Jul 10, 2024

After the second quarter, Nowitzki received the outside lob again, and then turned around on one foot. Nowitzki clenched his fist and smiled, showing his white teeth. His hand came back.

After the German team scored, it was China’s turn to attack. Yi Qianjin reached in front of Nowitzki and asked for the ball. Qiu managed to hang the ball in. Yi Qianjin dribbled the ball to the basket and then turned around. He was very upset about returning the favor to King Nuo. He took a hard look at Yi Qianjin and vowed to avenge himself.
King Nuo was running this time. He wanted to get a shot. When he received the ball, the horse made a mid-range shot and scored the ball.
Yi Qianjin and Nuo Tianwang are dead, but on the whole, Yi Qianjin has prevailed. He is young and has excellent winning skills. Nowitzki is so old, but of course he can’t do it. He only played for six minutes and then the driver was changed. He was so tired that he was sweating profusely.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? In the third quarter, the game also ended quickly. The German team lost some miserably, and the score was really a little big. Jackson smiled slightly. In the fourth quarter, several main players came off the bench and trained in succession.
Li Da has become a leading role. In fact, he is a Zen master. The target of careful training is in the No.2 and No.3 positions. It is difficult for him to play as a main player, but it is good to help the team as well as a main player.
"ah? ? ? ? ? ? "Li Da yelled and grabbed the rebound. This time he threw himself and grabbed it. Then he made no adjustment and shot again. His best mid-range jumper actually fell again.
"It’s my fault. I should play calmly," he thought to himself.
The ball is Germany’s choice. In fact, they have lost two points now. What else is there to start with? Nowitzki Kaman has already sat on the field and rested.
Li Da quickly rushed past the opponent’s ball. Another beautiful steal? ? ? ? ? ? Boom! Dunk!
Well, the Zen master sat in his chair and nodded. He expressed his appreciation for the enthusiasm of this lover. He appreciated playing basketball from his heart. Sometimes, everyone has to be skilled and have coolies. Li Daxian is a coolie and a defensive expert.
In the end, the game was over, and 157 minutes later, the big countries won another game, and it was already ironclad that they entered the strong ones.
If you want to know the funeral, please listen to the breakdown.
Chapter 229 World Championships III
Chapter 229 World Championships III
Against Argentina, the China team can lose or win, but it has steadily entered the strong position anyway. However, Jackson still said seriously, "This game is very important to us until we enter the strong position. We will definitely bring it." Everyone nodded. In fact, they are also thinking about winning this game in their hearts.
There are several main players in the Argentine team that we are familiar with. They all play in the nba. The most well-known player is Manu Ginobili, followed by diamond Luis Scola, Carlos delfino and Andrei Si Nuo Sioni.
Before the game, the players of both sides still have to shake hands politely. The main players of the Argentine team are Scola Andre Si Nuo Sioni Carlos delfino Ginobili and another player.
It was still China who got the first ball, dribbled the ball calmly and glanced around the field, and then suddenly faced the defender. The Argentine No.1 player may not be ready for the first time, or he may not be able to prevent him from planning an acceleration and passing the defender.
Scola is not very good at defense when he doesn’t move in the basket. He really doesn’t know anything to win the referee’s whistle except diving.
Qiu managed to get rid of Argentine lineman Andrei Si Nuo Sioni and continued to take a big step to take off and then come back.
"Du? ? ? ? ? ?” The referee blew the whistle and Scola dived successfully to see him. At this time, the Argentine players fell to the ground in pain and pulled him up. Although Qiu Yunying knew Scola, he didn’t know how to fight before, so he didn’t know that Scola became famous for diving.
"Me? ? ? ? ? ? This is obviously a good goal. "Qiu Yunying stretched out his hands and asked the referee to complain." You really let the ball go. I saw it clearly. "The referee said fairly.
There is no way that the final ball was awarded to Argentine Andre Si Nuo Sioni, who served in the backcourt. Ginobili caught the ball and passed the half-court. Although he is the No.2 player, it is reasonable for him to dribble and organize the attack because he is the biggest player in the team.
At this time, the China team arranged Zhong Daguo to defend Ginobili’s demon knife. In the nba, it was only after knowing Zhong Daguo’s title that he played as the main star for two years and was still the scoring champion. Can you not know that?
The killer demon knife faced Zhong Daguo’s defense and made his most famous killer snake break through Zhong Daguo. Although he was 37 years old, Zhong Daguo was still so sharp when he made a snake break, but Zhong Daguo was not easy to provoke. He would not give up so easily and continue to chase after Ginobili fiercely.
China linemen Zhang Xinsheng and Yi Qianjin were in the right position at this time, ready to cover the Ginobili basket severely, but the demon knife basket has always been strange. The two major lines of China team didn’t cover his ball. Fortunately, they didn’t pay for it.
"pa!" There was a loud noise and the demon knife turned around and turned out to be behind him. Zhong Daguo gave him a big hat like James’s chasing body. It was really domineering and bloody!
"Well? ? ? ? ? ? ?” Yi Qianjin and Zhang Xinsheng came running and hugged Zhong Daguo with joy. The excitement was beyond words.
"oh? ? ? ? ? ? ? Medium? ? ? ? ? ?” The audience also shouted at the same time.
