Jun 22, 2024

The first map is a blasting map with a high probability of appearing in the Hawkeye competition. Both sides have studied and trained several times, and they are quite familiar with the map. Ye Qing is lucky to win the first The Infiltrator force by tossing a coin at half-time.

In the first round, Ye Qing still chose to take the middle road. This map shows that The Infiltrator takes advantage of taking the middle road. A flash bomb can be thrown in and rushed inside. Once the opponent’s defense in the middle road is weak, it will definitely be broken through, and ab will be in danger at two o’clock.
Du Lingxiao’s command ability has risen. I don’t know how many levels sir has given him valuable experience. He knows the importance of the middle road and gives it to others. If he doesn’t trust, he will just guard the middle road himself. Once attacked, he can quickly rescue him, which is more mobile.
His position is also quite reasonable. Once a flash bomb flies in, he can quickly avoid it and then flash out to give the other party a beating.
Ye Dumping didn’t expect Du Lingxiao to defend the middle goal. Actually, he is determined to defend the middle goal. Du Lingxiao is better. He can prove again that he is a better marksman than Du Lingxiao.
After losing a flash bomb, the four gunners of Club I rushed in, facing south, and slowly followed this kind of fighting sniper. If you can’t help it, just follow behind. Only when the gunners in front get through the road will they have room.
Du Lingxiao hid behind the bunker when he saw the flash bomb flying in, but he didn’t know how many people were coming to attack the central gate, and he didn’t dare to call for support. In case the other party came to attack the central gate alone and called for support ab, the two forces would become weak. Once the other party attacked, it might lose one of the blasting points, which would be a big loss.
Chapter 1325 Despair Li Zhihao
Du Lingxiao didn’t call for support rashly when he couldn’t figure out the number of attackers. After he flashed out to see clearly, he gasped in horror. The other four machine gunners rushed in, and four machine guns formed a gun forest. It looked scary.
Even if he is proud and conceited enough, he doesn’t have the confidence to pick four. After all, there is a leaf tilt among them. He retreated without hesitation, and then ran to point A. He joined his teammates first, and then he said whether the other side would attack point B or point A. Let’s wait until the other side’s gun rings and everything will be natural.
Ye Qing, of course, also saw the passing Du Lingxiao’s return to the place. Someone must have met him and chased him. It’s not necessarily easy to win. It’s most appropriate to attack in the opposite direction. Beware of being pursued. He left two machine gunners in the middle of the road to ambush the others and killed them directly at point B.
Ye Qing’s consciousness is quite outstanding, which directly avoids that there are three people defending point A and two people defending point B. At the same time, they are three people attacking, and the troops also have the advantage. There is little suspense in taking point B.
At point B, the two stars are Tianxing and Yaoguang. Although the marksmanship of these two people is not bad, they still can’t beat Ye Qing as a substitute. The strength is slightly worse than Tianxing. Tianxing has always been regarded as the second best marksmanship among the Big Dipper Palace except Du Lingxiao.
Ye Qing personally led a team to attack point B firepower, which was quite fierce. The most important thing was to fly out of the gun and stare at people very accurately, and they would die directly at the end of the bite. Tianxing and Yaoguang were pressed to hide behind the bunker and did not dare to show up. They knew that Ye Qing was so fierce that once they exposed themselves, they might be shot in the head instantly.
I club people saw each other and didn’t dare to show up, so they rushed directly. The two sides fought hand-to-hand to see where you were hiding. They also took a sniper. The snipers all switched to desert eagles and followed them. They were not afraid of anything
Ye Qing ak47 ranged and melee are quite awesome. It’s not enough to shoot two people directly in melee.
Star Star and Rocking Star also heard the approaching footsteps and knew that the other person had rushed over. If they didn’t move, they would wait for the dead point A reinforcements, although they had already started, but they could not do anything.
Du Lingxiao is also cunning and worried about walking in the middle of the road. The ambush will go directly to the other side, causing two machine gunners to ambush in the middle. Two people, Pearl Krabs and Na Lan, have been waiting for a long time, but no one has come to think that the person at point A has gone inside, so they immediately started to run to point B to reinforce their teammates.
Tianxing and Yaoguang Star were forced too tightly, so they had to flash out from behind the bunker to stop them in an attempt to delay a little, but the effect was not satisfactory. Ye Qing seized the opportunity and directly gave Yaoguang Star a shot in the head, scaring Tianxing to retreat again.
