Jul 30, 2024

Guns and explosions are roaring in caves, and the earth is shaking. These tanks are even more rampaging.

There are more and more soldiers who keep coming back.
After the turret rocked and the shell fell, the whole concrete pouring base wobbled.
The casualties in the artillery fire are getting worse, and no one can solve it in the face of such iron sheets.
"I found the exit. This is the whole exit blocked by steel plates."
Rose sound came from the earphone, and she followed the high heels and stepped on the blood footprints to search forward.
I found the passage all the way, but it was locked up and exploded through the ultra-thick steel plate by the root method.
"I have no exit here."
Falcon has reached a dead end, and he can’t find an exit. He can return.
"I don’t have it here either."
Tie Niu also gained something, reaching a dead end, and he turned around and returned.
"I can’t find it here either."
The last hope is that Tang Yi is here, but he has searched all the passages, but there is no exit.
It seems that Satan is going to catch turtles in a jar this time.
Now everyone has retreated to the tin can area and sought cover with the help of the huge iron frame.
The tank entered temporarily, but behind the tank, the mercenaries had already rushed in.
The two sides built temporary bunkers, and the firepower was strong. They abruptly suppressed this side.
"the only way to go is to let go."
After a fierce battle, they won’t be able to count many bombs, and they will run out of ammunition.
Looking at the fierce mercenary at the exit, Tang Yi holds his fist. Maybe they can rush hard?
Just at this extremely urgent moment, a sound suddenly came in the earphone.
Chapter 495 Secret passage
"Did you miss me?"
The sound is enchanting with a hint of sultry, but with a arrogance that makes people refuse thousands of miles away.
This is the customary sound of beauty snake, and this sound is now coming from Tang Yi’s headphones.
"beauty snake"
How did the beauty snake appear at this time when Tang Yi was one leng?
Different from the indifference when she was injured before, her voice returned to what it used to be.
"Besides me, who else will miss you every day? How about it in the cave?"
The beauty snake is spoiled again, and she is completely different from when she covered her face with black veil.
"If you have something to say, don’t forget I still have your father."
The beauty snake found herself at this time. I’m afraid she knows very well what’s going on here now.
"Of course I know that the person I miss most in this world is you except my father, so I don’t know if I really care about you until I call you and see your fierce appearance."
The beauty snake is still unhurried and in no hurry.
"If you insist on chatting like this, it seems that we have nothing to talk about. Then I’m going to rush out with your father as a shield."
Tang Yi knew that the purpose of this chat was to talk about terms.
There are casualties every minute now, and he is too lazy to talk to her any more.
"You’re always in such a hurry. Well, I know a secret passage is on your left hand, go ahead for 50 meters, and there’s a waterway on your right hand. I cut off the waterway sluice and I can buy you half an hour. If you can’t reach the exit in half an hour, it’s no wonder."
The beauty snake sighed and couldn’t help herself. Tang Yi had the card.
And her remarks made Tang Yi tilting her face to look at the monitor.
I’m afraid the beauty snake doesn’t know what method to take over the video surveillance system here at this time.
I have her father in my hand to see what flowers she can dig up.
"I’ll arrange for your father to go at the end. If he can’t go out in half an hour, it’s no wonder that I am."
Tang Yi shrugged his shoulders and smiled at the camera and said
Anyway, it’s no wonder that Tang Yi died when her father left at the end.
"Hum, then hurry up and I’ll cut off the water now. You must bring my father back."
Hum a beauty snake nai said
"Don’t worry, you help me and I help you all help each other."
Tang Yi’s mouth is relaxed, but his feet are not stopped.
Take the lead in running to the place where the beauty snake said. When he pulls the door, it looks like a warehouse.
The narrow room is small, but there is a huge pipe.
It’s a rolling undercurrent when the cover is uncovered.
However, the original turbulent undercurrent is showing black rocks on the speed reduction surface visible to the naked eye.
"retreat immediately"
Seeing a little fading, the water flow appears back channels.

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Jul 25, 2024

Mrs Chu alpha males "you you incredibly call her aunt? Do you know what you are doing? "

Weijiang sneered, "They know better than you do."
Mrs. Chu looked at her two grandchildren strangely. Did they betray her?
Chu Zheng and Chu Xun looked at the old lady Chu in front of Chu Yiqing and said, "Grandma, we are all a family."
The old lady Chu suddenly looked at the old man Chu, and he hung his head and seemed to accept his fate. Just when Chu Yiqing said that the trees were her daughters, they realized a problem. Chu family had to bow their heads and be strong, so that Chu family could be destroyed more thoroughly, and there was no room for recovery.
Bending down to admit mistakes is the only way to save Chu family.
But Mrs. Chu won’t bow her head.
Even if they bow their heads, they may not forgive Chu’s family.
Just then ChuLing with hospital security rushed in "what’s the matter? What happened? "
Chuling sneaked out when Weijiang pushed Mrs. Chu, and called the hospital security guard to prepare to blow them out.
Before the security guard, he prepared to push Chu Yiqing’s wheelchair away from the weak man’s knife. It was his hand that was pulled out flexibly before he touched the wheelchair. His waist baton hit him mercilessly on the back, and two security guards were knocked to the ground by him.
He looked at the other two security guards, who were far away, and looked at Chu Ling coldly. Chu Ling was startled by him. She hasn’t made Bai Wei dye yet. How can she protect Chu Yiqing here?
"Mr. Weiwei, how are you?"
Who dyed ignored her and threw the stick and patted off the dust on her hands.
The other two security guards saw that their companions had been knocked down. Of course, they had to take revenge. They jumped at Wei Ran, and Chu Xun and Chu Zheng were directly at their side, one by one, beating the security guards to the ground.
Get out! Two people yelled at one or four security guards. Do they want to help beat each other away? Why did they come to help and be beaten by the helped party first?
They also dare not ask what they got up and ran away.
Chuling hasn’t come in vain yet.
Chu Xun has been apologizing to Chu Yiqing. "Aunt Chu Ling is really sorry. She didn’t know your identity and almost hurt you recklessly." Say that finish and wink at Chu Ling.
Chu Ling was shocked and couldn’t react. Chu Xun pulled her up. She just shouted at Chu Yiqing, "So you are my aunt. I didn’t expect my aunt to be so young and beautiful."
"This is your aunt’s child. You should call her cousin."
Chuling thought that Wei Ran was actually my cousin and wanted to call her cousin.
Wei Ran dislikes hiding aside. "My mommy has no brothers or sisters."
Chu Xun accompanied the smiling face, "Aunt, this is not a place to talk. Let’s go somewhere else." He now feels that things are not desperate but rescued.
I didn’t expect my aunt’s background to be so strong. If my aunt and the Chu family get back together, they will become relatives with the family and the American se family, and they will take the Chu family with them whatever they say.
When I don’t go home, I beg my grandfather to tell my grandmother that I can straighten up.
So now he is giving up everything to rebuild with his aunt’s family.
Chu Yiqing didn’t complain and didn’t speak. Today, they came to talk about the terms. What did she do to her mother at the beginning? Today, she wants her to taste the taste of being abandoned.
Let her throw up all her food at her age and die, so that her mother can close her eyes.
Chu Xun looked at the old man and the old woman Chu.
When the old man Chu sees that Chu Yiqing is willing to negotiate, he says that there is hope for the Chu family. If they turn their heads and leave, they say that the Chu family is completely finished.
He said, "Why don’t you go back to the ward?"
Wei Ran and they also agreed that it is most suitable to be in the ward. In case anyone faints later, there are ready-made equipment and doctors to rescue him.
Chu old woman also mouth shut "they come to revenge chu home how can let chu home? I didn’t even talk about it. "
"Since you don’t want to negotiate and don’t want this opportunity, we just don’t have the leisure time." Wei Ran pushed Chu Yiqing’s wheelchair to leave.
Section 437
"Wait" Chu old man’s heart kindled hope that the other party said there was an opportunity.
He scolded Mrs. Chu, "I’m not dead yet. This family is still my decision. If you don’t want to follow, you can go."
Mrs. Chu was sad, and there was a faint uneasiness in her heart. She felt that the old man Chu would punish her at the Chu family.
Chu Xun and Chu Zheng pushed the master back to the ward. The old man Chu is now exhausted and has strong legs and feet.
I want ChuLing that girl to come and help her, but who knows that girl ran to ChuYiqing "Aunt, let me push you."
The gesture of Wei Ran blocked her from approaching the cold way "No, you are kind"
Chu Ling didn’t feel ashamed of being rejected at all. "Is it inconvenient for my cousin and aunt to walk?"
Who gave her a cold stare, and Mommy got half the credit for this.
Chu Ling was startled by his eyes and said weakly, "It’s not like I did this to my aunt. Why did you do this to me?"
"That’s also your Chu family. How can you be a Chu family with you?"
"But being born in the Chu family is not my choice. If I knew that the Chu family would do this to my aunt, I would definitely stop it."
"ChuLing you give me come here" Mrs Chu gnashed her teeth. Is this girl trying to piss her off?
What to say? Before knowing Chu Yiqing’s identity, she should be glad that she was born in the Chu family. The Chu family gave her a princess’s general life, and now she actually dislikes the Chu family and does not hesitate to belittle the Chu family to gain the favor of the other party.
All of them are traitors.
Mrs. Chu called her that she was still her grandmother. Chu Ling dared not cross over and reluctantly walked over to her. "What’s wrong with grandma?"
Mrs. Chu gave her a "hold me"
Mrs. Chu was ready to put her weight on her body, but she pinched her, so she just hid and hurt Mrs. Chu and fell to the ground.
"Ah … you are a dead girl to die, aren’t you?"
Chuling rubbed his arm and quickly helped her, fearing that she would pinch her. "Grandma, don’t pinch me."
Mrs Chu was so angry that even Chu Ling warned her that if she was pinching her, she would leave her alone.
Mrs. Chu told her that she could endure not slapping Chu Ling, and then taught her a lesson. Let her know whether relying on others is reliable or not.
Old man Chu’s ward is too big to walk on a ladder. They insist on not crowding with them and waiting next to another ladder.
In the ladder, Mrs. Chu held the old man’s hand in tears. "Do you really want to negotiate with them to save the Chu family?" They will make a lot of demands and will humiliate them to the fullest.

