Jun 26, 2024


"No, we can’t come if we like it!" Zhong Daguo said with bedroom eyes staring at mm’s chest against Xiao Tang’s front.
A group of men burst out laughing there. They are a big country. Looking at a woman who likes to hook up or make some indecent jokes, the real guy is really a talent. Last year, when he was in the national team, he was a pure and naive honest baby. It’s so fast to learn bad things.
Xiao Tang glared at him and said angrily, "Get out of here, you are a dead man. I curse you for suddenly changing back to the previous 1m. See if you still make fun of others?"
"It’s too hard for me to wipe the beauty. I heard that the height is high, but I didn’t hear that there is still a height. Your brain is too imaginative. Big brother, I am you. Hurry up and measure your height, beautiful woman!" Zhong Daguo was talking nonsense. At last, everyone including Tang mm burst into laughter. "24m, you, how did you grow taller …" Xiao Tang suddenly stammered that he was really puzzled that the guy who had disappeared for several months had grown more than 1 m. "Didn’t you just curse me for being short? I don’t think I can do as you wish, hehe …" Zhong Daguo said with a sneer.
"What are you laughing at? Show me the physical examination form. Don’t worry about it." Old coach Phil Jackson did not know when he hid behind them and suddenly said a word. A group of guys were all scared out in a cold sweat. They were all worried about the unqualified physical examination. Jackson was strict. They knew it.
"Great country played well in Hubei team. I didn’t expect you to play phenomenal performance at once." Jackson patted Zhong Daguo on the shoulder and said with relief.
"Why did I suddenly get hurt later? I just didn’t go to see the star game in person." Jackson continued to ask Zhong Daguo.
"I didn’t control my own problems well, and my sudden emotions are all right now," Zhong Daguo wrote with his head down.
"It’s good to have nothing to do. It’s a necessary process for a player to grow up from impulse to reason. Go back and think about his skills and improve his psychology." Jackson touched the back of Zhong Daguo’s head and said earnestly that he sincerely hoped that Zhong Daguo would get better and better.
"You seem to have grown taller!" The Zen master asked weakly, "I’m afraid it won’t work when I look at your physical examination form first." He went on to say, "24m…… …!" The Zen master was surprised and excited and said, "Hmm!" Zhong Daguo nodded and gently responded with "Good job, good job, good job …" Jackson’s face showed a happy expression, and he touched the back of Zhong Daguo’s head and said with a smile.
"Everyone has no problem. It seems that everyone hasn’t relaxed training for a month or two. It’s good …" Jackson said with a bright face after watching the physical examination.
It is said that the Beijing team will win the northern championship and enter the ba finals in the big M; The Guangdong team in the southern district also fought like a rainbow, and finally it was difficult to win the southern championship and meet the enemies of the Beijing team in the ba finals again, which was particularly jealous.
The scores of ten martial arts games on both sides were extremely anxious. It was only in the last few minutes or even the last few seconds that it was known that the two sides fought hard for seven games, and the Beijing team was still slightly better. Although M was 36 years old, he was still unstoppable. In the last quarter, he was strong and powerful. One person mastered the game, and the Guangdong team was once again runner-up. It seems that the Beijing team is going to become a new era of ba.
Ba after the playoffs, all teams give players a holiday. When players are also flesh and blood, they also need to rest. It is natural that the Hubei team has been training there for a long time. Fortunately, the players have worked hard to respect the team’s arrangement and training hard, and all progress has been great.
After all the teams have rested for a month or two, it has arrived at the end of April. The national team will call all the members of the national team to train. Every year, during the offseason, there are some games, most of which are against other national basketball teams. Only by constantly competing with different and more powerful players can the strength of the China men’s basketball team be improved. Therefore, it is very meaningful to go home to participate in training and competitions.
Of course, the Hubei team readily agreed that Zhong Daguo returned to the national team, and the other members of the Hubei team were also on holiday. They also practiced without any meaning. Besides, they were really tired, so they had a month or two less rest than other team members. Now it is natural to have a holiday.
"No, we can’t come if we like it!" Zhong Daguo said with bedroom eyes staring at mm’s chest against Xiao Tang’s front.
A group of men burst out laughing there. They are a big country. Looking at a woman who likes to hook up or make some indecent jokes, the real guy is really a talent. Last year, when he was in the national team, he was a pure and naive honest baby. It’s so fast to learn bad things.
Xiao Tang glared at him and said angrily, "Get out of here, you are a dead man. I curse you for suddenly changing back to the previous 1m. See if you still make fun of others?"