Who knows that a grenade flew behind the bunker before he got a firm foothold, which scared him terribly. He just flashed out and was beaten to a pulp. This grenade was really deadly. He immediately jumped to the right and "boom" exploded. Fortunately, he reacted quickly enough to blow up a little blood before he came to breathe a sigh of relief. The other gun rang again. It turned out that he jumped out of the bunker with a big jump and was exposed to the other gun. He really escaped for a while.
In the I club, shooting the Star with a pair of mutilated roots supports being directly killed by the point B defense line, and Ye Qing and others March in and directly occupy the package point and then return to defend.
As soon as they had done all this, Du Lingxiao and others appeared, accompanied by three flying flash bombs covering a considerable area. As soon as the flash bombs landed, they had to rush forward for a while, regardless of whether they flashed to people or not. The other person was probably already in the bag.
One of the people in Club I was struck by a flash bomb, that is, the sniper lost his combat effectiveness, while the other two people came out to fight back. The two sides just exchanged fire, and Pearl Krabs and Nalan also arrived to attack directly from behind.
Du Lingxiao and others were caught off guard and two of them died immediately, including Du Lingxiao. This is really but before he could conquer, he was dead.
He was killed before fighting Ye Qing, and he couldn’t wait to prove himself, but he didn’t have a chance. He was so wronged that he took off his headphones and scratched his hair in regret and didn’t dare to go further. After all, this is a live game. You can properly vent your emotions, but you can’t be rude. So many cameras are staring at it.
Du Lingxiao also wants to have fans and deafening shouts. He hopes that he is a perfect person in the eyes of others. He doesn’t want to leave a bad impression on the audience.
If he is in the training room of the club, he may yell hysterically and get emotional, but not here, he must control it.
The defense in the first round of the Big Dipper Palace was a failure. Club I was like a group of hungry wolves attacking too hard and too fast, and the defense at point B collapsed instantly. Before the supporters could shoot, the other side left their hands behind and played a sneak attack from behind to kill the two of them. The man left was also attacked on both sides, and of course he was lying on the cold ground.
Club I took the first round to watch the game in the office. Zhi Li thumped a table with great anger, and then his hand was so painful that it was really hard to swing the solid wood desk. It was unbearable for people to thump like this.
The most important thing is that this kind of table can’t make any shock when it is pounded, but it can hear a weak sound. The hand is still sore, and the root is not suitable for venting emotions. Li Zhihao angrily picked up the table and tried to break a cup to express his dissatisfaction, but he didn’t throw it when he raised it, because the cup was given to him by big honey on his birthday. Her head was printed in the cup with a smile, which was the most beautiful picture in his memory.
Maybe it’s impossible to be with her again. There’s no way to treat her smile as exclusive. She’s sitting and talking. It’s impossible for her to go shopping and watch movies again. Those memories can comfort her occasionally.
This cup is the only one with big honey. If an object is broken, it won’t happen again. It is more precious to Li Zhihao than anything else, so he let it go and sighed deeply. He lost the battle himself and lost in all aspects.
He is a confident man who never regrets doing anything by himself, but now he regrets that he obeyed his father’s orders and left the country for a few years, but it will change many things.
If at that time I could have the courage to give up all my family interests, throw this well-paid and well-paid job together with Da Mi, maybe everything would be different. I don’t need to be so stupid to save Ye Qing, and I can’t have the opportunity to get my hands on Da Mi. She would belong to him alone. Unfortunately, it is impossible to choose the wrong choice once and change it back.
He slumped down in his chair and suddenly lost interest in F, the team and all these struggles. A woman made the group a mess by herself and went abroad for several years without being able to work at all. Maybe it’s time to change.
Don’t know that losing in the first round will change their boss’s mentality, but they feel a little embarrassed that they have let their opponents take the lead in a long-awaited game.
In the second round, Du Lingxiao was fed up with the humiliation of passive defense. He decided to take the initiative. Doesn’t the other side like to go through the middle door? Then he will go out through the middle door.
If you don’t find the enemy outside the middle gate, then you can touch each other’s back in two ways, and maybe you can get miraculous results.
After throwing a flash bomb outside the middle gate, the imperial secretary of the Big Dipper rushed out. Headed by Du Lingxiao, he was as itchy as an alcoholic who had not touched alcohol for ten and a half months and smelled the fragrance of wine. He wanted to meet Ye Qing head-on and then get a high score on the gun. The ak gun god can have one, and that is him Du Lingxiao.
Ye Qing and the Big Dipper Palace didn’t meet for the first time. He still knows Du Lingxiao’s character better. That’s a lonely guy who can’t bear to be beaten in the first round. Now he must want revenge and save his face.
Although Du Lingxiao’s personality has been restrained, tactics and sir’s guidance have made great progress, once he meets the I club, he may forget everything and make mistakes.
