Jun 24, 2024

"No, this dead gas field is formed by him. Wherever he goes, the dead gas field will follow."

"How do you know?" Tianxin Dao
"My old man’s house is born with a clever eye, which is known at a glance. Yuanshui, a little guy, belongs to water. Outside his body, there is a huge dead micro-gas field. "
"Is there a way to resolve it?"
"Yes, the last eight words of the Shuiyuan Heart Sutra, besides the spiritual element, God hides all beings. He’s going to realize it. I’m always … I can stop looking for you as a host! Boss, I can’t see the dead zone outside your body. How did you do it? " Moist and purring.
"Yes, but you can’t see it!" As shook his head.
"Boss, no, I can’t be invisible. Even if I can’t see it, I will definitely feel it." Moist and meditation for a while, and then open your eyes, very serious tunnel, "your body is filled with a very complex gas field, the color is very lively."
"Maybe it’s because I’m young!" Tianxin is noncommittal.
"Maybe!" Moist interface, tens of millions of years, it is the first time to feel this different gas field in vitro, and I don’t know what is going on for a while.
"So what did you see when the sailors robbed in the former Yuan Dynasty?"
"Oddly enough, XianJie this thing is very strange. The monks in the spiritual world will ignore it unless they fix it to a certain extent. For the immortals in the celestial world, they will come on time in different levels. Take Yuanshui as an example. He reached the last level of Shuiyuan Heart Sutra, so this fairy robbery should come on July 7, and this time it should come. The period of 700,000 years has expired. "
"Yuan Shuidu robbery before was initiated by his dead micro-aura in vitro. However, the dead micro-aura can’t treat him like anything. With the magic weapon and its own concentration, he can melt the dead micro-aura. The mystery is that after the dead micro-aura disappears, it will trigger the Xuan fire Shaqi, one of the most powerful seven gases in this world. This is not something that Yuan Shui can resist. Therefore, whenever Yuan Shui or other immortals rob me, I will come back here and help them out. For millions of years, I have resisted countless natural disasters, and my mysterious spirit has become more and more refined. "
"Then this time, why don’t you help Yuan Shui and come with me?"
"Eldest brother, you don’t know, seven yuan, seven yuan, every seven is not round. Don’t say that the new generation of Dijing is pregnant. I will either walk away with you or stay here and destroy myself. In other words, the new generation of Emperor Jing is not pregnant, and this apocalypse on the seventh day is a big one. All seven kinds of Shaqi, namely, Xuanyang, Xuanyin, Xuanjin, Xuanlei, Xuanhuo, Xuanqing and Xuanwei, will come, and no matter how severe I am, I can only restrain the Xuanhuo Shaqi. Any of the other six qi can break his body and kill him. " Moist and cry foul.
"It is no wonder that Yuanguang master here wants to rob you! ….. Er, slow, slow, there is a question. Why don’t the seven-yuan master discuss it and cooperate to fight against the natural disaster? "
"It’s no use, such a stupid thing. My seven brothers did it 15 million years ago. At that time, the Lord of the seven celestial bodies gathered the light celestial bodies, and my seven brothers were also willing to help. But when the big Armageddon came, the seven Xuan Shaqi was so ingenious that they almost killed my seven brothers. That Armageddon, all the immortals in the light celestial bodies vanished, and my seven brothers played it by ear and left first. From then on, when the seven heavenly robberies came, we gave up. Sure enough, the robbers only found trouble with the robbers that day, but other immortals survived. "
"Is there such a thing?" Tianxin feels very strange.
"Never dare to cheat the boss." Moist and quick statement.
"Maybe it’s your fault?" As silent for a while, suddenly way.
"My fault?" Moist and puzzled.
"You can communicate with me, it should be called intelligent species. In my opinion, it is as natural for a fairy to rob a man as it is for a mortal to die. If you don’t help them, they will try their best. If they get through it, they will be educated in by going up one flight of stairs to the extent that you said they can be your host. However, their ashes can tell other immortals that this road is blocked and they should find another way. You helped them to resist the apocalypse, so the cultivation of these immortals increased, but their mind and knowledge were far from progress, let alone their understanding of heaven. Therefore, when their cultivation is getting higher and higher, it will trigger a catastrophe that you can’t resist, and come to an end. "
"Ah, …" Moist at first glance, the mouth turned into a circle, and it did something bad with kindness.