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Jul 17, 2024

"Ha ha, if it weren’t for the flames, we would have to be trapped in this iceberg for several days." Luo Shuiji said with a smile that she was looking forward to getting to the fire as soon as possible, but where she showed her skills.

"Yeah, if it weren’t for the flame, I’d be the first to die of cold." The charm left her mouth and she was cool and refreshing.
"This road is afraid of two dangers: knives, mountains, fires, ice, snow and mountains." Mei Li Wen Dao
"I don’t think it’s necessary to forget that the name Usagi doesn’t sound novel, but it’s a city and I don’t know if it can survive," said Ning Luo.
Everyone looks at each other, so they are alert. Forget that Usagi is a city. Is there anyone in this city?
"Oh, what do you do with so much nonsense? Even if some people join hands with us, they are still afraid of the enemy?" The flame turned around and said that there were two flames floating around, which turned out to be blue. The bright moon was beautiful in this white world of ice and snow.
"In case of blood shadow, see if you are still bravado." Luo Shuiji took a bite and was very disdainful.
"I’m afraid I won’t meet him," Flame said, and walked over to Ningluo. "Boss, you said that these two roads are round and round. What if you are really unlucky and never meet them?"
Everybody stop. this is a very serious problem
If you go in the same direction, it is very likely that you will never get around together.
"Isn’t there an origin?" Luo Shuiji frowned and asked
They all looked at her in order. There is one thing that this woman doesn’t know yet.
"What’s the matter?" Waterinfo kyi asked suspiciously.
"There is no origin, that is, two closed circles" said Ning Luo, spreading the map. When I looked at the map earlier, the origin had disappeared. This is a living map, which seems to change with their location.
"origin?" Luo Shuiji was frightened.
"It’s right that all the flames are gone long ago. If it’s in the same direction, it’s very likely that it will never go around." Chu Yin said and took the map in Ningluo’s hand and was just about to show it to Luoshui Ji, but it was suddenly frightened.
"This place has changed!"
He has always kept a low profile. This sentence was shouted out with a little surprise.
Everyone in a school leaned in and saw that the two circles at the original intersection had actually crossed. The sign of the intersection was clearly written, which was "Dragon Pool and Tiger Cave" and "Forget Usagi"
The dragon’s den is forgetting Usagi’s side, that is, their back!
"Maybe Stuart endure them on the back of our feet? At this time, they should also be in this deep end! " Silent all the way, Jade Evil finally spoke.
"It should be the entrance to the Dragon Pool and the Forget Worry City!" Ning Luo said and looked at the towering city in front.
"This is much easier. Forget about Usagi. Maybe the Dragon Pool and Tiger Cave Camp will never get separated!" Jade heresy
"Oh, I can’t wait to get out of this damn ice with one step!" Charm from said immediately turn over and ignore will not be out of the flame flame protector here is the edge of the glacier.
"As long as she is impatient," the charm said coldly, but she also followed Ling to the foot of the iceberg.
"I … I used to look at what happened to these two girls in case it was bad." She made an excuse and hurried after her.
In fact, in this group of people, she is the one who is most afraid of the cold, and she feels that her blood is almost frozen. If she meets a roadblock, she can’t make a move and become an ice sculpture.
"These women’s lips are purple with cold and they don’t talk about bravado," said the flame contemptuously.
And Ningluo and Jade Evil Chu Yin have already gone away. They don’t know what natural barrier is waiting in front of them. They must keep an eye on their physical strength.
Although it was the charm who left first and landed first, it was Luoshui Ji who arrived at the gate as soon as she arrived.
Strange to say, it is not far from the glacier, but there is no cold feeling at all.
"You can’t stay up the fastest, just say it." Butterfly fell down and didn’t forget to find a chance to break her mouth.
The three women had fallen out again long ago if it weren’t for the men.
"You’re not bad either," said Luo Shuiji coldly.
"Ha ha, you two are really fast. Are you really so weak?" The charm is proud of being the last to arrive.
"I don’t know who is short of physical strength when I leave first!" Luo Shuiji is in harmony with Butterfly.
"Have you finished? Noisy as a bird! " Suddenly a crisp sound came from nowhere with a slow anger.
All three of them are one leng, making sure they’re not sounding the same.
"Did you all hear that?" Butterfly asked
"She called us birds!" Luo shui Ji Li
"Who’s that? Come out for me! " Incarnate from shouting cold phoenix eyes scanning the square but no one was there.
The sound of "three blind birds" came again. At this time, the three men looked up at the top of the gate.
This sound is finally recognized. It’s that girl Lian Qiao!
Three people all leng see Lian Qiao sitting at the gate with a weed in his mouth and staring at them with a new look, adding this neat Tsing Yi image is really a tramp girl.
"Lian Qiao?" Charm from a face incredible.
"Not a fantasy!" Butterfly said with great certainty.
"Smelly girl, what did you say just now? Who is a blind bird! " Said waterinfo ji is flew into a rage, then ling and straight toward the ripple qiao.
"I’m joking. Don’t take it seriously?" Lian Qiao hurriedly dodged and obviously didn’t move at all. He was hurt.
It was Luo Shuiji who got to the gate, but she was surprised.
See cloud and a cry and a smile are injured sitting there while Stuart who is unconscious.
Charm from and butterfly in accordance with the soon also fell behind waterinfo kyi as surprised.
"What’s going on?"
"Cloud! What happened to Stuart? "
"You won’t be met … blood shadow?"
Cloud gave them a look and said, "lin xi was brought in by blood."
"What about Xiyu?" Butterfly asked
"It was eaten by that child," the cloud replied.
Aside the charm from Stuart who has been lifted up, this guy is badly hurt.