Ye Qing expected that Du Lingxiao would take the initiative to attack when he found the field, and because they attacked from the middle door in the first round, Du Lingxiao would attack from the middle door.
In order to verify my judgment, Ye Ye is lying outside the middle door, and there is an ambush on both sides. If no one comes out after waiting for a long time, it is no loss to attack ab from both sides.
A flash landed "poof" and four people rushed out of the back door. Then a sniper came out slowly. Four machine gunners looked at one person outside and it was terrible to be quiet.
Chapter 1326 Tactics and tactics
There is a towering iron tower outside the eagle’s eye, and there is no one in the tower. No one in the big dipper imperial secretary rushes out angrily and pounces. According to the second plan, they should divide their troops into two ways to attack each other’s backs.
Du Lingxiao didn’t know what and had a bad feeling, but he couldn’t tell what would happen. He still attacked in two ways according to the original plan.
Three people went to the left and two went to the right. If there is no accident, they will definitely gain a lot. Can they still suffer from sneak attack on the back? Five stars, except Du Lingxiao, the other four people are very excited and feel that this round is going to be proud.
As soon as they dispersed to a corner, they saw that the muzzle spewed fire like a sickle, and three people fell to each other. The ambush was cloudy enough and unexpected enough.
Sneaking on the back became an ambush in the Big Dipper Palace. Five stars wanted to be dead, but three of them were really dead. The remaining two struggled for a long time, and the other party’s continuous firepower output failed to make them play for a long time. The body was riddled with holes and became a broken screen.
The three people on the left side of the Big Dipper Palace died unjustly. They met the killer Ye Qing of the I Club and let out an ak47 growl and kept playing it for free. This is a symbol of the brilliant ratio of pressing the gun and strafing the bullet over the head.
This time, Du Lingxiao, who was in Zhongfu, had a warning sign, but it was difficult to guard against his flexible posture and excellent marksmanship. However, he was hit by the other side’s first-hand fire. After all, he was not made of iron and had to hang up if he ate too much.
"grass! I want to play a good game. I want to have a real meaning. Why don’t you give me a chance! " Du Lingxiao roared in my mind
I failed to fight Ye Qing in the first round and was humbled by the sneak attack from behind. In the second round, I was even more miserable when I was ambushed. I didn’t even have a chance to shoot, so I knelt down and drank bullets. A long-awaited game was not what he expected. He killed the quartet and the prestige did not appear. Is this a dream or a mistake?
He’s a little confused about whether the game was played in a dream or not, and he will become like this. But the ace gunner of the Big Dipper Palace, the Big Dipper, is a genius, and the ak is invincible. The main position has never wavered. Today, he was dressed like this.
"Tactics and tactics!" Du Lingxiao calm down. There is not much difference in strength between the two sides in this game. It is still necessary to rely on tactics to win. These words were told by sir Qian Ding before the game. How did he forget all about it when he arrived at the game? He always wanted to score high with the other ak machine gunner.
He doesn’t like that guy with ak’s recklessness, but he doesn’t like that guy’s fear of headshots, because that’s what he should remember. Of course he won’t be happy when that guy steals the limelight that belongs to him.
Club I didn’t give the Big Dipper Palace a head-on encounter with guns, and didn’t launch a head-on attack. After that, Du Lingxiao took tactics to fight the enemy, which made Du Lingxiao very reluctant to hit the meat with every punch. He had a strength but could not do harm. He was humbled as hell.
"Play tactics with me and I will play tactics with you!" Du Lingxiao bit his teeth and conceived tactics in his mind. sir’s teaching was not in vain. His rich experience gave Du Lingxiao too much enlightenment. Tactics have to be arranged according to the map, and we have to figure out the commanding psychology of the other side. We must expect the enemy to take the lead step by step and not give the other side a chance. Only in this way can we defeat the opponent.
In the third round, Du Lingxiao still took the people to the middle gate. Although his teammates didn’t understand his practice, they still ate the loss outside the middle gate from the order of the next round. Captain, is this where you want to fall and get up? What if the opponent doesn’t ambush the middle door this round? But directly in the army went to point A or B? That’s not giving the other party a blasting point, and then the other party can get it from the bag
Everyone knows Du Lingxiao’s violent temper and narrow-mindedness. No one dares to say questions in his heart. Being a conductor must have different IQ and different ideas. Otherwise, everyone can be a conductor. There must be unexpected places and the captain thought of them.
Du Lingxiao doesn’t want to find a simple face outside the middle door and then take risks. It’s not worth it when he’s sober now. It’s not as important as winning. He won everything!

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