Jul 2, 2024

Maybe what a mature woman yearns for after experiencing good fortune is just that warm home! She doesn’t mind how many women are around Ye Lingfeng because he is so excellent, and she doesn’t mind that he doesn’t have much time to accompany her to tell those sweet and meltable people’s sweet words. It would be nice to be with him, that’s all!

In that case, no one can hurt him!
The eyes suddenly turned cold, as if the whole backyard gas had instantly turned into freezing point.
In front of the plain hand, the purple rose garden seemed to be brushed by a huge palm, and the stem was depressed by three points and fell towards the door.
There is a person, a tall and almost impossible person. It is extremely rare for an ordinary person to be seven feet tall, but this person’s strong body is close to his feet, his muscles are crazy, and his eyes are like a series of uplifted peaks, which makes people dare not look directly at him and exudes a dead breath.
Bare half-length scars can be seen everywhere, which are the marks of various instruments of torture. There is a deep depression in the chest, and you can’t see how it is caused.
But the explanation knows that it is the trace left by this life after pulling out the blade inside Kappa bone. The knife has a name she is familiar with, Beauty Dance.
"Tell me he left!" The giant glanced at the explanation and didn’t seem to take her seriously. His eyes were full of contempt.
The caption smiled gently. "He is not here!"
"That’s why I asked you!" The giant impatiently pulls out the sword to carry behind him, which is completely different from the giant’s huge size. This sword is the size of an ordinary person.
I know this sword, and I won’t forget this man. His name is Gong Tian, and he is a heinous sinner. Because he wants to visit his long-lost family, he is constantly looking for revenge killers. It is said that this man has two hobbies, one is a master slayer, and the other is killing people. Two years ago, this man came to Yin Shuang Pavilion and asked to join Yin Shuang Pavilion on the condition that Ye Lingfeng helped him find his brother, but Ye Lingfeng refused.
The reason is that Ye Lingfeng is very busy and has no time!
It’s a pity that at that time, the masters of Yin Frost Pavilion gathered in bamboo masks and wooden fish girls, and there was more Lan Chenxi’s wind and evil dance. The heavenly sword had not been drawn yet, but it was held by the four guards of Yin Frost Pavilion, and Lan Chenxi’s knife had been placed on his neck.
Later, I didn’t want to ask Ye Lingfeng to fight alone on the workday. As a result, no one knew that it was when the door of the chamber of secrets was slowly opened. On the workday, I fell to the ground, and Ye Lingfeng kept bleeding in my chest.
However, Ye Lingfeng didn’t die on weekdays, and sent him to the State of Zheng to accept sanctions.
In fact, everyone will come out alive in vain because Ye Lingfeng didn’t want to kill him. That’s why he found such an excuse. Although many people opposed it at that time, Ye Lingfeng did it his own way, and even Xieyuye couldn’t guess.
The only guess is to make Ye Lingfeng change his mind. It should happen in the secret room, because before the decisive battle, Ye Lingfeng once quietly told him that if he died, he would let Lan Chenxi and them jointly kill the working day and then dissolve the Yin Shuang Pavilion. Ye Lingfeng was not sure about this explanation.
Later, Jieyu recognized that the sword of Gongtian’s hand was Wei Dao Jian Tai ‘a who had disappeared in Zhongzhou for many years.
Shortly after the founding of the State of Chu in the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion, the capital of Chu has been besieged by the military forces of the State of Jin for three years. The State of Jin sent troops to attack Chu in order to get the national treasure of Chu. The world said that the Tai ‘ai sword was jointly cast by two swordsmen, Ou Ye and Ganjiang, but the two masters didn’t think so. They said that the Tai ‘ai sword was a warlord, and the Wei Dao sword had long been in shape and trace, but the firm but gentle spirit had long been waiting for the opportunity to unite in heaven and earth. The sword becomes the most powerful in the state of Jin. Of course, the king of Jin recognized that he was the most qualified to get this sword, but it was contrary to his wishes. When the sword was cast in a weak Chu State, the body of the sword was naturally engraved with the word "Tai ‘a". It can be seen that the word "Tai ‘a" was true. The king of Jin couldn’t swallow this tone, of course, so he refused to ask the king of Chu for a sword. So the king of Jin sent troops to cut Chu and claimed the name of the sword, taking the opportunity to destroy the disparity of Chu forces. Most cities in Chu quickly fell