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Jul 13, 2024

Wei Liangxian breathed a sigh of relief. Zhang Qiliang also gained a lot of stability if he was granted Amnesty.

Chen Zhongxiao looked ahead and said, "I don’t know who is leading this time without the old slave Wang Qi and the old things."
Li Yuanqing smiled. "Who cares who leads the dog? If you get here, you can’t get it. I can’t wait."
Chen Zhong couldn’t help laughing. "We’d better catch a real Baylor royal family this time."
Li Yuanqing responded with a smile, but his eyes were fixed on the white flag not far away.
Opposite Huang taiji, Dai Shan and Mang Kuertai, surrounded by dozens of flag generals, looked at the situation in Fuzhou.
Although the old slave was killed by Huang Taiji, Dai Shan and Mang Kuertai also went to A Min with elites from various departments, and A Min was relieved that Chen Jisheng, who was in the mountains of Kuandian, did not come with the blue flag.
He didn’t want to touch Li Yuanqing’s brow again.
"This Li Yuanqing is really cruel." Dai Shan frowned tightly. He didn’t expect that the Fuzhou area had become a populated area in just a few days.
Gal even if they want to push the earth to fill the ditch again, it is not easy to find people at the moment.
Mang Gurtai’s face was not good either. He said to Huang Taiji, "Brother, this Li Yuanqing has actually introduced water into the trench. What does he want?"
Huang taiji smiled calmly: "This is a preparation for a protracted war. This is interesting. Does he want to be trapped in a lonely city?"
If Li Yuanqing posed as a hit-and-run situation, Huang Taiji might even have scruples.
After all, the phalanx of Li Yuanqing Changsheng Camp is very close, just like a hedgehog, and Fuzhou is too close to the seaside, and he has no good means to finish eating in a short time.
But at this time, how can Li Yuanqing not let Huang Taiji rejoice by posing for the meaning of sticking to it?
It’s like a hunter going to catch a rabbit. The rabbit is very cunning and slippery, and it’s hard to catch it, but now the rabbit has dug a nest and trapped himself in it …
"Ha ha, our army of military orders is camped on the spot. Let’s not stand here and have a drink. Let’s save our energy."
Chapter 25 Constant Should Be Changed
After 8 jin j didn’t rush to push the earth to fill the ditch to launch an offensive, but stretched the war to form a rolling camp on the north, east and south sides of fuzhou, but it didn’t deploy in the west.
Night has fallen ChengTou windy Wei Liang and Zhang Qiliang have all gone to rest. Li Yuanqing and Chen Zhong are leaning against the campfire and watching the latter’s disposal.
"Dog day, this is to surround yourself with three missing persons. So much for this Huang Taiji." Chen Zhong disdained to sneer.
After the invasion of Fuzhou, he and Li Yuanqing have been planning for several months, and the preparation is quite adequate. It can be said that the soldier is strong. How can this fellow, Ma Zhuang Huang Taiji, even think about the old routine, take advantage of it?
Li Yuanqing did not pay attention to Chen Zhong’s words and carefully observed the 8 Jin J’s disposal.
Fuzhou city is a big city, and the wall is very high, about 11 or 12 meters. Except for the height of the crib, the position of the platform at the head of the city is also ten meters away.
Outside the city is surrounded by plains. In Li Yuanqing, this angle can clearly overlook the surrounding situation.
After a busy afternoon, the Jin army battle base was built and extended from north to east and south to wrap Fuzhou City. Only one area of Ximen was exposed, just like a moon cake was bitten off from the west.
At this time, the lights in the direction of Houjin camp extend, and their deployment can be clearly seen through the distribution of lights.
A vast area outside the north gate is densely lit, and I am afraid that the scale of 5,000 people can be seen vaguely by the faint fire. The white flag is swaying gently in the north wind.
From north to east, the fire is gradually sparse, but there is a small group of fire at a short distance, which extends to the east gate and another main battle of the late Jin Dynasty.
In these small fires, there are sometimes many Houjin whistle riding back and forth.
Li Yuanqing at the East Gate and South Gate hasn’t come to visit yet, but it is expected that the layout should be similar to this one.
Point with surface and then connect the starting point from the surface, which is also a way of disposal used by the late Jin Dynasty.
At this time, Huang Taiji’s contact points are more and more compact, making it difficult to find flaws.
They are not afraid of the troops going out to steal camp at all, but for the heavy rain and foggy weather, the visibility of the flat is extremely high, and no matter where the troops go to steal camp, they can always gather counterattack forces quickly in the shortest time.
And the army has no horses. Once they react, they will face disaster.
"Eldest brother Huang Taiji, this fellow, we must never underestimate this character. We must get ready and never be careless." Li Yuanqing solemnly charged Chen Zhong.
At this time, although Huang Taiji is also one of the four Baylor, his fame is much higher than that of Dai Shan, Mangurtai and A Min.
Including Chen Zhong’s hearing about the late Jin Dynasty, this time it was Huang Taiji’s commander who shouted "Easy", as if the Bodhisattva had blessed the army to pick a weakest opponent.
But Li Yuanqing, who came from later generations, was deeply impressed. Even compared with the old slave Huang Taiji, he was a real lean man.
At this time, it is the third year of the apocalypse, and Li Yuanqing’s Huang Taiji has to be suppressed in the Houjin Center for several years, but I can’t believe that this time the old slave has already pulled him out …
Huang taiji Jing, how could he wave this almost’ ding ding’ opportunity?
Chen Zhong see Li Yuanqing said so dignified also put a smile "yuanqing not so serious? I carefully counted the white flag today, but 15 Niulu red flags and blue flags are the big-headed old slaves. Even if Huang Taiji is killed, I’m afraid Dai Shan and Mangurtai have the final say. "
Li Yuanqing nodded his head. "It’s best if their brothers have contradictions, but we have to stop them first. Eldest brother, we have to leave a way out for everything and prepare for the worst in advance. These brothers are our roots. There must be no mistakes in this world war."
Chen Zhong also understood Li Yuanqing’s meaning that these idlers are their "wives". If they can win the battle of the Cotai Strip, they will be open but if they are rebellious …
"Don’t worry, Yuan Qing, eldest brother, we must win this battle even if we don’t know others."
Li Yuanqing smiled and patted Chen Zhong on the shoulder. "Eldest brother, you and my brother take turns to watch the night every night today. Today, I’ll come first. There’s no one around here. Even if you want to find Han slaves, you have to go to Gaizhou. We still have time to let the children blend into the state of war."
Chen Zhong also understood Li Yuanqing’s meaning, "This is also good for Yuanqing. Let’s do it this way. You come late tonight and I will play as usual during the day."
Li Yuanqing smiled, "Exactly."

