Jun 16, 2024

By the time all the doctors in Guangzong City were called, Zhang Jiao had been moved to a new house.

Important people of the Yellow Scarf Army and Zhang Xue, the daughter of Zhang Jiao, are waiting at the bedside.
A doctor takes turns to look at each one, shaking his head and sighing, waiting in front of the opening angle bed, and the general’s heart keeps sinking.
These yellow turban insurrectionary generals, without exception, don’t want Zhang Jiao to die.
Don’t see dozens of doctors in this city have no way. After all, everyone knows that the opening angle is likely to really die. Suddenly, one by one, the mind is active.
He is finally opening angle. Now that he is going to die, who will they be with after death? Zhang Jiao has a daughter who can’t be in charge.
Handsome with other canals? This is absolutely impossible.
With the messenger? But now there is no angel in Guangzong City.
The Oracle of Jizhou is still behind Guangzong in Julu County.
Moreover, due to Jizhou’s opening angle, the prestige of this angel is not as high as that of Jingzhou Nanyang Zhang Mancheng and Yuzhou Bocai in the Yellow Scarf Army.
The name of this God in Jizhou is Zhou Wu, and the Julu Yellow Scarf Army will obey his orders. In Guangzong Yellow Scarf Army, it has always been an opening angle, and there is little contact between the two sides when dealing with Zhou Wu.
The news of Zhang Jiao’s critical illness soon spread all over Guangzong City.
Dozens of Qu Shuai each wanted to succeed Zhang Jiao as commander-in-chief of all the Yellow Scarf Army in Guangzong City.
However, none of them can compete with each other. Therefore, in the constant debate, conflicts arise. First, a canal commander of the Yellow Scarf Army took up the idea of using force to levy other canal commanders, and then all the canal commanders gathered to belong to themselves, and the two sides sometimes fought each other.
Opening Angle has been in a coma. No one can come out to mediate and stop Guangzong Chenggen.
With the passage of time, the conflicts between the canal commanders became more and more fierce, and naturally they were discovered by the Han army outside the city.
Huang Pusong was overjoyed when he got the news that Zhang Jiao was unconscious. Zhu Xi and Dong Zhuo quickly discussed siege.
Although Dong Zhuo wants to wait for the angel to escort Huang Pusong back to Beijing, it is indeed a good time for Zhang Jiao to be in a coma, and he has been calling for siege before. Now it is naturally impossible to oppose Huang Pusong’s siege proposal.
In that case, Huang Pusong can easily guess his Dong Zhuo’s mind.
When the three corps commanders said a few words, they returned to their respective troops to attack the city.
East, west, south and three sides attack at the same time, leaving the north deliberately to leave a retreat for the yellow turban insurrectionary army
The Han army besieged the city, so that the commanders of the yellow turban insurrectionary army occupied the time and stopped to discuss such things as defending the city.
But in the past, it was always Zhang Jiao who was responsible for what Zhang Jiao said, and they did what they did.
Now it’s their turn to come and come up with a charter.
To discuss, no one can come up with an idea that can say other things. Finally, they simply took their own military forces to stop the Han army.
The yellow turban insurrectionary army is so scattered that it is unconscious in the opening angle, and its morale is low, such as being able to resist the attack of the Han army.
It has been two months since the Han army arrived in Guangzong City. In the past two months, the Han army has been holding back that murderous look and finally released today.
Even with high walls, the Yellow Scarf Army can stop the overwhelming Han army.
First, the East Gate was captured by Emperor Pusong, then Zhu Xi’s army captured the West Gate, and finally Dong Zhuo’s 300,000 troops were killed from the South Gate.
With a genial smile, the Yellow Scarf Army in Guangzong City fled Guangzong from the gate.
In a coma, Zhang Jiao and his daughter Zhang Xue were also escorted by a Qu Shuai to escape from Guangzong.
