Jun 12, 2024

Shenchengtian is in another world.

That black hole is the entrance to another world, and that world is teetering and will collapse at any time.
Li Xiaohai is at the entrance of the haunted house’s sleep test workshop.
Lu Ying came back with two bags, which was when she just went to the supermarket to store rice.
Xiao-hai Li helped her go upstairs, smoking outside her door and looking at the strange sight.
The whole Shencheng is covered by it.
Although the government repeatedly said in the news that it was a mirage for some special reasons, no one believed it.
People not only saw the scene, but also felt that there was a horrible smell floating in the oppressive city that they couldn’t name.
The same breath Li Xiaohai has seen in the beauty house.
Master said it was evil.
However, the evil spirits in heaven are much scarier than what he saw that time, which makes people feel cold.
Lu Ying handed him a bottle of water. "The end of the world is really coming."
Li Xiaohai took a sip. "Even in the end, I always believe that there is a superman who saves the world."
Taotao travel-stained just after the train was waiting at the exit, and Luo Hou and Xin bodyguards received it.
In the past, the train in Shencheng was crowded, and there was no one.
In the era of rapid development of the Internet, the application for the city has reached every corner of the country through the Internet.
People dare to enter Shencheng Airport and close the expressway. There are vehicles leaving the city.
The train runs once a day, and most of the passengers come to Lingshi from other places.
"There are still many people in this city who can’t leave. This is their only home."
Luo Hou was driving in a pedestrian street with his right hand holding the steering wheel, and his left hand lit a cigarette and knocked off ash outside the window.
Taotao head sticks out of the window and looks up at the sky.
The disaster in Shencheng is not inferior to that in Mincheng.
It was at that time that He Li’s bones stopped the tsunami on his own and saved the lives of millions of people in Mincheng.
Can she do it now?
"What the hell is this?" Taotaowen
Luo Hou parked his car in front of a hotel. "The Special Bureau and the Salvation League are already waiting in the conference hall. It may be more clear for them to answer."
Chapter 198 Chapter 198
It’s unreasonable and justifying a fault
Hotel top floor conference hall
In addition to the spiritual division of Salvation League, there are many Taotao people who have never met.
Xin bodyguard whispered in her ear, "Sitting next to Director Yuan is the mayor of Shencheng, and there are several directors of the Kim consortium who will meet later. The directors want to talk to you alone."
The prominent position at the front of the conference table is for Taotao to leave her to walk over.
The male psychic next to her got up and tried to strike up a conversation. She ignored "Don’t delay when everyone is here, just start."
Male psychic awkwardly withdrew his hand.
Special bureau lingshi meeting gate
Yuan Ling took out a piece of white rice paper and pushed it to the table "This was put on the hotel lobby table this morning"
Taotao glanced at the paper, and there was a line written on it with a brush.
[Three days later, evil spirits descended to the world]
The handwriting is familiar and the touch of paper is rare.
Taotao touched the paper with the same touch, which she seemed to have touched before.
Yuan Ling "Although the city can see another world vision in the sky, the two worlds also have entrances, but the entrance has not been opened yet. If it is really like this paper, it will be a disaster for Shencheng to open the entrance three days later."
"So far, although we have a guess, we can still determine who is behind it."
Taotao said, "If you don’t guess, it’s silent."
She looked at the paper on the table and finally remembered where she had seen it.
A year ago, when she woke up from the coffin.
It is this material that the burning paper is made of, and the handwriting that cursed her to die is the same.
This paper is from the silent Lord.
Although there has been speculation for a long time, when I heard the name of the silent Lord, everyone present was shocked except ordinary people.
A spiritual master said, "Once the entrance to the world is opened, let alone Shen Cheng, I am afraid that disaster will sweep all the surrounding cities."
The person next to him echoed, "We must stop it."
Taotao looked around and found that Jihandian was here.
He looked at her in an obscure corner, smiled at her and got up and left.

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