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Jul 12, 2024


He looked up at the brilliant star again. "We struggled all the way here not to live but to really live."
"What about you? Have you really lived? "
"yes! There is such a week! " A gleam of brilliance suddenly burst out in the dim and indifferent eyes chasing the wind.
At this moment, he was like a different person. The drunken man was gone. His eyes were excited and bright, like a meteor breaking through the night, brighter and more touching.
Because his life burned out in that week, it doesn’t matter that his life is that week and he lives in other things.
Dazang hesitated. "Is it Junbegonia?"
"It’s her!" Chasing the wind does not deny it.
After many years, Da Zang’s question about chasing the wind was accurate and he did not hesitate to answer these words, which shows how deep his memory of that year was.
Later, individuals such as Dazang, Chiyo, Skyfire, and Dark Zeng went to the three major guilds of Shenyu, Golden Eagle Club, and Bloody Elite, respectively. Like chasing the wind, they quickly gained a foothold in their respective guilds and owned a place.
In particular, the three-pole glory of Zhuifeng has rushed into the top 50 from the top 100, and more than half of the credit is attributed to Zhuifeng.
However, on the eve of the wedding ceremony, the unfortunate thing finally happened. In the new century, a large-scale battle broke out with the bloody elite in Qingyun Town.
This war has changed the fate of the new century, as well as the fate of many outsiders, such as Dazang, Zhuifeng, Junbegonia, and Dark Zeng, to be continued.
Chapter one hundred and thirty-four Let bygones be bygones (4)
Qingyun Town Battle is one of the few classic battles in "The Ninth Continental". It is said to be classic because Qingyun Town was launched in the hands of the bloody elite in the new century. This is a defensive counterattack like education.
At that time, the new century was not as famous as it is today. Many people know that this cutting-edge guild ranked 12th, but ranked second. However, it has always been said that the new century is likely to fail.
However, the results are surprising. In the new century, Mr. Zheng jumped into the top ten with this battle. In the future, he laid a solid foundation for his hegemony, while the bloody elite fell into a short trough.
In this first world war, Hu Weiwei, a new generation of master in the new century, was born. With a Tang Hua flying sword in his hand, he even cut several elite players, including Dark Zeng.
It’s not tiring to say that Haitang Fairy Thunder came to Shuiyun City to kill Zhuifeng in person, and at the same time, he joined the top ten masters, one of whom claimed to ban him. They were Haitang Fairy, Aiyi Net City, Northern Yanshen, Dream Jianfei, Li Tianfeng, Changle layman and Liangliang Sister Xing Yaoye.
But at this time, a master jumped out and opposed it. It was Mr. Jun, who was so angry with Haitang Fairy.
However, Mr. Jun opposed it, so many guilds and celebrities joined forces to force the palace, and the president of Sanjiao Xiongfeng could not withstand the strong pressure and had to expel Zhuifeng from the meeting.
Full of grievances, Chiyo was found again. "The master told me to take you to the Golden Eagle Club to see you. He said that you have dealt with my roommate and won’t deal with women anymore. I am both your roommate and a woman. If you run away now, consider it yourself."
Chiyo was kind to him at the headquarters of the Golden Eagle Club. "Master is angry with you and the old gentleman. You want to see her now, and she may give you a second. If you have any questions, just ask me and I will convey them to the master for you."
Zhuifeng has long been unable to hold back. "Did I do something wrong? Or did I kill Dark Zeng and need the master to make such a big fire? "
Chiyo said coldly, "Do you think about what three commandments you promised your master when you left?"
Zhuifeng said, "I lent Xiaojun my flying sword to play last night. Who knows how Xiaojun lent it to Hu Weiwei in the new century by mistake?"
A thousand representatives are even colder. "Master is a weapon of fame. You dare to borrow someone casually. Do you still have her old man in your eyes?"
Anyway, he is really responsible for this matter.
However, it is impossible for Chiyo to deliver tea before the headquarters building of Golden Eagle Club if he wants to keep an eye on the wind. Lin Yin’s face is not right, so he just can’t say why.
It was because of Lin Yin’s strange expression that he felt that things were not seconds. At this time, he realized that the bloody elite had sent a team to kill Jun Haitang and Jun Haitang had hung up five times and was now fleeing to the north.
After many years, Zhuifeng has never been kind to Lin Yinshou and secretly helped her several times. It is because of this hint that Zhuifeng was always grateful.
The pursuit of the bloody elite was carried out under the pressure of many celebrities, among which the Tiger Hall master was dispatched.
Chasing the wind in a hurry, chasing all the way in the direction of the twisted jungle
In the new century, it is quite delicate here. Although Mr. Zheng also sent a support team to protect Junhaitang, the leader was actually Lu Chongyun.
At that time, Lu Chongyun was just a fledgling boy, and the level of protection was less than level 3, which was a bit nonsense.
In fact, at that time, chasing the wind should have realized that Mr. Zheng could not withstand the pressure of many celebrities and guilds. Lu Chongyun’s dispatch was just a pretence, and the meaning of the scene was just one. Jun Haitang has also become a new century abandonment.
In one night, the original loving couple fell into hell from the peak of their lives.
Chasing the wind is to find JunHaitang JunHaitang by the river on the twisted jungle border. She has been tortured beyond human form. After being chased, the other party didn’t immediately kill her. This group of people first hung her up and beat her, then tied her hair with a steel cable, dragged her around the ground enough, threw her into the river to drown, and finally slapped her in the face in turn … All kinds of torture methods were exhausted.

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Jul 5, 2024

Dare not come over

Therefore, we are still unaffected here, and this meeting is not accidental or can be arranged. Anyway, it has to have an ending.
I pulled out a knife, bamboo leaves green, took my python phosphorus whip, and young Xi Ning Xi were all waiting for Lin Weiwei to lean back a little.
Let’s fight regardless of her wishes.
The train rumbles right through a farmland, just like taking pictures, and there are mountains in the distance, which are very emotional, and it is unknown how the train will go there.
Also, I need the jade card system. Just now, it has been stated that the awakened ones will be killed and they will not appear again, but the jade card will remain.
Of course, the awakened one should unite against the players, but judging from this posture, the awakened one has a lot of contradictions.
Have selfish elements.
Especially those two Italians wanted to arrest people when they came, and I don’t know how they got there so quickly in a city like Tang Cheng.
Anyway, it’s not a good thing. We can’t let them succeed.
At this time, one of them shook the cross sword and said, "No matter how many, in any case, the awakened one can’t accept the jade card in the vice squad, but it doesn’t mean that the vice squad can’t. If you resist, I don’t care to kill you and let you find someone new to take away. I can also see that you are a novice when you are young. You are both novices together. Let’s die in cattle and novices."
Suddenly, black smoke came out of my feet and wrapped myself, but it wasn’t wrapped, it was wrapped.
_ ____w_ w_ w___ __ _o_m
They are also fast, without saying that they are shaking their swords and attacking directly. "I’ll hit the woman with long legs and this little girl, and I’ll take it back when I’m done. I like flying together like this."
She jumped up with a smile. Just now, when I saw four awakened people, I was frightened. The whole silver-white cross sword was taken out of the black wind and went to the bamboo leaf green.
Very fierce
And the other one looked at me and said, "Come on, you two. It used to be one, but now it has become four. I feel that there should be a lot of rewards. Although there are some troubles, the rookie is a rookie and a rookie. I can’t believe it. I can’t kill you."
Very confident
I laughed. "There’s a famous saying in our East. I wonder if you know it’s called pretending to be struck by lightning! You fucking pretend to be big. "
Tangdao, the seven stars, chopped down like a phantom, causing a high wind and jumping over the ridge. I can’t believe I can’t beat him with such a high physique.
He smiled very proudly, immediately holding a cross sword, and when he had experience, he laughed, "If you come, you will enlarge and recruit novices, and they will eventually die."
After a round of the body is very elegant, it is still awkward to me. The strength and speed are very sufficient. My legs are soft in the first gear of tangdao.
Almost fell
I haven’t made a unified plan after the novice assistant, and I feel that the level will be re-settled at this time, and there are some rewards, but I can’t come.
Ning Xi chopped up with two daggers. "Let me help you."
Her ability to learn is easy, and she has no other skills but chopping.
Moreover, his physique has not increased, so he is an out-and-out novice. If it is not easy, it is impossible to mix in the end in the novice’s secondary period.
At this moment, the Italian’s legs were long, and he kicked her in the chest and flew out, hitting the iron wall of the passage. The whole carriage was shaken, and she spat blood and was defeated.
And the Italian also disdained to say with smile, "I didn’t see that the chest is quite big, and it’s quite cool to wear. I’ll have a good time if I have the chance."
Licked his cross sword and looked at me.
One move, I lost a helper, and I was tottering behind Lin Weiwei.
And I have a helper who hums, "I’m not only forced to be struck by lightning, but also my mother will die miserably. Come out, zombie dog with corpse eyes, and let you see us novices."
A flash of white light
Huge corpse eye zombie dog bobbing in there.
The carriage has become two parts. On one side, we will fight again, and on the other side, Zhu Yeqing and Youxi will fight again.
At this time, as soon as such a thing appeared opposite the man, he was immediately stunned. "Fuck, the+level pet actually received such a pet in the first awakening."
A little scared
But I was still in a hurry to attack.
Chop me directly
I’m dead and my pet is gone.
But with the help of a zombie dog, how could he kill me so easily? I laughed and said, "Kill this idiot for me."
Zombie dog "Ow!" A huge hind leg jumped at it, which was very fierce, and I then looked for an opportunity to make a’ fatal blow!’
"Let you pack to force me to die."
He can’t do this. He retreated repeatedly. First, the zombie dog jumped on a cross sword, although he also cut a knife and hurt the zombie dog.
But I was thrown back again and again.
And my fatal blow followed, and he sat down on the ground.
Finally, when I got the chance, I was ready to kill him with a bang and directly cut him down again. "Die for me."
Mainly the corpse eye zombie dog, this is too fierce.
Let him some reaction not to be able to come over, but he is an old hand to catch rookie, and suddenly he shook his body and went directly to another corner one meter away.
Let me cut it.
Leave a lot of black gas
And he was a little breathless there, knowing that he couldn’t beat me and the zombie dog, and he shouted, "Come and help me. I can’t fight here."
In fact, it’s not easy for that person to get two people there. The dispatch is to catch one awakened person and turn it into four who are still pretending to be forced.
How can it not go wrong?
At this time, the bamboo leaf green whip waving is making the flame whip skill last for 30 seconds, so that the Italian can’t get into the body
It’s also the whole carriage "pa!" "pa!" It’s broken. It’s very hot. It’s leaking. There’s a huge crack on the top.
And young hee is beyond my imagination.
This little girl is six or seven years old or a preschool child, but her ability is to summon a big brown bear and jump at it bravely. "ouch!" Call and attack.
Fierce is not dead eye zombie dog.
And she controls it in the back and shouts "kill him, kill him, Mao Mao, come on, Ernie, come on" like playing a game.
stay aloof from the affair
The Italian who was beaten by me shouted, "You are stupid. Kill that little girl first. Don’t think about all that mess every day. Don’t take off your clothes and kill her, and the big brown bear will be gone."
He wants to also to good grind blunt past.
As soon as I turned over and crossed the flame, I wanted to chop, but I couldn’t come if I wanted to help.
I gasped and was shocked because the car was so big that I was able to fight around young hee, which was easily intercepted by people.
Lin Weiwei shouted "lie down" in the back.
I feel young hee born to die.
Other awakened people may be able to hide from Young Hee. How could they hide?

