags first. It’s leaving soon."
"Good" Xu Jinyan casually packed her luggage. It was also quite simple. Angelica dahurica was still taking a bath in the bathroom. She sat in bed and then recorded a song and sent it to WeChat.
At this time, Fu Jingxiao was reading reports and quotations in the hotel when he heard WeChat ring and took the mobile phone.
It’s an audio.
He clicked the play button "Plain Embryo Outline …"
The smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger and stronger. He put his mobile phone on the table, got up and closed his eyes as if he could see her singing on the stage in a blue and white porcelain performance costume when she was in college.
She said that "he" Fu Jingxiao realized that her roommate was booing. "Isn’t this a girl who chased you? You are so small."
"People really have the means to get Taiwan to make you refuse to be willing."
At the age of twenty, when he was young and full of energy, he was so angry that he didn’t like being controlled. Finally, he got up from his position and walked out of the school performance hall.
The wind passed his skirt, and the white shirt was chasing the light, shining with white light, so he walked outside the door and took several steps.
He turned back and listened to the songs coming out at the entrance of the performance hall.
This song is familiar to him.
It turned out that it was never one-way, but Xu Jinyan never knew that Fu Jingxiao never missed the song she sang when she was a student.
He has heard of it.
I haven’t heard you sing for a long time.
Conscious reaction made him almost break the work.
But I received such a surprise
He listened to it several times.
Chat interface
You should be glad that I became a doctor, otherwise I would become a singer. Now you want me to sing, but it’s hard to get a ticket.
Fu Jingxiao responded with a smile, "Thank you for the song given by this fallen singer."
A song is inlaid with memories of two people.
F, be good. I’m distracted
I left by mistake.
F my work has been delayed for a day, and I may not be able to arrive at Yuncheng with you.
It’s urgent that I go back by myself.
F then give me a message when you arrive.
Xu Jin inkstone put her cell phone on, Angelica dahurica took a bath and came out to look at her. She was lying on the bed in frustration and asked, "What happened just now? Looking depressed."
"Come and fly to Yuncheng with me on a good day so that we can meet at the airport, but he has a work delay and a 24-year-old girlfriend can support him." Xu Jinyan summoned his cheeks to help.
Because it is Sunday, she won’t go back to the hospital.
"It’s a good thing you’re not in a long-distance relationship, or else where will you control it?" Angelica dahurica laughed at her.
Xu Jinyan certainly didn’t think about long-distance love, but she suddenly realized that the Fu family was in Beijing, and all the main industries of the Fu family were in Beijing, and he would return to Beijing one day.
And if she chooses to stay in Cloud City, it is a long-distance relationship.
Xu Jinyan got up and looked at Angelica dahurica. "Dr. Bai, have you ever had a long-distance relationship?"
"Yes, it’s really hard for him to go to Germany to study long-distance love, but we are all busy, but it’s good that he will secretly come back to surprise me. Sometimes learning will end that day and come back when it’s over. It won’t be particularly difficult because of expectations." Angelica thought of her long-distance love with Shen Shanglu and brought them memories
Angelica dahurica doesn’t find it hard because Shen Shanglu will go back after studying.
What about them?
Fu Jingxiao gave up his life in Beijing and her life in Yuncheng. He would do so, but then he would lose a lot, including his parents in Beijing and the Fu family. She made him a selfish person.
"What’s the matter?" Angelica dahurica see xu today inkstone look dignified.
Xu Jinyan smiled, "I think I should get used to long-distance relationships."
"Then don’t cross it." Angelica dahurica replied, "It’s so simple."
"That’s right. That’s it." Xu Jinyan nodded hard.
"Go and take a shower. We have to catch a plane to go back. If we oversleep, we will be finished." Angelica dahurica urged her
Xu Jin inkstone went immediately.
Mouth shouted to go to bed early and don’t oversleep, but they may be going home. They were very excited and talked for a long time before they slept.
It’s lucky to meet a like-minded person in such an activity.
Xu Jinyan and Angelica dahurica are like this.
He also said that he hoped that this kind of activity would bump into each other and invite each other to play in the other city &l; Hr ss=auhorwords auhor= Mo Qiu ideniyid=null /&g;
Thank you for the id of "Official Peach Q". Listen to the lovely monthly ticket of "Morning Son □" ~
Love you ~ continue to make appointments with punching friends ~
Recommend &l; syle&g; reend a{fonsize:15p; lor:#396dd4; paddg: 1p}&l; /syle&g;
Chapter four hundred and thirteen Don’t go

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Jul 22, 2024

"Why should I take medicine because I am not sick at all?" Nalanqing’s indifference theory