"Bloody hat" This is Zhong Daguo’s extremely capable No.2 and No.3 players. Some people say that he looks like McGrady, but he is tougher and more defensive than McGrady. Some people say that he is against Durant, but his ability to fight alone seems to be a little stronger than Durant, and his blocking seems to be a bit like Little Emperor James. "v5 commentator Ma sighed and praised.
"China’s entry into the top of the Asian Championships in 2014 is a sure thing. Although the former China team has also entered the World Championships, it is not easy to play. Many times, it is still standing on the first place. This team can be described as the king of the new generation of players. The China men’s basketball team is expected in the future," said Tencent Sports Live Guest.
"I can’t remember when the China men’s basketball team killed the quartet as it is now in the world competition. I remember that we have been bullied by others in the world competition. Well, the men’s basketball team has always risen. I don’t know when the China men’s football team can win the Japanese women’s football team and learn like our men’s basketball team." The new lang sports commentator issued a series of heartfelt confessions
This time, it was Argentina’s turn to attack Scola, who received the ball in the low post and then took two steps to the basket. Then he picked up the ball and turned around several times in succession. Finally, it was a strange basket. That is to say, Yi Qianjin couldn’t stop his little eyes from spinning.
This time, it was China’s turn to attack the dribbling. It was Qiu’s strategy. He gave the ball to one side, big Z, big Z, and carried it twice. Then he held the ball in his hands and hung it to the low line. The dive was stronger than that of Scola. He grabbed Scola and held up one hand and then received the big Z ball with one hand.
Yi Qianjin pushed the ball back with both hands, then turned to the left and then quickly turned to the right. Scola failed to stop Yi Qianjin’s footsteps. After Yi Qianjin passed Scola, he quickly accelerated the dribbling. After two steps, he had killed the basket. "Boom!" Dunk Yi dived to the ground, grabbed the ball with both hands and slammed into the basket.
"yi? ? ? ? ? ? ?” What can I say except domineering and shouting?
Yi Qianjin and Da Z looked at each other and smiled. It felt wonderful. They were good friends in Guangdong team before, and they knew it by heart with their teammates.
"It’s really domineering to dunk well. Now the core line of the China team is getting tougher and tougher. Now he not only throws three points accurately on the outside line, but also has excellent skills in attacking the basket. He has greatly improved his strength by several grades." The v5 commentator applauded with both hands in the studio.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? At the end of the second quarter, the score was 564. China was one minute ahead, and the big country scored 15 points. Yi Qianjin scored 17 points. Qiu Yunying scored 5 assists, big Z, big W and big Li? ? ? ? ? ? Have all scored a lot of points? ? ? ? ? ? If you want to know the funeral, please listen to the breakdown.
Chapter 23 World Championships IV
Chapter 23 World Championships IV
At halftime, a reporter came to interview the China team members. Zhong Daguo and Yi Qianjin were the most happy interviewees. Of course, coach Phil Jackson was also sought after and speculated by reporters.
"May I ask coach Phil Jackson what is the method for you to lead the China men’s basketball team to achieve such great results?" An American reporter asked the Zen master
"Talent China has a saying that a clever woman can’t cook rice. Without excellent athletes, my tactical theory is strong and there is no potential for a big country. ? ? ? ? They are the backbone of this men’s basketball team, and the way to win is to train these players and give them opportunities, "Jackson calmly replied."
A beautiful reporter came over and asked Zhong Daguo, "What is the reason why you have achieved such high achievements so quickly?"?
"The coach and the national team supported my efforts and the high-level confrontation in the American nba League are all reasons for my rapid progress." Zhong Daguo replied simply and formally
"Is there no other reason? For example, the female reporter is obviously not satisfied with Zhong Daguo’s answer. He hopes to get some news about divination.
"Oh, of course, there are some good women who have helped me a lot." Zhong Daguo said with a smile as he turned his eyes and touched his head with his right hand.
"Some?" The female reporter was surprised and asked that he was finally satisfied this time as if he had interviewed top secret news.
The reporter’s interview is still going on, and the game is about to play. There is no way to interview, so we have to wait until after the game. The players are going to the stadium to play.
This time, it was Argentina’s attack ball. The demon knife ball was given to the low diamond. Usually, it was in the basket. If it was far away from the basket, he would have voted for it. The diamond wanted to fight against Iraq’s dive and then hit the basket, but Iraq’s dive seemed to be stronger than him. He finally worked hard for a long time and got the ball. The diamond gave the ball to the demon knife outside the bottom corner three-point line.
After the demon knife received the ball, Ma first projected Zhong Daguo. This time, it failed to interfere with the shooting of the demon knife. Perhaps the demon knife shot too fast this time, and Zhong Daguo hasn’t reacted yet.
"Hey!" The demon knife hit a difficult bottom corner three points? ? ? ? ? ? After the Argentine scored, it was China’s turn to serve in the backcourt and then attack. This is the most basic rule of the game. This dribble was made by the China players in Zhong Dachang, and Li Dachang changed to a big Z.
Zhong Daguo carried the ball and gave it to Li Da. "Do it yourself." Zhong Daguo encouraged the little player to win the game anyway, and he was too lazy to play. He might as well let other players practice.

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