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Jun 30, 2024

"Are you looking down on me?" Qin Jing couldn’t help frowning when he saw Jason still holding the cigarette in his finger.

"There are not some things you have to know." Jason shook his finger ash. "You are already strong, but not strong enough. Once you meet someone who can make 100% A-level skills, you will not be able to pose a threat to them. Of course, I mean that you can hit your opponent’s moves. I think you can’t give up singing until now."
"Second, you can change the flying sickle foot quickly, but it has its fatal flaw-it can increase the degree in the foot, even if it can speed up your mobility to almost teleport, but when you make a move, your manual movement is also normal, which may not be obvious until now, but when you face more teams and meet higher-end combat power, your flaw will become fatal. Flying sickle foot is just a move to escape …"
Jason hasn’t finished yet. A huge, pale flame rushes into Jason’s defensive wall, and sparks fly out to show Qin Jing’s back hand.
"We’re not always talking," Qin Jing paused. "We’re desperate."
"White" Jason’s cigarette butt was thrown to the ground. "Then let’s continue."
Only in this way can I feel guilty about killing you or being killed by you …
From the moment Jason started work, Qin Jing fell into an absolute wind power, which is worthy of being a panacea. It can not only form combat power independently, but also reach everything around him, turning ordinary dead leaves into sharp blades and tiny stones into deadly bombs. Qin Jing rejected the flying sickle and the bound road to the extreme, but his tiny wounds still began to increase.
After Qin Jing finished, there was no way to fight back. Based on the theory of generation, how fast he flew the sickle foot and how strange it was, but he must have the motivation to attack him when he appeared instantly.
He can’t escape Jason’s lock, so he can’t escape the power interception.
Soon … It’s all over … Nana, we’re alive … With a guilty conscience …
As if in response to Jason’s idea, Qin Jing suddenly exerted a stronger force than usual and slammed into the power of mind, which pushed him away from it in a hurry.
Jason read power in ten meters away from his body really can form a direct force …
Qin Jing’s mind turned sharply, and his feet condensed out a complicated inscription. Correspondingly, in Jason, the feet were not yet aware, and at the same time, a white boundary began to condense …
Four ash ropes tied to the road …
The purple light rope quickly wrapped around Jason’s limbs and wrapped around his body faster, which made him unable to focus his attention. At the same time, Qin Jingyin began to ring in a hurry not far away.
"King’s Landing! The flesh and blood mask is full of wings and crowns! Carve double lotus on the pale fire wall and wait for the fire in the distant sky! Breaking the road, seventy-three pairs of lotus pale fire fall! "
I was … As Jason said, I have the ability to break the power defense for No.70 Ghost Road, especially at the moment he has not been able to break away from the gray rope state …
In his eyes, an almost dazzling light condensed from Qin Jing’s hand, and then there was an illusion that everything was still for a moment. Then the light in Qin Jing’s hand expanded in his eyes and formed a dynamic defense wall of Bai Yanxun’s bullying …
Finally, this high-end ghost Dao Qin Jing, who has practiced several times in private, has entered the battle stage for the first time …
Jason center double lotus pale fire power produced a violent explosion scattered force unexpectedly like miniature nuclear bombs generally formed a violent Gangfeng to wreak havoc in all directions, some slightly close to some nightmare was blown away by the whole and I don’t know where to fly.
The white flame formed a pillar of fire to illuminate the whole South Street, which made the world silent for three years and formed a high night for the first time in the evening.
Qin Jing, of course, denied the blow and could defeat Jason. He squinted at the center of the flame, and although turbulence formed, he could see the specific situation, but at least he believed that even Jason could not take the blow so easily.
All he has to do is …
Qin Jing’s foot flashed, and the whole person got into Gangfeng by flying sickle’s foot. Even though he could not see it in the turbulence, Jason’s position had already been printed in his heart. What he had to do was to make a blow to Jason who had no power protection …
Jason … I’m sorry, but I also want to live. It’s not just me, Zhan Lan, Zhao Yingming and Yan Wei. I want to take them to live … with a guilty conscience …
At this time, the power of the turbulent center is huge, and the power of the double lotus pale fire has gradually dissipated. A right hand appears in the turbulent center, and then a subtle but huge power is formed in the hand.
Break the path of thirty-three …
The spirit is not yet condensed. Qin Jing’s head suddenly hurts sharply. With the strength of Sangouyu sharingan, he has already begun to glimpse the illusion. Accordingly, he has also resisted the mental attack to a certain extent. It was someone who attacked him with spirit!
Jason …
Qin Jing’s mind came up with this name, and his hand was caught by the other hand without warning.
"Not yet." With Zhang Jieyin, his figure slowly emerged from the turbulence.
The double lotus pale fire pendant finally broke through the defensive wall formed by Jason’s motive force, but the moment of penetration became a spent force and failed to cause serious damage to Jason’s appearance.
Zhang Jieyi has revealed that the burnt black and pale flame did not penetrate the defensive wall, but the shock wave still caused some damage to him.
Jason wiped the bleeding from the corners of his mouth and gently repeated, "It’s not over yet."
A huge force hit Qin Jing without warning until he recovered from the stabbing pain. One mouthful blood came out of Qin Jing’s mouth and fell back along this huge force Qin Jing.
When Qin Jing was still in the middle school, another huge force fell from the sky and hit Qin Jing into the ground.
Qin Jing spit out one mouthful blood again, but that extraordinary force has not disappeared, but it will press Qin Jing harder to the hard ground.
"Well," Jason finally said, "I want to live more after all."
He looked down at his hands. Qin Jing was completely controlled by his power. On how hard Qin Jing worked at the highest level, there was an indelible gap between them. After all, he came alive, and then he could go back to the Lord God and continue to be with Nana.
But what? What? He doesn’t have anything to live for.
He suddenly remembered that the teenager who was overwhelmed by his motivation was touching his nose and smiling warmly in front of them and his Wendy …
Think of Zhan Lan and Nana cooking delicious dinner together and holding a long shovel …

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Jun 28, 2024

It’s like a high-pitched cannonball sweeping around 100 meters, and the clouds are rolling up. The muffled thunder clouds can’t stop rolling inside, and every rolling will release a burst of edge pressure, which is deafening!