More than 400,000 yellow turban insurrectionary troops headed straight for the giant deer in their respective canals.
Huang Pusong finally broke Guangzong before the angel came.
Lingyun has always been with Huang Pusong to watch Huang Pusong command this nearly 200,000 Han army easily and freehand.
Wind dance Xu Shu and others have been following Zhao Feng’s side to kill the quartet in the Yellow Scarf Army. Everyone has made many military achievements.
Chapter 73 Opening Angle Fall
Two days after the invasion of Guangzong, the angel sent by the spirit emperor also came to Guangzong.
However, he received the news that Huang Pu Song Gong had broken Guangzong halfway.
Fortunately, this time, the spirit emperor sent another person instead of Zuo Feng, but this person is heart-to-heart with Huang Pusong.
Therefore, when I met Huang Pusong in Guangzong, I didn’t say anything about escorting Huang Pusong back to Beijing.
Guangzong Battle Report has also reached the ears of Luoyang Lingdi.
On the second day after Huang Pusong attacked Guangzong, many ministers prayed again for the spirit emperor to give Huang Pusong more time to send the opening angle head.
The spirit emperor promised to recall the angel.
Huang Pusong continued to wipe out the Yellow Scarf Army in Jizhou.
After the angel returned to Luoyang, Huang Pu Song Ma reorganized his military forces and headed for Julu.
It is half of the millions of Han troops in Jizhou today.
Both the Han army and the yellow turban insurrectionary army buried several soldiers in the battlefield.
Zhou Wu, the messenger of the Great Lucheng, closed the gate immediately after receiving the Yellow Scarf Army fleeing from Guangzong.
Opening Angle is still in a coma, and his daughter Zhang Xue has been taking care of it.
Huang Pu Song led an army to attack four city gates on the same day after his arrival at Julu.
Although Zhou Wu, the God’s envoy, personally commanded the Yellow Scarf Army, but lost the opening angle, the morale of the Yellow Scarf Army was already greatly reduced, and Zhou Wu’s prestige in the Yellow Scarf Army was not very high. Many Qu Shuai now did not regard Zhou Wu as the supreme commander of the Yellow Scarf Army, although he obeyed Zhou Wu.
All the channel commanders didn’t fight the Han army, so they all thought that they could control the Yellow Scarf Army into the new leader of the Yellow Scarf Army.
Therefore, when the Han army attacked the city, Zhou Wu was talented, but he always had a strong feeling.
The giant Lucheng is in danger and may be breached by the Han army at any time.
Three days after Huang Pusong led an army to attack the stag, he saw that the resistance of the Yellow Scarf Army was getting stronger and stronger. He knew that the Yellow Scarf Army saw that the Han army surrounded the stag like an iron bucket and knew that Zhu Xi had slaughtered 300,000 people. Those who fell knew that the city was broken would die, so they died.
The original Huang Pusong wanted to know about the war in Jizhou as soon as possible and didn’t want the Yellow Scarf Army to escape from Julu again.
But now, seeing that the Yellow Scarf Army is fighting to the death, it will put its troops in three gates and leave one gate for the Yellow Scarf Army to escape.
At the sight of Huang Pusong, the Yellow turban insurrectionary army in Lucheng removed the Han army in the north gate, and all of a sudden, they lost their die-hard heart.
Just then, the city opening angle finally woke up after being in a coma for seven days.
But now the war is tight outside, and his daughter and two maids are taking care of him in the opening angle room.
See Zhang Xue’s surprise at the opening angle: "Dad, you finally woke up."
Zhang wrestled and waved two maids out of the room and said to Zhang Xue, "Where is this?"
"In Julu Zhouwufu"
Hearing Zhang Xue’s words, the opening angle has an understanding of the situation of the Yellow Scarf Army now, and it is not far from the defeat of the Yellow Scarf Army.
Opening Angle stretched out his hand to catch Zhang Xue’s hand, but he waved both methods.

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