"Also, emperor crystal fifty million years in a generation, I beg to differ. Nothing in this world, even the whole universe, is eternal, only intelligent life can. As the dark master of the Seven-Yuan Star Domain, you seven brothers have been in Shou Yuan for tens of millions of years, but like the Seven-Yuan Master, you can’t understand the Seven-Yuan Heart Sutra. Therefore, when the time comes, it will be ruthlessly eliminated. Since you can’t do it, why don’t you try a new generation? This is the same as the change of dynasties in the world. However, the form of human transformation is much more complicated. Powerful immortals who can’t be killed, and fairies like you, are very simple, and everything will return to zero. "
"Boss, boss, what you said is terrible!" Moist and more surprised.
"Alas, heaven is only balanced, heaven is only strong, and heaven is only rational. Everything is both accidental and inevitable." Tianxin smiles.
"Eldest brother, that’s very kind of you. I’m sure I’ll have a good understanding of that heaven with you. " Moist and alert, I heard that there was a meaning of rescue in Tianxin’s words, and I couldn’t help crying with gratitude.
"What do you know?" As Gherardini, staring at this little person, it is really a fairy, much better than a guy like Master Yuan Guang who only knows how to levy and kill.
"Eldest brother, I know, heaven only scale, so ruthless; Heaven is strong, so ruthless; Heaven is rational, so it is ruthless. By chance, I happened to meet you. I must have made up my mind to follow you, and then you have a way to save our seven brothers. " Moist and laughed.
"Oh, listen to three ruthless explanations?"
"The first ruthlessness is that heaven pays attention to balance. Yin and Yang, up and down, and Fiona Fang all have a degree, and the degree is permanent, and the loss does not exist; The second ruthlessness is that heaven pays attention to self-improvement, and only by self-improvement can we not be bullied or destroyed by him; The third ruthlessness means that the Tao has its own clue to everything, which is the principle and cannot be deviated. If it is poor, it cannot be balanced. Among the three, balance is innate, but it is not immutable. Its change is due to the self-improvement of the day after tomorrow, but the self-improvement of the day after tomorrow cannot be blind, and it must be rational, self-improvement, and reasonable, so that it can be restored to the innate balance, thus lasting. "
"Ha ha, good, good …" As laughter, I feel in my heart, this little thing is so clever, I don’t know if worldly desires on earth can beat this great fairy. "Then I will accept your seven brothers, since they belong to intelligent life, then you will do what belongs to intelligent life. It must not be violated. "
"Yes, boss." Moist and happy. "Eldest brother, is it time to go to the fairyland and look for my seven brothers?"
"All right, you lead the way."
Moist was about to fly, when I suddenly remembered something, "Boss, wait first, I have a baby for you." Say that finish, flash disappear, also don’t know where to drill.
Never mind, meditate. About half an hour later, Moist came in carrying two "big" pockets. "Boss, help, it’s killing me."
Tianxin reached out and took a photo, and the "big" pocket slowly flew into the palm of his hand, and the gods penetrated into it. "Hey, there is a palace-style warehouse in it, which stores the best crystal of the mountain and countless special products of Shuiyuan Sanjie."
"Boss, this is a special product of Shuiyuan Sanjie that I have collected for tens of millions of years. Do you like it?" Moist and leaned forward, blushing and showing off.
"I like it, I like it so much!" As see more dazzling, easy to answer.
"If you like it, boss, I’ll give it all to you." Moist and generous tunnel.
"Send me."
Looking at the watery and simple face and expectant eyes, Tianxin has a great feeling, but there is also a feeling of playing with children’s property, and there is also a feeling of desperate need to help this little guy to rob, and …
"Hey, it will be lively when the white clouds come up!" He came up with the idea of redeeming the Baiyunju, where the Seven Spirit Brothers can practice. At the same time, with the Seven Spirit Brothers in town, Baiyunju will be a very powerful artifact, which can be used for living and defending against the enemy.
Clap the watery face and put the "big" pocket into the Gankun ring. He said sincerely, "Ok, I’ll take it. Let’s go! "
Moist and happy, lonely for thousands of years, it’s so refreshing to be talkative today. This feeling is so beautiful. I saw that he turned into a giant bird with a head straight forward for a long time, and his body was covered with a layer of clear air, which took the lead in flying. Tianxin follows closely.
One person, one bird, extremely fast. Daewoo’s vanity only saw a slight shock, and the infinite starlight was folded by 10%. Two small celestial bodies disappeared on the way to the star of Guangyuan Fairyland.
Light yuan fairy world, Yin to cover, the atmosphere is bleak.
In the chamber, the light chair on the top gives off a golden light, which is sometimes thick and sometimes light, and turns into a bad thing. However, at this time, the face of Yuanguang Master who was sitting in the chair and had just fled back from Shuiyuan Fairyland was black. He looked coldly at the elders on both sides of the long table in front of him, and his anger burned up one after another.