This violent extreme coercion made Xia Man dizzy, and even his spiritual strength in the middle period of his spirit could not be covered!
However, the good purple ice dragon’s high-pitched dragons are to show their coercion to warn the surrounding Warcraft to let them roll far away, not for Xia Man. Otherwise, Xia Man will be shocked to roll out of the world at this moment and immediately turned into ice by purple ice dragon or a high pressure into coke!
"Banana, you Bala, this beast is too powerful. If he finds out all the time, won’t he die?" Xia Man hesitated in his heart. The strength of Purple Ice Dragon is too strong!
"Not Sophie must get back ten thousand years of ice. I’m afraid this guy can’t stand the old bronze frame." Xia Man hey hey smiled and rolled his eyes just to see the purple ice dragon rushing to the cloud level.
"Well, this guy is going home." Xia Man was overjoyed. "It seems that this guy’s lair is old and quick to follow."
The surface is a dark blue lake. The huge body of the purple ice dragon rolled on the surface of the lake and immediately got into the lake.
This small lake is only nearly a kilometer in size, but the water inside is extremely strange!
The pool of clear water in the fierce sun actually sends out a bit of cold rising into the sky!
And the lake here is actually as dark blue as the sea!
What’s even weirder is that this seemingly small lake can’t see the bottom of the lake at a glance!
If the line of sight is more than ten meters away, it will be shrouded in a vague blue-black layer, and even Xia Man can’t see the bottom of the lake!
"It’s so weird. It seems that this beast will really find a place to rest." Xia Man’s eyebrows are tight. Zou Zi’s ice dumpling actually found a lake nest. It seems that the shelter must be on the surface of the lake
But when it comes to water-based Xia Man, it’s not good.
"This his niang? Laogen is a dry duck. Don’t just forget it? "Xia Man thought," The ice in ten thousand years must be purple ice dragon’s nest, which means that if you want to get the ice in ten thousand years, you must have water. "
"No matter what he did," Xia Man waited for a quarter of an hour on the surface of the lake and still didn’t see the purple ice dragon. He gritted his teeth and decided to venture into the bottom of the lake
"Grandma is a bear and she is always a hero after ten years."
Xia Man shouted and plunged into the cold lake with a jerk.
Xia Man shivered as soon as he entered the lake.
"Grandma, the lake here is so rare that it freezes to death."
In this icy lake, Xia Man didn’t dare to close his breath carelessly and swam to the depths of the lake like an ugly duck.
Although this lake is small in area, Xia Man’s eyes lit up as soon as he entered the lake ten meters away.
Appear before impressively is a very different vision!
The dark blue lake reflects the whole bottom of the lake like a transparent glass, and shines like a dream. All kinds of strange and precious things, such as coral beads and agate stones, emit colorful and faint light, which makes the whole bottom of the lake particularly colorful.
"Grandma Bill, this mother is a fairyland, which is a thousand times better than visiting the aquarium." Xia Man was shocked in his heart, but the temperature around him was getting lower and lower, which made him just a little interested and wiped out.
"I rely on this beast to really find a place. If he is old and strong, he will definitely settle down here." Xia Man shivered. "But it’s so fucking cold here!"
It’s been dropping for nearly 100 meters, and when Xia Man almost couldn’t hold on, the scenery in front of him suddenly turned straight again, making Xia Man stare big eyes.
"Grandma a bear what is this? Is this beast turned out to be an earth cultivator? Into a fine? " Summer is more shocking than looking at a large building with dozens of stories in front of it.
There is a magnificent and luxurious palace at the bottom of this 100-meter deep lake!
And it’s built according to the model of the ancient oriental palace. It’s like someone moved hall of mental cultivation, the Forbidden City, to the bottom of the water! Red brick, green tile, glazed agate, the shape alone is enough to shock everyone!
"Grandma a bill big master I’m drunk? Or are you dying? This fantasy will appear unexpectedly! Damn it! " Xia Man immediately closed his eyes, but his heart was still pounding. His hands were like cattail leaf fans, and his two faces were tearing at each other. He kept shouting "Wake up, wake up, wake up".
It lasted for a moment, and when he opened his eyes again, the mysterious palace in front of him was still safe.
But at this time, it looks like it is covered by a huge semi-circular glass cover, with a layer of colorful light and a huge arc-shaped round cover that keeps flowing.
"Grandma, this is true! What a palace! " Xia Man couldn’t help exclaiming once again, and his blood surged and roared, "I always see the most magical water palace!"
Chapter 17 Ancient Prohibition
"The ban turned out to be an ancient ban!"
This covers an area of tens of acres of water, and the outside of the palace can completely overlook the palace view inside the whole protective cover.
Xia Man marveled with horror that this layer protected the whole palace through the glass cover, which was an ancient forbidden technique.
The method of prohibition is also graded and can be called the ancient method of prohibition. First, it is not a powerful method, which can be regarded as the root of a Sect!
However, there is no sects in this spiritual world mainland society, and even the ordinary prohibition methods have been completely lost, not to mention the ancient prohibition level.
These prohibitions, even if they are spiritual masters, will be sighing.
It’s hard to get in without the method of opening and banning, and it’s not worth it to get hurt and get banned!
"Grandma, a bear, isn’t this a bargain for the old man?" Xia Man laughed. Don’t worry, maybe he has to worry, but in front of him, there is an ancient ban that can break the ban identification. These treasures with banned secrets are not a problem for his roots
"Appraisal, appraisal, old can depend on you." Before Xia Man fixed the glass cover, his hands stretched out gently and touched gently, and he was banned.
Hua La, a tiny stream flows, and Xia Man stretches out his palm, as if it were immediately covered by a hazy light, and the whole palm suddenly disappears in his sight!
"Hey, hey, it seems that the old man will not only get the ice for ten thousand years, but also make a fortune." Summer is quite happy and laughs.

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Jun 27, 2024

Usually big people have aura, but mad dog dragon has never seen such a big old man. He looks very kind and kind, but the hall is quiet and no one dares to come out.