"It’s too hard for me to wipe the beauty. I heard that the height is high, but I didn’t hear that there is still a height. Your brain is too imaginative. Big brother, I am you. Hurry up and measure your height, beautiful woman!" Zhong Daguo was talking nonsense. At last, everyone including Tang mm burst into laughter. "24m, you, how did you grow taller …" Xiao Tang suddenly stammered that he was really puzzled that the guy who had disappeared for several months had grown more than 1 m. "Didn’t you just curse me for being short? I don’t think I can do as you wish, hehe …" Zhong Daguo said with a sneer.
"What are you laughing at? Show me the physical examination form. Don’t worry about it." Old coach Phil Jackson did not know when he hid behind them and suddenly said a word. A group of guys were all scared out in a cold sweat. They were all worried about the unqualified physical examination. Jackson was strict. They knew it.
"Great country played well in Hubei team. I didn’t expect you to play phenomenal performance at once." Jackson patted Zhong Daguo on the shoulder and said with relief.
"Why did I suddenly get hurt later? I just didn’t go to see the star game in person." Jackson continued to ask Zhong Daguo.
"I didn’t control my own problems well, and my sudden emotions are all right now," Zhong Daguo wrote with his head down.
"It’s good to have nothing to do. It’s a necessary process for a player to grow up from impulse to reason. Go back and think about his skills and improve his psychology." Jackson touched the back of Zhong Daguo’s head and said earnestly that he sincerely hoped that Zhong Daguo would get better and better.
"You seem to have grown taller!" The Zen master asked weakly, "I’m afraid it won’t work when I look at your physical examination form first." He went on to say, "24m…… …!" The Zen master was surprised and excited and said, "Hmm!" Zhong Daguo nodded and gently responded with "Good job, good job, good job …" Jackson’s face showed a happy expression, and he touched the back of Zhong Daguo’s head and said with a smile.
"Everyone has no problem. It seems that everyone hasn’t relaxed training for a month or two. It’s good …" Jackson said with a bright face after watching the physical examination.
If you want to know the funeral, please listen to the breakdown.
Chapter 7 A blessing in disguise
Chapter 7 A blessing in disguise
Hubei team is ready to make great achievements in the 213-2014 season. Their star player has recovered from injury and other players have made great progress. They are also ready to recruit powerful players from other teams. All kinds of players are willing to come to Hubei team.
But even so, ba is not as market-oriented as nba. It is a question of money. Is there anyone in the provincial sports bureaus who wants to drain their talents to other provinces? It is still difficult to sign good players, but it is possible to get one or two players.
On April 27th, officials from the local basketball administration went to the National Men’s Basketball Center for such an important meeting. Of course, officials from provincial sports bureaus won’t miss it. They all took briefcases with all kinds of documents in them and rushed to chinese basketball association Center in a small car.
The president of the Basketball Association must be the first to speak. He summarized the main achievements and problems of China basketball in 212-2013. For example, ba played in full swing this season, and some big-name foreign AIDS flocked to prove the attraction of ba, which is already the second largest basketball league in the world after nba. There is also the eye-catching performance of Hubei team Zhong Daguo, which fully says that there are many basketball talents in China; Finally, in the nba, China player Yi Qianjin’s performance was very eye-catching, and he made it into the playoffs, which also fully said that the future of the China men’s basketball team was just an understatement.
Major officials from other provinces have made long speeches, mainly focusing on making the basketball career in their own province go up a storey still higher, making the national basketball development stronger and becoming one of the top teams in the world …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
The official speech stage finally ended, and the atmosphere in the meeting room was very lively. Everyone’s fat face was excited, because everyone spoke with confidence. The situation was excellent, as if China basketball horse was going to beat the American Dream Team and successfully reach the top of the world.
The host of the meeting finally announced that there were about a dozen decisions made by the national team. The first ten were based on painful nonsense, and the last one turned out to be’ Zhong Daguo’s farewell to Hubei’s national team has other plans’
It is really a blockbuster, which is very powerful not only for Hubei team but also for all other teams.
Hubei team didn’t have a big country, but it’s still a big country. All the ideals are in vain. Next season is definitely a playoff fate. Other teams want to increase their strength, and each team is drooling over Zhong Daguo. Of course, they are also very concerned about the national team’s arrangement to see which team Zhong Daguo will go to.
The leaders of Hubei Basketball Association immediately roared with anger and flame, "What does this mean? What does your national team mean? Are you targeting our Hubei team specifically?"
The host was very calm. He had expected this, so he calmly said, "We didn’t come in a hurry. Please sit down and let me talk slowly." "Jackson intends to send Zhong Daguo to the nba, and the nba draft is in June and May. You see, it’s the end of April now. I’m really sorry that Hubei team didn’t come to inform you." The spokesman continued to explain.

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