On this day, the state of Jin sent messengers to issue an ultimatum. If the sword is not handed in, the city will be captured and everything will burn! The king of Chu unyieldingly told him to kiss Chengtou to kill the enemy. If the city breaks down, he will kill himself with this sword. Then he will pick it up and ride a fast horse to the great lake and sink it to the bottom of the lake. The king of Chu will stay in Chu forever. At dawn the next day, the king of Chu will go to Chengtou to see the military forces of the State of Jin outside the city, covering the sun. His capital is like a boat in Wang Yang, which is in danger of collapse at any time. The cry of the military forces of the State of Jin attacking the city is like a mountain calling for a tsunami. The king of Chu is holding a sword in his hands and sighing So I drew my sword and pointed it at the enemy’s incredible miracle. I saw a mighty firm but gentle blaster coming out of the city and suddenly flying sand and stones covered the sky. There seemed to be a beast roaring. After a moment of chaos in the state of Jin, thousands of troops were wiped out with flags … After this incident, the king of Chu called the wise man in the middle of the country to ask Feng Hu, "Will the Thai sword be so powerful?"
Feng Hu’s sword against Tao Tai ‘ai is a mighty sword, and Xin Wei is the true power. It is the outstanding performance of Xin Wei that inspires Tai Wei in adversity!
Most of the stories were imagined by later generations, but Ou Ye and the generals became stronger gradually after the history was true in Chu. According to the explanation, it is speculated that the Thai sword should also be the magic weapon with sword spirit during the ancient war. Although the sword spirit was lost for various reasons, Reiki still thought that the sword spirit accessories around the world-class masters were now comparable to those of the King of Chu. It is not impossible to find a way to inspire the sword spirit to break through the army.
It is this sword that appears in Zhongzhou now, and it is also in the hands of workers. After all, the hand that fiddles with the stamens trembled slightly.
Chapter ninety-nine, answer my question
"You are afraid!"
Rao Ye Jieyu moved slightly, but he still didn’t escape the workday. His eyes laughed with contempt and followed Wei Daotai’s finger.
"If you’re afraid of change, say it. I want an answer."
"giggle!" The explanation is that the flowers are swaying with a light smile.
"Are you out of your mind? This is Yin Shuang Pavilion. You really have the guts to force me to ask questions here. Don’t you remember? When you didn’t even draw your sword, you were stopped. "
I glanced at my chest and got a long scar.
"Hoo!" The three-foot strongman’s sword, with a comparable posture, seems to have flaws everywhere, but there are traps everywhere.
However, the explanation didn’t move. Looking at the oncoming Thai sword, it was as calm as water and motionless as a mountain. It seemed that the oncoming was not a magic weapon, but a catkin and a little sunrise.
"Brush Lala!"
The evening breeze blows through the courtyard, and the whole purple rose swings rhythmically with the wind.
"I don’t kill women. Tell me the answer!"
The heavenly sword is on the top of the story
"Are you? Then should I thank you? You’re scared, right? Afraid that you can’t or get out of here. "
I don’t care if the man in front of me is a murderous devil. The swordsmen on the top of his head cut iron like mud.
"Don’t make me repeat the same thing for the third time."
The man said that his face flashed with cruelty, but his hands moved, his wrists shook and roared, and his feet cracked. Ye Jieyu was pushed into the ground by the great pressure of Tya, three feet below his knees and left a half-length like that tombstone.
"Say or not! Have you ev tasted bee buried alive? "
"Do you have this thing?"
A sudden smile, a flash of cold light behind the work day, can make a bow and a handle. Gu Jian floats and shines. Jiao Jiao drinks like a hidden dragon out of the water, jumping out of the soil and making a move. The sick crimson Gu Jian jumps to the interpreter with a slight quiver.
The swordsman can work hard and then take a step back. He feels dangerous, although he can’t say anything, but this kind of saying that it is not dangerous to debut is the most worrying thing.
Eyes gradually condensed to the interpreter’s handle, Gu Jian, which is very ordinary and carved with antique drum patterns. It is an ordinary decorative sword, but what will it be?

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