Jun 23, 2024

Not dead … this round of attack took away half of the hp value of the girl.

Wang Yang’s dark eyes suddenly lit up and approached one step at a time. Recently, a herbivore didn’t use it to cool down. The vertical cut was a sword cut obliquely, and then it didn’t stop and ran to a place where several herbivores were very close together. The whole body suddenly turned a circle, and the tip of the sword left a wound on each herbivore.
In a short time, it attracted the hatred of nine herbivores present. Wang Yang couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. His hp left less than half of the small bottle of recovery potion, and the effect disappeared at this time. Before the medicinal resistance buff disappeared, the second bottle of recovery potion was not enough, and there was a visual medicinal resistance recovery crystal.
It means to hate, so the girl is safe and he is in an absolutely safe situation
Glancing at the girl who kept mumbling, Wang Yang couldn’t help sighing and began to clean up the last mess.
Ten minutes later, in Wang Yang, hp had less than six hours left, and all the small herbivores were killed by him. At the same time, he gained experience and successfully upgraded to level 5.
After the battle, the sequelae of excessive force broke out. Wang Yang’s leg weakness sank to the ground and fatigue spread all over his body, and he didn’t even have the idea of moving gently
"What the hell is this!"
Suddenly, the girl came behind her and asked a big question.
"What the hell is this!"
The bleak question rang for the second time and echoed in the dark forest. Wang Yang listened to the question and could not help but be silent.
Yeah, what is this …
Wang Yang turned to look, but she kept asking the girl that she was in tears. The tears that slipped out of her red eyes seemed to stop like breaking a dam in a rainstorm …
"Originally here also have cry ….."
Wang Yang suddenly felt a little sour in his eyes and clenched his fist.
From the hoarse silence, he looked at the tearful girl and suddenly had the idea of hugging her.
Excessive force and fatigue make the body in poor condition, which is really reflected in the body state method, which can make this state disappear by restoring hp through rest and sleep
Struggling to get up, Wang Yang silently walked to the front of the girl kneeling on the ground and half knelt down to hold the girl in his arms.
A pair of cold eyes kept staring at Wang Yang’s back in a dark, half-man-tall grass hundreds of meters away when the wind left in the dark forest blew through the branches.
The owner of the eyes is playing with a sharpened stone piece in his hand and muttering to himself, "Gee, it’s a pity that it was upgraded when he killed the last small man-eating grass."
The eyes in the low-pitched blowing in the wind grass disappeared immediately.
Chapter 32 Resettlement
The village of Horuca is the only stronghold in the forest area. The number of np in the village is relatively small, but all of them need preconditions to trigger, and each of them has certain difficulty, and its benefits are proportional to the difficulty.
In addition to the solo players who have participated in the sealing test, almost all the mainstream players come and go in the 200-meter-long street where the village of Horuca is located, and some players even chat on the street corner.
At this time, there was a sudden commotion at the entrance of the village, which was located in the middle of the street. Players were attracted by this commotion and cast curious eyes at the entrance of the village. After seeing the source of the commotion, every face could not help but show surprise.
A tired-faced, black-haired and one-handed sword messenger is pulling an unarmed girl with long hair towards the middle of the village. This normal phenomenon is not a surprise to street players. The reason for the surprise is that the girl with long hair looks almost dull.
"What’s the matter?" When the players on the street corner saw this scene, they all whispered and glanced at the girl with long hair from time to time.
The girl has a waist-long black hair, and bangs in front cover the whole forehead, which highlights the thin eyebrows and big eyes. Unfortunately, the big eyes that should attract the most attention are dim at the moment. Even so, with delicate Joan nose and cherry-like mouth, this is still a beautiful girl who can’t help but attract attention.
Now the question is, what happened to that girl? Why did she seem to be slaughtered?
With this idea in mind, the players can’t help looking at the black-haired sword in front, but the original stream is a little crowded. The street has made way and the players are looking at the black-haired sword in a strange way.
Although they are all curious, no one stands in front of the dark-haired sword-maker and asks questions. After all, no one is in a situation. It is good to make a big joke rashly.
This black-haired sword angel and long-haired girl are Wang Yang and Yuxi who walked all the way back from the depths of the forest.
Sa is a stealth game, where people’s emotions and expressions can be faithfully expressed. Here, emotions can affect expressions without any nerve hindrance, as if they are not in the game but in another real world.
However, Wang Yang doesn’t know whether the collapse of the player in the game will affect the reality, and he doesn’t know what the collapse of the player will be like in this world. He doesn’t even know the name of the long-haired girl, and there is no response when he keeps calling, which makes him very worried about whether the girl will continue to be in this mental state.
If Wang Yang can pull the girl back to Ancun village first, she plans to rent a room to let the girl have a good rest and see if she can return to normal with time.
Facing the strange eyes coming around, Wang Yang said in his heart that he was not nervous. It was an illusion. He didn’t feel good about being nervous. He thought he was shameless and couldn’t stand so many eyes, so he could speed up his steps and go to the hotel.
While watching Wang Yang pull the girl who lost her autonomy to the hotel, the onlookers were all amazed. Many players were thinking about whether to stand in the way as a guardian and ask what was going on, but this is of course also thinking about it. After all, this is a game, and it is very likely that two people will know each other. If this situation is rushed, there is a great chance of losing face.
At the same time, private discussions are also heated up.
"Wow, what is this situation? Do the two people know each other?"
"It should be. Female players in sa have anti-harassment benefits. If they don’t know each other, the girl can fight back and send the one-handed swordsman directly to prison."
"Can you say that in the game?"
"What kind?"
"Of course it is!"
"What is it?"
Even if the players are particularly curious at the moment, they don’t continue to pay attention to the motivation. After Wang Yang brought the girl into the hotel, the commotion quickly subsided. However, this phenomenon can naturally be discussed later today.
I finally walked into the hotel, and the strange eyes that came from all directions were finally gone. Wang Yang breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly paid for a room. Later, because the girl manipulated the sample, Wang Yang did not have much effort to put the girl in bed. After finishing these things, Wang Yang collapsed on the bed as if unloading the burden.
Breathe heavily. Wang Yang leaned against the bed and stared at the monotonous and mottled old wooden wall. He didn’t dare to get up and look at the girl lying in bed. It would make him feel uncomfortable.
That kind of look seems to be a pile of data like np … But the problem is that he knows that this girl is not a data, and she is uncomfortable. If she meets this kind of look in a different environment and a different meeting scene, Wang Yang will stay away even if she is beautiful.

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