Jul 24, 2024

"Dr. Xu’s emergency department will let you consult in the past." Zhou Xin took a message and told Xu Jinyan before she hung up.

The patient has pulled all her thoughts back.
She hurried towards the emergency department and Zhou Xin followed her.
Now that the clinic is over, she can go to work, but she has taken emergency patients temporarily.
"What’s the situation?" Xu Jin inkstone walked and asked.
Angel lee handed the patient’s report to Xu Jinyan. "The three-year-old boy’s parents didn’t take good care of the child. The child accidentally ate the nifedipine sustained-release tablets. How much did the parents eat? The parents also judged that he was induced to vomit in the emergency department. He did find tablet residues in his mouth and had a slight cough and vomiting after vomiting."
"Know" xu today inkstone to give her a review.
The little boy blinked and lay in the hospital bed, with big watery eyes and some tears. He should have cried just now.
"How many sweets did you eat at home, little friend?" Xu Jinyan judged that the drug taken by the child by mistake was probably candy.
The little boy put up his fingers "one, two, three, four, five"
She pressed a little boy’s belly again. "Does it hurt?"
"It doesn’t hurt …" The little boy was tickled when he was touched, and he couldn’t help laughing.
The child’s mother had tears in her eyes. "What do you think we should do, doctor? We didn’t pay attention. Today, let his grandmother take grandma to take high blood pressure medicine and forget to put it in the drawer. Grandma stole delicious food and ate it when grandma didn’t pay attention."
"Don’t worry about your mind, but you don’t have difficulty breathing. Nifedipine sustained-release tablets are hypertension drugs. Now it’s not clear how many doses he has taken. It’s better to arrange what sequela the gastric lavage drug residue causes if he hasn’t eaten for more than five hours." Xu Jinyan and his mother explained one.
The mother nodded, "Okay, okay, I’ll listen to the doctor, but will it be very harmful for him to pump his stomach so small?"
"Try to calm the child’s mood. Such a child is not suitable for pain. Li Jia asked a colleague from the Department of Gastroenterology to go to pediatrics. First, he was brought to pediatrics to live for gastric lavage. After that, he had to hang salt water for a few days to reduce inflammation before he was discharged." Xu Jinyan confessed to Li Jia.
She turned and called Zhou Xin to "tell Li Keyi to be gentle."
"Dr. Hao Xu" Zhou Xin immediately went to do it.
My mother listened to Xu Jinyan’s arrangement. She held Xu Jinyan’s hand gratefully. "Thank you so much, doctor."
"Yes," she took out her pen and walked to the bedside, holding the child’s hand. "Do you know what aunt is so not afraid of, little friend?"
The little boy shook his head.
She showed him a superman Peugeot symbol on the back of her hand. "Because aunt is superman, if children are superman, they will not be afraid of pain."
"I want to be Superman, too." The little boy held out his hand.
Xu Jinyan drew a superman on the back of his hand and then encouraged him to "be brave when you look at superman when you have an examination later."
"I am Superman" The little boy looked at Superman Peugeot and immediately burst into tears.
The owner of the forest came to see this scene. "You still have a plan."
"Who let me be a child?" Xu Jinyan chuckled. She looked at Superman Peugeot. "Let’s take it over. I’ll go first if it’s nothing."
"Good delay your class again" Lin looked at it for a while and just called her from the outpatient class.
Xu Jin inkstone was skilled in the emergency rotation, and the owner liked it. Later, he let her stay in the emergency department, and Naiqi Zhengguo was too powerful to dig her away.
But the owner of the forest has always appreciated this younger generation.
It’s like she just shone in her own way as a doctor.
And do it with enthusiasm.
Xu Jin inkstone waved his hand. "Lord Lin has gone to my face again."
She walked out of the emergency room.
"The child needs gastric lavage, so you don’t call me for money. This family takes care of your mother with the child at home. Your mother doesn’t know how to put away the medicine bottle that caused the child to suffer. I have to stretch out my hand and ask if you want money." Xu Jinyan heard crying in the corner about the child’s mother.
Her face was full of tears.
Xu Jin inkstone is not worried.
There was a scene after scene in front of my eyes.
"Mom begged you to see her in the hospital. The doctor said that if you don’t look at my mother, she will die."
Xu Jin inkstone closed her eyes and came to her side. Mom hung up and looked at the smashed fact in a panic.
She reached out her mobile phone to "add me to WeChat"
The child’s mother is stunned.
"Pay the money first. Gastric lavage as soon as possible is not good for the child, and then pay me back later."
"Thank you, Dr. Xu. I don’t know how to thank you." The mother will kneel down.
Xu Jin inkstone held her arm "it’s not that she didn’t return it."
She quickly transferred her two thousand dollars to the hospital for examination.
"Women can have children and families, but don’t lose themselves." Xu Jinyan patted her mother on the shoulder.
The mother looked at the doctor in a white coat who had never met her, and the white coat stood tall in her heart. She gave up everything herself and wished she were at home.
In the end, I lost myself
She couldn’t help shaking her head. She was really stupid, but she didn’t want her to go to the hospital at once. She couldn’t wait for the baby.
Chapter 54 I forgive you
Just got out of the emergency room
Xu Jin inkstone just received the words.
Words that harsh sound up "inkstone life how haven’t call this month, you see your dad heart stent this every month to fill …"
The old reasons made her ears cocoon.
"Busy these days, I’ll be back soon." Xu Jinyan hung up after saying that.
She closed her eyes and went back to the office to change clothes.
It was already dark when I left the hospital.
Before leaving the hospital, she went to the AM machine to get a transfer, which was a sigh of relief.
Empathy is all about being hurt.
The night is very thick
She was alone.
She walked silently to the subway.

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