Jun 15, 2024

The young man didn’t know what to do at the moment.

Ji Fan knew at the sight of this young man that he was Wen Liu. The young man who was with him that day seemed to be Wen Gan and admired Wen Wan’s son very much.
If we know that the other party is not kind, JiFan will not be polite to him.
The young man was embarrassed and didn’t know what to do. He quietly put his hand in front of his mouth and sniffed.
When Ji Fan saw it, he immediately shouted, "Ah, ah, ugly. You haven’t brushed your teeth for several years?"
The young man’s face suddenly changed from pig liver color to iron blue color and then changed to pig liver color again, only then did he smile "General Ji was joking"
JiFan picked his eyebrows and said, "Who’s kidding you? No, ask yourself."
Young people don’t believe it. They took a breath again and smelled a stench.
JiFan also covered her nose and lay prone to the window, breathing heavily.
He put that fart. It was a loud fart. It didn’t stink. It didn’t ring! It stinks.
Suddenly the whole second floor was filled with a stench.
Some guests spit out their mouths directly and lay down on the window next to JiFan, breathing heavily.
In just a moment, this small window was packed to the brim.
Everyone looked at Wen Gan with an extremely disgusting look.
The young man was also frightened by his bad breath. He brushed his teeth every day.
I looked around after seeing that the window was empty, and I was at a loss there.
Chapter 12 and WenGu!
Ps sorry, my hands are really sore. Yesterday, I didn’t think that ten fingers were sore today. Plus, today’s brain maintenance is a little too much, which is really slow! Everybody, wait! Excuse me!
Starting point
JiFan also got dizzy by this smelly fart.
Wen gan covered his nose and closed his mouth tightly. He was blinded by his bad breath.
There is a stench in the air, and there is a unique warmth.
After a quarter of an hour, the smell dissipated.
All the guests gave a very tactful look to indicate that Wen Gan was leaving all the guests, and they removed their meals and started a new dish.
Wen gan looks embarrassed. He can’t figure out how it stinks there.
Now he feels ashamed when he sees other people’s eyes, and he feels uncomfortable all over.
Suddenly, I felt a sense of frustration. My parents died when I was a child, and I was adopted by my uncle to see a woman named Wen Waner, but she was taken away by this person to be a maid. Now she has made such a farce, which is actually caused by bad breath.
Wen Gan has a feeling of being ashamed. He still can’t help but believe that his mouth is so smelly. He can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief again.
I was so scared that I kept paying attention to others and ran to the window.
Ji Fan just wanted to fart again, wondering how to make Wengankou unexpectedly deliver the door himself, and then when P eyes relaxed, a stream of color gas floated out.
Wengan just opened his mouth and breathed a sigh of relief.
Suddenly there was a stench on the second floor.
The window has been ready for a long time, and a National People’s Congress shouted, "Honesty can’t stand it! Don’t eat old! I am a vegetable! "
"Too smelly appearance gentle how so unsanitary! I don’t eat either. I just have a bite of food. "
"I can’t stand it! If you are so thick-skinned, you will respect your mouth if you know your bad breath! "
The 3322 people ran to one of them, covering their noses. One of them almost fell to death.
After a while, the building was full of noise.
"The shopkeeper, why do you put everyone in it? There is a smelly old dish in the building before you take a bite of it! What appetite is gone! "
"Yes and yes! How can you make people eat! "
"Yes, I didn’t eat a bite of food! Do you do business or not? Still in the building! "
JiFan schadenfreude listening to the floor people comment in succession.
The warm and dry face turned green, turned white, white turned green, blue turned red, red turned purple, and finally settled in sauce purple.
Soon the stairs will come to step on the steps.
A boy just climbed the stairs, and a foul-smelling wind blew him back to the lobby on the first floor.
A wolf growled, "The shopkeeper has to go to a respected person like you. I can’t handle it!"
Ji Fan smiled. This Xiao Er is also a talent.
The shopkeeper said, "All right, go pack your things. I’ll go."
That shopkeeper has a look on his face. Otherwise, what bad breath can make people lose their appetite to eat? Maybe he is looking for reasons not to give money.
As soon as he emerged, a stench crept into his nasal cavity and then reached his olfactory nerve.
The shopkeeper’s face was flushed and he ran away.
Wengan was embarrassed and was at a loss there
The rest are either reluctant to pay for food just now or wait for important people or meet someone on a date.
Ji Fan is watching the drama. It’s really good to eat radish early today!
The shopkeeper held his breath and rushed up the stairs, then ran to the window to take a breath, then looked around and looked at Wen Gan with disbelief. "Did they say it was you, Master Gan?"
JiFan look changed again. He wants to fart again. Keep an eye on Wengan.
Wen Gan was embarrassed to say "actually"
It is important to note that if friends can’t type the old domain name, they can access it by visiting the backup domain name.
Suddenly a stench filled again.
The shopkeeper hurriedly approached the window and told Wengan that you would stop talking. I can understand you.
Wen Gan’s face changed and turned slightly sideways, and he seemed to want to go.
Ji Fan’s stomach is upset again. It seems that she wants to discharge gas.
Ji Fan quickly stopped Wen Gan and asked, "What do you want with me?"

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