Lingche knows what it’s not so troublesome to coax children to take medicine now. "You should know that your own situation has reached the final stage, and your base has lost all mood swings … What is happening now is a drama in front of you … You look at other people’s things from the sidelines …"
"this is not a disease and it doesn’t constitute a reason for me to take medicine!" Na Lanqing said
"It is very abnormal for a person to have what worldly desires has. In this world, you are a necessary antidote to a different kind!"
Lingche has a headache.
In the past, hands gently fell on Nalan’s shoulders and twisted her body to hold her face and grind her teeth. "Now you can’t even speak a normal person and feel the most basic emotions. Don’t you want to be normal?"
Na Lanqing quietly looked at the man in front of him. "What should be normal? If returning to normal means becoming as ugly as you, I would rather not become normal! "
Na Lanqing and them took a step back. "You’d better go to the river and take a picture. Your face is twisted into a sour orange!" "
"Face will be twisted into a lime who? You heartless girl! " Lingche stormed off and then really ran to the side of the water source and looked down at his face and suddenly felt that he was many years older.
It’s really hard to have such a niece …
Forcing her to get rid of the antidote can’t be done because of her martial arts instead of saving fuel. If you accidentally piss her off, where can you find someone to go?
If you want to cheat her, you can’t do it. That smelly girl doesn’t know anything. Maybe she has become more refined because of her emotional loss.
I want to cheat her. Kifa succeeded!
In order to make her darling antidote, Lingche wants to see her hair white.
We have been together for more than half a month, almost a month. During this month, we didn’t find a chance to trick her into taking the antidote.
What can I do to make this restless girl eat the antidote?
Can’t let her really like this for a generation?
"Brother’s adult Lili seems to smell the elder sister’s adult …" The world is looking for Nalanqing Lili Jika, and the two brothers and sisters have also come to this prairie by coincidence.
Lily sat on the grass and sniffed the nose. If there was a similar smell, she felt familiar … She tilted her head to one side and Jika’s eyes shone.
"Sister’s adult taste?"
"Well, there it is!" Lili stretched out her hand and pointed to a direction, although there was nothing in that direction, but Jika had no doubt.
Sister’s sense of smell is very sensitive. It may be that my sister’s adult has been to this place and left her taste … This is also a clue.
"Then let’s go there!"
"But Lili is hungry!" Lili touched her belly and watched her brother Jika reach out to untie her baggage and then took out a relatively dry steamed bread. "I’ll catch the rabbit for you later and take this pad now!" "
Lili is a good boy who is not picky about food, and as a result, the hard steamed bread is chewed with relish.
"Brother’s adult Lili can’t walk any further … Lili wants to eat meat and sleep in a soft bed …" Lili asked a child to ask Jika to frown after hearing this. "This place is uninhabited, so we can let you sleep well after we find someone else."
Lingche sat by the river and felt very wronged. He bit his handkerchief like a kannika nimtragol and stretched out his hand and touched his face. He always felt that his face was several years old because of that bitch.
What can I do to get that smelly girl to be an antidote?
Fidgety scratch clever sogeum, but not impatient, but show a very gentle smile.
My sister’s daughter looks exactly like my sister … At first sight, I felt as if my sister had come back to life … Later, I searched Unalan Qing things bit by bit.
I am shocked by my niece.
If she didn’t have the same face, she would have believed that her niece was so overbearing and powerful that people wondered if she had voted for the wrong sex.
Searching bit by bit makes him more admired and proud.
Because of all the plans, Yan Heng has reached an alliance, and he can come out from that goal to find his nephew who has been worried about him.
My sister died for a long time, but she left a brother and sister in this world, her flesh and blood.

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Jul 21, 2024

Chapter 3 Drink too much

She staggered to wash her hands. When she came out, she washed her face with cold water. In the mirror, her face turned red.
After washing her hands, she walked to the box with her hands on the wall. She looked up and saw the box number, so she pushed the door and went in.
But as soon as she went in, she found something wrong!
This is not her box!
The three men in the box are also one leng after seeing her.
Gu Jiujiu didn’t see the people in the box carefully. She knew she was in the wrong box!
She quickly apologized and then quit.
But she just walked to the door, but she was pulled over by a force and fell into an embrace.
She was shocked and realized that she wanted to break free from the man’s arms.
"Drink so much wine?"
The familiar sound came into her ears. Gu Jiujiu Zheng stopped struggling. When she looked up, she saw the familiar face "Song … Song Yuyan".
Song Yuyan turned to look at the two men sitting on the sofa. "We’ll talk about it another day."
The two men were also well-advised to nod and then withdrew from the box.
There are only two people left in the huge box.
Song Yuyan pulled her to the sofa to sit.
Her head was dizzy and she felt thirsty and wanted to drink water. She saw a transparent bottle on the table filled with permeable white water, poured a cup without thinking, and then looked up and drank it.
She moved suddenly and quickly, and by the time Song Yuyan reacted, she had already drunk the water.
But just after drinking it, she noticed the discomfort and put the cup "Ah, what is this? It’s so spicy!" She kept holding a small hand to her lips and fanning her pinkish little tongue slightly revealing a section.
"This is the height of wine, not white water." Song Yuyan was in distress situation. He called for a glass of water for her in the afterlife.
Section 16
Gu Jiujiu took the white water and drank it.
She felt a little relieved that the spicy feeling in her mouth was relieved again.
But …
She was drunk when she came, and she drank that full glass of wine. Now her head is even more dizzy!
She swayed uncontrollably. Song Yuyan hurriedly held her. "Let’s go back," he said, lifting the little man up.
Gu Jiujiu’s body is crooked and she can’t walk steadily!
So that he can take her out of kv.
When Shi Lei saw Song Yuyan coming out with Gu Jiujiu in his arms, he was slightly one leng. When did Mrs. Shao and Er Shao meet?
"Two little lady this is …"
"Too much to drink"
Shi Lei hurriedly called the door for two people.
Someone in the back of the car got drunk …
Her little hand clasped Song Yuyan’s neck and she refused to let go. She looked at him with misty eyes. "You … Who are you?"
"Why don’t you answer me? Well … but you look … really nice. "
The little woman pointed out her finger and hooked Song Yuyanba! Just like a flirt!

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