Jul 30, 2024

Guns and explosions are roaring in caves, and the earth is shaking. These tanks are even more rampaging.

There are more and more soldiers who keep coming back.
After the turret rocked and the shell fell, the whole concrete pouring base wobbled.
The casualties in the artillery fire are getting worse, and no one can solve it in the face of such iron sheets.
"I found the exit. This is the whole exit blocked by steel plates."
Rose sound came from the earphone, and she followed the high heels and stepped on the blood footprints to search forward.
I found the passage all the way, but it was locked up and exploded through the ultra-thick steel plate by the root method.
"I have no exit here."
Falcon has reached a dead end, and he can’t find an exit. He can return.
"I don’t have it here either."
Tie Niu also gained something, reaching a dead end, and he turned around and returned.
"I can’t find it here either."
The last hope is that Tang Yi is here, but he has searched all the passages, but there is no exit.
It seems that Satan is going to catch turtles in a jar this time.
Now everyone has retreated to the tin can area and sought cover with the help of the huge iron frame.
The tank entered temporarily, but behind the tank, the mercenaries had already rushed in.
The two sides built temporary bunkers, and the firepower was strong. They abruptly suppressed this side.
"the only way to go is to let go."
After a fierce battle, they won’t be able to count many bombs, and they will run out of ammunition.
Looking at the fierce mercenary at the exit, Tang Yi holds his fist. Maybe they can rush hard?
Just at this extremely urgent moment, a sound suddenly came in the earphone.
Chapter 495 Secret passage
"Did you miss me?"
The sound is enchanting with a hint of sultry, but with a arrogance that makes people refuse thousands of miles away.
This is the customary sound of beauty snake, and this sound is now coming from Tang Yi’s headphones.
"beauty snake"
How did the beauty snake appear at this time when Tang Yi was one leng?
Different from the indifference when she was injured before, her voice returned to what it used to be.
"Besides me, who else will miss you every day? How about it in the cave?"
The beauty snake is spoiled again, and she is completely different from when she covered her face with black veil.
"If you have something to say, don’t forget I still have your father."
The beauty snake found herself at this time. I’m afraid she knows very well what’s going on here now.
"Of course I know that the person I miss most in this world is you except my father, so I don’t know if I really care about you until I call you and see your fierce appearance."
The beauty snake is still unhurried and in no hurry.
"If you insist on chatting like this, it seems that we have nothing to talk about. Then I’m going to rush out with your father as a shield."
Tang Yi knew that the purpose of this chat was to talk about terms.
There are casualties every minute now, and he is too lazy to talk to her any more.
"You’re always in such a hurry. Well, I know a secret passage is on your left hand, go ahead for 50 meters, and there’s a waterway on your right hand. I cut off the waterway sluice and I can buy you half an hour. If you can’t reach the exit in half an hour, it’s no wonder."
The beauty snake sighed and couldn’t help herself. Tang Yi had the card.
And her remarks made Tang Yi tilting her face to look at the monitor.
I’m afraid the beauty snake doesn’t know what method to take over the video surveillance system here at this time.
I have her father in my hand to see what flowers she can dig up.
"I’ll arrange for your father to go at the end. If he can’t go out in half an hour, it’s no wonder that I am."
Tang Yi shrugged his shoulders and smiled at the camera and said
Anyway, it’s no wonder that Tang Yi died when her father left at the end.
"Hum, then hurry up and I’ll cut off the water now. You must bring my father back."
Hum a beauty snake nai said
"Don’t worry, you help me and I help you all help each other."
Tang Yi’s mouth is relaxed, but his feet are not stopped.
Take the lead in running to the place where the beauty snake said. When he pulls the door, it looks like a warehouse.
The narrow room is small, but there is a huge pipe.
It’s a rolling undercurrent when the cover is uncovered.
However, the original turbulent undercurrent is showing black rocks on the speed reduction surface visible to the naked eye.
"retreat immediately"
Seeing a little fading, the water flow appears back channels.

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