The color of the long table in front of the master in Yuanguang is just the opposite of the golden color of the light chair, red and white, separated from the middle, and the line is strict. From time to time, the center of the long table rushes up with water and mountains, turning into a rockery, where red, white and small flowers bloom, which is really beautiful. I regret that the situation is wrong at this time, and no one looks at it carefully.
The red light overflowed to the left, mapping the five elders on the five bloody benches on the left; The white light moved out to the right and connected with five white benches, but one of the five benches was empty.
"Bright light, bright yellow?" People in Yuanguang have been waiting for a long time, and they barely suppressed their anger and asked.
"Boss, Ming Huang may have been unlucky." The second elder opened the underwater sky with a stone, and Yuan Guang and all the elders were shocked by a word.
"How is that possible? Mingguang, you speak clearly. " Master Yuan Guang snapped, and his mood was even worse.
"Eldest brother, the bright light door planted in the end. On the Inner Water Star, ten disciples and I not only didn’t kill the old guy Teng Bing’s gate, but the strongest and most clever disciple Ming Jiu stabbed the people invited by Teng Lao Er with a sword. " Bright tears, no longer arrogant in the past, he attributed Tianxin to Teng’s camp.
"What?" Master Yuan Guang and all the elders’ faces were all black this time. Who is Ming Jiu? Ming Jiu is a senior fairy, that is, Yuan Guang personally made moves, and he didn’t display the planetary dharma in space. It’s not for a while to extinguish Ming Jiu’s one-point light.
"Not only that, Ming Huang didn’t come back at this time. I’m afraid that the disciples in the Mingguang Gate of Lingzhen and the other three middle and low-level immortals sent by Ming He, Ming Zhen and the end of Ming Dynasty all met the people who stabbed Ming Jiu, and the whole army was wiped out." Mingguang wiped his tears with his right hand, gnashed his teeth, and told the story of what happened to him on the Inner Water Star in detail.
It turns out that Mingmengmen also has a kind of spiritual skill to examine the magnetic crystal of Yuan Dynasty. Shuiyuan’s new generation of emperor crystal was born. With the help of ten disciples, he carried out the unique skill of searching for spirits in Guangming Gate and told the master of Yuanguang. People in Yuanguang have long been fascinated by Shuiyuan Magnetic Emperor Crystal, but they have no choice but to know that the Emperor Crystal has a spirit and his whereabouts are uncertain. After receiving Mingguang’s report and getting a positive reply, I was moved by it for a while, so I agreed with all the elders on the plan to seize the crystal from the three realms in unison.
In the plan, Mingguang and Minghuang were sent to the Inner Water Yuan Wu boundary and the Inner Zhongyuan Lingzhen boundary respectively. There was nothing wrong with the plan to seize the crystal, but Ming Qi, the modern head of Mingguang Gate on Neiguang Yuanxing, was selfish and wanted to take this opportunity to destroy the biggest sect on Neishui Yuanxing, so as to achieve its goal of marching into Neishui Yuanxing.
I don’t want to, this selfish idea attracted the unexpected enemy of Tianxin, which caused a major setback in the crystal search plan of Lingkong Fairyland. Not only was Mingmengmen completely killed, but also several ethereal immortals of Guangyuan were ruined. Even senior immortals Mingjiu and three elders Minghuang fell, and they were all lost, and their lives and deaths were unknown. Of course, Mingguang won’t say these things, but he will tell the cruelty of Watergate and Tianxin in a complicated way.
All remained, and Master Yuan Guang stamped his foot severely. He had guessed at this moment that the person who took away the sword of the two poles of the aura must be the person in the mouth of the Second Elder Mingguang, but how did this person come? And it’s a coincidence, so, although there are a lot of doubts and loopholes in Mingguang’s words, he doesn’t care, only feels that he has been countered. I have planned my own major events carefully and calculated everything everywhere, but when it comes to acting, I have made such a big mistake. It is really unreasonable to say that all this was stirred up by an unexpected person. Moreover, this unexpected person is too severe. The three realms have changed, and at the same time, it has hit him, and it is tens of thousands of light years away. If you don’t run to death, you will be exhausted.
He completely don’t believe that in this dream star field, there will be such an outsider, an outsider who means more than him. "Someone must be up to something," he said without thinking, hating in his heart and bursting with murder from the darkest place in his heart. "Bright light, you use all reconnaissance means to investigate the fiasco of the light yuan celestial body and see who is in the way. Once it is found out, I will not rest with him, and I will do my best to avenge this arrow. "
"The boss is wise!"

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