Mr. Du walked up to a man wearing warrior gloves. The soldier quickly got up and bowed his head respectfully. "Mr. Du!"
Mr. Du nodded. "Where is your boss?"
The soldier handed in his hand and said, "The wind boss is far away in Loulan Empire. I hope Mr. Du will forgive me for coming when I am in the posture. The wind boss specially assigned me to buy a generous gift to congratulate Mr. Du on his 6 th birthday."
As he spoke, he took out a beautiful box from his bag and offered it in both hands.
Who knows that Mr. Du didn’t pick up the box, but muttered, "Alas, the wind is actually too hard, but it is good for young people to be busy."
He said it was a good thing, but there was a deep disappointment in his tone
He never received the gift, which made the soldier look very scared.
"Sleeve sleeve friendship? Are you busy, too It was a year ago that I last saw her. "Mr. Du came to a dressed and plain female player.
Sleeve sleeve is also very respectful to get up and say, "I’m really sorry that Mr. Du Yajie stopped hosting Yutian’s family affairs at the end of last year. This year, Mr. Du lived up to Mr. Du’s 6 th birthday, and you sent me to congratulate him! I have prepared a gift! "
This is actually a mad dog dragon sent by Yutian family to represent him.
"So that’s it …" Mr. Du sighed in a tone full of sadness. "Aya is a good girl, alas … it’s a pity, but she won’t be able to sit in charge of her personality for long!"
He turned to the assassin behind him and said, "It’s not easy for them to return the sleeve gift now."
"good!" The assassin nodded respectfully.
Mr. Du came to another guest. This male player is obviously not low in status, but his status is not low. He is also polite to Mr. Du. "Mr. Du is really embarrassed. I am the endorsement brother to congratulate your old man and make amends."
"What happened to Ayan?" Mr. Du asked
Male players are reluctant. "Brother Yan recently went to Loulan Empire, and there has been no line for four days. I really can’t dare to come."
Mr. Du sighed, "It is also qualified for mainland players to let us live in the sea."
He seems to be sighing, but the actual expression on his face scares the male player to lift his head.
Chapter five hundred and ten Mr. Du
The atmosphere in the hall should be jubilant, but I don’t know what. With Mr. Du asking questions one by one, the atmosphere becomes unspeakable.
Mr. Du asked a few more people. At the moment, the mad dog dragon is still in the clouds and fog, but he has finished seeing the tricks.
This Mr. Du must be a man of the hour when he was young, but now he is old and probably doesn’t ask much questions. A player usually has to consider quitting the Ninth Continental to enjoy his old age when he is his age.
However, Mr. Du may still borrow his birthday name every year to invite the bosses of the major forces in the sea to get together, which is also a sign of his hope
A sword flying snow can understand Mr. Du’s psychology. When you are old, don’t think about it. Just figure out a face and have a bright face. No matter how powerful and famous you are when you are young, many people will not sell you if you are old.
For example, now Mr. Du is asking questions one by one, but the bearer is actually not the boss. It is estimated that the second-in-command and the third-in-command have reasons for the bosses to take off. Maybe one or two of them really can’t come, but the sword is flying snow. How can you not see that most people’s reasons are false?
For a moment, she sighed sadly. If one day I retired from the position of chairman of the colorful paradise, I don’t know if I would end up alone like Mr. Du.
It’s really not too much to flatter and flatter her at ordinary times, but at least half of the ten people are because she is the president of Colorful Paradise, and the other two are because of her beauty. Of course, they dare to hit on her. This kind of man is rare, and two people appreciate her strength. The last one left may be treating her as a friend from the bottom of his heart.
Only now did she realize that she was actually a lonely person because she didn’t seem to have a true friend.
Once people reach a certain position or realm, they will realize the importance of bosom friends.
She is still thinking, and Mr. Du has come this way.
The Longmen family has great influence now, and Mr. Du obviously wants to save Qian Fan for the last time, which also shows the position of Longmen Wang.
As a result, Mr. Du didn’t have a mouth, but Qian Fan quickly greeted him. "Mr. Du has specially prepared two small gifts for his sixtieth birthday!"
Everyone else is sending one copy, but he has to send two copies differently. Even Mr. Du is interested in "Oh?"
The terrible thing finally happened. Qian Fan suddenly turned and pointed to the mad dog Long Dao. "This man called a section of hard cucumber once robbed your golden bow family in purgatory island and Loulan Empire, which made the golden bow family suffer huge losses in economy and reputation. Unfortunately, I met him halfway and brought him here by Mr. Du. This is my first gift!"
This is a surprise to all four.
A sword flying snow was also startled. This cargo … Fuck!
It turns out that playing cards, getting boxes and borrowing money are all nonsense. This guy has long recognized Mad Dog Dragon and has been trying to trick Mad Dog Dragon into coming here.
"Huh?" Mr. Du narrowed his eyes and looked at Mad Dog Dragon carefully. Mad Dog Dragon really held his breath and remained calm and idle.
The assassin poked his head out. "That’s what happened!"
Mr. Du turned his head and smiled at Qian Fan. "Well, Hanazono Sakura is good!"
Qian Fan was overjoyed when he heard that "Mr. Du is happy!"
At this time, the atmosphere in the hall was relaxed, but the sword flying snow was secretly on alert for a while, and it was estimated that there would be a good fight.
Qian Fan hand way "now there is a second gift!"
As soon as the voice fell, two players labored outside to carry in a glittering statue.
As soon as the statue entered the hall, it was amazed
Because this statue is cast from the image of Mr. Du, it looks like a real person when it is finished. People with a little vision should see that the statue is made of gold.
I have to say that this gift is really a generous gift. Qian Fan said, "Members of our boss Longmen family congratulate Mr. Du on his 60th birthday. I wish Mr. Du happiness as the East China Sea and longevity as the South Mountain!"
The whole hall was shouted, and a warm applause quickly rang out.
Qian Fan proudly looked at Mr. Du, and Mr. Du seemed satisfied with watching the lifelike statue.
It was a long time before Mr. Du turned to smile. "Actually, you forgot to ask me whether I like these two gifts?"
Qian Fan was dazed. "Is Mr. Du not sincere enough to recognize our Longmen family?"
Mr. Du smiled meaningfully.
Qian Fan suddenly froze.
Mr. Du took another look at the mad dog Long Cai and sighed, "Young people are always full of energy. When I was young, I also clashed with others. It doesn’t matter whether this kid’s purgatory island and the new district clashed with the Golden Bow family. What matters is …"
Here he suddenly pegged to the Qian Fan "this gift is not a dust? I think it should be your own decision, right? "
He has no expression, but it is because he has no expression that people think that the image of Mr. Du suddenly becomes unspeakable.
Even other people have this feeling, I wonder what kind of great pressure the parties are facing.
"How did that happen? Naturally, it is the meaning of Fang Boss! " Qian Fan is still laughing, but he is already reluctant to laugh.
Behind the assassin Li said, "No one can lie in front of Mr. Du!"
Mr. Du turned to the statue again and smiled, "I used to play this trick badly when I was young."
His voice suddenly became dignified. "Carry this statue to the gate with your back to the hall."
The assassin and the soldier put the statue in twos and threes according to his requirements. When he saw Mr. Du’s understatement, he waved his hand and didn’t know what to type out. He heard the statue’s back "ding" and a crunchy mouth suddenly blew out a long and narrow black smoke.
Players who don’t know the goods should see that this is definitely poisonous smoke.

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Jun 22, 2024

Nonsense. If you find someone, will you bother asking questions?

"I’m going to find my daughter now. If you can give me the information about the friar, it will stop here, otherwise you will wait for me to come free." Yuan Qingbai said in a mirror.
"You don’t look at how much you have lost in having a baby. Now you can’t keep your body shape for years, and you still have the courage to give me malicious words. I will compensate Jiusunseeker and your father later. It’s nothing."
"Oh, although I am young, you are also seriously injured and in a state of illness. Since both sides are half a catty, how can you have the face to laugh at me?" With the fall of Yuan Qing’s vernacular, a bolt of lightning suddenly lit up most of the night.
This also makes the mystery see Yuan Qingbai in the dark. At this time, the handle of the green umbrella is held in a joint. Its owner is wearing an ice-blue white sea robe. Most of the light blue hair sticks behind him. Before hanging down, it occasionally flies with the wind, and a fan pendant with the same style as Yuan Jiuxi is falling at the eyebrows, which shines even at night.
Secondly, the blue pupil of his eyes is cold and straight, and his animal nature is not lost to the golden pupil of the flower mirror.
Chapter 57 Chapter two hundred and fifty-seven
If it’s an ordinary fox, it’s normal to lose hair, and there will be no reaction to the words.
However, the fact is that the rhetoric mirror has long been a monk of the ninth order. Only an ordinary fox like Mao can have something happen to him.
The room is full of white hair, even if it is not touched, the mirror will move slightly, and the hair will fall off in large pieces.
Soon, the white hair of Huaci mirror lost more than half of its surface, and more black skin was exposed, which made Huaci mirror more and more crazy. He stretched out his claws and grabbed his falling hair and gnashed his teeth. "This is absolutely green and white!"
He was hurt by XuanChen and felt guilty. He didn’t find the dirty trick in the rain for the first time.
The total result is that the flower mirror has drenched itself with Yuan Qingbai rain, but wherever it is drenched by rain, the hair of the body is falling off quickly. This, Yuan Qingbai will not add depilatory liquid to the rain, will it?
Of course, the most important thing for Hua Qijing now is not that his new hair can’t grow, but that his strength seems to be restrained by something so that his hair can fall and not grow, and the mood of Hua Qijing will collapse so much.
Finally, when the nine tail hairs of Huaci mirror also fell off, the whole fox turned into a black mass. Huaci mirror stopped tossing and retaining, but looked at Xuanji with resignation and said, "Go out and don’t say anything about it or I’ll bite you to death."
It’s holding one’s tail and saying malicious words, but it makes people feel miserable without cruel posture.
Mystery didn’t go, but looked at Hua Ci mirror and said, "Uncle Hua, you can go to a doctor to see your problems, such as an alchemist."
The flower mirror is a ninth-order Buddhist monk’s body problem, which can’t be treated by general medical treatment, but the body doctor can’t repair it. It is a small problem that the spring and flower mirror are the same as the ninth-order Buddhist monk’s flower mirror.
Who knows that Hua Ci Jing has a face of resistance to the mystery? "Don’t be a monk of the ninth order. I will be laughed at by them. I don’t want to be laughed at by them. I’d rather wait until I lose my hair. I will never spare that guy Yuan Qingbai after I change my hair."
With that, he waved his paws at Xuanji and motioned Xuanji to go out. He cared so much about his image that Xuanji was caught off guard and saw that it was the limit. Now he wanted to be calm and calm by himself, waiting for his strength to recover and let his hair grow again.
"Uncle Hua, if you don’t want to find someone else, maybe I can try to tell you the truth. I have worshipped an alchemist, and the master can also help Uncle Hua with a little medical skill. Anyway, there won’t be anything worse than the present situation, right?" Mystery looked at the hair and said.
It’s really boring to feel good when you’re furry or hairy, but it’s really a trick to kill the fox’s heart, which won’t hurt the mirror, but it can hit the self-confidence of the mirror to the greatest extent.
I was about to turn my head and shut my eyes. I looked back suspiciously at the mystery. "Really, you can also practice medicine?"
"Let’s say that my medical skills are not as good as Master Chun’s, and I really can’t do my best." The mystery goes before you.
"You try it. Anyway, my ninth-order body won’t be damaged by you." Hua Ci mirror gave up on himself, and the whole fox spread out on the couch into a black cake.
Before Xuanji, I checked a flower mirror, and the diagnosis was alopecia. Alopecia, this symptom actually appeared in a monk of the ninth order, and no one believed it.
Ordinary human monks will lose their hair because of alopecia, but it’s the turn of the furry demon to fix it, so they will lose all their hair.
For this kind of symptoms, there is a special hair growth Changchun Dan, which can make hair grow rapidly. It’s not difficult for this Dan medicine to be mysterious, but it can be refined.
On-the-spot refining of Dan medicine with a keen sense of smell by "Aqiao" mystery, Hua Ci mirror suddenly sneezed when he smelled the scented elixir.
Soon, Changchun Dan was refined, round and round, and several pills were of good quality. There was also a very Dan medicine, Changchun Dan, which was comfortable and turquoise, and it was full of fragrance as soon as it came out of the oven.
At first, the hair of the flower mirror seems to have grown out in an instant, but after a closer look, it is found that it is an illusion. Changchun Dan made the flower mirror grow a little stubble, but soon it fell off in another force.
This time, the blow is not the same as the previous blow. Just eat a pot of vindane in one breath, and then the mystery will see that the hair of the flower mirror grows rapidly and falls rapidly, which looks very strange.
"Ok, Uncle Hua, let’s stop. I think we can try another place." The mystery stopped the rhetoric.
"If you want your hair to grow back, you must first remove the power in your body. I happen to know a place where you can do it," said Xuanji.
But the place is not in the mountains and seas. Fortunately, the flower mirror is a ninth-order monk. The distance is not a problem for him. It is a claw to draw the flower mirror and successfully break the virtual and return to Bai Yujing with mystery.
However, Xuanji wants to take a fancy mirror to the secret place of Lingye, which can accelerate the growth of Lingye. In a sense, Lingye has the same effect as Changchun Dan, but Lingye can’t take a bath. Anyway, Lingye is the bathing water for youth.
Mystery just has the secret limit of the earth spirit liquid, so it directly brings the flower mirror in.
Chapter 58 Chapter two hundred and fifty
"Isn’t this Uncle Hua who started first? Is it wrong for my brother to obey?" Mystery laughed and said that he was not afraid of rhetoric at all.
It’s a shame to eat this yabakui, but he didn’t expect Xuan to take it.
Mystery is only a sixth-order distraction period, which is three big realms away from him. It is good for an ordinary sixth-order monk not to be afraid in front of a ninth-order monk. Who would have thought that Mystery still dared to play snake with a stick and actually dared to look at it?
"That …" Suddenly, the other tail of Hua Ci Jing wrapped around the mysterious wrist and said, "How do I compare with others?"
With that, he took a look at Qing Ming in the mirror and pointed out something.
Even if you don’t ask, Huaci Mirror can see that Mystery and Qing Ming are different. When we met just now, Huaci Mirror found that he was no match for Qing Ming and didn’t know where the strange ninth order of Qing Ming came from.
It is to see that the unspeakable surge of two people is the breakthrough here. Who knows that the last one who suffers is him, but since they all suffer, they can’t eat for free.
The flower mirror was placed to compete with Qing Ming on the other hand, but Qing Ming was provoked to take a look at the malicious fox and look at the mysterious way, "I believe you can judge fairly."
"I can fairly judge a ghost. I didn’t see it clearly just now." Mystery scalp slightly fried, and then before the two of them fought again, they directly put the flower mirror into the water and scattered the petals into the lens.
Huaci mirror accidentally choked the saliva, trying to surface, and was pressed in by mystery.
"ShiShu, you must have a good wash, and I will refine Changchun Dan for you." Mystery way.
It was only then that the flower mirror stopped, and the body dipped into the water and said, "In this case, you should let him leave first. I didn’t show the male xiu a hobby."
Before Qing Ming laughs at the mystery, he said, "Uncle Hua Qing Ming can’t be too far away from us. If Qing Ming is too far away from us, we will be discovered by the owner of the secret realm."
"The owner of the shakotan coast is not young, is it? I didn’t expect that the ninth-order monk around you actually had the strength to deceive the young spring." The eyes of the flower mirror narrowed slightly, knowing that the old monk is alive from ancient times and the strength of the green ghost is not inferior to him
"Wait, here is the breath of youth. Should it be all his bath water here? I actually asked another man to fix the bath water! " Flower words mirror suddenly react way
At this time, if there is hair on the flower mirror, it can definitely be blown up. Even so, the flower mirror still has a hundred petals to rub in the body.
"It’s not that serious. It’s all running water here. It’s not old spring. There are some special situations. That’s why we need to bathe alone." Mystery Road is not old spring. What’s the situation? If he takes a bath outside, the water can make Fiona Fang Baililingzhi always invincible and avoid trouble. It’s not old spring that makes the land liquid come out.
Although the mystery says so, it is better to speed up the bath than to take a leisurely bath at home.

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